Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 24 Armor Skeleton

Chapter 24 Armor Skeleton
hell kitchen,

Outside a factory that produces certain chemical raw materials.

Three black seven-seater commercial vehicles avoided the cameras and parked in a corner outside the chemical plant.

The car door opened, and a burly man wearing body armor, a fully enclosed helmet, and holding an AK-47 rifle quietly walked out of the commercial vehicle.

"Group A is in place!"

A dozen or so armed gunmen were hidden in the shadow of the corner of the factory building. After the report, they all fell silent, waiting for the order from the headset.

In the chemical plant, the machines roared, and the sound of men drinking and fisting could be heard from time to time in the yard.

A cloud came and covered the moon.

After waiting in silence for half an hour, a cold voice came from the headset:


A dozen or so heavily armed former special forces soldiers pulled off their night vision goggles in unison.

In groups of two and two, one stepped on the other's hand, with one lift and one lift, and quickly sent people to the top of the wall.

A dozen killing machines from the federal army faced a group of gangsters.

Soon, the loose gangsters covered their mouths and wiped their necks with big hands stretched out in the darkness.

The hissing sound of bleeding from the neck and the popping sound of the suppressed pistol were all covered by the wind in the night.


Hell's Kitchen, a Japanese-style Kabukicho, is the busiest bar club in two neighborhoods.

The geisha from Dongying is very suitable for the taste of some middle class,

In particular, the Dongying women's self-proclaimed Yamato Nadeko-like service attitude and superb technology have attracted an endless stream of guests.

This also makes this Kabukicho one of the important venues of the Bigfoot Gang.

For a place like this that is getting more and more money every day, the Bigfoot Gang will naturally arrange people to watch the place.

In the internal security room of the ballroom, Mitsui Genichi was leading a few subordinates to play flower cards when there was a sudden commotion outside.
Mitsui, who was unlucky, stood up quickly, threw the flower cards in his hand on the table, and walked out quickly
More than a dozen black thugs who were watching the scene outside were standing in the middle of the dance floor,

Staring at several white men in black suits on the opposite side.

Two big black men clutched their wrists and stood behind with murderous eyes, looking like they were at a disadvantage.

Mitsui Motoichi signaled to the terrified guests around in a low voice: "I'm sorry, everyone's consumption is half price tonight. Please don't panic, we can take care of these things right away, and it won't hurt everyone."

After finishing speaking, he moved towards the two black suits at the front without saying a word, and said coldly: "This is the territory of the Bigfoot Gang. I will give you ten seconds to disappear, otherwise, you will be responsible for all the consequences."

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, you're so impolite... We're just here to have fun, you Dongying people are really unfriendly..."

A brown-haired man in a suit with a cropped head complained:

"Bigfoot Gang, are you threatening me, little man, this is New York, not Tokyo!"

Mitsui Genichi approached him slowly, with bloody murderous intent in his eyes, subconsciously poked his belt on his belt, and said in a low voice:
"If you don't get out, I'll kill you right away... damn Yankee."

The man in the suit changed his face slightly, glanced at Mitsui Genichi and the tambourine waist behind him, licked his lips, spread his hands and said:

"We're here just to have fun, and since you're not welcome, let's change places and go, guys"

He immediately went out with a few partners.

Mitsui Genichi made a gesture, and the deafening music sounded quickly again,
He took the black thugs behind him and chased after him.

The troublemakers seemed to have heard the sound of chasing footsteps, and cautiously ran towards the front of the dark street.

Mitsui and the others chased after them with strides, and Mitsui yelled in a low voice:
"Yankee, stop, the scenery here is very good, don't worry, I will only break your legs..."

The front was suddenly covered with snow, and the headlights of the four cars were on at the same time. Unknown number of people were hiding behind the cars, and they all made the sound of pulling the safety lock in their hands.

"There is an ambush!"

