The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 277 Let the bullets fly for a while

Chapter 277 Let the bullets fly for a while
Huo Yunting chewed his teeth and didn't know what to say for a moment. Why were these three movies released at the same time?

Are you here just in time for the fucking Spring Festival?

"I said Lao Wang, your movie has been delayed for four or five years, right?"

"What does drag mean? This is considered fast in my film."

You are so proud...

Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched a few times, "Old Wang, look, we've been waiting for this for four or five years. If we wait a little longer, it won't be short of these few months, right?"

Although Wang Jiawei is slow in filming, his brain is not slow at all, and he can guess the general reason in just a few seconds.

"Does your own film also need to be released in time for the Spring Festival?"

Before Huo Yunting could speak, he spoke again: "First come, first served, please move this film back."

"You're first-come, first-served! You have the nerve to say first-come, first-served for a film that has been delayed for four or five years. If you ask me, the minority should obey the majority. It just so happens that I also invested in another film..."

Wang Jiawei was stunned for a while after hearing this, "You are really not afraid of losing money. You spent your money to invest in these two films."

"In any case, it's not a big deal." Huo Yunting said modestly, "Then it's settled. If you keep working on your films, my two films -"

"Whoever promised you has not finished speaking yet."

Afterwards, the two started a debate that lasted for more than two hours, and finally got a result that they were both satisfied with.

"Charlotte Troubles" will be sent to radio and television for review soon, and it should be released in December this year. He will suffer a bit.

"The Grandmaster" is also a film that has everything in place, so it will be released in January.

As for Xu Zheng's "囧" has just been completed, the post-editing and review time may take longer, so he will move it to the Spring Festival in February.

Wang Jiawei is quite satisfied with this result. It's just a month in advance, so it doesn't matter.

The earlier the release, the earlier the end, or Bona and his companies are also urging behind their backs, and I am also upset by the urging.

"Remember to make time for me to make announcements for me."

"Don't worry, don't forget."

"I know you can't forget it, the point is to make time for me!"

After hanging up the phone, Ning Hao next to him smacked his mouth with emotion, "Lao Huo, this [-] will definitely be a crazy year for you."

Three movies related to him will be released in a row.How hard does he have to eat this flow?It’s comparable to the last CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Huo Yunting lit a cigarette with a sigh, "Let's see what happens. In a few months, my debut film will be released."

In the second half of the year, the cut "Charlotte Troubles" was sent to the radio and television for review.

Ning Hao packed up his things and hurriedly left, not wanting to work hard for him anymore.Huo Yunting didn't stay long. He said he had a safe journey and went to find Xu Zheng.

Ning Hao felt a little uncomfortable.

Damn it, I worked hard with him for more than half a year, and then he sent me away with the words "safe journey."

He felt like he was Huo Yunting's poor wife who dumped him as soon as she got rich.

"Bah! Scum."

Huo Yunting went to Xu Zheng's place to take a look. He did all the post-editing of the film himself, so Xu Zheng was worried about others doing it.

Huo Yunting stayed with him for more than half a month and reviewed the footage they took.

Coupled with his previous experience in editing "Charlotte Troubles", he assisted Xu Zheng from the side, and the editing was quite fast.

But he didn't cut everything, he just made a rough cut of the film. Xu Zheng was asked to freely perform according to his rough model, and he didn't get involved in the detailed work.

One person's film has his own flavor, just like his own "Charlotte Troubles". Even though Ning Hao assisted most of it, this film is still Huo Yunting's own flavor.

The same goes for "囧囧". It's better to keep Xu Zheng's own flavor. If he interferes too much, it will ruin the flavor.

Xu Zheng was relieved to see Huo Yunting's attitude. As the producer of "囧囧", Huo Yunting was mentally prepared to be criticized.

After a rough cut and some rough requirements, Huo Yunting packed up and prepared to go home.

But before leaving, he thought twice and made a request to change the name "Thai囧".

"Xu Zheng, why don't we just stop using the name "Lost in Thailand" and change it to "Lost in Thailand"."

Xu Zheng didn't react for a moment when he said this, "Did you change your name?"

"Yes, changed the name."

"Damn it!" Xu Zheng suddenly sobered up a lot, "Yun, Mr. Huo, this name is really a top priority. We'd better not mess with it easily."

""Lost in Thailand" doesn't sound good?" Huo Yunting rubbed his chin, "Then ask someone to think about it and change it to a better name."

Xu Zheng grimaced, "Mr. Huo, the name "Thai囧" is actually quite good."

"It's a good thing, it's easy to involve infringement. This is my only requirement, don't have an embarrassing name."

Huo Yunting bowed and said, "Remember to have someone change it."

Then he strolled away.

After he finished rough editing the film, he watched it again and thought it was pretty good.

It is a film of excellent quality in itself, and there is no need to indulge in the popularity of the "囧" family.

As a human being, it's better to be more aboveboard.

Of course, it was Huo Yunting himself who was confident that the film would be able to make back its money.

"The Grandmaster" and Xu Zheng's films will not be released until January or February next year, and the earliest release of "Charlotte" will not start promotion until December.

Huo Yunting stood under the sun and stretched. He still had about a month to relax.

After returning to the villa, as soon as she entered the house, she saw Liu Yifei wearing only a pair of pajamas, cracking melon seeds and watching TV.

"Hey, Brother Yun is back."

Huo Yunting said nothing, his eyes couldn't stop glancing down.

Well, I originally planned to sleep when I got home, but now I don’t want to sleep, I have to change my mind.

Hanging his coat on the hanger, he strode to the sofa, picked up Liu Yifei who was curled up on the sofa, and walked upstairs.

