Chapter 14 Assembly ([-])

A huge figure sat at the chairman's seat, with two clasped palms the size of a cattail fan, his eyes scanning Tang and Song like blades, as if he wanted to remember him in his heart.

Strong, this is Tang Song's impression of Jin Bing, who weighs [-] pounds, but Jin Bing does not feel bloated at all, and the white suit is bulging with muscles that are about to emerge.

With a sturdy body like a hill, there is no doubt that he can kill a lion with one punch, and his eyes are also fierce.

Facing Jin Bin's fierce gaze, Tang Song just smiled, handed the suit jacket and cane to Ryan, pulled over a chair at the end, and sat down directly.

The location he chose was opposite Jin Bing.

Jin Bin stared at Tang Song for a moment, pressed his crossed thumbs, and suddenly laughed:

"Tang, these are the bosses of various gangs in New York. This one is Song Tang. Boss Tang rarely interacts with everyone, but everyone should have heard of him, right?"

Tang Song nodded slightly to everyone present with unusual courtesy, and glanced at everyone present.

Among the seven or eight gang leaders present, not many left an impression on Tang Song.

One is Jin Bing. He has a strong physique. From the perspective of Tang and Song Dynasties, he is as vigorous as a foreign martial artist in Yanfu World. He is full of energy and blood. He is a monk of the magic way who sacrifices zombies and extracts soul first choice.

Well, some trolls like the chewy crunch too.

The other one is interesting. It is an old Asian lady in a Tang suit. She is still rolling a string of Buddhist beads in her hand. She looks kind and kind. Facing Tang Song's gaze, she smiled and nodded in response to Tang Song.

The seat she was sitting on was below Jin Bing, which was the only seat for underworld forces second only to Jin Bing.

Tang Song felt a gloomy power from this old lady, a bit like the internal energy in the world of Yan Fu, although it was rough, but the power was huge.

The most interesting thing is that Tang Song Lingshi felt the old lady's deep malice towards him.

Tang Song rubbed the black jade finger on his thumb, grinned grimly in his heart, and made up his mind to find a chance for Xiao Hei to make out with the old lady.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Jin Bin nodded, and Bullseye led a few people to close the door of the meeting room, and then stood behind Jin Bin.

The old Asian lady was sitting next to Jin Bin, rolling the prayer beads, but she was the first to speak:
"Mr. Jin Bing, everyone is here this time. You tried your best to call everyone here. What can you say?"

Jin took a lighted cigar from Bullseye and took two puffs.
"The purpose of inviting everyone here this time is because there are a few cockroaches in New York,"

He took a dozen photos from Bullseye behind him, threw them on the table and said:
"You can see, these so-called superheroes ruined three of my businesses, and I lost 5000 million dollars!"

Tang Song looked at the photos scattered on the table. In the photos, there were a few perverts in tights, no, a few superheroes in tights and masks fighting crime.

Tang Song picked up one and looked at it.

The person in the photo, dressed in a red tights, looks like Batman in the comics, holding a long stick.

Isn’t this tights crotchless? Tang Song had a whim.

Except Tang and Song, none of the bosses at the long table looked at these photos.

Seeing this, Jin Bing took a sip of his cigar, filled with smoke, and said slowly:
"These superheroes are not only hitting my business, Mrs. Gao, I remember correctly, your Hand has two factories in Hell's Kitchen, which were destroyed in their hands the day before yesterday!"

The Asian old lady, Mrs. Gao, one of the five fingers of the Hand Association, gave a pause when she rolled the prayer beads, with a benevolent smile still on her face,
"It's just two factories, and we, the Hand, don't take them seriously!"

"Your hands are rich and powerful," Jin Bin sneered, and turned to look at an old white man in a tuxedo with shiny hair.

"Old Billy, the human trafficking in New York is all done by you. Two days ago, the New York Police Department deported more than 700 people back to China. I remember correctly. According to the news, that is your ship!"

Old Billy said with a sad face:
"This is the third time, my cargo ship has been attacked for the third time, fuck"

As Jin Bin pointed out one by one, the meeting room seemed to become a complaint meeting.

The gang leaders are like bullied little daughters-in-law, telling their grievances.

Tang Song watched the excitement from the sidelines. He was in the cleaning business on the surface. Unless those few were really perverts in tights, Tang Song didn't believe that they were really interested in the corpse.

"What we are present here basically includes the underground forces in New York."

Seeing that the fire was coming, Jin Bin slammed the cigar in his hand into the ashtray.

"Mobilize all of your people to find those cockroaches and crush them. I will personally pay you 1000 million dollars."

All the bosses were moved, and they discussed a few words with each other in a low voice.

Soon, the matter was finalized, and everyone present offered a reward, a total of 50 million US dollars.

All the underground forces in New York were dispatched together to find him out.

Well, according to his own statement, he is currently doing a decent business for the fraction that Tang and Song paid, and those vigilantes will never find him no matter what.

The 50 is his wish.


"One more thing, Vigo is missing, and the arms market in New York is now in chaos!"

Jin Bing looked at everyone: "Who is interested?"

Several bosses present looked at each other, then looked away in unison.

The arms market in New York is a piece of fat. During this period of time, they have fought a lot in order to compete for the share of the arms market.

No one wants to eat meat, but there are no fools who can sit in this position. They can't figure out Jin Bing's true attitude, and they hesitate for a while.

Everyone present was silent, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"Since everyone is afraid of being interested, how about handing over this business to us?" Mrs. Gao smiled at everyone and said in a soft voice.

Mrs. Gao looked at the crowd, and there was an undisguised cold warning under her kind eyes.

Everyone turned their attention to Jin Bin, wanting to see his host's opinion.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jin Bing clapped his hands and said.

"The arms market is so big, Mrs. Gao, you can't afford it with the hand alone, and I will give you 40% at most."



For a while, the bosses who were sitting there were all stunned. It was obvious that the Hand and Jin Bin had joined forces, and the share of the arms market had been divided between the two of them.

The purpose of this meeting is nothing more than to inform them.

No one spoke, and everyone was looking at Jin Bin. At this time, Jin Bin was ferocious, entrenched on the seat like a real bear ready to pounce, looking around with fierce eyes.

Faced with Jin Bin's eyes, several bosses exchanged glances with each other, and they couldn't help but choose to retreat. The Hand Association and Jin Bin joined hands, and no one in the few families present was their opponent.

At this time, Tang Song yawned: "Arms business, I have a batch of gadgets in my hand recently, Boss Jin Bing, since Mrs. Gao's 40% share, then give me the rest!"

As soon as Tang Song's words came out, everyone looked at Tang Song, and Jin Bing stared at Tang Song with a smile on his face:

"Don, you haven't always been in the cleaning business, why would you want to switch to arms, the arms business is not easy to do..."

(End of this chapter)

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