Chapter 259

Zhang Chen was taken aback by these words, what does it mean as long as the book is written?Co-authoring means not seeing his happy twist at all?

Huo Yunting ignored it, flipped through the script and nodded to himself.

There is a good book here, it can indeed be changed into a movie to try.Just reading the script, he has already outlined a complete movie in his mind.

Zhang Chen frowned slightly, "Mr. Huo, Hongtao has already told you before that these notebooks are the reservoir of our IP resources——"

"I can give you a low price for this book, 100 million, only for film and television copyright."

Zhang Chen stopped talking, I have to say, his heart was moved.

The annual net profit of Happy Twist is only a few million. They only need a copy of the book's film and television copyright, and they can get their Happy Twist's income for several months.

If his group of employees heard this and voted according to the old rules of Happy Twist, it would definitely be unanimously agreed.

But Zhang Chen still didn't give up, "Mr. Huo, we're happy—"

"Mr. Zhang, it's not a question of happy twists. I believe that you are capable. However, compared with dramas and film and television dramas, the audience is still too small."

"As for the diversified entertainment company Mr. Liu mentioned, Mr. Zhang, transformation is very difficult. As I said just now, there is a huge gap between dramas and film and television dramas."

Zhang Chen's slightly arched body collapsed back again, with a gloomy expression.

The subtext is very clear, that is, the twenty or so people you are happy with are simply not enough to watch.It’s okay to act in a drama, but it’s not so good if you switch to a film and television drama.

"Mr. Zhang, let me put it this way. The last person I saw who was successful in transitioning from a drama to a film and television drama was Guo Tao. The movie was called "Crazy Stone"."

Zhang Chen nodded slowly, even though he had thousands of reluctances in his heart, he had to admit that what Huo Yunting said was indeed reasonable.

If Happy Twist develops slowly according to the original plan, gradually radiating from North China to the whole country, and then enters the film and television industry from drama... When Happy Twist can really leave their name in the entertainment industry, half of their bodies may have been buried Into the soil.

opportunity.What Happy Twist lacks most now is an opportunity!But where the fuck did this opportunity come from?He hasn't waited for eight years.

For a while, Zhang Chen felt his teeth itch with hatred.

Huo Yunting coughed twice, and took out a script called "Donkey Gets Water" from a stack of documents in his hand.

"Mr. Zhang, as far as this script is concerned, I think it's worth at least 100 million yuan. How about it? Would you like to talk about it in detail?"

The expression in Zhang Chen's eyes struggled for a long time, and finally took a deep breath, "Sorry, Mr. Huo, we want to invest in Happy Twist, and we don't want to sell the script."

"Really don't think about it?" Huo Yunting did not give up, "If the price is not suitable, we can discuss it again."

"Mr. Huo, I'm sorry to delay your time today."

Seeing that he issued the order to drive away the guest, Huo Yunting didn't say any more, got up and left.

Not far away, I saw Liu Hongtao's figure sneaking into the private room where they were talking just now.

Huo Yunting went backstage to look for Shen Teng. Now that the play is over, what does this kid want to do next?

"Shen Teng?"

When he shouted, the originally chattering backstage fell silent for an instant, and soon, everyone who was happily twisting got up to say hello to him.

Shen Teng strode over and brought him a chair, "Brother Huo, did you go to discuss cooperation with someone just now?"

Huo Yunting nodded, "It's a pity that the negotiation didn't work out."

After saying this, the No. 20 people around him sighed in unison, and the most obvious one was Yan Fei.It's really a shame, the cooperation has not been discussed.

Huo Yunting waved his hand, "Let's not talk about this, will you come with me? I'll see you off along the way."

"No, I'll catch up with them again."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Huo Yunting joked again, "Mr. Zhang won't feel at ease if he stays with them any longer."

"Don't worry? Why don't you worry?"

Shen Teng wanted to ask again, but the rest of his voice was drowned out by his former colleagues.

"Mr. Huo, go slowly!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Huo."

"Brother Huo, come back when you're free."

"Mr. Huo, can you guide me?"

I don't know who said such a sentence suddenly, and soon everyone agreed, "Yes, Mr. Huo, give me some guidance, just say a few words."

