Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 10 Five Gold Ghost Hunting

Chapter 10: Hardware Ghost Hunting
In front of a publicly rented warehouse in Manhattan, two employees opened the door of the warehouse with keys.

As the huge rolling door slowly rises, the sun shines into the rolling door, shining golden light.

In the warehouse of Tang's Trading Company, boxes of copper ingots and iron ingots are neatly placed.

"According to your instructions, this warehouse currently stores 500 tons of copper ingots, 1000 tons of iron ingots, 20 tons of tin, and 1000 jin of silver!"

Tang Song walked in front, inspecting the situation of the warehouse, squatting down from time to time, lifting the lid of the box, and checking the quality of the copper and iron ingots in the box.

A fat white warehouse keeper was half a step behind and introduced the metal storage situation of the warehouse to Tang Song in a low voice.

Ryan followed Tang Song with a few Germanic white men with bulging waists.

"Good job!" Turning the warehouse around, Tang Song patted the white manager on the shoulder.

The body of the white warehouse keeper trembled, beads of sweat rolled down his white and greasy face, his gaze passed over the swollen backs of Ryan and the others, and there was more sweat on his face.

God bless, when he first learned that the owner of this warehouse is Asian, he didn't think about the goods in it. It's just that he didn't find a suitable buyer for a while, so he didn't make a move.

Now looking at the posture of this Asian, it is obviously not easy to provoke.

"Tomorrow, I will find someone to take this batch of goods away, and then we will hand over them!" Tang Song gave the white warehouse manager a kind look.

The Caucasian Warehouse Manager was so nervous that his heart was about to jump, so he couldn't hide it from his spiritual sense.

As for the reason, Tang Song didn't want to know, but if something happened to the batch of metal ingots, he didn't mind throwing the fat man into the furnace together.

"Lian, how did the person I asked you find?"

On the Mercedes-Benz, Tang Song took out two cans of cold beer from the car's small refrigerator, and handed one to Ryan who was sitting in the co-pilot.

"Boss, I found two people." Ryan turned around and took the cold beer from Tang Song, and replied: "One is a swordsmith found from the east. It is said that his family has been swordsmiths for generations, and the other is a swordsmith. He is the four-time champion of the Forging Knife Conference, Dali Ben!"

The swordsmith, the champion of the knife forging competition, Tang Song drank cold beer noncommittally.

"Give them my drawings and let them build two swords within ten days. I want to see the finished product!"

"Yes! Boss!"


Most of the federal living environment is based on the community as the unit, between the rich and the poor, between whites and blacks.

New York has five boroughs, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten.

In the five large districts, there are many small communities, and Hell's Kitchen is one of them.

The official name of Hell's Kitchen is actually the Clinton District, named after DeWitt Clinton, the sixth governor of New York State.

This used to be one of the most prosperous areas in New York's catering industry, but the source of the real Hell's Kitchen has little to do with the kitchen or the restaurant.

This is the most famous slum in New York, the crime rate remains high, and gang fights are commonplace, which has bred many murderers and gangsters.
The people living in this community are all the people who live at the bottom of the federation. Many people don't have jobs and live by receiving federal relief money.

As the most chaotic neighborhood, gangsters, drug dealers, blacks, almost all the factors of instability gathered here.

No normal person wants to live here, but there is no way. The pressure of life and the high housing costs from the outside world force people to bow their heads.

The chaotic living environment forced ordinary people to learn how to protect themselves. It goes without saying that every household has a gun, and many people huddled together to keep warm. They formed a night security team and patrolled their buildings with guns.

Caliber is justice. In this case, not to mention drug addicts, petty theft, even some gangsters dare not easily break into these communities.

But under such circumstances, several horrific massacres happened one after another in a white community.

First, the old Airy family was found tragically dead at home. The old Airy's body was lying in the living room, the body was separated, and he was holding his cherished Winchester double-barreled shotgun tightly before he died.

It's a pity that this favorite gun obviously didn't protect his life.

A pair of his twin daughters were found in the bedroom, their necks were bitten and bloody, their blood was sucked dry, and they became two dehydrated mummies.

