Chapter 258
In fact, there are still many flaws in this film, and what he just said can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg.

Originally, Huo Yunting wanted Xu Haofeng to demonstrate what his martial arts scene looked like, to see how the turn-based method was, but Liu Yifei pulled the corner of his clothes behind him forcefully.

Seeing that Xu Haofeng didn't say a word, Huo Yunting also changed the subject in a timely manner, "Director Xu, let's go first."

Xu Haofeng didn't speak, just nodded silently, and then watched the two walk towards the company's gate together.

"Brother Yun, did your words hurt him too much?" Liu Yifei couldn't help asking in the back seat of the car heading to the theater.

"He wants me to tell the truth." Huo Yunting looked innocent, "Besides, if I don't poke his heart, do you think he can let us go? Both of us have to delay our drama today."

Liu Yifei leaned on the seat and looked at the sky. After a while, she couldn't help but sigh, "Why doesn't this person have any idea? This is not playing with a big knife in front of Guan Gong or a wooden lock in front of Lu Ban."

Huo Yunting also nodded in agreement, "It's a bit unreasonable."

"However, his half-literate lines, like martial arts and non-martial scenes, will definitely attract a group of audiences after a long time."

"The premise is that someone is willing to continue to invest in him. I don't think his "Traces of the Japanese Pirates" can make money."

The two of them talked about each other, and the car stopped at the Geological Auditorium Theater.

"Boss, Miss Liu, here we are."

After bidding farewell to the driver, Lao Hou, the two entered the theater through the back door.The people sent by Shen Teng had been waiting there for a long time.

"Hello, Mr. Huo, hello, Mr. Liu, just follow me."

The tall man who came to greet him was not ugly, and he could be regarded as handsome, but he looked much worse when standing with Huo Yunting.

Although he is only one or two years younger than Huo Yunting, his achievements are vastly different.How can I say that people are more popular than people.

But the big tall guy in front of him obviously didn't have so much interest in Ai Ai, and he was introducing Huo Yunting and the others while walking inside.

"Teachers, even if Brother Teng didn't invite you, the boss of our Happy Twist would still like you to come."

"It's really rare for such a big wrist to come to support him."

After finishing speaking, stop walking.

Just like what Shen Teng said, he just came to invite the two of them to watch a drama, and didn't mean to use him as a gimmick.

The two are located in a private room on the second floor, and they can see the outside through the window inside, and people outside cannot see inside.

"Then... two teachers, sit down, I'll leave first, I have to perform in a while."

"Hey, the actor is here to welcome you. What's your name?"


The sofa is near the front window, and there is a bell next to the glass, which can call the waiter at any time.

Huo Yunting looked at the densely packed heads of people in the auditorium on the first floor, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Happy Twist's drama is so popular."

Not to mention, as far as the radiant zone of Happy Twist is concerned, this heat is indeed acceptable.

With a registered capital of 30 yuan and only about [-] employees after eight years, it is indeed quite capable to achieve this level.

But soon, Huo Yunting had another wave of doubts.

He is somewhat capable. Why did the boss of Happy Twist agree to let Shen Teng, a "traitor" who had been away from Happy Twist for about two years, play the leading role?

Even if he doesn't care about Shen Teng's job-hopping, but does he just believe that Shen Teng's acting skills have not deteriorated at all in the past two years?
Huo Yunting still had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't have time to investigate further.Because all the lights in the theater have been extinguished, "The Earl of Wulong Mountain" has officially started.

Within 10 minutes of the opening, Huo Yunting realized why Happy Twist was so popular in Beiping and Tianjin.

This drama is indeed strong, and the audience kept laughing, wishing to shake a burden every five seconds.

Liu Yifei on the side was laughing wildly, wiping the tears with his sleeve all the time.

He glanced down again, and so did the auditorium.Crowded.

"The director and editor are really talented."

Finally, Huo Yunting's eyes set on the female lead Ma Li.She doesn't look ugly, but has a sassy beauty.

When the play drew to a close, the music sounded, and Shen Teng and Ma Li danced a pas de deux in the center of the stage.

Huo Yunting didn't know what kind of dance it was, but it could be seen that the two of them had very strong limbs and had learned it with heart.

How did he know so much about dance?Liu Yifei next to her is a dance expert.

After the play ended, the director and editor came to the stage, addressed the audience together with the actors, and called the curtain call.

