Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 9 Arms Violence

Chapter 9 Arms Violence
"Lian, prepare the car, go to the Osborne Building first, and then go to the company!"

The long oak table was filled with all kinds of Chinese food. Tang Song casually ate a few cages of shrimp dumplings without washing them, and ordered Ryan to say.

Instead of using the white Rolls Royce, he used a black Mercedes and drove towards Manhattan.

Ryan said in a low voice in the car: "Boss, I found out that the gang leader who was attacked is called Vigo. His gang is mainly engaged in the arms business. Currently, one-third of the guns in the underground world of New York come from his gang.

And he has a smuggling route, responsible for smuggling arms to Mexico! "

"One-third of the arms share? Looks like it's very profitable?" Tang Song muttered to himself, and he raised his head and asked Ryan, "Check it out, who is the banker behind Vigo?"

How profitable is the federal arms business? Let’s put it this way. When the Federation declared war on Japan, the federal government allocated 2800 billion U.S. dollars, and the arms dealers earned 1764 billion. Among them, the cost of weapons accounted for only 37%, and the arms dealers’ profits were as high as 63%.

The Federation fought against the Middle East and Iraq twice, and the federal arms dealers earned $1.07 trillion.Fighting against Afghanistan, the federal arms dealers earned 1.26 trillion US dollars.

The federation is a federation of capital, and the interest groups formed by arms dealers can largely influence the direction of the federation.

However, the federal arms market is currently becoming saturated.

At present, the Federation's share of high-end weapons is controlled by the Stark Group.

Thanks to a talented boss and the level of sophistication of weapons, Stark Industries' weapons can't be faulted even by the gentlemen of the Ministry of Defense.

Few can compete with Stark Industries in this regard.

There is no shortage of predators competing for the share of low-end and mid-end weapons in the Federation, Raytheon, Loma, Hammer...

You must know that although the annual federal military expenditure is as high as [-] billion, but after being divided up by these large and small arms companies, there is only a little soup left.

Behind any arms broker or arms dealer, there must be one or more arms companies supporting them.

One-third of the weapons supply in New York's underground world is not a lot, but it is definitely not a small number, plus the amount smuggled into Mexico.

Tang Song wanted to know who the supporter behind Vigo was.

"Boss, I can't find out. All I know is that Vigo sells Soviet-made weapons in the underground world! Many of them are from the Cold War period!"

"Soviet-made weapons!" Tang Song put his finger on the glass window and flicked it lightly, turning his head to look at the street scene outside the window.

The arms business is very profitable!

At daybreak, two military pickup trucks were parked by the side of the road. Several big black men skillfully carried the corpses to the pickup trucks, and cleaned the blood on the ground with a specially prepared medicinal solution.

The five blacks cooperated tacitly, with a clear division of labor and skilled movements. The seven corpses were cleaned up in just 3 minutes.

Soon the street surface was as clean as dust.

As the two pickup trucks drove away, Kane stepped out of the shadows.

"His bounty is a full 400 million, don't keep him!"

Beside Kane, the heavily armed Punisher was playing with a straight ejector knife.

The blade of this kind of ejection knife can be ejected to injure the enemy. In Frank's hands, the lethality within ten meters is not inferior to that of a gun.

A sharp straight knife with a layer of silver plating on the blade.

Frank cut his nails with the blade of a straight knife, and asked Kane without raising his head.

Kane frowned: "The boss has no orders, don't make claims!"

Behind the two, twenty big Germanic men stood neatly in four rows.

Each person wears an LBV tactical vest, and the joints of the limbs wear black three-layer high-strength fiber-woven bulletproof armor. rub marks;

In addition, each soldier's FAST Kevlar tactical helmet is hung with an integrated pig-nose gas mask, and the left side of the helmet is hung with a radio communication headset through the slot of the NVG hanger.

The window of the helmet is loaded with the AN/PVS-21 model night vision device produced by Federal Sensor Technology Systems, which is the top binocular night vision device on the market. The HUD display of the rifle sight is connected, and it has the function of gyroscope and electronic map reality.


In short, this is a special operations team composed of [-] elite soldiers armed to the teeth. When the logistics are in place, it can carry out rapid armed infiltration, and execute kidnapping, assassination and rescue missions with scalpel-like precision.

Lean, efficient, cost and potential benefits are extremely high, this is not like the handwriting of a gangster at all, using them to deal with gangsters can be said to be completely overkill, killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

hum hum...

Kane felt the vibration in his pocket, took out a military satellite phone, and connected.

"Hey, boss, yes, okay...I understand!"

"Who is the target this time?"

Punisher Frank shrugged his shoulders, pressing the spring of the ejection knife in his hand, and the crisp sound of the blade being unsheathed continued to be heard.

"Vigo!" Kane said coldly: "A Russian gangster boss, the boss wants to live!"

"Live?" Frank frowned, "Why didn't you kill those scumbags!"

Kane was a little angry, and slapped Frank on the shoulder fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "Don't question the boss's decision, Frank!"

Frank snorted, retracted the catapult knife, and put it back in his pocket.

"Viggo will leave it to you, I will come to those vampires!"

For Frank the Punisher, he always believed in fighting evil with evil.

Frank has never had a good impression of gangsters. If it wasn't for the boss, his wife and children would have died in the vendetta of those scumbags.

Although due to Tang Song's intervention, Frank did not experience the original pain of losing a loved one, but for the gangsters, Frank is still ruthless.

The reputation of the Punisher is still loud in the underground world, but this time the Punisher is no longer fighting alone.


Tang's Import and Export Trading Company, located in the fourth block of Manhattan, is mainly engaged in the import and export of metal ores.

The company's business scope is very wide, copper and iron ore, non-ferrous metals, and various waste metal materials.

The company's business is not limited to the Federation. It has only been one year since its establishment, and its business has spread to various countries. Several large ore producing areas that are famous in the Eurasian continent have their heads.

The company's main business on the bright side is to buy low and sell high, earning the profit difference among various countries.

(End of this chapter)

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