Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 232 The Purpose of the Artificial Sun

Chapter 232 The Purpose of the Artificial Sun

"Boom boom-"

In the sky, dozens of steel robots are patrolling the dark sky with blue plasma flames spouting from their feet

In the dark world where you can't see your fingers, there are strange screams from time to time in the sky, accompanied by the roar of missiles and explosions fired by steel robots.

Eighty steel robots patrolled back and forth at an altitude of five kilometers in radius, and the strafing of heavy machine guns and the roar of missiles never stopped for a moment.

Looking down from a high altitude, these steel soldiers are guarding a brightly lit building complex on the top of the mountain.

Simple iron fences surround some simple work sheds transformed from containers. This temporary camp looks like a construction site. Huge lights are hung everywhere, illuminating the entire camp as if it were daytime.

In the dark Wertheim, this may be the best way for humans to resist the fear of darkness,
Fear of the dark, the best way to overcome fear is to drive it away.

Although the camp is simple, it has a large area, fully occupying more than half of the top of the mountain, tens of acres of land.

The iron fence encloses the entire top of the mountain. Within the fence, a wooden watchtower is built in three or five steps. On the watchtower, there are assumed to be high-power searchlights and heavy machine guns.

Soldiers in groups of two stood guard on the watchtower and patrolled down through searchlights to prevent the native creatures of Wertheim from sneaking into the camp.

"Suck it!"

On the watchtower, a big man in a black body armor suddenly sniffed, as if he smelled something.

"It's bloody smell, those skeletons are hunting again, there must be another unsightly monster at the foot of the mountain!"

As the big man spoke, he shook the searchlight, and the thick beam of the searchlight shone straight on to a depression halfway up the mountain.

The originally quiet mountain col has now become a bloody slaughter field. In the mountain col, a group of pale-skinned humanoid orcs who are two times larger than ordinary humans are trying to escape from the col in a hurry.

It's a pity that a group of skeletons with thick bones and green phosphorous fire in their eyes blocked their way. The claws of these skeletons are extremely sharp, and they can easily pull out the hearts of these tough-skinned orcs.

The skulls kept opening and closing, and when they opened their mouths, there were streams of poisonous smoke. Covered by the poisonous smoke of these skeleton monsters, these native half-orcs of Wertheim immediately turned black and fell to the ground.

Hundreds of orcs who wanted to attack the human camp on the top of the mountain did not even persist for 3 minutes under the sharp claws of a dozen skeleton demons.


Through the binoculars, the big man exchanged a glance with a skeleton demon who had sucked the flesh and blood of an orc.

He watched helplessly as the skeleton demon stretched out its sharp claws and lifted the half-orc's corpse in the air. When the upper and lower jaws opened and closed, the flesh and blood of the burly half-orc turned into a cloud of blood, and was swallowed by it into its mouth.

The skeleton demon shook its head in satisfaction. The two small joking bone wings on its back spread out a little after it sucked the blood food, and the thin bones proliferated inside the bone wings.

Watching the half-orc held by the skeleton being sucked into a skeleton in an instant, the big man shuddered all over, especially the skeleton monster seemed to be aware of his gaze. The two phosphorescent flames in the eye sockets met his stares.

Stared at by two groups of green will-o'-the-wisps, even though the big man himself was not an ordinary human being, his scalp was numb from fright, his body shrank back subconsciously, and the searchlight in his hand deviated directly from the direction.

The thick beam of light pierced through the darkness and just reflected on the wings of a huge dark mephit high in the sky,
"Da da da da-"

The dark mephit was instantly concentrated fire by the anti-aircraft cannon in the base, and was instantly smashed into a cloud of blood mist by the thick bullets of the cannon.

"Fake, this ghost place, if I knew I would not have come here, I might as well be a guard in the dark black market!"

Amidst the ridicule of his companions beside him, the big man stood firm and defended himself cursing.

"The creatures here are uglier than those monsters!"

"Our transformation into a werewolf is no better than them?!" The veteran next to him slowly took out a cigar from his pocket and lit it on his own.

"It's much easier here than the black market. There are those robots guarding it, and the group of skeletons at the foot of the mountain. We just need to stay on the observation deck honestly. You must know that the salary here is three times that of the black market. Don't stay with those bats!"

The veteran smoked a cigar and popularized science to the newly transferred rookie.

