Chapter 269

"Wow, to be honest, I'm a little nervous too."

The award presenters on stage were Ruan Jingtian and Shu Qi.

One was wearing a suit with a crew cut, the other had long hair hanging down, and was wearing a pure white low-cut dress.

The two of them stood in front of the stage for a while, and then opened the cue card in their hands.

However, there was no sound for a long time.

Before Huo Yunting could speak, Jiang Wen who was beside him frowned first, "What are these two people doing? They're just grinding."

"Wow, it's very special. It makes me feel like I'm dreaming back to two years ago." Ruan Jingtian said with emotion, and Shu Qi on the side also nodded in agreement.

"How do you say that sentence? At this moment—"

"Just like that moment."

Then Ruan Jingtian held the microphone and read the name aloud.

"The winner, Liu Dehua."

Soon, there was roaring applause, mixed with piercing screams.

Huo Yunting also applauded, but his expression was slightly disappointed.I have nothing to do with this golden horse actor.

Liu Dehua smiled brightly, straightened his clothes, got up and walked towards the stage.

At this moment, Shu Qi's voice sounded, "And... where is Huo Yunting?"

Huo Yunting was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head abruptly, meeting eyes with Shu Qi who was in front of the stage.

At this moment, there were also various sounds of surprise and strange screams from the banquet.

Before Huo Yunting understood what this meant, Jiang Wen patted him on the back with excitement, "Ouch! Brother Huo, don't be so dumbfounded. Hurry up and get on stage. Double Best Actor, double Best Actor again." .”

Staring at the front of the stage, Jiang Wen sighed, "I said what does it mean that the dream went back to two years ago, and I was arguing for a long time about the time between Huang Bo and Zhang Jiahui."

That time between Huang Bo and Zhang Jiahui? Is No.40 the sixth session?Both of them were selected as actor?Can you still come like this?

Huo Yunting was a little puzzled.

He didn't know if No.40 was the best actor in the sixth session, he only knew that Huang Bo won the best actor.

Before he could think this issue through clearly, he was already praised by everyone around him and came to the stage.

Liu Dehua in front of him took the trophy from Ruan Jingtian, and Huo Yunting came to Shu Qi and stretched out his hand.

Shu Qi stared at Huo Yunting's face, slightly absent-minded for a few seconds, and then handed the trophy to Huo Yunting with a bright smile.

"Sorry, I was just distracted."

"It's all right." Huo Yunting nodded slightly, and walked towards the microphone stand.

It's just that he was puzzled, why was she so dazed on such an important occasion?
Shu Qi and Ruan Jingtian stepped aside, stared at Huo Yunting's back, and for some reason suddenly returned to the cruise ship that was on the way to the Cannes Film Festival many years ago.

On that cruise ship she met two people who made her nervous.

Because these two people told her what she had done.

Huo Yunting, the eyes of one of those two are very similar...

But soon she shook her head and got the messy thoughts out of her head.

Although she had never cooperated with Huo Yunting, she had heard of his good reputation for a long time.

How could such a person do such a thing?

Then it was time for Huo Yunting and Liu Dehua to speak. Holding the Golden Horse trophy in their hands, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Brother Hua, congratulations."

"Congratulations, Tingzi."

Scanning the crowd of people's heads under the stage, Huo Yunting spread out his palms, "Brother Hua, let's talk first."

"Then I'm welcome."

"Why were we polite before?"

"To be honest, it's really unbelievable. I didn't expect that only two years later, the two best actors would appear at the Golden Horse Awards again, and together with my good brother, Ting Tsai."

As soon as these words were said, many people at the table showed surprised eyes.

There are indeed rumors that Huo Yunting and Liu Dehua have a super good relationship from time to time in the entertainment industry, and today it has been officially certified.

The relationship between the two is really good.

"Brother Hua is too polite, and I never thought that one day the two of us would stand on the same podium."

Liu Dehua shook his head, "I am already old, but you are still young, your achievements in the future will definitely be much higher than mine."

"Brother Hua thinks highly of me. After all, you are also a generation of heavenly kings. How can I surpass you so easily?"

"In terms of acting skills, I think you are not bad at all. When we first met, you had only been in the industry for a long time. You frightened me at night and made me a little allergic to red high heels."

"Brother Hua, did I really misread your letter at that time?"

