Chapter 270

I haven't seen a few of them for a long time, and they had a lot to talk about, especially Jay Chou.

I don't know if it's because of talking about my girlfriend. I used to talk like a stuffy bottle, but now I seem to be much more cheerful.

"Yifei, I'm really sorry, I wanted to attend the wedding between you and Yunting, but I really didn't find time to come."

"Hey, Director Zhou, what you said is too unreasonable. It's best if you can come, but it doesn't matter if you don't come. After all, everyone is very busy."

Jay Chou smiled shyly and then punished himself with three drinks.

Several people got to know each other because of the movie, and today they got together because of the movie. The final topic came to "The Secret That Cannot Be Told".

This movie is really popular in South Korea. In the past few years, it has been re-screened five or six times in South Korea. It can be said that it has made a lot of money.

And some time ago, Broadway in the United States contacted and asked for the script of "The Unspeakable Secret", saying that they wanted to make it into a musical.

Huo Yunting was a little tongue-tied when he heard it, he really didn't expect this movie to be linked to a musical.

But thinking about it again, "Crazy Stone" has also been changed into a drama version by Happy Twist, but I don't think it's surprising.

"Director Zhou, when will this musical be officially performed?"

"Then I think it will take two or three years at least. Not to mention the selection of actors, props and sets, they haven't even come up with the script of the musical."

Huo Yunting gave a thumbs up, "Jay Lun, should you say it or not, your talent really has nothing to say about it. You are a singer, and your debut film made in different industries can be nominated for the Golden Horse and the Golden Statue."

As soon as he heard Huo Yunting boasting about himself, Jay Chou couldn't help but blushed a little.

"Yunting, let's not talk about movies anymore. I don't plan to touch movies anymore. It's better to focus on music."

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows, "What's going on?"

After "The Unspeakable Secret" received good word-of-mouth and box office success, he himself was full of ambition, and planned to shoot his second movie "Jam Dunk" the following year.

This film only reached the point where it did not lose money, and its reputation fell to the bottom.It can't be said that it is unsatisfactory, it can only be said that even he himself is not satisfied.

Moreover, some of the movies he has participated in these years, such as "The Golden Armor in the City", "The Tomb of Thorns", and "The Green Hornet" released at the beginning of this year, etc., basically have a bad reputation.

So much so that Jay Chou doesn't want to touch the film field at all now.

After hearing this, Huo Yunting slapped his thigh, "Jay Lun, you have to be stunned. Who hasn't experienced a few failures on this road to success?"

Jay Chou waved his hands with a wry smile on his face, "Farewell, I have failed enough times in the field of movies."

"I understand it. Just develop in the industry you are good at, and don't cross industries. Yunting, I'm speaking from experience."

"Hey, it seems like you said this a long time ago."

Huo Yunting slapped his forehead, and handed the script of "Charlotte Annoyance" to him, "I've finished the script, it's useless if I don't shoot it."

Looking at the script handed over, Jay Chou was stunned for a while before he realized, "You want to make a movie."

"Come on, let's read the script first."

Jay Chou took the script and read it carefully, and then the page turning speed became slower and slower.

"...This script was definitely not written by you."

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"It's not like your style." Jay Chou mused, "How should I put it, this script... isn't wild enough. It's too different from my impression of you."

"It's like after many years, the hero Charlotte found out that some gangsters bullied the heroine. If this is your script, I think you will add a scene where Charlotte uses her relationship to get revenge on these little hooligans."

Huo Yunting was slightly surprised, "Don't say it, you are really right."

He did mention to Yan Fei to add a segment of revenge against the hooligans, but Yan Fei refused.

This is also one of the few times that Yan Fei argued with him because of the script.

In the end, Huo Yunting decided to respect Yan Fei's choice, after all, he was the creator of the script.

But well...

"Are my personal traits so obvious?"

Both Jay Chou and Liu Yifei nodded heavily, "Obviously."

"Like...a hooligan with a sense of justice." Jay Chou added.

"Hey, I think I have a sense of justice, but that hooligan thing is nonsense."

After the joke was over, Jay Chou rested his chin on both hands, staring at the script thoughtfully.

It seems that Huo Yunting came to him today not only to reminisce about the past, but also for other things.

"Yunting, your script used several of my songs."

"No, otherwise why would I come to you. Jay Lun, please sell me the copyright of these songs in one package,"

"For the sake of the fact that we have known each other for many years, we can get a [-]% discount."