"At the foot of the mountain, what are those skeletons, the undead creatures summoned by the black wizard?"

The big man was a little puzzled. He was originally a werewolf under Lucien, but he was later transferred to work as a guard in the black market that Selina was in charge of.

The black market in New York is full of dark creatures lurking in the human world, goblins, gnomes, trolls, elves, orcs, and dark wizards. He has seen a lot in the past two years as a guard.

But he had never seen such a ferocious thing like a skeleton demon. When he opened his mouth to spit out, the poisonous smoke from his mouth could knock down a large number of orcs. It was as easy to eat people as he was to suck jelly.

"Huh!" The older werewolf veteran spit out a cigar from his mouth and gave him a sideways glance.

"Don't worry about those skeletons, they are the pets of the big boss. The two hundred kilometers around the foot of this mountain are the hunting grounds for these skeletons! The native creatures of Wattham are their source of food, so we don't need to worry about them at all!"

"Big boss!" Hearing the mention of Tang and Song by the werewolf veteran, the big man immediately shut up.

The werewolf tribe headed by Lucien had a very strange impression of Tang Song. They were defeated by Boss Tang.

Before being subdued by Tang Song, if Lucian hadn't been clever and had chosen to join him, their werewolf team might have been wiped out by Boss Tang directly.

After choosing to surrender, with the help of Tang and Song's subordinate forces, they expanded rapidly and became one of the largest dark races in the entire Federation, uh.

The same as them are the group of stinky bats, different from them, the group of bats is also flourishing in the dark world of the Federation by relying on the boss's lover.

These bats have almost monopolized the blood smuggling business of the entire federal hospital. In addition to being self-sufficient, these smuggled blood are also a major source of profit for the black market business.

It is said that the scientific researchers under the big boss have also developed artificial plasma, and the franchise is said to be handed over to the group of bats.

As for their werewolves, after taking refuge in the big boss, not only got rid of the hard life of living in the sewer,
Were allocated welfare housing, everyone bought five social insurances and one housing fund, and paid high wages. Compared with the life of almost homeless people before, the treatment has been improved several grades at once.

Especially after the big boss extended his hand into an official human institution like S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Boss Frank submitted a proposal to the World Security Council in the name of the deputy director.

In order to deal with the increasingly serious supernatural crimes, S.H.I.E.L.D. specially recruited a group of people with supernatural powers and formed several extraordinary special service combat teams.

The person responsible for leading this armed force is their leader Lucian,

These werewolves have justifiably mixed into human official institutions and received the salaries of civil servants.

Not only that, he heard a cousin werewolf who was with the leader of Lucien say,

The leaders of several other werewolf tribes planned to join them with their clans,

Chief Lucian has reported this matter to Chief Ryan and is waiting for the big boss's instructions.

As an ordinary werewolf living at the bottom, the big man supports the generosity of the big boss in his heart, but he is more afraid of the big boss.

The longer you follow the big boss, the more you will realize the horror of the big boss.

Take the black market he guarded as an example. When the black market first opened for business, it was not that no one made trouble.

But whether it is the powerful dark race in the dark world, or the witcher who came to the door, or the agent of an official human agency.

Once there is a commotion in the black market, their corpses will appear at specific stalls in the black market within the next day and be sold as commodities.

This efficient and cruel method has greatly improved the law and order environment of the black market, and the reputation of safety has made this black market quickly replace the former black market of trolls.

As the guard of the black market, Dahan once followed a card leader to deal with a troublemaker, a crocodile man living in the sewers of New York.

This guy was lying in ambush in the sewer at the entrance of the black market, and attacked a few half-elf customers who had just walked out of the black market.
As a result, that night, the crocodile skin was displayed in the hall of the black market.

The clues provided by the turtle people living in the sewer,
He followed the boss of a card sequence to catch the person.

He watched with his own eyes that the crocodile man's spine was broken by the leader of the card sequence, and his skin was peeled off alive with a tactical knife.

Since then, the big man has had a deep-rooted fear of the legendary big boss.

When the veteran mentioned that these ferocious skeletons are the pets of the big boss, the big man actually had a kind, no wonder, other people don't deserve to have such a weird idea of ​​a ferocious pet
"Come one!"

The veteran handed over a cigar casually, and the big man hesitated to accept it.

The boss seemed to see what he was thinking: "Don't worry, you are not allowed to drink alcohol while on duty here, but you are allowed to smoke! After changing shifts, you are free to smoke and drink."