The frightened expression on Mitsui Motoichi's face hadn't faded away, and a dozen AK rifles on the opposite side fired at the same time.


"Jingle Bell"

"Jingle Bell"

"Jingle Bell"

The phone kept ringing, but Schrader was in no mood to answer it.

He knew which venue must have been attacked again, and he answered seven or eight calls that night, all of which were calls for help.

"Matsushitaro, what kind of person did your hand provoke?"

With the veins on his forehead protruding violently, Shredder loosened his tie, and looked viciously at the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa beside him.

"Schreider, pay attention to your tone of voice. Without the support of our Hand Association, it's hard to say whether your Bigfoot Gang can exist!"

The middle-aged man named Matsushitaro did not hide the arrogance in his tone.

"Don't forget, when your master fled to New York in embarrassment, it was you who supported us from the Hand! You have the current family business"

A cold light flashed in Shredder's eyes, he walked to the hanger and took off his coat.

"I will never forget the help you Hands have given me, Mr. Matsushita, now I want to know who is targeting us..."

Taking off his suit and revealing his white shirt, Schreider walked to the knife holder and held a samurai sword.

"Is it *Guo Tang, or Jin Bin? What did your hand do? Mrs. Gao, Yu Sui, why don't you see the other fingers of your hand coming?"

Matsushitarou's face darkened, and Schrader's words were like exposing the scars of their hand association, he reprimanded unceremoniously:
"Schrader, this is not what you should care about!"

"Really!" Schrader held the scabbard with his left hand, and slowly drew the knife with his right hand.


The sound of a long knife being unsheathed sounded in this room.

Schreider held the blade in the crook of his arm and wiped the bloody blade.


At this time, a strong white man in his 30s hurriedly opened the door and walked in. He was shocked when he saw Schrader holding a samurai sword. Eye.

"Several of our venues are gone, Kabukicho, and that laboratory have also been attacked!"

Shredder's eyes were extremely gloomy, and there was a look of unwillingness in his eyes. Finally, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Notify our people, withdraw from New York!"

"Boss!" The strong white man was taken aback, but when he met Shredder's cold eyes, he was too scared to say a word.

"Bring the doctor, there shouldn't be too many people! Also find someone to spread the location of the group of gunmen from the Guild."

Schrader felt that his heart was bleeding, and the Bigfoot Gang was a cause he had fought for more than ten years.

He is not willing to give up, but he knows the strength of the Hand, and the forces that can fight against the Hand are not something that a small gang with the size of their Bigfoot Gang can provoke.

But since he was having a hard time, others should not think about it too. Thinking of the group of enemies the Hand would provoke him, Schrader directly sold the gunman who had smuggled into New York from the Hand.

Two dogs fight, play off,
Although Schrader was unwilling, he knew that only by saving himself would he have a chance in the future, and he would have a chance to return to New York if the two parties fought hard.

"Bang bang!..."

"Da da da……"

Just as Schreider opened a dark room and packed up his belongings and some research materials.

Suddenly there was a burst of intense gunfire like firecrackers outside the door.

Shredder's complexion changed abruptly, he dropped a box of gold bars in his hand, and walked quickly to a corner of the secret room.

On the human-shaped wooden frame there, there is a set of all-metal warrior armor, bright silver in color, shining brightly under the light of the secret room.


At this time, outside the manor stronghold of the Bigfoot Gang, Frank pointed a PKM general-purpose machine gun at the stronghold of the Bigfoot Gang and fired wildly at the stronghold of the Bigfoot Gang.

This heavy machine gun produced in the former Soviet Union uses 7.62mm bullets, has a magazine capacity of 100 rounds, and weighs more than ten kilograms. It was originally used with a tripod.

Frank held it directly in his hand, and the powerful recoil seemed to have no effect on him. The fire snake sprayed by the machine gun illuminated the night sky for a while.

Behind him, more than a dozen big men were carrying heavy weapons such as bursting shotguns and machine guns, suppressing the gunmen in the manor with firepower.

