The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 268 Preparatory Plan

Chapter 268 Preparatory Plan
The script of "Charlotte's Annoyance" still had a lot of imperfections. After Huo Yunting marked the correction comments, he typed them all back and handed them over to Yan Fei for further revision.

His requirements were getting smaller and smaller each time, and his satisfaction with the script was getting higher and higher each time, but Yan Fei's revision time was getting longer and longer each time.

Just like this time, he just asked Yan Fei to change the ending to return to reality, instead of continuing to stay in an illusory dream. As a result, Yan Fei changed it for nearly a month without replying.

Huo Yunting was puzzled. Although this literary and artistic creator couldn't get the inspiration out of him, it would be too much to change only one or two scenes at the end in a month.

Waiting a little anxiously, he called Yan Fei himself.

I really don't know if I don't ask, but I was startled when I asked, Happy Twist really caught the tail of the opportunity.

Ha Wen, chief director of CCTV Spring Festival Gala in [-], invited Yan Fei to create sketches for the Spring Festival Gala.

Although Yan Fei spoke in a very humble tone, he couldn't hide the complacency and pride in his words.

"Mr. Huo, that's right. This year I created a sketch that satirizes the real estate industry called "Falling Leaves Return to Roots". Haha, I participated in the [-]th CCTV Sketch Contest and finally won the third prize."

"This is the third act adapted from "The Earl of Wulong Mountain". Haha, I didn't expect Director Ha Wen to invite me to the Spring Festival Gala just because of this."

Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei were having lunch on the set when they made this call. The two looked at each other, and the meaning was self-evident.

This may be a real investment.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo? Are you still there?"

"Yes. I'll give you another week to finish changing the ending of "Charlotte Annoyance"."

Yan Fei's tone was slightly stiff, "Mr. Huo, which one is more serious -"

"Which is more important, I also gave you a month. You can't even finish changing the ending in a month. Why are you talking to me about participating in the Spring Festival Gala? Do you think I haven't participated? Or I'll go find Mr. Zhang, please speak carefully."

After hanging up the phone from Yan Fei who was speechless, Huo Yunting cursed angrily, "This guy is trying to show off to me."

"Hey, young people, you have been working hard for most of your life, moving up one step at a time. Today, you suddenly have the opportunity to take the elevator to the top floor. Who wouldn't be excited?"

Liu Yifei leisurely put a few more dumplings stuffed with chives and goji berries in Huo Yunting's bowl, "Eat more, make up for it."

Huo Yunting's face froze, and her resistance seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that my 30 years of skills are not enough.

Sighing, Huo Yunting poured some vinegar into the bowl, "I just gave him a chance to take the elevator. Whether he can get into the elevator is another question."

"Then it's none of our business. It's better if we can get into the elevator. We make a lot of money. It doesn't matter if we can't get into the elevator. We don't lose."

Liu Yifei said, putting a few more dumplings into his bowl, "Eat more."


Perhaps it was because Huo Yunting hadn't found any thorns during the reshoots of "The Grandmaster", and Wang Jiawei's inspiration was not tortured.

The filming ended one month earlier than expected.

November NO.15, "The Grandmaster" once again announced the completion.

The cheerful roar of the crew was much louder than the last time, because everyone knew that this time the filming was completely over, and Wang Jiawei's bird spirit would never be used again.

Huo Yunting was also very happy. After the filming of "The Grandmaster" was finished, he could pack up and prepare to film "Charlotte's Annoyance".

However, the script of this film has been pending. Once there are any major practical hot spots in the entertainment industry, the content of the book must be changed to incorporate practical hot spots.

Just like the variety show "The Voice of China" broadcast on Zhejiang TV in July this year.

It was really popular. To put it an exaggeration, the influence of this variety show is even comparable to the Spring Festival Gala.

Can this not be added?
The script of "Charlotte Troubles" was very good, and Huo Yunting decided to direct it himself.

"Charlotte Annoyance" is his debut novel.

Of course, another reason was that there was no suitable director willing to take on the job, and in the end he, the actor and boss, had to take the job himself.

Although it was his first time to be the chief director, he was not guilty.

On weekdays, he was filming in the crew, and he also stayed on the set when he didn't have a role, not to pretend to be dedicated to everyone, his eyes were always on the camera.

No matter what happens, he can still find a great director to help him out.

But before the formal preparation of "Charlotte Annoyance", he had to go to Baodao again.