Afterwards, a small number of spectators gathered around to take photos and sign autographs, and then left one after another.

Huo Yunting roughly nodded, the number of heads on the stage was twenty.

Well, it seems that this Happy Twist requires the whole family to participate in every performance.

The audience was almost gone, Huo Yunting patted Liu Yifei on the head, "Let's go, we're going back too."


The two left the private room, and just arrived at the corridor, a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses was waiting at the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Liu, thank you very much for coming to support Happy Twist."

Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei looked at each other, this must be a high-level executive who is having fun.

"I'm the person in charge of Happy Twist. My name is Liu Hongtao. I graduated from the Chinese Department of Peking University..." This Liu Hongtao said to himself, and handed over his business card.

Huo Yunting took the business card and looked it over, put it in his inner pocket, and asked casually: "I remember your boss Zhang Chen is also from Peking University, right?"

"Yes, he studied architecture."

Huo Yunting shook his head, "This world is really weird. After studying architecture, I finally come to art."

Liu Hongtao smiled, "What do you two think of this "The Earl of Wulong Mountain"? Are you satisfied?"

Before Huo Yunting could speak, Liu Yifei nodded heavily, "I'm very satisfied. If it can be changed into a film and television drama, I think it will definitely be better."

"Hahaha, Mr. Liu really hit the nail on the head. Happy Twist really planned to make a film and television drama in the early days of its establishment, but it wasn't because of..."

I didn't say much later, but everyone understood that the disaster that swept across the country did affect many people.

Huo Yunting also nodded with a heavy face, and he still remembers it vividly.

"However, you've hit the right track. Now you're barely gaining a firm footing from the North China area, right?"

"That's not true. If we stick to our original idea and scrape together the registered capital of 30 yuan to make film and television dramas, maybe Happy Twist would have gone bankrupt in [-]."

Liu Hongtao stayed with the two of them like this, chatting all the way to the lobby on the first floor.

"Brother Huo!"

As soon as he arrived downstairs, Shen Teng on the stage far away yelled at him loudly.

Huo Yunting also waved to him, turning his head towards the tiptoe of the gate.

"I understand why you boy would rather reject the TV series I found for you and come to act in a drama instead." Huo Yunting gave a thumbs up, "It is indeed possible."

Hearing what Huo Yunting said, the other employees of Happy Twist showed envious expressions on their faces.

The Four-Crown Best Actor personally finds resources, as long as he seizes this opportunity, wouldn't he be able to soar into the sky?The goddamn thing is that one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Happy Twist Others have different ideas in their hearts, but the core point of view is the same, envy, envy, or fucking envy.

"Old Yan, I told you a long time ago that my two years with Brother Huo are not in vain, and I have learned a lot."

Yan Fei nodded in agreement, "It's really not for nothing, I usually see big names one after another..."

"Teacher Yan's script is pretty good." Huo Yunting boasted.

Then, his gaze moved to Ma Li, who had long hair in a red dress.

Before he could say anything, Shen Teng had already jumped up to him and patted him on the shoulder, making the hearts of the others tremble.

"Brother Huo, let me introduce you solemnly. Apart from my partner and my mother, this is the opposite sex who has the best relationship with me."

Huo Yunting was just about to nod, but he quickly realized that something was wrong, "Wait a minute, do you have a date?"

"I started talking since my senior year." Shen Teng looked sincere.

"Hiss! Is it true? You hide so deeply, kid? How many times have we had a drink in the past two years? I haven't seen you say this before."

"Hey, I don't want to bring things about my private life to work."

The two of them were chatting with each other, and the onlookers looked envious.

This relationship is so good that it is like superior and subordinate, otherwise Huo Yunting personally arranged for him, this relationship is really unusual.

"Mr. Huo, thank you very much for coming to watch our Happy Twist performance."

After a few more words with Shen Teng, a man with glasses and flowing hair came from the backstage and stretched out his hand to Huo Yunting.

A typical man of science and technology.

"Mr. Zhang, long time no see."

This is Zhang Chen, the boss of Happy Twist.

Originally, Happy Twist had three bosses at first, but the other two founders failed to survive the long cold window of Happy Twist, and sold all their shares to Zhang Chen in [-].

The bosses are all here, and it's not easy for me to slip away, so I can only move a chair to sit down and chat briefly.

Liu Yifei has never liked this kind of dinner-like social interaction, so she found an excuse to slip away first.

