The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 272 Why Are You Such A Person

Chapter 272 Why Are You Such A Person
The two of them could wander around the square as they pleased, but this group of students couldn't.After a while, the bell rang and I hurried to the classroom.

High school students are like this, leaving early and returning late every day, more tiring than going to work.

When the two came back from a stroll, Ning Hao was already instructing people to hang wires and put safety mats under the No. [-] building.

I'm filming the scene where Charlotte jumps off a building.

Seeing Ning Hao directing from downstairs holding the walkie-talkie, Huo Yunting patted him on the shoulder in relief, "Director Ning, I knew it would be good to invite you as the producer."

"Can you show off the air of the chief director? Don't press the curb with your wife." Ning Hao poked his chest with the walkie-talkie angrily. Don't lose it."

Huo Yunting also replied with an annoyed look on his face: "I've hit your curb, it's a playground."

"Can you two stop arguing, I'm still hanging on it!"

Huo Yunting looked up and saw that Shen Teng, who had nowhere to rest his limbs, was hanging from the window on the third floor with a wire, but he was shocked.

He quickly moved away from the sponge pad, "Damn it, why didn't you tell me, and hit me again later."

Shen Teng, who was hanging on the third floor, heard it clearly, and his eyelids couldn't stop twitching, what he said was too chilling.

With the cold wind blowing, he shivered, and now his heart was cold, and his body was also cold.

Early the next morning, Huo Yunting went to Principal Gao and borrowed some students from him to film.

As soon as they heard about this opportunity, the students desperately signed up like death squads.Although the number of applicants was large, Huo Yunting added another requirement of "parental consent", which immediately screened out more than half of the applicants.

Then Ning Hao added a request of "no high school seniors", and now there are even fewer people left.

In the end, Huo Yunting only stayed with a dozen or so students with better images.

Those little girls were the most excited. When they heard that they could show their faces in the movie and act with Liu Yifei, they jumped up and down excitedly.

Huo Yunting looked funny, except he poked Liu Yifei, "You did the same when you were filming "The Legend of Condor Heroes."

Liu Yifei blushed, "I was young back then."

"Well. Indeed, it's grown up now."


It took three days to film all the scenes in the school, and then paid the small group of actors as rewards.

Before leaving, there were several children who reluctantly followed him, asking Huo Yunting if he could enter the entertainment industry and become a star in the future.

"What are you thinking, you are still in the entertainment circle, and you can't make up 2 minutes with the addition of the shots of people like you." Huo Yunting cursed angrily, "Go to study hard for me."

After dismissing the group of crazy kids, Principal Gao reluctantly came over, grabbed him by the arm and asked when the film would be released.

Huo Yunting didn't dare to guarantee it, so he could only tell Principal Gao that it would only be two years.

After leaving school, the crew went to the Taiyanggou Scenic Area in Lushunkou District.This place has beautiful scenery, and basically all scenes with scenery can be solved here.

It’s just that it’s February now, the coldest time in the Northeast.No matter how beautiful the scenery is on weekdays, now it is all covered in silver.

Huo Yunting didn't mind, so let's wait and shoot the indoor scene first.And there is no need to find fake snow for scenes with snow, it is all ready-made.

After staying in the Sun Valley Scenic Area for less than two days, a phone call came that surprised Huo Yunting.

It's Xu Zheng's.

He didn't have much interaction with this person, they could only be regarded as ordinary friends.I came to my door today, probably because of something important.

The script was stuffed into Ning Hao's hand, "I'm going to answer the phone, you shoot first."

Ning Hao's eyes twitched. He had never seen such a director.

There are some movies that are bad because the director is not up to par, and even though they tried their best, they turned out to be a piece of shit.Huo Yunting is better, put aside whether his ability is good or bad, his attitude is fucking outrageous.

The cost of more than 2000 million yuan was all paid by him himself.

"Hello? Xu Zheng?"

"Haha, it's me, it's me. Yunting, I remember Xiting is a film investment company, right?"

Why does it feel like someone has said this to me before?
"What? Are you going to change careers and become a director?"

"I have such an idea. Last time, at the wine table, you said that you could come to you if you had an idea... Haha... Well, where are you? Let's have an interview, it's hard to say on the phone."

