Chapter 271

After all, Huo Yunting was still a little uncertain.

It's one thing for him to film a time-travel drama, but another is whether the radio and television can give him a review.The radio and television policy might suddenly change at some point, and he had to figure out what the higher-ups were thinking.

After the film was made, there were many films that languished in the film library for several years because the radio and television authorities refused to review them.

After the Spring Festival Gala ended, Huo Yunting asked someone to inquire about the news, to see what the attitude of the higher-ups was towards time-travel dramas.

After inquiring, I discovered that after a long time of trouble, there were already signs of banning time-traveling dramas.

Relevant bans were issued in early January this year, prohibiting palace dramas and time-travel dramas from being broadcast in prime time.

But it was just a cursory mention, only TV dramas, not movies.

As for the reason for banning time-travel dramas, in the final analysis, it is still one sentence, disrespecting history.

Huo Yunting got some information from Han Sanping. Although the management of time-travel dramas is indeed strict now, it is not yet to the point where everyone is in danger.

Moreover, after listening to Huo Yunting's general description, the third master thought that his "Charlotte Annoyance" was a coincidence.

It cannot be said to be a time-travel drama, but a rebirth drama.

Although they all go back to the past, the time period in this era is different, which naturally leads to different treatment levels.

Huo Yunting heaved a sigh of relief, now he can take pictures boldly.

On February [-]th, the beginning of spring, the crew of "Charlotte Annoyance" gathered in Dalian.

Huo Yunting didn't engage in too many gossips, firstly, it was hard to find monks and priests who would make altars for cameras in the north, and secondly, Huo Yunting didn't want to go to that station and wait for others to do things for a long time.

Although it is already the beginning of spring, it is not cold at 01:30 in the northeast.

After simply placing a few small flowers, it was announced that "Charlotte Trouble" was officially launched.

Then everyone went to the hotel they had booked in advance to have a meal.

Ning Hao's eyelids were jumping when he saw this job. When he was filming "Crazy Stone", even if he only had a million dollars in funds, he still made a fuss.

The cost of "Charlotte Trouble" has increased tenfold, and the opening ceremony cannot be said to be hasty, it can only be said to be terrible.

"Old Huo, should we say it or not, your opening ceremony is too sloppy." Ning Hao sat in the second guest's seat, looked at Huo Yunting beside him and couldn't help but said.

Yan Fei on the other side also felt the same, but since Director Huo also had an identity as Mr. Huo, he couldn't say much.

"Hey, money is spent wisely."

"That's not such a way to save money." Ning Hao continued: "If it's really impossible, let's go to the countryside and do as the Romans do, find some fairies..."

Huo Yunting twitched the corner of his mouth, "Come on, you are even more outrageous."

Ning Hao is a part-time director of the producer.It took Huo Yunting a long time to pull him over.

The movie "No Man's Land" that he has been busy working on for two or three years is finally coming to an end and will be released in another year and a half. Otherwise, he would not be able to spare time to direct Huo Yunting.

As for why Ning Hao was chosen, first of all, he has a background in making black humor. "Charlotte Troubles" is also a comedy, so they have some similarities. Huo Yunting felt relieved that he would give some advice.

Secondly, although I am the chief director, after all, I am a big girl who is getting on the sedan chair for the first time, so it is better to have someone by my side to guide me.

In fact, some even more powerful directors volunteered to recommend themselves, just like Jiang Wen.After hearing that Huo Yunting was going to make a movie, he wanted to take up the position of the producer, but Huo Yunting flatly refused.

Leaving aside the fact that he changed the lines of the script and wasted a lot, if he came to be the director, it might not be certain who made the movie.

Just like Lu Chuan's "Looking for a Gun", it has a Jiangwen flavor.

In name you are the director of this film, but in fact someone else made the film.

Looking at the main creative staff sitting in a circle, Shen Teng, Ma Li, Ailun, Chang Yuan... basically all have happy faces.

Those who didn’t know it thought it was Happy Twist going out for team building.

"Yifei and I don't need any introduction." Huo Yunting stood up with a glass in his hand, "Ning Hao, the fourth director in mainland China who has exceeded [-] million yuan, you should all know about us. Our producer. "

Liu Yifei also responded with a smile, "I played Qiu Ya in the movie, and the director played Yuan Hua in the movie. Now let's introduce each other."

