my name is ferguson

Chapter 653 I am too patriotic!Do you believe it?

Reporters gathered in the largest meeting room in the hotel. Li Cha, who has rarely spoken since he came to Tianchao, actually wants to hold a press conference. This is definitely the biggest news!

What's more, recent international football news frequently broke out. In reality, Burberry bought Terry at a sky-high price, and then won Cristiano Ronaldo at a sky-high price. Terry and Cristiano Ronaldo alone are worth as much as 4000 million, plus Schweinsteiger's 500 million when they bought it has shrunk slightly, and Messi has increased in value, and Van Persie's value has doubled one after another. According to media estimates, Burleigh's lineup has now reached an astonishing [-] million!At least [-] million!

This is just the price on the surface!

How can one spend money to buy players in today's football?Which club doesn't want to make money, but sells people according to their worth?If calculated according to the real price, the reporters dare not think about the total value of Burleigh!

Excluding the heavy news of the transfer market, at 9:30 in the morning of England time, the FA announced that in order to encourage Richard's outstanding performance in the Olympics, the vacant head coach of England had settled on his head. That is to say, from this moment on, Li Cha's identity is not only the head coach of the Olympic team, but also the head coach of England and Burleigh. If he can also create results in the national team, Li Cha will become the first super champion coach who has won championships at the club level, the Olympic team level and the national team level. This is unprecedented! [

What is the purpose of such a head coach suddenly holding a press conference?

The media that had been staying in China to conduct Olympic interviews suddenly all shifted their positions. Most of the events held today in the Olympic Games were completed by assistants, and the main force of the world's sports media was completely gathered in the large conference room of the hotel. They were all waiting The appearance of Li Cha.

In the hotel room, Li Cha has been sitting on the bed, he knows that he still doesn't know how to speak.It's not that he couldn't make a decision or regretted it, but he had to sort out the remarks that everyone could not interpret, so that no one could detect any doubts. As long as he left Burleigh for the glory of England, then Richard could completely Get hold of the excuse to fight back.What is the excuse?Very simple, the 2010 world has arrived, and this is the means by which you Platini suppressed your opponent England in order to achieve France's goals!

If a basin of sewage is poured over, the whole pond will be muddied first, then whoever is wrong and who is right will be an indefinable case of injustice.

Got up, everything was decided. Li Cha stepped out of the room and walked along the corridor to the elevator door. When the elevator opened and Li Cha entered, Li Cha, who hadn't rested for two days, suddenly felt a feeling of relaxation that he had never felt before. I feel that the elder sister-in-law is embarrassing for the latest chapter.

This feeling is very abnormal, and it is so abnormal that people can't believe it, just like the whole body feels much more comfortable in an instant after the magic costume that has been pulling the body is taken off.


The elevator door opened after a crisp sound, and then the reporters squatting at the door intending to record the whole scene from the moment Li Cha appeared until he left almost occupied both sides of the corridor, leaving only a passage in the middle.

Li Cha was a little dazed at first, the flashes were flickering too much, but after his eyes adjusted, he walked out of the elevator and walked along the passage into the largest conference room in the hotel.

Sitting in the main seat, Li Cha looked at the reporters in the conference room full of pits and the cameraman squatting on the ground at the door and taking pictures from the gaps in the legs. At that moment, Li Cha knew that he must not lose, because he simply couldn't bear to be so glamorous He never wanted to live a life so ordinary that even suicide would not attract attention.

"Uh..." Li Cha said into the microphone and went straight to the topic: "Today I am announcing a good news to everyone, that is, from this moment on, I will officially become the head coach of England's national team, my agent Already on his way to the FA, he will negotiate the contract with the FA in my place."

"Hehe, everyone knows that I am not a person who is short of money, so this time I will take whatever the FA gives me, and I will never increase the price. It can be regarded as my little contribution to this country."

Li Cha's happy face really made it difficult to see that he was on the cusp of the storm, or that he had been standing there all the time, everyone was used to it, and no one felt dangerous at all.

"As we all know, I led the Olympic team to the final. I watched the Argentine game yesterday. They played very well. The British Olympic team is about to face an opponent like the Argentine Olympic team. I should have been concentrating on the training ground. Training, there should be no press conferences. But I feel that some things must be told by me to be true, otherwise it will be messed up by others. I don’t like that, I hope what I say That's what I said, please don't take it out of context, and don't make up my mind, because no one can see what I think, just like I don't know what kind of underwear the wife of the guesser is wearing."

Hahahaha... The usual obscene speech set off a burst of laughter, and Li Cha waited for them to finish laughing before speaking again.

