The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 273 Bet between husband and wife

Chapter 273 Bet between husband and wife
As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Xu Zheng understood that he was talking about the disputes between himself and Hua Qi about the script.

Huo Yunting leaned on the sofa, scratched his chin and looked at Xu Zheng, "I see that you are so skilled, why doesn't it feel like a simple name infringement?"

Xu Zheng was taken aback by these words. Doesn't the implication mean that there is something wrong with the content of his script?

"Yunting, I'll guarantee you this one. I just chose a little bit of smallness on the name, but the content of the script must have nothing to do with Hua Qi. It's completely written by me and my friend."

"Oh, what you're talking about...another person I don't know from Huaqi—"

"In this way, Yunting, we can sign a disclaimer on the basis of cooperation. If it comes to issues such as infringement and plagiarism, even if you come to me, it has nothing to do with Xiting. Let's divide the responsibilities clearly, how about it?"

"Hey, that's what you said." Huo Yunting waved his hands, "It seems that I don't believe you, I don't know who you are."

"Then...don't sign this disclaimer?" Xu Zheng asked tentatively.

"Sign it."


To be honest, if it weren't for the guarantee of Xu Zheng's disclaimer, Huo Yunting would have wanted to get up and see off the guests.

Although the book is a good book, I am afraid of getting into a lawsuit after it is released.

At that time, it's okay if the film is not lukewarm, if it can really ignite a spark, I'm afraid that Hua Qi will sue him to death.

At this time, Xu Zheng was also in a dilemma. When he found that Huo Yunting was one of the very few types who could not tolerate sand in his eyes, he already wanted to get up and leave.

Don't talk too much and don't say a word.

But, the two actors he has a crush on, Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo, are still under his banner.

These two are actors he has worked with, and he knows exactly how strong they are.I am so rare.

Just according to Huo Yunting's temperament, if he decides that his script is plagiarized, he probably won't agree to let Huang Bo and Xu Zheng act as actors for him.

"Yunting, are we settled like this?" Xu Zheng asked cautiously.

In fact, he didn't need to hang himself from Huo Yunting's tree. Liu Weiyi also introduced him to other investment companies, but he wanted to shoot "Lost in Thailand" ahead of Huaqi.

If we go to negotiate with other investment companies and come and go, maybe "Lost in Thailand" will not be released until next year.

"Let's talk about the script again and see if the cost of more than 2000 million can be saved further."

After this chat, Huo Yunting realized that it might not be possible to save much.

Because Xu Zheng is going to Thailand to shoot.

Ninety-ninety percent of the shots in the film are processed in Thailand, and the price cannot be lowered if foreign countries are involved.

Even if it is a province, it can only be picked from the minutiae.

But even so, Huo Yunting is still very optimistic about this film.In the end, he made a final decision, "This is a good script."

Xu Zheng was also very happy, and finally settled the matter.

Huo Yunting is very efficient, the two of them only talked for about a morning, and the matter was over.

If we change to another company, it will take at least a week, and the matter may not be finalized.

This is his battle to turn around, and it is also his battle to make a fortune!
Xu Zheng was gearing up, "Yunting, what about the investment..."

"Oh, you can contact Mr. Zhang directly when you come back, and I will give you his contact information."


Huo Yunting smiled slightly, "I am just a hands-off shopkeeper. For these specific matters, you should contact Mr. Zhang."

Xu Zheng let out an "oh", keeping everything he wanted to say in his heart.

He originally wanted to tell Huo Yunting that if he didn't have enough funds, he would talk to another company.

There are actually quite a few companies willing to invest in him, but none of them are willing to pay as much as 2000 million.

After Xu Zheng said goodbye, he went to Peiping.

Huo Yunting also called Zhang Debang and told him about Xu Zheng and his script.

He also emphasized again and again to find out Xu Zheng's background, whether he copied this notebook from Hua Qi or not.If there is really a layer of plagiarism mixed in, then just reject it directly.

"By the way, also, make that disclaimer complete. Don't let someone take advantage of it."

Zhang Debang nodded and responded to these questions, but he had to ask carefully about one point, "Brother Huo, although we can get the money out of our company's account, but once we get the two 3000 million yuan, the company will really become an empty shell." son."

