After the mental work is exhausted to the point of numbness, one will feel a state of being full of energy but unable to fall asleep no matter what. Li Cha is like this now, lying on the bed tossing and turning. Now he knows why Ferguson is banned as soon as he returns home. Talking about football, as long as you start thinking about football, you will easily lose sleep when you are tired.The players who waste their energy are not completely like this. Some of them will be too excited to fall asleep after winning a key game, but some people can always sleep very soundly after the game. For example, now British Olympic team.

After a high-intensity game, most of the players snored on the bus back to the hotel in the Workers' Stadium. The car had turned into a sea of ​​sleep. Li Cha also wanted to sleep for a while in this atmosphere, but the result was still After not sleeping for a while, the staff woke him up. He organized the players to go back to the room one by one, and arranged for the players to drink the milk to replenish their physical strength. Fell into endless insomnia.

Li Cha calculated the time and called Charlotte, talking on the phone. When Charlotte finally had to hang up the phone because of the vomiting in the last stage of the Renchen period, Li Cha "revealed" smiled.Charlotte's Renchen period is longer than that of ordinary pregnant women, but the point where Li Cha smiled is not here, but the woman who is honored to be able to avoid the pain of the red moon for ten months, but after ten months During this period, you will suffer more, such as the Renchen period, such as swollen hands and feet, such as mobility impairment, etc.Sometimes when I think about it carefully, women seem to spend their entire lives in suffering, and experience some suffering every once in a while. Perhaps this is the power that women can rely on men to enjoy all the power earned by men.

Thinking of this, Li Cha thought about the unborn baby again. It is quite new for a time traveler to have a child. An upside-down banana man will have a white child...

Beep, beep, beep...[

At this moment, Li Cha's phone rang, and when Li Cha picked it up, he saw an unfamiliar number: "Hey, do you know what time it is?"

He's not polite, and in his current capacity, there's no need to be polite to anyone.

"I'll tell you a piece of good news and a piece of bad news." Upon hearing this sentence, Li Cha immediately remembered the owner of the voice, who was the one Li Cha persuaded to run for UEFA "President"...

"Speak!" Li Cha began to be cautious, calling at this time must be something important.

"The good news is that the Community Shield game is late because you played in the Olympic Games in China." The other party paused and continued: "The bad news is that Platini is going to run for the UEFA "President". At the same time, the selected person is Heathfield!"

Li Cha sighed, it looks like he has to spend a lot of money again!

"I see."

Platini's defeat in the previous battle was entirely due to Richard's influence in Europe. At least he set up Meulensteen football schools in most small countries in Europe. The annual investment of these schools alone is a lot of money. Controlling the votes of these countries and wanting these countries to work for them again will definitely not work without some blood, otherwise it will be difficult to say next time.

Thinking of this, Li Cha was stunned for a moment. He couldn't figure out why Platini stood up for election after being defeated once. What reason could support Platini to face a powerful opponent who had defeated him?Where does his confidence come from?Speech?In contrast to the strong economic strength, with the support of the European gaming industry, even if the whole of France goes all out, Li Cha is capable of fighting. Although he may not win a big victory, he still has the strength to fight. At least he He is qualified to enter the battlefield, and with the control of the youth training, the control of the European transfer market, and the help of South America and FIFA, he may not lose. Except for the European gaming industry, everything else is already on the table. Why did Platini dare to come out when he was already on the famous brand?

Could it be that Beckenbauer joined forces with him?

Li Cha sat up from the bed at once!

This signal is too dangerous. It is not impossible for Beckenbauer and Platini to turn enemies into friends because of a common enemy. Platini is a smart man. He promised Beckenbauer that it would be beneficial to Bayern. For the policy, Beckenbauer can fully contribute some resources, so that the chips in Platini's hands will increase to a situation where he can bet against himself.If there are some more celebrities who stand up to support Platini, Platini plus France, Germany and Italy, which may be vacillating at any time, the three football superpowers may really be able to fight a tough battle.

Li Cha didn't even say hello, he quickly hung up the phone, and immediately called old Moji and asked, "How much is our net profit from the European Cup?"

Old Moji quickly broke out an ambiguous figure: "The net profit has not been settled, but it should exceed 13 billion. Some small companies that have not been wiped out by the big cleanup have risen and divided up some markets, about [-] million. But we are still the strongest, and it is impossible to directly compress the living space of all small companies."

Li Cha's heart is finally at ease. The new season will start soon, and the profits will continue to increase. The powerful money-making machine of the old Moji Gaming Company is his most solid backing: "Didn't use any means?"