Seeing this, Huo Yunting had no choice but to stop, pretended to think for a while, and grinned.Everyone in the happy twist also laughed.

"It's all good."

Then, strode away.Only the group of people were left staring at each other.

When I got home, I found Liu Yifei curled up on the bed and had already fallen asleep.

Huo Yunting didn't wake her up, but simply washed her up, got into bed, and fell asleep together.

After half a month or so, 2011 officially arrived.

It was also New Year's Day, when Liu Xiaoli and Huo Zhongde both agreed to celebrate the new year at Huo Yunting's young couple's home.

Huo Yunting doesn't know what kind of personality his future mother-in-law is like, but he does know his parents.

I definitely wouldn't say that I want to come to my home for the New Year's Eve.Because even if it is a cross, I will definitely let myself, a junior, go to the old couple.

"This is to use this evening to talk about something." Huo Yunting was thoughtful.

Liu Yifei on the side also nodded with a serious expression, "Understood, it's the Hongmen Banquet."

He patted her on the head twice, "We are the masters, they are the guests, and whoever will set him up."

She thought about it again, "That means going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing."

"There is some truth to this. But you can't say that about the elders."

"I just said it casually."

On the night of January [-]st, Huo Yunting set up a table of dishes to welcome his parents and Liu Xiaoli.

After drinking for three rounds, Huo Zhongde and Huo Yunting had a drink, and the conversation started, "Yunting, I have been discussing something with your Aunt Liu these days."

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, what can they discuss, this is not a professional counterpart.

"What's the matter?"

"Your marriage with Sissy."

Huo Yunting's body stiffened unconsciously.

The old man and the old lady left so abruptly that now and then Huo Yunting still feels a little unreal in retrospect.

I left when I was playing chess and thinking about chess, and I dare not write novels like this.

"Uncle... why are you talking about these things all of a sudden... Yun Ting and I are not in a hurry."

Originally, Liu Yifei was thinking about it for a year or so, but unexpectedly, in less than half a year, her uncle would suddenly bring it up——

Could it be that this was discussed with my mother?

Huo Zhongde took a sip of his wine and said to himself, "If according to the custom in Huojiazhuang in the past, if there is an old man in the family who dies, if you don't get married within a hundred days, then you have to observe filial piety for a year before doing it."

Huo Yunting also silently took a sip and nodded, "Zhuangzi has this custom."

Liu Xiaoli also took up the conversation, "My hometown in Harbin also has this custom, that is, the time for us to observe filial piety is three years."

"Have you? Why didn't you tell me?" Liu Yifei looked curious.

"What can you remember when you were young?" Liu Xiaoli said angrily.

"Although this reasoning is good, from the current point of view, it is indeed a bit too old-fashioned."

The two sang together, and Huo Yunting guessed in his mind what they were trying to say.

"Dad, just say what you have to say, we are all a family, so there is no need to hide it."

Huo Zhongde's current situation is no longer going around in circles, "The marriage between you and Sissy still has to be put on the agenda in advance."

"You are almost 30. When your grandfather was still alive, your greatest wish was to see his great-grandson or great-granddaughter."

"Sooner or later, it's the same, not bad for the past few years." Seeing Huo Yunting's delay in opening his mouth, Liu Yifei hurriedly said.

She can see how good the relationship between Huo Yunting and his grandfather is.

Don't look at the fact that the two don't meet often, and they don't talk much.But it is doomed that there will be no boring words between the two big men.

Liu Xiaoli tiptoed her daughter without any trace, and said with a grumpy face, "No hurry, no hurry, you will be thirty in two years, the older you are, the greater the risk of having a child, do you understand? ? I'm doing it for your own good."

"What's the matter with getting older, there are many people who have children. That Ying, Liu Ruoying, Lin Qingxia...they all gave birth in their 40s."

"You can't be better!"

Liu Xiaoli was frustrated with anger, it was true that she forgot her mother when she had a man!

"Okay, okay." Huo Yunting patted her thigh lightly, "Dad, Auntie, let's settle the date. I have no objection."

Huo Zhongde and Liu Xiaoli looked at each other, and then Huo Zhongde said: "Then it will be April 29 this year."

Sure enough, this was negotiated, and even the date has been set.

