Chapter 13 General Assembly ([-])

Zombies, in oriental movies, generally look stiff all over, with black and sharp nails, blue-faced fangs, ferocious horror, and pale skin;
Can't speak human language, can only roar, hide in coffins, caves and other damp and dark places during the day,

Inhales the yang energy of living people, but is afraid of sunlight, glutinous rice and flames,

Maoshan Taoist priests often appear with these zombies, often using Maoshan spells to subdue zombies.

The descriptions and images of these Maoshan Taoist priests are more similar to those of Heshan Taoist monks.

It's just that it's different from Maoshan's lineage of keeping righteousness and avoiding evil, Heshan Dao's reputation in Yanfu World is not really good.

Among the 72 methods of the Heshan Sutra, all of them are ways of stealing people's souls and lives, sacrificing magic weapons, and cultivating evil methods.

Take the Five Poisons and White Bone Banner as an example. This magic is to use extremely strong poison to kill people. The bones of these people contain poisonous smoke, and then these bones are sacrificed to make a long banner. In a flash, people can be poisoned on the spot, and a cup of tea can be turned into a puddle of blood, also known as the banner of turning corpses and bones.

This kind of vicious method is only ranked 72th out of the 37 methods of the Heshan Jing, so one can imagine what is recorded in the Heshan Jing.

Among them, the method of refining corpses ranks sixth, and many Heshan Taoists will refine armored corpses to protect themselves when they go down the mountain to practice.

The viciousness of the armored corpses in Heshan Dao lies in that, apart from the refining method, there is also the fact that Taoists in Heshan often graze armored corpses.

Zombies feed on blood. If they want to improve the strength of zombies, they often need human blood to feed them.

The Heshan Taoist herds zombies and doesn't care about the death of ordinary people.

In the world of Yanfu, there was a Heshan Taoist monk who slaughtered six cities in a row in order to refine a golden armored corpse, directly destroying a small country.

Although in the end the evil cultivator of Heshan Dao was subdued by an old Buddhist monk passing by, the resentment of millions of people in the six cities directly turned the land of a hundred miles into a ghost zone.

In the practice cave, all 36 vertical coffins have been opened.

At this time, the 36 armored corpses are all in the state of facing up to the sky.

The light blue moonlight shone in from the silver crystal above the cave, and was swallowed by these armored corpses.

At this time, the entire bodies of the 36 zombies were already stiff, and their exposed skin was like cast iron, exuding a deadly black luster.

According to the records of Heshan Jing, these armored corpses in Tang and Song Dynasties have reached the level of iron armored corpses, which cannot be hurt by ordinary swords, and even ordinary magic weapons can resist one or two.

With a pounce of more than ten feet, the plunder is like the wind, and tearing up tigers and leopards is like child's play.

But this was not enough, Tang Song walked to the altar, looking at the corpses in the white bones under the abyss, his eyes flickered.

For a year and a half, the dead bodies of the entire New York City were here.

Feed the zombies with their flesh and blood, refine the skeleton demon with the resentment of death,
With the flesh and blood of more than 2 people, the Tang and Song Dynasties bred 36 alien armored corpses and hundreds of skeleton demons in a year and a half!
This is the real way of protecting Taoism in Tang and Song Dynasties.

In the world of Yan Fu, what monks seek is longevity, and other methods of killing are all methods of protecting the Tao. There is nothing to do, there are too many bumps on the road to longevity.

Fighting against the sky, fighting against the earth, those who are not powerful in killing methods have long since turned into white bones.

Ordinary people live in this kind of world, and at some point, the aftermath of the battle between the two monks will be directly affected into a handful of ashes.

Logically speaking, Tang and Song should let go of their sense of crisis from the world of Yanfu to the world of Marvel, but the frequent super villains in the world of Marvel and the catastrophe of annihilation make Tang and Song's heart tightened all the time.

After experiencing it once, Tang Song no longer wants to experience the feeling of fate being pinched between other people's thoughts!
"not enough!"

Tang Song looked at the moonlight, and the armored corpse began to have brassy spots. He stretched out his hand and let the moonlight shine on his palm.

The fingers of his right hand stretched out like sword fingers, and a nearly meter long, illusory and hazy sword shadow suddenly appeared, surrounded by countless small flashes of light, as bright as a comet.

Tang Song's fingers slid down slightly, sword energy flashed, and one arm of an armored corpse was broken in two, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror.