"It doesn't need 3000 million. He told me it was 500 million. You can push it down to about 2000 million. Doesn't he want to use Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang? Ask them if they are willing to spend A model in which remuneration is exchanged for box office share."

This approach does make sense. First, the salary for the two of them is not too low, and it is a left-handed job.

The second is that the money in the company's account is really not enough.

"That's fine, I'll ask in a while. I'll discuss it with Xu Zheng when he gets it, and see if there is any price that can be lowered."

"Okay, it's nothing, I'll hang up, you can be busy."

"Hey, Brother Huo, I have something else to tell you. The assistant has been found for you. Is it still available?"

To be honest, if it wasn't for Zhang Debang's mention, Huo Yunting would have forgotten that he didn't have an assistant by his side.

"A fresh graduate again?"

Zhang Debang chuckled, "Don't look at him as a fresh graduate, I think this kid has a good brain, no worse than Shen Teng."

Huo Yunting thought for a while, but still shook his head, "Forget it, there's no need. I can do it by myself."

He can do the assistant's work by himself. As for the agent, his work is the whole Xiting's work. After going through the process, he will still go to Zhang Debang at the end. It doesn't matter whether he has an agent or not.

"Then you don't want Miss Liu's assistant anymore?"

"Well... don't, she's better keep it. That girl sometimes has a distorted personality and doesn't know how to do things. Give her an assistant to follow me, so don't worry."

Now that the contract between Liu Yifei and Huayi has expired, Huayi is also very sensible and didn't mention renewal, and his wife will still take care of it by herself.

"Okay, Brother Huo, I'll finish the formalities in a while and let this new assistant report to Miss Liu."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting saw that it was almost lunch time, so he got up and walked towards the crew.

When we arrived at the scenic area, it was still silvery white all over the place, Huo Yunting found a tree and kicked it, the scene was really the north wind blowing and the snowflakes fluttering.

This "Yijianmei" almost blurted out.

When Huo Yunting found Liu Yifei, she was sipping chicken soup in the restaurant.I occupy a table by myself, and no one around me dares to sit down.

But Huo Yunting just dared.

Sitting down from her side, he took a few breaths of air-conditioning, and before he could speak, Ning Hao came over to check again and again who was going to take the photo this afternoon.

"I said, Lao Huo, can you shoot this afternoon?" "Why not, I'm the chief director."

"Hey, who's chief director has left the pick all morning."

"I forgot if you didn't tell me. I took a few shots in the morning. I'll take a look when I come back. If you don't pass the test, I'll criticize you."

"Fuck off, each person has his own style. If you still criticize me, if you say one more word, I will leave immediately!"

What Ning Hao said was blowing his beard and staring, Huo Yunting almost swore a poisonous oath to him, so he left in doubt.

I came here to take a lazy break, so I didn't come to do coolies for him.

"Why did Xu Zheng come to you this morning?" Pushing her own chicken soup in front of Huo Yunting, Liu Yifei looked curious, "Isn't it because you are looking for investment?"

"Hey, when did our Sissy get so smart?"

"Really?" Liu Yifei was surprised.

The past two years were the cold window for actors or something, Brother Yun was doing well and suddenly wanted to quit the circle.It seems that Xu Zheng is not bad at all, and now he is going to switch careers as a director.

"Why do you all want to change careers to become directors? What's the matter with being an actor and making less money?"

"Who knows, but the book is really good." Huo Yunting took two mouthfuls of chicken soup, his body gradually warmed up, his pores opened, and his stomach felt warm.

"I feel that Xu Zheng's "Lost in Thailand" is no worse than "Charlotte Annoyance"."

Seeing his face that was sure to win, Liu Yifei felt a little bit in her heart, "Don't tell me you're going to vote again."

"Good book, why don't we vote for it?"

Liu Yifei was furious, "When you see a script, you say it's a bit good, isn't it endless?"

In fact, when Huo Yunting cast the film "Charlotte Annoyance", he was not very willing in his heart.

It's somewhat luxurious to bet 2000 million, isn't it?But at that time, she saw Huo Yunting's enthusiasm, and it was not easy to dampen his enthusiasm, so she finally accepted it.

2000 million is 2000 million, not too much.