But this time Huo Yunting has no worries in his heart, he can rest assured that his illness has been solved.

After solving the important and difficult things tonight, the dinner gradually became more relaxed, but Liu Xiaoli was still a little unhappy.

It was already past twelve o'clock in the evening after watching the New Year's Day party.It was too late, Huo Yunting wanted them to stay and rest overnight, but Liu Xiaoli repeatedly refused, and finally the three elders left late at night.

"Yunting, go back, don't send it off."

"Dad, Mom! Be careful on the road, and send me a message when you get home."


Huo Yunting poked Liu Yifei who had been puffing out his cheeks, "Say goodbye to your mother."

"Hmph, she definitely doesn't care about me. She used to be like this, controlling me everywhere..."

He muttered a lot, and finally waved his hands to the three figures walking away, "Mom, uncles and aunts, go slowly!"

The next day, Liu Yifei woke up early, instead of going to the company, she started planning the wedding.

Wedding is the most important event in life, and girls are obsessed with it.Huo Yunting also followed to give advice.

The two were very leisurely at home, but Zhang Debang suffered because all the work was on him.

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

"Cissy, look first, I'll answer the phone."

"Oh, hurry up, I've chosen two suits for you to take a look at."

"it is good."

It was Jiang Wen who called. The release date of "Let the Bullets Fly" has been set for this year's Spring Festival.

This can be said to be the right time, place and people, but Jiang Wen is still a little dissatisfied, because the film that was originally more than three hours was cut to more than two hours because of the radio and television.

In Jiang Wen's own words, even his main artery was cut off.

Huo Yunting was also very dissatisfied when he heard that it had been cut for more than an hour, "Then I was blind for a few months when I co-authored it?"

"Stop it! Don't tell me about the shooting time."

Jiang Wen is most annoyed by people asking him about the shooting time.

Since working with Huo Yunting, he has learned a lesson. When working with an actor, he must first check the background of the actor.

What films have you filmed before, what awards have you won, whether they have been screened, who is the director, what is your family situation... You don’t know these things, how do you know how long the filming will take?
Finally, he changed the subject and talked about "Let the Bullets Fly" be released in the United States.

It can be released in the United States, but Americans define the film as an R-rated film, which means that children under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 21 to watch.

Huo Yunting guessed roughly from his slightly satisfied tone, "The Americans didn't delete you for more than three hours, did they?"

"Hahaha, brother Huo, let's not talk about it. I still have a lot of things waiting to be dealt with. Don't tell me that you don't have time when the movie is announced."

"That depends on Wang Jiawei not being able to find me."

"Hmph, he dares."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting on the balcony heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that "The Grandmaster" is his curtain call.

But when does Wang Jiawei want his mother to delay it?
Either I had already asked him to take pictures before, or it was over because of other things in the middle.

But now that the matter is over, why don't you come to him?
Huo Yunting thought for a moment, and felt that he couldn't just wait like this, he had to take the initiative, otherwise the grandson would delay him for another two years if he didn't say anything.

"Hello? Director Wang, haha, I wish you an early year."

"If you think too much, old Wang, what can I mean, just wish you a new year."

"What's this called? What do you mean I'm uneasy and kind, can't I just visit you?"

"Hey! You surnamed Wang, don't talk too much, what do you mean I forced you, you go to Jiang Wen, what does it have to do with me."

"You still have the nerve to say it? Except for actors like me who are more inclusive and willing to play with you."

"His grandma's, procrastinate, how long will you procrastinate? There is only this scene left, so hurry up and shoot it, won't it be over?"

"Look at Jiang Wen, learn a little bit."

"Hello, hello? Old Wang? Director Wang?"

"Master." Huo Yunting cursed a few words angrily, and when he heard Liu Yifei's greeting in the bedroom, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​calling Wang Jiawei again.

"Brother Yun, come here quickly."

"I'm coming."

On the other end of the phone, Wang Jiawei, who was sitting alone on the desk, also had a confused expression on his face, "I'll fuck you up, why is this hanging man bothering me again?"

Somewhat at a loss, he scratched his head and looked at the script on the table again.

"Ah! His old mother! My train of thought is completely broken!"

(End of this chapter)

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