As the last stronghold of the Bigfoot gang, there are at least 50 gunmen scattered in this manor, but compared to the heavy weapons in Frank's hands.

The firearms of these gunmen are at most pistols, submachine guns and the like.

Facing weapons like heavy machine guns, the Bigfoot gunmen in the manor were so suppressed that they didn't even dare to show their heads.


Frank looked at the sky, and then looked down at the special watch. It would be bright in two hours.

A trace of impatience flashed across Frank's face, and he casually threw the heavy machine gun in his hand to the subordinates beside him.

Turning around from the back seat of the commercial vehicle behind him, he took out an M202 66mm four-tube rocket launcher, aimed it at the manor in front of him and pulled the trigger.

Boom boom boom!

Four rockets fired in salvo, and amidst the violent explosion and roar, the flames shot into the sky.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the gate of the manor and half of the wall in front of him disappeared.

Frank dropped the bazooka, picked up an M16 assault rifle, and made a tactical gesture to the team members.

In the smoke and dust, a few gunmen of the Bigfoot gang huddled in the corner of the manor, holding poor little pistols in both hands, and nervously looked at the incomplete gate.

"Da da da da..."

Several gunshots sounded behind them, and three gunmen in bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets came in from a wall that had never collapsed.

The three lined up in a row, with one shrinking behind the other, bowing their bodies in a tactical move.

The three AK rifles point in three directions alternately, and when they see the enemy, they quickly pull the trigger.

Before the gunmen of the Bigfoot gang could react, they were beaten into a sieve.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, it immediately attracted gunmen ambushing everywhere in the manor. They leaned out from all directions and shot at the three gunmen who came in.

The three gunmen quickly changed their shapes, and using the pillars in the manor as cover, the three AK rifles began to fire at the exposed fire points in the manor, suppressing their firepower.

"Da da da da da..."

The three gunmen attracted part of the firepower in the manor. At this time, at the gate of the manor, a black commercial vehicle suddenly accelerated to the end and rushed in.

The two doors of the commercial vehicle were opened wide, and a strong man with a squad machine gun squatted on each side.

Simple steel plates are inlaid on the fuel tank and important positions in the front and rear of the black commercial vehicle.

The driver stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and rampaged through the manor. An ordinary seven-seater business-seater, forcibly turned into a chariot in his hands.

At both ends of the chariot, two fire snakes were sprayed out at the same time.

da da da da da
The firepower of heavy machine guns, ordinary stone pillars, corridors, and walls are no more than paper books under the firepower of 7.62 heavy machine guns.

The gunmen who swept up the Bigfoot Gang beat them to pieces, like sacks of flesh and blood.

And the small pistols of the Bigfoot gang can't penetrate the body armor of these former professional soldiers at all.

In the Federation, the control of body armor is much stricter than that of guns.

One out of ten of these gunmen in the Bigfoot Gang is wearing a bulletproof vest, which is not bad.

On the other hand, the gunman brought by Frank was tightly wrapped all over his body.

The cost of buying smuggled Grade IIIA bulletproof vests in bulk from the East does not exceed $400.

Even if this kind of body armor is not inserted with bulletproof steel plates, it cannot be penetrated by the small pistols of the Bigfoot Gang.

"Da da da!"

Frank pulls the trigger on the M16 and kills a Bigfoot thug hiding in a corner trying to sneak up.

Stepping into the largest house in the manor, he was surrounded by more than a dozen gunmen armed with AK rifles.

And all the commanding heights and key points of the manor were equipped with sniper rifles and machine guns.

The moment Frank walked into the hall of the manor, a figure jumped down from the second floor of the manor, and a bright silver light hit Frank's face directly.

The light of the knife was very fast, and it reached the top of Frank's head in an instant.
Frank grinned, biting the cigar he had just picked up in his mouth,

Faced with this fierce knife, Frank grabbed the barrel of the M16, turned the gun into a stick, and slammed the samurai sword fiercely.