"I have to say, I love my country, I am willing to coach any team under the ownership of Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, England, I thought I would play for any team, and the most hopeful thing is to become the head coach of Scotland , Unfortunately, I have never received an invitation letter. Mr. Ferguson has at least coached for a while, and I will never be able to compare with him in this regard." Li Cha laughed at himself and continued: "Now, the opportunity has come, I I will soon be the one who will lead the England national team to the next World Cup. I want to say that England will definitely appear in the finals and will never make such a shameful mistake like failing to appear in the European Cup. I can't help but win the trophy. Guaranteed, this is not a matter for one person to decide, otherwise I will announce now that the European Cup and the World Cup will be owned by England, and the European Champions Cup will be owned by Burleigh, then UEFA and FIFA can be disbanded..."

When sporadic laughter came out again, Li Cha's face full of joy gradually calmed down, and even after a gradual change, he began to become sad: "But I am a person after all, and I can't bear too many burdens on my shoulders , as the head coach of the national team, my task will be to appear on the England field every weekend to observe the status of the players and to see the talents that have appeared recently in China, which makes it impossible for me to appear on the field of the league. Playing in the league... So, I want to resign as the head coach of Burleigh, and I announce that starting today, Keane will take over as the acting head coach of Burleigh, and Redondo and Hierro will be the assistant coaches, and they will continue to serve as the assistant coaches coaching duties."

The meeting room suddenly became quiet. They really wanted to ask questions, but they found that they couldn't find a reason to ask. Could it be that why Richard gave up the position of Burleigh head coach for the position of England head coach?People made it clear at the beginning that it was for love. Do you doubt that Li Cha has loved?Li Cha directly exposed Wenger's tax evasion because of his love. He has already proved that he loves this country in a number of ways.No evidence to the contrary!

So far, Richard has not destroyed a genius in England. In his hands, a group of new stars such as Regan, Baines, Bell, and Joe Hart have emerged. He has cultivated many talents for Great Britain. This is already for the country, for the country The biggest contribution to the team, so what if he ruined a few coaches? [

The corners of Li Cha's mouth turned up slightly, and that evil smile appeared on his face again. This is what he wanted, and his goal had been achieved.

Li Cha continued: "Actually, I have already felt very sorry for the Olympic team. When I was supposed to be training, I was at the most critical moment of competing for the six championships. I filled a row of display cabinets in the honor room for Burleigh, but ignored the national team. The training of the Olympic team directly led to the difficulty of the Olympic team in the Olympic Games. We were tied by Nigeria, and the lesson of the disastrous victory over Côte d’Ivoire is in front of us. If I give me time, I will definitely be able to hand over a team I have the confidence to let anyone dare to look down on the Olympic team!"

"Now, the FA has given me the position of head coach of the national team because of their trust in me. How can I let Mr. Geoff continue to be disappointed? How can I abandon the national team for my own club? I can't do it , I love the motherland more than anything!"

The reporters suspected that they misjudged the person today. It should not be Li Cha sitting here. If an old gentleman said such words, they might feel very excited, and even look at those old people with excited eyes, but these When the words came out of Li Cha's mouth, I always felt a little...

"Mr. Li Cha, I'm sorry to interrupt you, do you want the Grand Slam? This is the highest honor in the coaching world, and you are only one Community Shield away."

Richard looked at the reporter who asked the question and said, "Yes, why not? The Community Shield was held at the Victory Stadium for the first time. How could I let this trophy slip away from Burleigh? It's impossible. I don't care about the trophy." It's petty!"

When everyone smiled kindly again, Li Cha pondered and continued: "In fact, when necessary, people always have to make some sacrifices, whether it is in choice or in some other aspects, or that sentence, I After all, I am a person, if I can be divided into two and have the same ability, I will naturally seize every opportunity to win more championships, and I am not afraid to tell you that I have a problem with myself, and I am addicted to winning championships."

"But when Great Britain hasn't had a very good World Cup achievement for so many years, you happen to survive in this industry, and you have a little ability. When the FA intends to entrust you with this important task, can you back down? No. !"

"As we all know, there have been some problems between me and the bookmaker, and it was almost...why did I do this? I'm not stupid! I can't have such a big conflict with them. I would kill the football circle to clean up. Come on, isn't it just to make England's football grow healthily and provide more talents for the country? I proposed the 178 plan and the measures to protect players. Everyone can see everything I do, so I don't think people should be surprised by my decision today."

Li Cha looked at everyone, slowly got up and pointed to the stool behind him and said, "Don't I know that the position of head coach of the England national team is hot ass? I know, not only know, but also understand that whoever is in this position will become the leader of the national team. The outlet for the fans! If you play a beautiful game and win by a big score, some people will say that you are a flash in the pan. If you lose one game, some people will say that you have revealed your true colors, even if you have won ten games before. But I still don’t regret it Decided, because you have to do this, if the neighbor's daughter-in-law ran away with someone, shouldn't I get married? No, I must get married, otherwise the neighbor's daughter-in-law will never become my daughter-in-law..."