Jay Chou nodded, "Copyright is easy to talk about..."

He didn't say how much it was, but read the script again.

Fantastic ideas, brain opening.

In terms of being interesting, it is definitely no less than "The Unspeakable Secret".

No, it should be said that this is a comedy in itself, far surpassing "The Unspeakable Secret".

"This is the male and female lead." Jay Chou stretched out two fingers and pointed at Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei, "Should you two act together?"

Huo Yunting shook his head, "It's not appropriate."

"The two of us, this look is a bit out of touch with the masses."

Jay Chou was stunned for a long time before realizing what he meant, and he couldn't help but be astonished.

It's the first time I've seen someone so boastful.

But he also had to admit that what Huo Yunting said was indeed reasonable.

If the faces of the two of them were to be the male and female protagonists, then this originally very down-to-earth story would become a bit cheesy.

"Then who do you choose as the hero and heroine?"

"The male protagonist is a newcomer under my company. As for the female protagonist, I may have to discuss it with my partner."

Jay Chou didn't ask about the partner company, but asked about the second female lead, "Who will play this Qiu Ya?"

The most prominent characters in the play are probably the male and female protagonists and Qiu Ya.


Jay Chou was stunned, and so was Liu Yifei.

Never said that before.

"Yunting, do you want me to play Qiu Ya?"

"You are my No. 1 choice. Of course, if you don't want to play the role, I won't force you. Let me just tell you my opinion."

"Well...then I'll think about it."

Liu Yifei dragged her cheeks and bowed her head in thought, and so did Jay Chou.

After a while, Huo Yunting asked about the copyright price again, and Jay Chou shook his head.

"Forget it, it's not necessary. I only sing a few lines in a song, so there's no need to charge for it."

Then he waved his hand, "You can just use my song."

"Oh, what a shame."

"What's there to be embarrassed about?" Jay Chou scratched his cheek, "But, I still have a request..."

After bidding farewell to Jay Chou, the two took a taxi back to the hotel.It was already early morning when they washed up and lay down on the bed.

Huo Yunting leaned against the bed and ticked off the three words Jay Chou in the memo on the phone.

There are also keywords such as Coca-Cola, Xu Wei, Zhang Chen, Ning Hao and so on.

Slightly closing his eyes, he planned the upcoming film preparation trip, then he looked at Liu Yifei who was still deep in thought beside him, and lightly tapped her on the head.

"What do you think?"

She had just finished taking a shower, and she was playing with the wet ends of her hair with her eyes empty. She didn't even fasten her bathrobe properly, half-covering it, with the slit reaching to her lower abdomen.

"Don't catch a cold."

Huo Yunting stretched out his hand gently, and helped her take off the bathrobe.

Then he hugged the person into his arms.

"Brother Yun, I really didn't realize you were this kind of person before."

Liu Yifei looked at her bathrobe that had been crumpled and thrown to the corner of the bed, and couldn't help her eyelids twitching.

"It makes me feel like an idol collapsed."

Huo Yunting pinched her nose angrily, "Did you get involved with the idol and collapsed the house? I slept for so long yesterday and you—"

"Ahem! Brother Yun, do you think it's suitable for me to play Qiu Ya?"

"Tell me first what you did when I slept for so long yesterday."

"I'm always afraid that I won't perform well."

Looking at Liu Yifei's unsteady eyes, Huo Yunting sighed.

They actually did some shameful things to me while I was sleeping.

"Why isn't it suitable, Sister Immortal. Aren't you the dream lover of thousands of young and old? You can't be more suitable as a goddess."

"Then who are you playing? Dasha Chun?"

Thinking of the description of Dashachun in the script, Liu Yifei couldn't help laughing.

Huo Yunting thought thoughtfully, "Let's talk to Mr. Wang about this and see if he is willing to cast some actors for me. I think the big guy named Allen is pretty good."

It's a bit surprising that Yan Fei's skit was entered in the third trial, which really made Happy Twist enter the elevator that leads directly to the top floor.

Huo Yunting was thinking about the elevator in his mind, and he was dishonest in holding Liu Yifei's arm, and drove away all the cold air in a short while.

As soon as the cold left, my body started to feel warm.The heat rises from the lower part of the Dantian and then spreads throughout the body along the meridians.

The whole person looks like a boiled prawn.