After the meal, everyone dispersed, and Huo Yunting returned to the bedroom.

But he didn't go back to his bedroom, but knocked on Ning Hao's door.

When he opened the door and saw Huo Yunting, Ning Hao smiled and teased, "What are you talking about, Director Huo? Come and unspoken rules for me, don't be afraid that I will expose you."

Huo Yunting glanced up and down, "Damn it, you don't wear glasses anymore, are you trying to seduce me?"

As he said that, he squeezed his body and entered the room, which really shocked Ning Hao.

"You fucking don't mess around."

"All right, all right, stop gagging, and tell you about the sights. Come with me tomorrow?"

Ning Hao nodded, "I have to go for a trip to fix these scenes. By the way, give this group of people some time to get familiar with them. After all, there is a difference between this drama and film and television drama."

The filming location of "Charlotte Annoyance" does not have much requirements, as long as it meets the memories of people in the 90s.

To be honest, such scenery is not difficult to find in the north.

Walking on the street, taking a walk in remote places, or taking a stroll in the old downtown area of ​​a city, there are many such scenery.

Tube buildings, unfinished buildings, old-fashioned apartments, schools and hospitals that have not been renovated for a long time...

Ning Hao drove Huo Yunting, and the two drove around the city of Dalian.

The two walked more and more remote, and gradually reached the edge of the suburbs.Looking at the surrounding scenery, Ning Hao suddenly said, "Old Huo, I suddenly thought of the movie "The Piano of Steel"."

"The Piano of the Steel"?
The art film that won many awards?
Huo Yunting thought for a while, "The one filmed in Anshan?"


"Then guess what I'm thinking about now."

"Can not guess."

"That song by Wan Qing."

Ning Hao didn't speak for a while, only the sound of the car "rumbling" and the slight bumps.

After a long while, he sighed softly: "Alas"

On February 18th, the two watched all the scenes that needed to be shot in Dalian, and then went to a nearby high school.

Huo Yunting discussed with the principal and rented an empty classroom for filming.

The principal was very happy. He originally looked like a serious leader, but now he was smiling from ear to ear as he held Huo Yunting's hand.

Such a big shot comes to their school to shoot a movie. If the movie becomes popular, their school will also benefit from it.

"Ahem, Mr. Huo, thank you very much for coming to our school, this... to observe and guide. Our school has always put demeanor and discipline first..."

Huo Yunting felt numb as soon as he heard what he said. This mother was exactly the same as the principal when he was in school, so he immediately told him to stop.

"Principal Gao, let's stop being polite and take us directly to the classroom."

"Okay, okay, Teacher Bai!" Principal Gao greeted, and then a female teacher who looked weak, but had a winking eye, with a hint of a wife's temperament, ran over.

"Mr. Bai, please take Mr. Huo and the others to the classroom on the third floor of Building No. [-]."

"Good principal."

Huo Yunting stretched out his hand to Teacher Bai, "Trouble with Teacher Bai."

"No, no, no trouble."

Although the play was only filmed in one classroom, many people were needed.

A group of people carried all kinds of equipment and tools in a mighty long queue, and were soon watched by sharp-eyed students.

In less than two hours, the news that the big star Huo Yunting came to their school for filming had already spread throughout the school.

For a while, I don't know how many students skipped class and ran to the third floor of Building No. [-].

Unfortunately, they were stopped at the entrance of the corridor by a group of leaders who were watching eagerly. A few unlucky ones were caught and given warnings to serve as a warning to others.

This time the students reluctantly settled down.

Huo Yunting and the others were tidying up the place, and the principal was holding a meeting for the students, strictly emphasizing not to disclose the fact that Huo Yunting came to their school to shoot scenes today, and not to disturb others on the third floor of the second building.

The core idea that can be summarized in this sentence took the principal to speak for an hour and a half before it ended.

The staff searched for the light inside, and Huo Yunting and Shen Teng went to the empty classroom next door to change their clothes.

Huo Yunting's hair has been grown relatively long, the stylist styled his hair, and then put on a layer of pomade, and a young man with a little temperament was born.

Shen Teng was stunned for a while when he saw him, and then he gave a thumbs up, "Brother Huo, you are so flirtatious."