Pfft... Many reporters couldn't help laughing out loud again. Li Cha's press conferences are always so interesting, no wonder he dared to buy tickets to make money.

"What I want to say today is that making such a decision is entirely my own idea. I haven't discussed it with my agent, I haven't discussed it with Mr. Ferguson, and I haven't weighed the pros and cons. I just want to appear in the In that position, do something for your country like the athletes on the field, that's all."

"Okay, gentlemen reporters, I'm done talking, please start asking questions." Li Cha rubbed his eyes with a smile on his face. The sleepiness of not sleeping for two days made him start to cry when he was writing down the burden, like Like crying.

One of the reporters stood up and said, "Mr. Richard, you have trained so many players, are you willing to let them go? Will Mr. Keen know how to make them perform at their best like you do?"

"Of course I don't want to, but parents can't stop the children who want to go out and go out. Instead of forcing them to steal your money to go out, it's better to give them the money directly. Anyway, they will end up going through the latest chapter. Whether Burleigh Being able to continue to show good results should not be completely related to whether I am there or not. Keane is also one of the heroes who have cultivated a group of stars. He is as familiar with the players as I am. If I leave Mr. Keane, I will not be able to control the situation. , then Burleigh is a rich man's hat will become flashy, no, it should be said that the rich man's hat should not belong to Burleigh, but to me. If Kean, who knows them so well, can't do it, I'm afraid any famous person in the world It doesn’t matter if you are handsome. We will always be the best big-name players in the world. I have a treasure trove of talents like Meulensteen. We also use the most advanced training methods and systematic first-team tactics. No matter how favorable the conditions are, I will never be disappointed.”

The reporter continued to stand up and said, "Mr. Li Cha, if Burleigh is not as brilliant as it was when you were here, and your performance drops sharply, will you take charge of the team again?"

"Burley is mine, I will not let the situation you said happen. As long as I live, no one can let Burleigh appear in the relegation zone. I swore on the day I joined Burleigh that I would never let the fans have any Worried about relegation. But I hope everyone can give Keane some time. Don’t be like me in the national team. I was almost dismissed before I played a few games. Sometimes I really don’t understand, and neither do you A member of the FA management committee, what's the point of jumping and cursing? Ferguson almost dismissed get out of class at Manchester United; Mourinho's first reading and coaching was also a bad record; Benitez lost and had to study abroad Italy, aren’t these people famous marshals?”

"I believe in Keane and I hope you believe in Keane as much as I do."

"Guys, I haven't slept for two days and two nights. I'm really tired and very fragile now. Can we stop this press conference and let me, who is only over [-] years old and looks like an old man, go? Take a break? Thanks everyone!"

For the first time, Li Cha stood up and bowed to reporters all over the world. When he turned and left the meeting room, all the reporters did not look at him with disgust and fear for the first time, but a friendly look, even if it could not reach The degree of admiration, at least what Li Cha did now is not annoying, after all, he has made a lot of sacrifices for the England national team.

Li Cha went back the same way. When the elevator door was closed and the camera could no longer capture him, he reached out to assist the lens next to him. He really couldn't bear it anymore. The tension and pressure for a long time made him feel The dizziness, coupled with exhaustion and sleepiness, made Li Cha feel as if he was trapped in a sponge, and he couldn't use his strength.

Sleep, he just wants to sleep now, he threw everything and lay on the bed and passed out. [


When the elevator door opened again, Li Cha returned to the room. At that moment, when Li Cha barely lay on the bed, he just closed his eyes...

Beep, beep, beep.

Li Cha's phone rang, and it rang at the wrong time. Li Cha lay on the bed as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and quickly took out the phone. When he saw Keen's phone number, he immediately connected: "What's wrong, Roy !"

"Why did you resign as the head coach? Why didn't you discuss it with me? I, I, I-he-damn-it's not ready yet!" When Keane's bewildered voice came, Richard He let out a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and said annoyedly: "You can do it, trust me."

"No, Richard, I am very eager to be the head coach of Burleigh, but you can't..."

"Huh...huh..." There was a snoring sound.

"Hey! You're still on the phone with me!!!"


Beep, beep, beep...

The phone was hung up, but Li Cha kept holding the phone to his ear. He was too tired, and it was time to rest.


A heavy rain fell, and the heavy rain hit the households, and the whole world was plunged into a noisy sound.Pedestrians on the road were scurrying around in embarrassment, players who were training in Xianghe hid in the city one after another, but Li Cha was sleeping soundly like a baby. (To be continued.)

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