Huo Yunting thought for a while, "Then you come to Liaoning, I am in Taiyanggou Scenic Area, Lushunkou District, Dalian."

Although the relationship between the two is average, they are still friends after all, so it's hard to tell him to contact Zhang Debang.

Besides, Lao Zhang is responsible for all the affairs of the company by himself, and if he is given some extra work, he, as a hands-off boss, feels somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey, running to the northeast in February? Is this a honeymoon?"

"It's filming."

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little dazed, "Why, are you going to switch to filming too?"

"It's already been filmed."

"Okay, then I'll leave now, and I'll be there the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Hey, by the way, let me ask first, what is the name of your film?"

"Lost in Thailand."

"Lost in Thailand?"

Huo Yunting immediately thought of the popular comedy "People on the Journey", starring Xu Zheng.

"Is this a series like "The Journey"?"

"Let's meet and talk again. I can't understand a word or two on the phone."

"Okay, let's talk about it after we meet."

After returning to the crew, Huo Yunting took over the script from Ning Hao, "Where did it go?"

"After filming this one, it's finished." Ning Hao said angrily.


Xu Zheng came earlier than the agreed time.

In the early morning of the next day, Huo Yunting was about to go for a morning run when he saw a shiny bald head in front of the hotel.

It's not uncommon to have a bald head these days, let alone such a shiny head.

"Xu Zheng?"

"Hey, Yunting, you got up so early."

"Hey, it's really you, you came so early."

"No, I'm anxious, come early."

The two sat down on the sofa in the hall and chatted.

"Yo, Xu Zheng?" Ning Hao, who was about to go downstairs for breakfast, raised his eyes and saw a big shiny bald head.

Taking a closer look, I found that this was still an old acquaintance.

Seeing Ning Hao, Xu Zheng also seemed a little surprised, "Director Ning? Why are you here?"

"Old Huo invited me to be his producer."

Xu Zheng couldn't help but took a deep breath. He still knew a little about Ning Hao, and he was also a man of pursuit.

Even if he and Huo Yunting are determined to wear a pair of underwear, if the script is not good, he will not take the job of producing the film.

Xu Zheng looked at Huo Yunting confidently, "Yunting, your film is definitely not bad." "Hey, there's nothing wrong with it." Huo Yunting waved his hand, "Let's talk about your script first. .”

Xu Zheng still had no reaction, but Ning Hao, who was originally sleepy and tired, suddenly became energetic and stared at Huo Yunting with bright eyes.

"Don't tell me you're going to be the shopkeeper again this morning."

"What do you mean? I'm just chatting with Xu Zheng. How long can this delay? It's only one morning at most."

Ning Hao had black lines on his face. He thought that he came here to be a supervisor, but he didn't expect that he was tricked into being a coolie.

"Let me tell you, this is the last time. If you mess with me again, I'll leave you alone. From now on, your reputation will be as stinky as Wang Jiawei's. You see, I will not kill you from behind. "

"Okay, okay, I promise, it's the last time." Huo Yunting raised his hands in surrender.

After dismissing Ning Hao, he looked at Xu Zheng, let's talk about "Lost in Thailand". "

If you talk about the story behind the script of "Lost in Thailand", it's really a long story.

Speaking of this, we must start with the film "People on the Journey", and it has a lot to do with Huaqi, the copyright holding company behind it.

Looking at his posture, Huo Yunting didn't feel like he could finish talking in one morning, so he hurriedly stopped him and asked him to make a long story short, concise and clear.

To put it bluntly, the company Huaqi wanted to make a sequel to "On the Journey".After all, this movie is so popular, there must be audiences who are willing to buy it if there is a second movie.

Xu Zheng started writing "Journey to the Road 2" with Huaqi's permission, but when the script was about to be completed, Huaqi's staff sent them another script.

Then he told Xu Zheng that this script is the script of "People on Journey 2".

"Yunting, if it were you, what would you think? This is a bit too much, right?"

Huo Yunting nodded, "This is like taking off your pants, and then someone tells you that you will have your period today."

Xu Zheng was stunned by what he said, but he quickly nodded his head, "Yes, that's the truth."

He felt that the notebook sent by Huaqi was not very good and wanted to use his own notebook.But Huaqi won’t do it.

In the end they quarreled and parted ways.