Just when she was so hot that her eyes were blurred, she finally couldn't help but say, "Then, Qiu Ya, this, this role is, let me play..."

"Oh, I figured it out so quickly."

Huo Yunting rubbed her forehead, "Don't put too much pressure on it, just treat it as a joke."

Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue, "Then you're really generous, you're a prodigal just for a year's worth of endorsement fees. I'll tell our parents and mom that you're taking 3000 to [-] million tickets to play, a little I don't even care about my family..."

"Hey, you're still feeling good despite ignoring you, right?" Huo Yunting turned over and pinned her down, "Tell me, what did I do when I fell asleep yesterday?"

"Okay, okay, I won't complain."

"Then it's not up to you now."

"do not--"

At noon the next day, the two left Treasure Island and went back to Beiping to find Zhang Chen.

The script of "Charlotte Trouble" involves too many people and things, all of which are the memories of people in the 90s and [-]s.

Rebirth, the focus is on a feeling, and the sense of familiarity must be full.

Therefore, Huo Yunting thinks that some advertisements can be received within an appropriate range, all in order to enhance the audience's sense of reality.

Anyway, it's not like Feng Xiaogang's "Personal Customization", where there are about twenty advertisements inserted in one film.

Where did I go to watch a movie? This is a movie I watched while watching an advertisement.

Even though it was accepting an advertisement, even though Huo Yunting was the best actor, even though Huo Yunting was quite famous.

But "Charlotte Annoyance" is his Virgo, and he is not the starring role, these advertisers are not very willing.

Just like Coca-Cola, he took the initiative to invite others to invest, but they looked down upon him.

Although Huo Yunting is the spokesperson for Huaxia, the other party still politely declined the proposal to put an advertisement in the movie.

Huo Yunting was very helpless, and then asked if he could go to Pepsi.The person in charge said that as long as the person holding the Pepsi is not Mr. Huo, it will be fine.

In the following days, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei spent more than half of their time running around regarding copyright issues.

I traveled around for several months and visited all the places in the north and south of the country. It was all treated as a honeymoon.

The honeymoon of the two of them was canceled because Wang Jiawei was going to make up the filming of "The Grandmaster", and today it was made up.

By the end of December, the copyright issues were finally resolved, and the team was initially finalized.

The official launch date is in early February.

As the screenwriter of the crew, Yan Fei had to be present the whole time.

But before the year before, he would still be busy with sketches for the Spring Festival Gala.

Originally, Zhang Chen, the leading actor of this sketch, wanted Ai Lun to take the lead, but his acting skills seemed to be a little lacking. In the end, Huo Yunting, the major shareholder of Happy Twist, forcibly pushed Shen Teng up.

In exchange, in addition to Ma Li, Huo Yunting's identified heroine, Zhang Chen also put many employees of Happy Twist into Huo Yunting's crew.

His original purpose of establishing Happy Twist was to enter the film and television industry, but he was born at the wrong time, so he switched to drama.

Now that he has the opportunity, he is naturally desperate to push the happy twist employee into the film and television industry.

Not to mention, when the group of happy twisters came, looking at their appearance, Huo Yunting really thought it was quite suitable.

But this is also understandable, after all, when Yan Fei created the script, he "customized" the script according to the image of Happy Twist and the others.

On January 2012, 1, Happy Twist's sketch "Today's Happiness" appeared on CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

The character image of Hao Jian has been thoroughly portrayed, and Huo Yunting thinks it is possible to make it into a Spring Festival Gala series.

Shen Teng has reaped the benefits of the Spring Festival Gala this time, and he will be able to enjoy it for several more years if things go well.

I just don’t know if Zhang Chen will regret exchanging hostages with him.

In addition to the sketch of Happy Twist, there is another sketch in this year's Spring Festival Gala that Huo Yunting is very concerned about.

"Jing Ke Assassinates Qin".

"Bring Jing Ke up."

"Bring Jing Ke up."

"I still have a scene in the harem?"

"I can't do something to be sorry to your mother..."

This is a satirical sketch of a time-travel drama.

Huo Yunting frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Being able to appear on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala sketch largely represents the meaning of the above.

However, this skit is mainly to criticize time-travel dramas for changing historical facts. "Charlotte Annoyance" just makes a new singer appear in the entertainment industry.

It shouldn't be a big problem...

So is this time-travel drama possible?

(End of this chapter)

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