The two of them washed up and packed up to visit their elders.I've been away for more than half a year, so I have to visit my parents.

Liu Xiaoli was not in Peiping. She said she was on a business trip. She didn’t know what the business trip was.Huo Yunting smacked his lips, as his mother-in-law was still a very busy person and never rested for a moment.

Later, when he went to visit Liu Yifei's parents-in-law, Huo Yunting discovered that his father was not to be outdone. There was only his mother in the family, and his father had already gone to Hollywood.

"My dad, went to Hollywood?" Huo Yunting repeated it several times, still feeling a little unbelievable about it.

"No, I originally said a few months ago that I was going to Hollywood to help that young man named Li Cai, but I'm not coming back."

Well, it sounds like it's been a few months since I left.

Huo Yunting rubbed his eyebrows, his father was really old-hearted.

"Hey, it's all a trivial matter. Your dad will be back in a while."

Chen Caiping smiled and sent Huo Yunting away, asking him to check out the new batch of students in the martial arts hall, leaving only Liu Yifei to whisper. "Sissi, do you and Yunting have any other career work to do in the past two years?"

"No way, I'm already busy now." Liu Yifei laughed like a flower, "When the movies are released in the New Year's Eve months, we will be idle."

"Then when will you two have a baby?"

Liu Yifei's face froze.

Seeing that she looked bad, Chen Caiping asked tentatively, "Have you been avoiding her?"

Her expression became even stiffer.


The Huo family class has now formed a systematic training, and the number of students has been expanded. It is not limited to Tagou Martial Arts School, but Shichahai, Laizhou Chinese Martial Arts School... all are recruiting students.

Huo Yunting hasn't been to this martial arts school for a long time, but it seems that his father has taken good care of him.

I tried it with a few students, and my fist and kick skills were pretty good.

Huo Yunting was very satisfied. Just as he was boasting about his work, he saw Liu Yifei walking out, but the expression on her face was uglier than when she came.

This is not the case.

Huo Yunting frowned and hurriedly took his wife home.

"What did our mother tell you? You are so unhappy."

Liu Yifei, who was huddled on the sofa with her legs in her arms, shook her head, "Nothing."

This was a lie, but Chen Caiping really didn't say anything.

I just learned that the two of them had been avoiding each other, but they had never gotten pregnant, so I suggested that they go to the hospital to see if there was something wrong with either of them.

If Chen Caiping hadn't mentioned this, she wouldn't have thought about it, but once she mentioned it, she had to think about it.

It’s filled to the top every time, so why is it never there?

"I didn't say anything like this." Huo Yunting sat next to her and scratched her chin, "You're still hiding it from me."

She still shook her head, she was embarrassed to say this.

And she was even more embarrassed by the suggestion of going to the hospital.

After thinking deeply for a long time, she took a deep breath and held the face of Huo Yunting who had been teasing her for a long time.

"From now on, you should quit smoking and drinking."

Huo Yunting nodded, "Okay, quit."

"You also have to go to bed early and get up early, and don't eat junk food."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

She thought about it again, feeling that she had nothing to add, and then threw him down on the sofa.

Huo Yunting looked surprised, "Come now?"


This battle was fought in darkness, from the living room to the gym, from the gym into the elevator, and then from the elevator to the balcony on the third floor...

Even the avenues are obliterated.

Now Huo Yunting really believed what he said. There was no damaged land, only cows that were exhausted.

"Sissi, take a rest..."

This was his first surrender.

"Charlotte" passed censorship in November, and not a single scene was deleted.

Then we started working on the release, and finally set the remaining time on December NO.12.

Huo Yunting held a press conference here, and Happy Twist was not idle either. Every performance released a preview of the release of "Charlotte Annoyance".

Although Happy Twist's drama has a small circle, it has a high audience stickiness, and the audience's spontaneous publicity is also very powerful.

Huo Yunting became a hot search topic as soon as the press conference ended, and the popularity went straight to the top of the list.

"The New Actor's Debut"

"Heavenly King Helps"

"Shock!Huo Yunting turned to director because of this! 》

Various titles emerged one after another, and discussions among netizens were also very heated.

"What is Happy Twist? None of the leading actors are famous."

"Is this trying to emulate Crazy Stone?"

"I feel like my brother is very interested in this movie. It's the first time I've seen him look sallow and thin."

"Indeed, he looks haggard and feels mentally unstable."

Huo Yunting didn't care what netizens said, he only knew that he was almost unconscious when peeing during this period.

Why is this girl so crazy?

Huo Yunting couldn't figure it out.

But it doesn't matter if you can't figure it out. In the next few months, you will be traveling all over the country, so you can take a break at least.

Not much money was spent on the promotion of "Charlotte Troubles", after all, the account itself was already not rich.

A few million is already the upper limit. If you spend tens of millions for publicity, it will be a waste of money.

On December 12th, "Charlotte" was released, and Huo Yunting was packing up to go to Hong Kong to promote "The Grandmaster".

Before I left, I made a lot of drafts. I thought of four words of farewell to Liu Yifei, but I didn’t use the last one.

"Let's go, Brother Yun, why are you standing there stunned?"

"...Are you going too?"

Um? Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows and tilted her head, "I am the heroine of "The Grandmaster". "

...Damn it, forget about this.

When I got to Xiangjiang, I finished my publicity and was squeezed again, and the day was over.

Zhang Debon also sent the first-day box office data of "Charlotte Trouble" in a timely manner.

Thirty-five million.

Liu Yifei folded her hands and did the math, "I feel like this data is average."

Huo Yunting frowned slightly, and after a long while he said, "Let the bullet fly for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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