"Don't worry, I won't touch those things now, I finally found a gaming company with a better reputation...Li Cha, did something happen?"

Li Cha didn't speak, but Old Moji still felt it and continued to ask: "You should tell me immediately if you have anything, and you should remember our relationship."

"Of course I remember. I will never forget it in my life. Don't worry, I can handle any big things and manage the company well."

After Li Cha hung up the phone, he kept his heart in his stomach. Even if someone finds something and exposes it, it will not cause any waves. Old Moji will never spit out a word about himself. On this point, Li Cha is very confident. [

At this moment, Li Cha was drowsy, thinking about something indiscriminately, like a dumb fish looking at the outside world through the fish tank.

Time passed by, the sky outside gradually brightened, and when the white belly appeared, the whole world seemed to be waking up.

Li Cha always has a bad feeling, he suspects that something is about to happen, everything is like a harbinger before the storm is about to come, it is very quiet.

There is still a round of finals to be played, so Li Cha always has a feeling of trepidation!

One day, Li Cha was doing recovery training for the players in this feeling of trepidation. This group of lads who can eliminate all fatigue after a night of sleep have not yet recovered from the joy of killing Brazil. Still talking about the highlights of yesterday's game, there was constant laughter on the training ground, but Li Cha had a gloomy face.

The training is very short, and the recovery training is just to relieve the fatigue accumulated in the muscle tissue. This kind of fatigue can be completely eliminated under good recovery training, but once it accumulates, it may become an injury.

When the players went to rest, Richard called Keane and asked about the changes in England and Europe. A person like Gene who doesn't care much about news other than football can't explain why. Instead, it was another person who called. It made Li Cha feel like waking up from a dream.

"Li Cha, I'm Andy."

Li Cha doesn't want to talk nonsense now, his brain is still thinking.

"I was looking at your previous interview materials recently, and I wanted to dig out some 'points' as hype points to expand the publicity for Burleigh. However, after searching for a long time, I found that Ferguson's name often appeared with you at the same time. In a newspaper, you have bullied so many people, does everyone use this bit of bullshit? If I were an enemy, I would say that you and Ferguson colluded in match-fixing and slaughtered Manchester United for the first time since the League Cup From the beginning until how long you win, this is the testimony of your rapid accumulation of wealth, even if you have [-] mouths, you can't tell... Hahahaha... Uh, Li Cha? Are you still there?"


No one knows how much cold sweat is on Richard's forehead now. If Platini finds the evidence that he controls the gaming company, he is using... no, no evidence at all, as long as he buys a newspaper that is famous enough in European football , directly playing 'Richard Ferguson a match-fixing? £00000000000000! ', even if Li Cha is completely ruined, not only Li Cha is ruined, but all of Li Cha's contacts will stay away from him. This is a restricted area that no one dares to touch. When the time comes, Blatter will jump out and accuse him immediately. Li Cha is a shameful liar!

How many people have I sprayed with my tongue in European football?How many people have you offended?There is no need to stand up and testify about these things. If you think about it for a while and don’t answer anything, it will give people room to make up their minds. Even if you, Richard, are useless to control the world’s public opinion, this kind of thing spreads fast!

Both father and son are in the Premier League, the son's club is getting stronger and stronger, he has completed a crazy winning streak in the Premier League, and within five years he has accumulated wealth that has shocked the world. , who can save Li Cha?

"How did you think of it?" Li Cha asked out of the blue.

Andy should still be chatting for a while and said: "I've been thinking about what's wrong with Burleigh, and then I thought of you. You are the biggest hype tool. Fans who like gossip like your news and support Your people want to hear about you and if we use all kinds of your stories to create a souvenir shop product it will be a new brand that sells really well. So I check all your news and it turns out Seeing that you win and others fail, I fell into deep thought, thinking about how to deal with you if I were your enemy, but I didn’t expect this to arouse my interest, so I started to think about it for several days... no What happened?" Andy finally understood.

The front of Li Cha's shirt was soaked, and his lips were almost purple: "Fortunately, you are not my enemy!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Cha quickly called Qiao Fu. Qiao Fu didn't answer like Li Cha, but asked directly: "The problem is solved?"

Li Cha didn't answer, and said anxiously: "Appoint me as the head coach of the England national team."

"Mr. Richard, now is not the best time. You are only one step away from the Olympic champion. When you get the gold medal, come back and win the Community Shield, the last trophy of the grand slam in your stadium. Then the queen will come in person." To award you on the spot, I am announcing that it is the best time for you to become the head coach, haven't we discussed this?" Qiao Fu didn't quite understand what happened to Richard now.

