The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 276: 3 movies released together

Chapter 276 Three movies released together
If you talk about Jay Chou's resume, it really means that he is a time traveler, his debut is the pinnacle, ah.

Even though he became popular every time he released an album, some people always said that he had exhausted his talents, but this could not stop him from becoming a generational king and winning major awards.

When Huo Yunting said this, Jay Chou himself laughed, "Do I still look like a time traveler? I think I'm more like a time traveler than you."

This is true. I have never acted in a bad movie since I entered the industry, and my acting career has been smooth sailing. This is based on the fact that I have not been lurked by anyone.

Putting aside everything else, just the fact that I haven't acted in a bad movie since I entered the industry is already something that [-]% of actors would find difficult to achieve.

Jay Chou said that Huo Yunting disagreed. He curled his lips and said, "I've never acted in bad movies. It's just that the movies with low box office are all art movies. If I were to live my life over again, it would definitely be which movie became more popular. Minato. I wouldn’t even touch a literary film like “Blue Red”.”

"Then what if you deliberately acted in these art films to cover up the fact that you are a time traveler?"

"Hey, whoever has crossed over and is still in the entertainment circle, then he must be doing business. What's so good about being an actor."

The two of them were talking about each other, and Liu Dehua came over with a curious look on his face, "What are we discussing? It's so lively."

Huo Yunting and Jay Chou looked at each other, so this is the real time traveler.

There were not many scenes in "The Voice". After filming, Huo Yunting asked the staff to change the scene to the one from the [-] Spring Festival Gala.

The props were reproduced one-to-one based on the video of the [-] Spring Festival Gala, but the mosaic quality was really unclear, so I had to rely on Liu Dehua and Zhang Xinzhe to help me recall it.

But even so, the scene could not be finished today, and it was not until noon the next day that the scenery for the Spring Festival Gala was set up.

It was already afternoon when the shooting started.

"We share one home, the name is China."

"There are many brothers and sisters, and the scenery is not bad..."

Liu Dehua, Zhang Xinzhe, and Shen Teng sang the song in its entirety. When Liu Dehua sang, he looked like he had gone through many changes, as if he was dreaming back to 14 years ago.

They finished filming the guest scenes, and now the only things left to film are the rooftop and some other scenes.

It's like the scene where Chen Kai beats Charlotte. Although he didn't even shoot it, Huo Yunting firmly believes that this is definitely the essence of the whole film.

This scene was supposed to be completed when the scene was shot at the school, but we couldn't find a suitable actor at that time, so it has been delayed until now.

The actors we hired were either not enough gangsters or too much gangsters.They are all a bit extreme and not suitable.

No, it was about two days before Liu Dehua and the others came to Dalian, the casting director showed him a new list of people, and finally there was one he was satisfied with.

The actor's name is Liu Kun, who graduated from China Central Television. When he met Huo Yunting at the gymnasium, he surprised Liu Dehua first.

This man is broad and fat, and has a fleshy face, no eyebrows and no neck.

If he hadn't bowed respectfully to Huo Yunting and called Director Huo after he came in, Liu Dehua would have wanted to call the bodyguards to rush him.

When he came to perform in Northeast China, some very bad things happened and he met some very bad people.

If it weren't for Uncle Benshan's help, he would have peeled off his skin if he said less, which would have left some post-traumatic stress disorder in his heart.

"Brother Hua, let's take a look. He's a top-notch special actor who graduated from China Film and Television."

Liu Dehua clicked his tongue to some extent, seeing Liu Kun's image, bad memories flooded his head.

"It's really top-notch, I'm a little scared when I see it."

Liu Kun had just finished talking to Huo Yunting when he turned around and saw Liu Dehua's eyes widened.

"Hua, Brother Hua, hello."

Liu Dehua smiled slightly and the two shook hands.

Only then did Liu Kun notice that in addition to Liu Dehua, there were also Zhang Xinzhe and Jay Chou behind him.

In the small gymnasium, his heart stopped when he saw several people's faces standing together.

I'm kidding you, Director Huo's connections are pretty awesome.

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short. Huo Yunting looked at the sky and took another photo, so he called everyone to the rooftop of a nearby residential building.

It's not easy to rent the rooftop. He and the Human Residents' Committee have been quarreling for a long time. If they don't rent it, they can only go away to the unfinished building.