After all, the copyright is in the hands of others, and the final result is that Xu Zheng is kicked out.

Therefore, the script in Xu Zheng's hand that was originally supposed to be called "Journey to the Road 2" became the current "囧囧".

"I personally don't think this book is very bad. My estimated box office is [-] to [-] million."

Huo Yunting raised his eyes slightly, "Have you ever looked for another company?"

"Some companies bargain too hard. I offered 500 million yuan, but he cut me off in half and only gave me 1000 million yuan. It's really not enough."

Well, after a long time of trouble, I came here because I couldn't find investment.

Huo Yunting remained calm, "Then let me read the script."

Xu Zheng took out the book from his bag and handed it to Huo Yunting, just as a gurgling sound came from his stomach.

"Look first, I'll go buy some breakfast."

"It's just right, bring me a copy too. Anything is fine, I don't choose."


"Hey, by the way, is there a storyboard?"

Xu Zheng was stunned for a moment, his face became strange, and he couldn't help but think of a widely circulated story in the circle: Huo Yunting had to read the storyboard when accepting a film.

"Director Huo, this rumor is true."

"What rumor?"

"It's nothing." Xu Zheng took out another notebook from his bag, "The storyboard script has already been written. I have everything ready now, and I only owe the investment."

Huo Yunting just smiled slightly, "Don't forget to bring me breakfast."

After a while, Xu Zheng brought back two servings of tofu nao and four deep-fried dough sticks.

It's just that Huo Yunting's tofu nao is sweet.

After eating salty tofu nao for almost 30 years, this is the first time he has eaten sweet ones.After tasting a few mouthfuls, I felt that the taste was not bad, so I ate it.

After breakfast, the sun also peaked. Everyone in the "Charlotte Annoyance" crew also came down from the hotel carrying equipment.

Seeing Huo Yunting with Erlang's legs up on the sofa beside the hall, he was taken aback.

"Director Huo, is Director Ning filming again today?"

"What do you mean again?" Huo Yunting waved his hands dissatisfied, "I'll go when I'm done with work, and I'll come in this afternoon."

"Okay, Director Huo, you're busy, let's go first."

At about ninety o'clock, Huo Yunting had finished reading the script and the sub-shots, thinking deeply.

From a certain point of view, he thinks the script "Lost in Thailand" is better than "Charlotte Annoyance".

"Lost in Thailand" is a pure comedy without any educational ideas.

Like "Charlotte Troubles", at the end, it still talks about cherishing the present and cherishing the present.

But "Lost in Thailand" is different, it is just to make you laugh, pure laughter.Laughing, the purpose of this film has been achieved.

It's a popcorn movie through and through.

Huo Yunting nodded heavily, "I think this film is okay."

Xu Zheng was overjoyed, "It just so happens that of the three leading actors, the two I'm interested in are artists from your company."

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, "You're not talking about Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo, are you?"

Xu Zheng patted his thigh, "No, it's just the two of them. Natural comedians."

Huo Yunting nodded, "That's true, they are indeed suitable for comedy. But..."

Then, he pointed to the name on the cover of the script, "What does "Lost in Thailand" mean? Is this an infringement?"

Xu Zheng smiled mysteriously, and shook his head, "Yunting, then you should look carefully, it is again, not now."

"So." Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows slightly, not sure what Xu Zheng meant.

"Again and again, it's equivalent to a sequel, and it's a little language trick."

Xu Zheng leaned back, spread his hands, and showed a smug smile on his face, "It doesn't matter if you can't use "On the Journey 2", we are "On the Journey: Lost in Thailand". It's nothing to be popular It's a rare thing, if he really goes to court to sue, we'll take this back."

Xu Zheng is confident.

The script is not bad, everything is explained clearly, and Huo Yunting is obviously more optimistic about this script.Then there is a 500% chance that I will get the [-] million investment today.

After waiting for quite a while, Huo Yunting didn't say a word.

He started beating a drum in his heart.


"Xu Zheng. Aren't you clearly infringing on other people's rights?"

Hearing this, Xu Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

How the hell does the entertainment industry still have such people?How did this kind of mind get mixed up in this position?

"Tsk tsk."

Huo Yunting frowned slightly, "I'm a little curious now, is what you said just now true or false?"

(End of this chapter)

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