Li Cha didn't explain at all: "Listen, I mean appoint me as the head coach of the England national team, immediately!!!!"

"Li Cha, don't forget that I am the "Chairman" of the FA!" Qiao Fu was a little angry, how could a man of his age be so easy for Li Cha to order. [

"Mr. Geoff, I'm sorry, I'm a little anxious, but I don't have time to explain now. I hope that the official website of England will announce the news that I will become the head coach of England immediately. I am very important, otherwise I am afraid that even you will not be able to eat, and the entire FA will become the smelliest toilet in England and will be reviled by thousands of people. I am not alarmist, it is true, once this danger arises, England There will be a huge scandal in world football that no one can stop!"

"In addition, I not only want to become the head coach of the England national team, but also the FA should cooperate with me to use the fastest speed and use various publicity methods to promote me as a hero against European bookmakers. This is related to us. The fate of everyone, if you can wait, I will come back after finishing some things and tell you the reason. For three days, I want all TV stations in England to broadcast a documentary at the behest of the FA. You can use your face to ask for it. Well, let the TV station cooperate, anyway, I want people to know that I am a hero and well-known to everyone. If you need money, you only need to give me a number. I will only give you three days. After three days, I will ask the British General Is there any problem with this general trend?"

"No problem!" Qiao Fu also realized how terrifying this matter is, otherwise Li Cha would not use this attitude: "However, you must tell me why afterwards."

Li Cha breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No problem!"

Then Li Cha continued to call: "Girauto, don't ask me what happened, immediately post a message on the club's official website, from now on, Richard Ferguson will be late as the head coach, for the sake of the England national team As a result he left the club in time to concentrate on preparing for the 2010 World Cup."

After hanging up the phone, Li Cha continued to call old Moji: "Moji, I will give you a power of attorney now. From today onwards, the old Moji gaming company has nothing to do with me."

Old Moji only said one sentence, which immediately warmed Li Cha's heart from the cold: "Well, I see, I will prepare a secret Swiss bank account for you, and I will have someone hand it over to you tomorrow. Charlotte, every payment of your dividends will be credited into this account, and from today onwards, you have nothing to do with the old Moji gaming company."

After hearing this sentence, Li Cha didn't know how to speak at all, and then old Moji's words made Li Cha laugh: "Uh, Li Cha, how many years am I going to spend in prison?"

Old Moji misunderstood, he thought Li Cha would get rid of him like his former master after something happened, but for the future of his son Moji, old Moji could only fight hard, anyway, he was an old bone, If you give it a try, Li Cha won't take care of little Moji, right?

"Don't worry, I won't bring danger to you, old fox, I'm not Agnelli."

For old Moji, isn't this the warmest sentence?

"Do you need my help?" Old Moji tried his best to cover up, with a choked voice, he knew that he would stand with Li Cha for the rest of his life, until he died, because this man was worth what he paid.

"No, just manage the company well."

After hanging up the phone, Li Cha called the main players of the team one by one, telling them that he might leave the position of head coach for a period of time, but the performance of the Burleigh Club will definitely not decline, which he is willing to use Reputation guarantee.Richard's reputation is still very important to most players, and even Messi didn't ask much. When it came to Cristiano Ronaldo and Terry who had just joined, these two people obviously showed a little worry. Knowing Li Cha's promise that every game will be played with the tactics set by Li Cha, and every time Li Cha will watch the game in the locker room and adjust the game by phone, the two of them are a little relieved, after all, Li Cha Once suspended for eight months, Burleigh's performance did not decline, but increased a lot.

Next, the last thing Richard needs to do is to go through Mendez: "Mendez, hold a press conference for me. I want all the media from all over the world to be present."

"What's the matter?" Mendes asked, after the last knock on the mountain, Mendes didn't dare to play tricks anymore, he felt that Li Cha was getting more and more scary, so it's better to ask Li Cha's instructions clearly.

"I am announcing to the world that I am stepping down as head coach of Burleigh."

"What!!!" Mendes suddenly yelled, but Li Cha had already hung up the phone.

He looked at the sky alone and said: "Old man, you have done so much for me, this time, I will never ruin your reputation."

The person is still the same person, the sky is still the same sky, but the dark clouds are slowly approaching, and there is always an atmosphere of fear and anxiety in the air.Standing under this dark cloud, Li Cha faced the coming storm, would he become a drowned chicken, or would he see a rainbow after the storm?

According to Li Cha's personality, he would never retreat to the roof when the storm came, otherwise he would have to start all over again on the road he had traveled for five years, and he would stand here and fight the whole world! (To be continued.

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