"Brother Hua, what time is your flight?"

"We are not in a hurry. Azhe and I have our air tickets the day after tomorrow. Who would have thought that you would be so efficient and you could solve the problem in a day or so."

Huo Yunting looked at Jay Chou.

"I'm a natural at it, so I'm not in a hurry."

Huo Yunting nodded, and then called his assistant, "Take these three people to the hotel to rest."

"It's only what time. Let's take a rest. I'll take a look with you."

Seeing this, Liu Dehua and the other two nodded in agreement and said, "Ah Zhe and I should also go take a look, otherwise we will have nothing to do when we return to the hotel."

"Sure." Huo Yunting smiled heartily, "The three of you will come with me to take a look and give me some advice as a newcomer."

When they arrived at the rooftop, the makeup artist took Liu Kun down to change clothes and put on makeup.Ning Hao also followed him, holding the script and narrating the play to him.

Huo Yunting was debugging the equipment when the casting director hurriedly found him to deliver the bad news, but no extras were found.

This gangster Chen Kai should have five younger brothers around him. He just needs to find five young and middle-aged extras to support him.

The casting director didn't know that Huo Yunting would be filming a rooftop scene today, and he didn't ask the group leader.

In addition, the film and television base is relatively far away. Even if he contacts the group leaders in Dalian now, it will take at least two or three hours to arrive.

Huo Yunting frowned after hearing this, "Then ask the local residents if they are willing to star in it? They will pay double the salary."

The talent show director replied bravely, "Director Huo, I've already asked you about this, and it's true that there is no such thing."

"And it's not even time to get off work yet. Most of the people on the street are old people and children. Where can we find them?"

"If there are not enough people, then what if we delete the five people and make them two?"

After Ning Hao finished telling the story, he heard the casting director complaining when he came back. He thought about it for a while and came up with a plan, "If it doesn't work out, I'll make a cameo."

However, Huo Yunting quickly shook his head and refused, "One is too few and has no momentum."

But soon he had an idea and patted Ning Hao beside him on the shoulder, "Let's go, I'll make a guest appearance with you."

Ning Hao was dumbfounded, "There are a few people across the country who don't recognize your face, why are you making a cameo?"

"Don't worry, put on makeup and change your look, no one will notice. It's not like you haven't made a cameo before when we were filming "Crazy Stone"."

"Then I'll make a cameo too." Jay Chou, who was leaning against the rooftop railing in a daze, was bored. It would be better to join in the fun just by staying here.

Anyway, his guest appearances are not in one or two movies anymore.

Upon seeing this, Liu Dehua whispered to Zhang Xinzhe beside him, and then said happily: "Then add me and Azhe, and we will have five young brothers."

Ning Hao seemed a little hesitant, but he could say that he was okay. After all, not many people knew his face, but Huo Yunting and his three brothers were a little too big-minded, right?
Who doesn’t recognize their faces?

In response to Ning Hao's doubts, the leader of the makeup team swore, patting his chest and promising that the painting would be such that the audience would not be able to recognize who the five of them were. "Director Ning, this is easy to handle. They are all gangsters anyway. Wouldn't it be better to change them to a killer image?"

Ning Hao chewed the tooth flower seeds and said, "Is this okay?"

"We'll find out if it's okay." Huo Yunting patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go."

About half an hour later, Sha Matt walked towards the rooftop with a chicken coop head in five colors: red, orange, yellow, green and purple.

This really stunned everyone present.

The hair was frizzy and thorny, covering most of his face. At first glance, it was hard to tell who these people were.

At this moment, the bald Liu Kun, who had just finished putting on makeup and returned to the rooftop, stared blankly for a long time.

The style of painting between myself and the rest of them doesn't feel like they were created by the same crew.

Then he asked: "Director, does my image seem a bit inconsistent with theirs - well, where is the director?"

Huo Yunting, who had yellow hair on his head, came to him and said, "Here it is."


Liu Kun was stunned for a while, then tentatively looked at the reluctant green-haired man next to him, "Director Ning?"

Ning Hao crossed his arms across his chest and bounced his feet dissatisfied, "Don't worry, it's quite suitable."


"Come, come, everyone is in place, ready to start!"