Because he is going to participate in the No.40 Eighth Taiwan Golden Horse Awards.

This year's Golden Horse Awards were held at the Performing Arts Hall of the Hsinchu City Cultural Bureau. Most of the films selected were local films from Taiwan, while relatively few films were selected from the mainland.

However, these problems were not major, and Huo Yunting felt that there was nothing to say, but looking at the list of judges for this Golden Horse Awards, he was at a loss to figure it out.

Why does it have the fucking name Huang Bo on it?
"Brother Yun, look, the list of judges for the No.40 Eighth Golden Horse Awards has been announced online."

"Cai Guorong, Li Cangdong, Shi Xinjie, Chen Shengchang, Ji Mi... Huang Bo?"

He was dressed in a suit, with his arms crossed around his chest, and he had a big grin.

Huo Yunting was really puzzled, and finally chose to call Huang Bo directly, "How did you get to be a judge of the Golden Horse Film Festival?"

"Hey! Lao Huo, I'm just waiting for your call!"

When Huo Yunting asked him about this, Huang Bo, who was far away on Treasure Island, slapped his thigh with excitement.

I kept silent about it all the time, and specifically asked Zhang Debang not to tell him.After waiting for so long, Huo Yunting finally called.

"Hey, it's not like you don't know that before we filmed..."Bullfighting", didn't I win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor? I'm so capable~ Maybe people think I'm quite suitable to be a judge."

Huo Yunting said nothing, with a heavy look on his face.

"Bullfighting"?When was the movie?When did he win the Golden Horse Best Actor?
Seeing that Huo Yunting didn't say anything, Huang Bo's tone became strange, "Old Huo, don't tell me that you don't know about my filming of the movie "Bullfighting"."


"Fuck! Why the hell have you never said hello to me—"

"I was so busy at that time that I didn't take time out. Why didn't I know? The movie "Bullfighting" filmed in 28 won the No. 40 Golden Horse Award for Best Actor on November [-], [-], right? "

"Remember so clearly? You don't belong to Baidu, do you?"

Huo Yunting gently closed the laptop in front of him, "I'm sick, I'm calling you and still looking at the computer."

As he said that, he quickly patted Liu Yifei's head with his hand, asking her to help change the subject.

"Ahem, Brother Bo, as a judge, can you reveal some inside information?"

"Yo, Yifei is here too. Well... let me just say this, Lao Huo, you are very promising. I can't say more."

Huo Yunting didn't force him to ask. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's meet again when we get to the treasure island."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yifei slapped her thigh and said, "Brother Yun, I think you are sure of it! Brother Bo must be looking towards you."

Huo Yunting flicked her head angrily.


"What's wrong with me? Am I missing an actor? Fairness is the most important thing."

Then he got up and went to the bedroom to pack his things.

Looking at Huo Yunting's back, Liu Yifei rubbed her head and muttered angrily, "Stupid."

But soon, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise again.

But he is so rigid, and he likes it ruthlessly.

"By the way, Sissi, you should also pack up and come with me to the Treasure Island."

"Ah, what am I going to do? I don't have any share in the Golden Horse Award."

"After attending the Golden Horse Awards, follow me to visit an old friend."

"Old friend? Which old friend?" Liu Yifei was a little bewildered.

On November 24, Huo Yunting took Liu Yifei and Jiang Wen to set off for Treasure Island.

Before leaving, he also visited Ge You.

Uncle Ge wore a hat, squatted by the lake to fish, and waved his hands, "I won the award at the Chinese Media Film Festival, so the Golden Horse Award has nothing to do with me. If I remember correctly, there is no Zhou Runfa on the shortlist." Right? Brother Huo, you have great hopes."

This Golden Horse Film Festival has nothing to do with Liu Yifei, she just ran out to play when she got there.Huo Yunting and Jiang Wen were left behind to prepare for the Golden Horse Awards.

On November 26th, Huo Yunting and Jiang Wen in suits and leather shoes walked on the red carpet together in the Performing Arts Hall of the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

Neither of them had a female companion, so they simply went together.

The two strode onto the red carpet, and the media reporters on Baodao were also very respectful, and the shutters clicked non-stop.

But Huo Yunting felt that this was a bit too much for saving face.

"Brother Huo, are you so popular here on Treasure Island?"

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Jiang Wen who was also puzzled, "Brother Wen, I thought they were taking pictures of you."