People in the community called the police as quickly as possible, and organized veterans in the community to step up patrolling.

But to no avail, murders occurred one after another in several communities. There were young women in the families of the victims, and when these women were found, their blood was sucked dry, and they turned from fresh lives into mummies.

Terrible emotions spread in the community for a while, even though the police defined the case as a perverted serial murderer.

Nobody believed it.

This is not done by "people", this is the consensus of more and more people.

Many people chose to move out of the community, especially families with young girls.

A luxurious manor in Manhattan, it is clearly daytime, but the dark windows here completely block the sunlight.

Silver candlesticks covered every corner of the hall. Under the crystal chandelier, the candlelight was dreamy. Couples of handsome, perfect handsome men and beautiful women were singing and dancing in the hall.

Pale-faced waiters shuttled around the dance floor with trays, and from time to time handed glasses of bright red blood wine to the passionate dancers on the dance floor.

In the corner of the dance floor, Selena, who was dressed in black leather, was leaning against the wall with her arms folded, looking coldly at the same kind of people in the hall.

She clearly reported the information about the werewolf, but strangely, no one in the family responded. As the family's consul in New York, Kraven did not take any preventive measures.

Selena was a little confused about what Kraven was thinking.

"Selena," at this moment, a tall and thin man in a tuxedo walked up to Selena with a glass of blood wine. Selena clearly saw that his pale face was even painted like a woman's face.

She was a little disgusted, and at the same time, she didn't understand why Kraven fell so quickly. Could power really corrupt people's hearts so much?You must know that Kraven was also a death walker who could kill the wolf king many years ago.

"Kraven, we need to talk. The werewolves are definitely planning a big move. Their ultraviolet bullets are obviously targeting us. We need to take countermeasures!"

"Okay, Selena, this is just a werewolf straggler. The werewolf in New York was cleared that year. If you don't want to go to the dance, you can take your team to deal with a problem!"

Kraven interrupted Selena angrily, and casually threw a stack of photos to Selena.

"A group of guys from the country broke into Manhattan and wanted to use this area as their hunting ground. Selina, find them and drive them out of New York. Do it better. I don't want to provoke the group that came to the Holy See Ascetic and that damned witcher!"

Selena looked down at the photo in her hand, the messy scene, one after another mummies, obviously, these were all written by "kinds".

New York, a new city that has been developed for less than 200 years, everything here has been divided, even the dark world.

In the entire New York blood family, there are only two big families, one is them, and the blood originates from the ancient Hungarian nobleman, Alexander Corvinas.

The other is a secret party family from Europe, and their leader is Dickon Firth.An ambitious man, this is how many big figures in the underground world describe Dickon.

New York has always been the hunting ground of the two blood families. In just 200 years, the technological level of human beings has been getting higher and higher. The vampires, who used to be high above, have been further compressed into the living space and shrunk into the darkness.

In order to avoid the strangulation of human beings, the two families controlled the number of blood descendants, and through the temptation of longevity, attracted a large number of dignitaries "Hagui clan" to cover them.

Even so, these aliens are becoming more and more cautious in the face of increasingly powerful humans. Just like their branch, after 200 years of development, they have their own hospitals in various districts of New York, and there is enough blood bank supply.

Although Dickon's gang of minions were rough in their work, they were also extremely careful in hunting. Most of their hunting targets were outsiders and homeless people.

No matter how many of these people disappear, it will not attract the attention of human society.

And this kind of hunting and killing of ordinary people, especially so unscrupulous, is definitely done by those wandering families.

This group of disgusting guys act without scruples and prey wantonly, causing panic in human society and attracting the attention of special departments of human beings.

They patted their asses and left, and the blame will not be borne by their local families by then.

Selena looked at Kraven, who walked to the side of the dance floor and danced with a beautiful girl in his arms, put the photo in his pocket, and left the hall on his own.

On the roof of a community, the wind was bleak, and there was silence below, and two police cars parked at the gate of the community could be vaguely seen.

At the steel railing on the edge of the roof, Frank sat on the railing, staring at the closed window through the infrared telescope.

A small group of special forces soldiers in full armor stood behind Frank.

(End of this chapter)

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