Tang Song was a little dissatisfied and said to himself: "It's a pity, even if we use tyrannical werewolves as materials, the strength of iron armored corpses is not as good as that of copper armored corpses. Ordinary rifles are no problem, but they still can't resist heavy sniper rifles and shells! "

But it is possible to change the way of thinking, Tang Song looked at the armored corpse with one arm missing, touched his chin and thought.


New York's underground world, this period of time can be described as turbulent.

First, the rules of the Continental Hotel were violated. With the order of reward, a large number of killers were dispatched, and gun battles continued all over New York.

Then Vigo, the arms tycoon in New York, disappeared, leaving a large blank arms market, and many gangsters were ready to move in the face of this piece of fat.

It was a troubled time, and the most outrageous thing was that some people even offended Jin Bin, the underground emperor in New York.


Ryan said in a low voice in the car:
"Boss, I'm afraid Jin is in a hurry. His subordinates were attacked three times in a row, and then a large number of goods were lost. He summoned gangs of all sizes in New York this time, and it seems that he wants us to help."

Tang Song looked indifferent and said with a smile:
"It's really interesting that the majestic underground emperor of New York is afraid of a few mysterious people! But this unknown hero chooses to act at this time, which is more beneficial to us!"

"How are things going with Kane and Frank?"

Ryan mixed a glass of wine and handed it to Tang Song. Tang Song took it and asked casually.

Ryan nodded and said:
"Very well, Vigo is in our hands, Kane and the others easily solved his uncle's manpower, and they are currently receiving the arsenal there!"

Tasting the red wine, Tang Song narrowed his eyes slightly: "Let Frank come back first, and Ryan, recruiting people in the underground world, there are too few good guys we can use now!"

Ryan narrowed his eyes excitedly, and said with a bit of a chill: "Boss, are we going to have a big fight? I know a lot of veterans, and they are all good hands!"

"Eighty good players are needed," Tang Song said with a cunning smile on his face, "and recruit some peripheral personnel! "

The extended Rolls-Royce stopped slowly, and Ryan opened the door for Tang Song. Tang Song walked down slowly, raised his head, and stood at the gate of a super luxurious nightclub.

This is one of the most luxurious nightclubs in New York, because the owner here is Wilson Grant Fisk, and he also has a name - Jinbin!
Just like the ancient emperors would not allow their courtiers' houses to surpass their own palaces, in the underground world of New York, no one had the guts to provoke Jin Bin.

Tang Song took a civilized stick from Ryan and walked straight into the nightclub.

Ryan followed behind with two big Germanic men, making no secret of the bulging ammunition on his body.

Two tall black men greeted the guests at the stairs leading to the second floor. After bowing slightly, they said to Tang Song: "I'm sorry, our boss said that we can't bring weapons up, please..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ryan rushed up and hit his right shoulder with a punch. People in the hall and the corridor on the second floor heard the cracking sound of bones breaking, and the black man fell to his knees and screamed. stand up.

"Is this the attitude of Jin Bing to find someone to help? Ryan, kill him!"

The arms business that the Tang and Song Dynasties will do in the future will undoubtedly offend a large number of people. If you want to scare away the hyenas that are preying on them, it is undoubtedly the best to kill a lion to stand up.

What Tang and Song Dynasties are doing now is to establish prestige, and what can establish authority in the underground world better than playing Jin Bing's face.

Ryan grinned grimly, and stretched out his big furry hand to cut off the black man's neck.

There was a shout from above: "Stop...Don? You are too presumptuous!"

Tang Song raised his eyes and cast a glance. The person speaking above was a bald man wearing a leather jacket, with a rough face, and a big target was drawn on his forehead like a joke, which made people want to give him a shot.

Bullseye, Jin Bing's number one general, is said to have a dart technique that hits every shot, and anything in his hands can be turned into a murderous weapon.

There have always been rumors in the underground world that this guy is a mutant, and he has the ability to hit every shot.

Tang Song nodded his cane and looked at Bullseye: "Mr. Wilson invited people to a banquet and arranged for his subordinates to search the guests. This is a bit unreasonable!"

There was a cold light in Bullseye's eyes, staring at Tang Song, and touched the row of flying knives on his waist.

"Lester, please come up, Mr. Tang!" A deep voice suddenly sounded, and behind Bullseye, a figure as large as a hill turned and left, leaving only a back and a cold gaze staring at Tang Song.

Bullseye looked like a doll compared to this figure.

Tang Song laughed, took people upstairs, and followed Bullseye into a huge conference room.

At this moment, there were already seven or eight people seated beside the long round table inside, and behind them stood more than 30 guys with sloppy faces.

(End of this chapter)

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