Huo Yunting didn't speak, but raised his head proudly and shook his head——

"Brother Huo, you're even more slutty."

"What I want is this flamboyance."

Huo Yunting turned around and looked around for a long time, finally looking forward to seeing Liu Yifei who had changed her clothes.

The custom-made school uniform seems a bit too big, but the flaws are not concealed.With only light makeup on her face and her long, straight black hair hanging down, she jumped up to him and smiled. Needless to say, it was really heartwarming.

Huo Yunting turned back to look at Teacher Bai, "Teacher Bai, I won't bother you to wait here. You can go about your business."

"Ah? Ah, good." Teacher Bai turned his head and left, but turned back after two steps, "Well, can I sign your name?"

"no problem."

"Then can I get Sister Immortal to sign one too?"

Liu Yifei, who was playing with the zipper of her school uniform, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay, I have no problem with that."

After getting the signature, Teacher Bai left contentedly, but the principal brought several school leaders to visit frequently.

Huo Yunting originally just wanted to say a few polite words, but Ning Hao beside him suddenly held Principal Gao's hand with enthusiasm.

"Principal Gao, are you interested in playing a guest role in our film?"

"Yes, why not."

"3, 2, 1, action!"

"...Whose wedding did you attend? Your mother is married again, right?"

"Who is your dear! Who is your dear! Look at how many people you have hurt invisibly!"

"Dasha Chun! What are you doing!"


Tian Yu is worthy of being a second-level actor in the National Theater, and his acting skills are really impressive.

Huo Yunting played back the video, and to be honest, he really couldn't find any faults.Even Principal Gao, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but praise, "If I didn't know that this teacher is an actor, I really thought it was a teacher from our school."

Huo Yunting ignored Principal Gao and called a few actors to talk about the next scene of kissing Qiu Ya.

Originally, according to Yan Fei's script, this section was a mouth-to-mouth kiss, but Huo Yunting was definitely unwilling.

In fact, even if Huo Yunting didn't mention this issue, Shen Teng himself would propose to change the script.

He still wants to live a few more years.

The original true relationship was changed by Huo Yunting to being separated by textbooks.

Moreover, the seat was changed to face the door, so that after finding the principal and director, Yuan Hua could only see the back of Charlotte kissing Qiu Ya when he came in.

There is basically no physical contact throughout this scene.But even so, Shen Teng's legs still felt weak.

Before this scene started, he could feel Huo Yunting staring at him behind him, and two big holes were about to be burned out in his back.

Finally, I took a deep breath and gritted my teeth.

"3, 2, 1, action."

"Shut up!"

"This classmate, what difficulties do you have, what knots do you have, you can tell me, don't hurt the female classmate..."

This one is not long, only about half a minute in total.After watching the video, Huo Yunting handed it to Ning Hao. The two murmured for a while, then nodded.


Shen Teng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and quickly found a bench to sit down and calm down.

There are not many scenes in the classroom, and the filming is almost done in one day.Next, there was a square review scene. Huo Yunting planned to borrow the playground of Principal Gao's school, so he took Liu Yifei to watch the scene together.

The two of them were wearing school uniforms and hadn't changed their clothes.

Ning Hao sneered, why did you call me when I was watching the scenery the day before yesterday?Just ask your wife to go.

The two were walking on the playground, and from time to time, students who were also strolling on the playground accidentally glanced at them.

With this glance, I couldn't take my eyes away.

"Damn it, Chaozi, look at that couple blatantly having sex. That girl is so beautiful."

"Come on, which class is it, haven't you seen it?"

"Damn! Isn't this ten thousand times stronger than those golden flower goddesses in our school?"

"Let me see, let me see, where is it?"

"Her partner looks too greasy, doesn't he? How tall is he?"

"...Isn't that fucking Liu Yifei?"

"Fuck! Liu Yifei?!"

"Then who is that man next to him? Damn it! Huo Yunting?!"

A group of students were whispering in the playground, and Huo Yunting was the same.

He was whispering to Liu Yifei.

"This school uniform is very nice. Let's keep one."

"Whatever your eyes are, it's so pretty, but you can't even wear it."

"Why can't you wear it out? You can wear it tonight."

"... Bah! Bah, bah, bah!"

Those snooping students were surprised to find that Liu Yifei's ears seemed to be red?

(End of this chapter)

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