Chapter 23 Agents
"Hey, put your hands up and squat down! Don't make me say it a second time!"

On the top of a 45-story building, George Stacy had just reached the top floor when he saw several people in black suits squatting on the ground to sample a pile of things.

He directly raised the police gun in his hand and pointed it at several people.

Behind him, several police detectives also raised their guns.

"Don't get me wrong, Sheriff, we are the field agents of the FBI, and we are in charge of this case now!"

A slightly bald middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old had a warm smile on his face and opened his hands to signal the police detectives to relax.

Sergeant George frowned, but he didn't put down his gun: "Agent of the FBI, you'd better show your ID to prove your identity!"

The middle-aged man unhurriedly took out an ID from the inside of his suit under the watchful eyes of all the police detectives, stepped forward and handed it to George for inspection.

Sergeant George took the ID, looked at the profile picture and identity information on it, and took out the walkie-talkie.

"Hello, the police station, I'm George Stacy, check the information of an FBI agent, Duke Ackerman!"

"okay, I get it!"

Sergeant George listened to the information sent back from the police station, which said that the authority was limited, but after the investigation, the FBI did have this person.

The middle-aged man named Duke didn't say anything about Sergeant George's distrust, with a gentle smile on his face all the time.

Get the ID back from Sheriff George.

"Sheriff, this case involves national security, and we will be responsible for the rest of the work. I hope you NYPD will stop interfering!"

Duke spoke very politely. Sergeant George had an ugly expression on his face. Although he didn't shake his face directly at him, he didn't say any more, and led all the police officers under him to leave the rooftop.

In the Federation, each state has its own police system, while the FBI is directly under the jurisdiction of the federal government. To some extent, it is half a level higher than the state-level police system, but the two actually have no direct jurisdictional relationship.

However, the FBI has the right to take priority over cases identified as endangering national security.

The police in various states don't like the FBI agents very much.

Of course, Agent Phil Coulson didn't care at all.

Even if the New York Police Department is jealous and dissatisfied with him, it is still looking for Duke of the FBI, and it has nothing to do with Phil Coulson.

"Sir, do you need to see this?"

An agent in charge of sampling suddenly exclaimed.

Phil Coulson stepped forward quickly.

In the corner of the roof, a pool of blood-red viscous liquid was constantly bubbling, and the clothes residues and faintly visible bones stuck to it proved that there was once a person here.

"Sir, it's unbelievable. This is not strong acid and chemical toxins, but some kind of biological toxins!"

Listening to the words of his agents, Phil Coulson frowned:
"Are you telling me that what can corrode a human corpse into this appearance is the venom of some kind of creature, is it a poisonous snake or something, or is it an alien species?"

The agent was a little confused: "The current portable detector can only analyze it. This is a biological toxin. It needs to be sent to the Science Department for more detailed testing!"

"Then send it for inspection!"

Phil Coulson looked at the pile of mushy liquid in front of him, frowned, took out a communication phone, and walked aside.



An unknown estate somewhere in New York.

In an artificially built hot spring pool, white gas rises, steam is lingering, and gold is soaked in the hot spring, enjoying the comfort brought by the hot spring water.

Although his whole body is full of muscles, his weight of [-] pounds puts too much pressure on his heart. Only in the water can Jin Bin relieve the pressure on his body, which is why he likes to soak in hot springs.

Jin Bin picked up the wine glass on the floating tray in front of him and drank it in one gulp. Jin did not get angry at the bad news brought by Bullseye, and the assassination failed, which seemed to be within his expectation.

"Go and tell Dickon Firth, the deal is concluded, I will prepare the hundred virgins he wants, and let him redeem his promise!"

Bullseye led the way to leave, and Jin took out a satellite phone in the empty hot spring room.

"Sloan, you need an extra name on your loom!"


That night, Tang Song sent Skye back to the manor.

He went directly to the venue, the secret room cave where he practiced.

First, when they reached the corpse pit on the edge of the altar, Tang and Song took off the white jade bracelet in his left hand and threw it into the corpse pit.

A string of white jade bracelets, the silk threads connected in series collapsed directly above the corpse pit, and the patterns of skulls were revealed on the porcelain white jade beads.

When they came into contact with the dark green phosphorous fire floating above the corpse pit, the color of these jade beads gradually turned pale, turning into white bone beads.

These bone beads devoured the phosphorous fire, and gradually turned into a skeleton monster the size of a human head.

These skeleton monsters are flying around in the corpse pit, devouring the yin and fire at the bottom of the pit.

Skeleton demon, the second most vicious method in the Heshan Sutra,
This kind of sorcery requires the use of dead human skulls as materials, condenses countless fierce souls, and kills and injures countless creatures.

The poisonous smoke sprayed by the skeleton demon contains corpse poison, and the person in it will die, and every time it kills a creature, it can swallow its soul, and the fierceness becomes more and more serious.

After releasing the skeleton demon, Tang Song faded the little black who had seen blood today, turning it into a black snake body, coiled around a corpse-like celestial spirit, and swallowed the essence of the moonlight.

With the skeleton demon and Xiao Hei on guard, Tang Song sat cross-legged in the center of the altar.

A trace of moonlight began to pour into Tang Song's body from Xinmen.

The state of qi training is divided into front, middle, and later stages. In fact, it is a process of transforming oneself with the essence of the sun, the moon, and the essence of heaven and earth.

The same is true for Qi training and foundation building. Only when the monk's body is transformed by the essence of heaven and earth, can he withstand the evil spirit of heaven and earth in the later stage.

Practitioners of qi practice true qi, which continuously transforms the essence of heaven and earth into true qi.

A trace of the moonlight of the lunar moon is constantly being sucked in, sucked in, sucked in, Tang and Song's hands are in the shape of lotus flowers, silently chanting the unspoken secret of "subduing the devil heart curse", the ten fingers are beating fast, one after another dazzling The bright silver brilliance formed complicated spells in the air.

The 36 bronze armored corpses swallowed the moonlight star power at the same time,

Tang Song was sweating all over his body, and traces of strong energy sprayed out from the pores all over his body.
At the same time, wisps of moonlight and star power mixed with countless light spots like smoke poured in from the fontanelle, and the four elephants and 28 constellations twirled crazily.

Tang Song felt extremely comfortable all over, a gust of turbid air surged up from his lower abdomen, he raised his head to the sky fiercely, and let out a roar.

A silent shock wave penetrated straight through the soil layer and hundreds of meters into the sky. It exploded like a thunderbolt in the sky. The scattered air currents swept away a large swath of mist, and a little bit of starlight shot down directly.


Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen.

Thirty or so black commercial vehicles were scattered and drove to various strongholds of the Bigfoot Gang.

The Bigfoot Gang's business is mainly biological drug smuggling, that is, smuggling medicine, and flour business. It is not a big business, but it also has its own territory in New York.

Frank was sitting in the back row of a black seven-seater business seat, cleaning his gun with a serious look on his face.

He just got the news that his boss was assassinated, although he said he had confidence in Tang Song, and he was sure that these rotten fish and rotten shrimps would not hurt his boss, that monster.

But attitude is always there.

"Mission change, wipe out everyone in the Bigfoot Gang," Frank gave his order through his headset communicator.

There was silence in the communicator, except for the sound of breathing.

Those who can come here are all the best in the army, some of them are rangers, some are retired from the naval special forces, and some are retired special forces from various countries.

When holding the Russian-style standard rifle in hand, putting on a full set of equipment, and equipped with a wireless communication headset, at this moment, this group of well-trained soldiers entered a state of war by coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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