"Don't come here. Do you know how much it has influenced me? I haven't listened to Cai Jianya's "Red High Heels" until now."

What red high heels?when did it happen?What the hell are they talking about?
The two sang together as if they were talking about cross talk, and many people in the audience were curious.One by one stretched their necks and stared, waiting for the two of them to say more.

This kind of little story between a big shot and a big shot is what everyone likes to hear.

Huo Yunting cupped his hands, "My fault, I will definitely visit the door in person someday."

After the small talk, let’s get down to business.

"I would like to thank the judges of the Golden Horse Awards for their recognition, and I would also like to thank the director and everyone in the crew. Thank you...thank you all."

Accompanied by warm applause, Liu Dehua bowed, and then left the stage to Huo Yunting.

Huo Yunting learned to copy and paste, thanked everything that should be thanked and should not be thanked, and then the two left the stage together.

Back on the seat, Huo Yunting raised his legs contentedly.I came here today to get a Golden Horse Best Actor, this trip is not a loss.

So much so that when Jiang Wen lamented that he failed to win Best Director and Best Picture, he didn't offer much comfort.

When the film festival officially ended, everyone wandered out.

While Jiang Wen lamented that he accompanied him for a trip, he also lamented that Huo Yunting would be on the headlines again tomorrow morning.

After a lapse of two years, the Golden Horse Award for the second time has double best actor reappeared.

This revelation is enough to keep the news media buzzing for another week.

Not to mention the story of him and Liu Dehua's high heels as an episode.

Netizens can write a long novel about this kind of interesting gossip.

It was almost twelve o'clock when the film festival ended, Jiang Wen yawned and went back to the hotel to sleep, but Huo Yunting didn't go back.

I sent Liu Yifei a message asking her to rest early, and made an appointment with Jay Chou to meet tomorrow night, and then hurried to find Liu Dehua.

When I found him, I was about to get in the car and leave.

"Brother Hua, do you want to rub it tonight?"

Liu Dehua, who was about to go to the airport, turned on his toes and walked towards Huo Yunting, "Okay."

Huo Yunting couldn't drive, so Liu Dehua took him around the streets of Hsinchu City.

After going around for more than ten miles, I finally found a barbecue restaurant that was still open.

Regarding Huo Yunting's and Liu Dehua's faces, the owner of the barbecue shop did not make any waves.I don't know if it's because they don't pay attention to these crap things in the entertainment industry, or if they are just black fans of the two of them.

But the two were also happy that he didn't respond. If it came later, they would not be able to bear it if they had to finish the autograph and take a group photo.

"Tingzi, if you continue to develop like this, it will be a matter of time before you surpass me."

Huo Yunting licked the skewers in his mouth and said vaguely: "Brother Hua, there was a live broadcast at the film festival just now. There are some things that are hard to say..."

"Oh?" Liu Dehua raised his eyebrows and sipped his beer.

"After "The Grandmaster" is released, I plan to quit the circle."

"Pfft—cough cough, cough cough cough!"

What he said was like a sharp turn on a high-speed road, Liu Dehua didn't stop, and all the wine in his mouth sprayed out.

"You, ahem, you are so good, why do you suddenly want to withdraw from the circle?"

Huo Yunting's expression was indifferent, "I always feel a little dirty, out of sight and out of mind. And I've earned enough money."

Liu Dehua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pointed at him, "Official background, Master Chuanwu, I heard that you even served as an instructor in the Armed Police Force? Who dares to do anything dirty in front of you."

"There will always be some traces left. And I'm tired of intrigue."

Huo Yunting stretched out his hand and said, "Waiter, please have another beer."


Liu Dehua clicked his tongue, originally thought that this Golden Horse Best Actor was Huo Yunting's step towards the top, but unexpectedly it was the end of his story.

"Then you will leave the showbiz completely?"

"It's not all, let's turn from the front to the back."

As he said that, he took out a script in his hand and handed it to Liu De Hua, "Brother Hua, look at it, I'm going to make a movie. I'm preparing it."

Liu Dehua was stunned for a while, and then laughed, "I'll fuck you up, you've been here waiting for me for a long time."

After receiving the script, he frowned within 2 minutes of reading it.

Time-travel drama?
Then the more he looked down, the deeper his frown became.

After finishing the script, he had already frowned on the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

"Your script..."

"How about it?"


Judging from his years of experience in filming, this "Charlotte" will either be a big hit or lose everything.