If you don't know that these younger brothers of yours are the guest stars of the director and Tianwang, then Liu Kun guarantees that he will be able to get along in at most three games.

But the problem now is that he knows this, and he keeps beating the drum in his heart.

"3, 2, 1, action!"

Chen Kai, half of his belly exposed, was followed by five-color killers of different shapes. In front of them was Charlotte, who was lying on the ground.

Liu Kun took a deep breath and said, "His name is Charlotte."

Dilireba, who had been following Liu Yifei, stared wide-eyed and felt that her outlook was completely ruined.

Liu Dehua, the superstar of the generation, plays the role of Killer Matt with a red head. She feels that this alone can make the movie "Charlotte" a hit.

"Sister Yi Fei, how strong is the relationship between Mr. Huo and Brother Hua..."

Let's not talk about others for the moment, Liu Dehua is the one who strikes her as a mature and steady big brother, who always looks kind and gentle no matter who he is in front of.

I have never seen him appear in a funny image on or off screen.

Of course, this so-called off-screen also refers to interviews with various media. This is the first time we have seen him in real life.

Liu Yifei thought for a while and said with conviction: "It must be a life-long friendship."

Brother Yun told her that when he was holding a concert in Xiangjiang, he encountered the illegitimate meal. If Brother Yun hadn't helped solve the problem in the end, Liu Dehua would definitely have faced a death lawsuit.

In addition to this incident, there are various other big and small things. The relationship between the two is indeed very strong.

Di Lieba nodded thoughtfully. No wonder her senior Shen Teng was able to attend the Spring Festival Gala after working for several years. Mr. Huo had such a great network and background.

On September [-]th, during the National Day holiday, the crew of "Charlotte Annoyance" officially announced the wrapping up.

The film took about half a year to shoot in total, which is considered a short time.Ning Hao also breathed a sigh of relief. After the filming, he was completely liberated.

After a farewell banquet, Ning Hao had already made a draft in his stomach, thinking about how to express the brotherhood between him and Huo Yunting for about half a year. When he was about to speak, he was knocked back by Huo Yunting's words.

"Director Ning, I have to ask you to help me with this post-editing issue." Huo Yunting held his hand sincerely, "Without you by my side, brother, I can't make much progress."

"Go away!"

Ning Hao's face was full of dark lines, "I still have a lot of things to be busy with."

"You are the producer, producer! You have to supervise the entire process of the film."

"Didn't you agree to give me a name at the beginning?" Ning Hao was somewhat exasperated inside, "You kid is addicted to picking my wool, right?"

Huo Yunting was silent for a long time, thinking of a passage in the philosophy chapter of his high school politics book.

"The me who promised you in the past is not the me now..."

"roll roll roll!"

Even though he was unwilling by millions, he was still forced to stay by Huo Yunting in the end.

After the meal, everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers.

Ning Hao and Huo Yunting returned to Peking to edit the film.

Huo Yunting's efficiency is rather fast, and most of the cutting has been done in about half a month.Even Ning Hao couldn't help but marvel at how quickly he got started.

"Dear me, when you were filming "Crazy Stone", I saw you following Yue Xiaojun asking questions every day. You were really learning the real thing."

Huo Yunting rolled his eyes at him, "But what do you think? Treat me as a kid."

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

When the phone rang, Huo Yunting picked up the phone and said, "Hello? Xu Zheng, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Huo, "囧" is finished."

There was an irrepressible joy in his voice, but Huo Yunting and Ning Hao next to him looked at each other, and then asked, "Are you planning to release it in time for the Spring Festival?"

"Yes, a pure comedy like "Lost in Thailand" must be released during the Spring Festival period, which is a time for family fun."

Well, Huo Yunting thought exactly the same as him.

He also plans to let the film "Charlotte Annoyance" be released during the Spring Festival.

Both of these films are from his family, so if they were released together, there would be no conflict.

However, Huo Yunting didn't say anything, he just expressed condolences and hung up the phone.

Ning Hao saw the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, with a cheerful face, "What's the matter, the worries of happiness?"

Before the word "get out" could be said, another phone call came.

"Master Huo, I have good news for you. "The Grandmaster" is finally going to be released."

A bad premonition swept through Huo Yunting's heart, and he asked tentatively: "Is it during the Spring Festival?"

"That's right, the Spring Festival stall."

(End of this chapter)

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