No matter how much you pay, you can get back half of the money, right?She can still accept a loss of 1000 million, and she can take it as a lesson for her own man.

It's good now, he's licking his nose and face. It's not been a few days since "Charlotte Annoyance" was filmed, and he's reading a new book.

Let Xu Zheng, who has never made a movie before, guide it!
"Let me ask you, how much does Xu Zheng ask for?"

Although Huo Yunting could see that something was wrong with the atmosphere, he still told the truth, "Two million or so."

"Another 2000 million." Liu Yifei gritted her teeth in anger.

"You're not finished yet. "Charlotte's Annoyance" put in more than 2000 million, and Xu Zheng's book will add more than 2000 million to it? Can't you wait for "Charlotte's Annoyance" to finish filming?"

Huo Yunting spread his hands helplessly, "I said so too, but Xu Zheng can't wait any longer."

"Then you can ask him to find someone else, we won't vote for this film."

"But this book is really good." Huo Yunting looked sincere, "It's comparable to "Charlotte's Annoyance"."

Liu Yifei was so angry that she was speechless now.

In private, he told himself that he estimated that the box office of "Charlotte Annoyance" would be three to four hundred million.

If he, the chief director, can keep up the good work and Ning Hao is also strong, he feels that winning six to seven billion is not a problem.

Now he told himself that Xu Zheng's book is no worse than "Charlotte Annoyance"...

"Then you mean that Xu Zheng's book is at least four or five million yuan?"


Liu Yifei rested her forehead with her hand, and for the first time doubted Huo Yunting in her heart.

"Brother Yun, is there something wrong with your vision? I only met two books in total, and they turned out to be good ones. How can it be such a coincidence?"

The corners of Huo Yunting's mouth twitched while he was sucking on the chicken soup, "It's not like you haven't read the book "Charlotte Annoyance", it's really good. I'll show you Xu Zheng's book in a while."

"No, what I want to say is, are you a little overconfident?"

The husband and wife have always spoken directly, never hiding anything.Huo Yunting would not be angry because of such words.



Liu Yifei rubbed her face, then slapped the table, "I don't agree! I'm also a shareholder of the company and have shares in the company. I don't agree to make this film!"

Huo Yunting scratched her nose amusedly, "Old Zhang is on my side. According to the principle that the minority obeys the majority, your vote was rejected."

"I won't do it!" Liu Yifei couldn't help but said, "This is too big a step. Making "Charlotte Annoyance" itself is a big step, and now you have to cast a new film, which is too easy to drag egg."

She stared fixedly at Huo Yunting, "Brother Yun, you are making a big gamble, betting our entire net worth."

"Forty-fifty million...wouldn't be enough to reach the point where we both have all of our net worth?"

"Is that the point?" Liu Yifei was really angry now, "Don't keep changing the subject for me!"

"That's it." Huo Yunting held her hand, "I assure you, these two films will definitely pay back their money at the last and last time."

"I'll believe you if you promise." Liu Yifei said sullenly.

"If you can't do it, I will listen to you in the future. At home and outside, big and small matters, I will listen to you. If you don't agree, I won't do it. If you say yes, then I will do it."

These words are a bit interesting, Liu Yifei became interested.

She thought about it carefully, "Do you listen to me in everything?"


"Then, then I ask you not to wear clothes at home, will you listen?"

Looking at Liu Yifei who was blushing, Huo Yunting was a little surprised, why is he only thinking about these things?
But still nodded, "Listen."

"Well... I want to change the rules." Liu Yifei was still a little bit drumming seeing how straightforwardly he agreed, "The total number of tickets for the two films should be six, no, eight hundred million or more."

Huo Yunting looked surprised, "You still sit on the ground and raise the price."

"Then I don't care." She acted rogue.

Huo Yunting wasn't annoyed, he was also happy to see Liu Yifei making such petty tempers.

Between husband and wife, don't be too strict, otherwise it will become a natural law and destroy human desires.

"Then what if it reaches [-] million or more?" Huo Yunting crossed his hands, his eyes were deep, "Then you will listen to me in everything from now on, bet or not?
Now Liu Yifei blushed even more, she nodded after a while, and said in a very low voice, "Gambling."

(End of this chapter)

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