Huo Yunting was not surprised, his initial thoughts were similar to Liu Dehua's.

"I read the script, and my story?"

"Rebirth, it must be better to have more contact with some famous people."

Having said that, it is self-evident that he showed Liu Dehua the script.

Liu Dehua weighed the script and handed it to Huo Yunting, "What? Do you want me to play a cameo?"


There is a scene in the script where the protagonist Charlotte attended the Spring Festival Gala and then skyrocketed.

When I first read it, Huo Yunting felt that Yan Fei had somewhat referred to his story of participating in the Spring Festival Gala when he wrote this paragraph.

It's just that the element of artistic exaggeration is relatively large, and he was asked to rectify it later.

In Yan Fei's first version, the protagonist Xia Luo participated in the Spring Festival Gala in 1998 and collaborated with Na Ying in a song "Meeting in [-]".

But Huo Yunting had never dealt with that eagle.I am an ordinary actor, and people don't necessarily take me seriously.

He thought about it again and again, and finally decided to change the plot of cooperating with Na Ying to cooperating with Liu Dehua.

In the Spring Festival Gala in [-], Liu Dehua, Zhang Xinzhe and Mao Ning also sang a song.

When it comes to the degree of familiarity of the songs, it is definitely far superior to "Meeting in 1998".

"We share one home, the name is China."

"There are many brothers and sisters, and the scenery is not bad..."

The lyrics are catchy, and you can sing them in your head just by looking at the words.

According to Huo Yunting, Liu Dehua was playing with the wine glass in his hand and kept silent.

"Brother Hua, don't worry, my brother is looking for you, even though it's for the sake of our relationship, but it will definitely not let you suffer. The salary——"

"Then I'll make a cameo appearance." Liu Dehua's expression was very serious, "Who do you want Zhang Xinzhe and Mao Ning to come, I'll try to get in touch and see if I can invite them again."

"Brother Hua—"

"When I held a concert before, the illegitimate woman really made me panic. You have helped me so much, and today I can finally return some favors to you."

Andy Lau smiled slightly and raised his glass, "Ting Tsai, you have helped me too many times. It's just a guest appearance in your film, so there's no money to talk about."

Huo Yunting swallowed the rest.Picking up a bottle of wine, holding the bottle cap with chopsticks——


"Brother Hua, don't talk too much, it's all in the wine."


After finishing supper that night, Liu Dehua called the driver, took Huo Yunting back to the hotel and went to the airport.

It took a long time to eat this meal, and it was also because he and Liu Dehua hadn't chatted for a long time, and the words would go on and on.

When Huo Yunting arrived at the hotel, it was already around 4 o'clock, and his eyelids were twitching.

He didn't even take a shower, so he fell straight on the bed.

When he fell down, he still didn't forget to move to the bedside, for fear that he would be smelled of alcohol by his side, Qianqian.

When he woke up again, it was four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and Jiang Wen had already returned to Beiping, leaving with Huang Bo.

Originally, Huang Bo wanted to catch up with him, but seeing that he was sleeping so dead, he probably wouldn't be able to wake up for a while, and he had something important to do, so he said we would get together later and left first.

Liu Yifei nestled next to him and watched TV. Huo Yunting stretched a lot, and then found that the clothes on his body had been changed.

After changing into loose pajamas, I just feel a little sticky on my body.

"Sissy, did you help me change my clothes?"

"Ang. You don't even know how much you weigh. You're in trouble."

Huo Yunting smiled dotingly, and gently rubbed her head, "Thank you for your hard work, I'll take a bath."

The moment he stood up, he suddenly stopped.

He frowned slightly, feeling...empty, a little deflated...

Something is missing.

Why do I feel that my skills in the past 30 years are less for no apparent reason?
He turned back thoughtfully, "Sissi..."

"Go take a shower quickly and don't disturb me watching TV." She stared at the TV without having the courage to look at Huo Yunting.

Huo Yunting shrugged, that's all, don't worry about this with her, anyway, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders.

However, I actually fell asleep so dead, and didn't react at all. I really lacked exercise in the past two years.

Huo Yunting made up his mind.

Starting today, quit drinking!
At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Huo Yunting took Liu Yifei to see Jay Chou, and the main crew of the former "Unspeakable Secret" got together for a meal.


"Yunting is here."

"Director Zhou, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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