Huo Yunting also had no choice but to carry it alone.

Compared with two years ago, Zhang Chen spoke a lot more. Although he still looks like a man of science and engineering, in terms of conversation and communication, he has gradually moved closer to Wang Zhongjun and the others.

"Mr. Huo, look, these are the elite backbone of our team, and our aim is to be refined but not miscellaneous."

Huo Yunting nodded, "It can be seen indeed. Although there are not many people, everyone is an elite. Otherwise, how can you be called the first in the drama?"

"Hey, Mr. Huo, you can't say that. I think our Happy Twist is a diversified entertainment company." Liu Hongtao coughed twice, found a stack of documents from nowhere, and handed them to Huo Yunting, "Drama , is just our first step. We rely on these original IPs and continue to improve and perfect them according to the opinions of the audience. These large numbers of original works are the reservoir of our IP resources, and their commercial value is immeasurable..."

Liu Hongtao spoke very seriously, and Huo Yunting listened very seriously.After waiting for him to finish speaking, Huo Yunting hesitated to speak.

"But it took you eight years to cover half of North China."

These words were a bit heartbreaking, Zhang Chen and Liu Hongtao looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching.

"I heard that you only sold seven tickets for your first play? Yu Kai and Tian Youliang quit because they couldn't stand it all these years."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, what is the annual income of Happy Twist? Several million?"

Huo Yunting raised his legs and took out a cigarette self-consciously, "Can you smoke?"

"You smoke, there are no audiences now, so it doesn't matter."

He took out the lighter and lit it with a "cha".

Take a deep breath, and then exhale the smoke long and long.

He waved the Zippo lighter in front of Zhang Chen and Liu Hongtao, "This lighter is a gift from my fiancée."

Zhang Chen gave a thumbs up, "Very good, my girlfriend won't let me smoke. It is indeed a blessing to have such an enlightened fiancée as Mr. Liu."

"No, what I want to say is that this lighter is Zippo1993, the first generation of lighters produced by Zippo, and it is out of print now. The current price is about [-]."

Zhang Chen and Liu Hongtao were dumbfounded, and felt a little dry for a moment.

Damn, what a luxury.

Although Happy Twist is no longer unable to spend 10,000+ yuan, it will definitely not do this kind of behavior of spending more than [-] yuan to buy a lighter.

Looking at the simple lighter, the eyes of the two became more serious.

Can't let him run away.

Huo Yunting knew that the price of his lighter was more than [-] yuan because Brother Qian'er told him when he was drinking last time.When he got home from Sissy, he was really shocked.

This girl is really willing to spend money.

Putting away the lighter, Huo Yunting flipped through the thick stack of papers in his hand, and finally his eyes fell on several scripts.

"Mr. Zhang, don't say those polite words, let's talk about the truth."

Seeing this, Zhang Chen didn't say any more, let the actors go to rest first, and then invited Huo Yunting to the private room.

His intentions were too obvious.

Whether it was Liu Hongtao who suddenly started explaining Happy Twist's past and present life in detail before, or this detailed document in his hand, coupled with Shen Teng's smooth return to Happy Twist to act in a drama, Huo Yunting estimated that he would be nine out of ten I want to get investment from myself.

It's a pity that he played the emotional card a little badly, and his intentions were too obvious, not to mention that there was no relationship between the two of them to talk about.

"Mr. Huo, I'm really sorry for going around a lot."

Huo Yunting tapped on his mobile phone, sent a message to Liu Yifei to ask her to go home first, and asked without looking up, "Why did you think of getting investment from me?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Zhang Chen immediately gave a thumbs up, "Because Mr. Huo has poisonous eyes."

With the development of Happy Twist to this level, many people came to him to discuss cooperation and investment, but he rejected them all.

Money alone is not enough, and the most important thing is not to command blindly.

Huo Yunting is such a person.

Since his debut, he has never acted in a bad film. If he doesn't make money in business, he will definitely have a good reputation in art.Or it's two flowers.

This is the case for more than ten films in the eight years since his debut, and it is difficult to find a second place in the global entertainment industry.

Whether it's his personal vision or the decision of the team behind him, all in all, this is a smart man.

Zhang Chen was about to boast, but Huo Yunting shook his head.

"I'm not very interested in investing, but I'm more interested in these books."

(End of this chapter)

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