Chi Chi!

The wooden stock of the M16 is directly split in two by a sharp katana.

However, this block also gave Frank a chance to breathe. He stepped back directly, pulled out the military pistol from his waist with his backhand, aimed at the silver armored warrior in front of him, and directly pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

All nine bullets hit, and sparks burst out on the silver armor.

At this time, the gunmen guarding Frank also aimed their guns at the silver armored warrior.

“Da da da da”

"Da da da da

"Da da da"

The 7.62mm bullet mercilessly drowned the armored warrior who jumped down suddenly.

But these bullets that can easily penetrate the body armor seem to have no effect on the silver armored warrior.

The silver armored samurai directly brandished his samurai sword and rushed towards the crowd.

"Da da da da..."

The two gunmen who were facing him, facing the charging enemy, did not dodge or dodge, and pulled the trigger at him head-on.

Chi Chi!

The silver-armored samurai stood close to the bullets, and after two cuts, the two gunmen fell to the ground.

"It's all scattered!"

Seeing this scene, Frank gave an order to the gunmen beside him to scatter, but he took out a shotgun from behind with his backhand.

Instead of retreating, he went forward and greeted the silver armored warrior.

"bang bang bang"

With every step, a hot shotgun casing rolled to the ground.

With every shot, Frank hit the heart of the silver armored warrior's left chest.

The bullets from the shotgun still seemed unable to cause any damage to the silver armored warrior, but the bullets brought a huge impact, and he was knocked back again and again.

"Hot weapons are useless to me, my armor is doped with Adamantium,"

The silver armored samurai swung his katana and looked at Frank. A dull voice came from under the silver visor.

"Since the Bigfoot Gang is destroyed, you will all die here today!"

The hot weapon was useless. After blasting the last shot, Frank pulled out the ejection knife at his waist with his backhand.

He rushed directly to fight hand-to-hand with the silver armored warrior.

An inch is short and an inch is dangerous. The ejection knife in Frank's hand is not much longer than a utility knife.

Compared with the samurai sword of the silver armored samurai, it really does not have an advantage, and the opposite is an invulnerable iron king.

After Frank stabbed the visor and armpit of the silver armored warrior, it was useless.

Rolling on the spot, the blade of the catapult knife in his hand flew out and shot straight at the Yin Armored Warrior's genitals.

The blade was directly bounced off, but it was still useless.


The silver armored warrior looked at the golden light shining on Frank's body, and was a little surprised.

Just in the gap just now, he obviously slashed the person in front of him four or five times, but who knew it was blocked by the yellow light that suddenly appeared on his body.

In Frank's breast pocket, the two yellow talismans turned into ashes and dissipated at this moment.

Frank stood up in a little embarrassment, looked at the silver armor man in front of him, and took out a white jade bead from his pocket.

Biting the tip of the tongue, the blood was sprayed out from the beads on the palm.

After the white jade beads came into contact with the blood, like a sponge, they greedily absorbed the blood from the tip of Frank's tongue.

After the bead absorbed Frank's blood, it turned around, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the silver armored warrior.

The white jade beads spun slowly, and a black cloud rose up around him, and there were crackling sounds in the black cloud.


The silver-armored warrior didn't even think about it, and directly slashed across.

The silver-armored warrior only felt a shock in his wrist, as if his knife was chopping on steel.

The black cloud faded away, and a two-meter-tall skeleton demon with green phosphorous fire in his eyes suddenly appeared in front of the silver-armored warrior.

His knife struck the skull of this skeleton monster impressively.

Looking at this skeleton monster, the shredder wearing a samurai armor was wearing a samurai armor, and a coolness penetrated from the tailbone to the sky.

Before he could react, the skeleton monster's black gums suddenly opened, and a jet of black smoke mixed with green phosphorous fire sprayed towards his face.

(End of this chapter)

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