As soon as the two of them met their eyes, an inarticulate voice came from behind them.

"Ouch~ Yunting, long time no see."

The voice was so discriminating that Huo Yunting knew who this person was as soon as he heard it.

Looking back, Jay Chou, who was smiling and squinting his eyes, was standing behind him.Beside him is Fang Wenshan wearing glasses and earrings.

"Hello, Teacher Fang."

"Teacher Huo, you are too polite."

The two greeted each other briefly, and Huo Yunting cheerfully carried Jay Chou across the red carpet to his seat.

This old boy didn't even attend his wedding before, saying he had something to do to avoid it.The two haven't seen each other for a long time. If they meet today, they will definitely have a good chat.

Not to mention that another purpose of Huo Yunting's visit to Treasure Island was to visit him.

"Jielun, why do I feel like you've gained a little weight?"

"Have it?"

"Did You Lemei drink too much?"

"Come on, that's just an advertisement. But I really like drinking."

The two walked forward talking and laughing, and gradually left Fang Wenshan and Jiang Wen beside them.

The two of them were not familiar with each other, so they looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"Haha, Director Jiang, I've heard of his name for a long time."

"I've heard of Teacher Fang's great name for a long time."

Huo Yunting has such a charm. No matter how long it has been since you met him, no matter how different the status is between you and him, when you look at him, you are always willing to talk to him from the bottom of your heart. talk.

For other people, the relationship becomes weaker after not seeing each other for too long, but it is indeed the opposite for Huo Yunting.

It's hard to find someone with such charisma.

"Hey, we're all in love now? What did you do before?"

"Being a model is a half-breed sister."

"When are you going to announce it?"

"I'll learn from you, the longer the delay, the better."

"Then let me tell you that you can just keep procrastinating, and when it's time to get married, there will be a thunder on the ground, knocking out half of the entertainment industry."

"How can I deserve to shock half of the entertainment industry?"

When it comes to girlfriends, the topic finally comes around to Liu Yifei.

Jay Chou was very emotional.

"At the beginning I invited you and Ms. Yifei to participate in "The Unspeakable Secret" because the two of you have that kind of ambiguous feeling of first love."

"But you two, as each other's first love, can finally get together... Wow, really, I'm actually quite happy."

Huo Yunting smiled, and put his arm on Jay Chou's shoulder, "Jay Lun, seriously, you can definitely be regarded as the half-matchmaker of me and Sissy."

The two haven't seen each other for a long time, and they still have a lot to say, but the red carpet has finished and the No. 40 Eighth Treasure Island Golden Horse Awards has officially begun.

The two of them didn't sit next to each other, so they had to agree to wait until after the film festival to get together in private.

The hosts are Zeng Zhiwei, Zeng Baoyi and his daughter.There are also three major movie queens on the stage. Zhang Aijia and her apprentices Liu Ruoying and Li Xinjie attended the ceremony. The three major movie queens shared the stage to present awards for the first time. It can be said to be one of the main highlights of this Golden Horse Awards.

Listening to the host's introduction to the development of the Taiwan Film Festival and so on, Huo Yunting really felt a little drowsy.

This reminded him of his school days.

Every time after the winter and summer vacations, when the flag is raised on the first day of school, the principal will always introduce the history of the school's development.

After waiting for a long time, it finally came to the award-giving session.

"Let the Bullets Fly" is indeed good enough. Just halfway through the awards time, it has already been nominated for six or seven awards.

Liu Jialing was still nominated for Best Supporting Actress, but she still ran with him. In the end, the Best Supporting Actress award went to an actress named Tang Kui.

"...Next is the Best Actor Award. The nominees are: Huo Yunting, "Let the Bullets Fly"; Peng Yuyan, "Roll, Ashin"; Andy Lau, "Sister Tao"; Wang Qianyuan, "The Piano of Steel". "

After hearing the list of candidates, Jiang Wen beside him frowned before Huo Yunting could say anything.

"It's not a damn good choice, it's not easy to fight between you and Liu Dehua."

Huo Yunting looked at him amusedly, "What about Peng Yuyan and Wang Qianyuan? You just ignored it."

Jiang Wen clicked his tongue, "Wang Qianyuan is almost on fire, as for Peng Yuyan, it's only at the level of nomination, and it's still not nearly as good as you."

Everything else can be said, except for the acting skills, Jiang Wen really thinks Huo Yunting is top-notch.

(End of this chapter)

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