"Try it, this is a high-end Cuban cigar, and I'm usually willing to smoke it, but the logistics supplies here are all free! This is also one of the benefits of being stationed here!"

Hearing what the old soldier said, the big man lit his cigar and stood on the watchtower with the old soldier to puff.

Just when the two werewolf guards were smoking, in the valley halfway up the mountain,
After eating, more than a dozen skeleton demons flapped the bone wings on their backs and glided away from the mountain depression, leaving only white bones in the mountain depression.

In the dark midair, the skeleton of the skeleton demon completely disappeared in the night,

In the darkness, pairs of will-o'-the-wisps floated in the night.

Surrounding this mountain with an altitude of more than 1000 meters, there are thousands of will-o'-the-wisps like fireflies in the dark night.

In the center of the camp on the top of the mountain, a space door of the same style as the Leon military base stands on the ground.

In the space gate, there are workers and robots carrying supplies coming and going.

A few simple railway tracks were laid in the camp to facilitate the transportation of materials. Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius ​​waved four metal tentacles and directed the workers to move the materials he wanted to the designated place cursingly.

"Stupid, take it easy. This is the Adamantium alloy liquid. Once it is out of the constant temperature environment, after it solidifies, it needs a high temperature of more than [-] degrees to redissolve!"

Seeing several workers carelessly carrying the device containing the Edman alloy liquid, Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius ​​stepped forward and scolded them.

Otto Gunther Octavius, also known as Doctor Octopus, introduced a controlled nuclear fusion reactor,

This was originally a new energy project launched by the Osborn Group to compete with Stark Industries.

Unfortunately, although in the field of energy generation, the artificial sun is not inferior to Tony Stark's Ark reactor.

However, in terms of utilization rate, the safety and narrowing of the Ark reactor are undoubtedly much more reliable than Dr. Octopus's artificial sun project.

Especially after the earth cracked the flying motorboat technology of the Chirita people, Stark Industries and Down Group announced the development of suspended vehicles at the same time.

As for the energy of the suspended vehicle, the news released by the two companies is to use the controllable Ark reactor.


Doctor Octopus, in the original plot, after the death of Green Goblin Norman Osborn, the Osborn Group, which suffered heavy losses, funded his controlled nuclear fusion experiment.

Uh, in the world belonging to Boss Tang, Norman Osborn is alive and well, but in front of the energy blocks produced in batches by the Ark reactor and the Rubik's Cube,
Although Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius' controllable nuclear fusion project was successful, the benefits were not very satisfactory.

When the space gate opens and everyone is devoting themselves to the great interstellar development, planning to enjoy a wave of bonuses,

The Osborn Group is no exception. Norman Osborn puts all his energy on the interstellar voyage and the mining team he sent.

Just like the period of great voyages, all eyes are fixed on the rich overseas.

The experiment was successful, but Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius, whose benefits were not ideal, was recommended to Tang Song by Norman Osborn.

For the artificial sun project, after Boss Tang's slight modification, these reactors have other uses.

After a few days of busy work, Dr. Octopus looked at the completed hundreds of meters of crystal ball, and pressed the switch to start the experiment.

The injection device at the bottom of the crystal ball swallows blue plasma flames,

With a reaction force, this huge monster of hundreds of meters was pulled up instantly, and under the protection of more than a dozen steel soldiers, it rose to a height of nearly a thousand meters from the top of the mountain.

When Dr. Octopus activated the switch to control the nuclear fusion reactor, the reactor in the crystal ball was successfully activated and turned into an artificial sun that illuminated tens of miles around.

The dark night sky of Wertheim ushered in daylight for the first time, and many native creatures became blind under the direct sunlight.

In order to survive, these wild native creatures of Wertheim have developed the ability to rely on low light to see things in the dark, but when the artificial sun emits dazzling light, this ability harms them instead.

"Boss! Wertheim's artificial sun project is a success!"

The big boss's idea was successful, and the people below naturally rushed to report it.

When he received the news from Lucien, Tang Song was walking on the streets of New York after leaving customs.

A few black-clothed bodyguards and two Mercedes-Benz cars followed far behind.

The bustling streets of New York are still a fast-paced life, and the office workers who come and go seem not to be affected by the alien invasion.

Aliens, mutants, the dark world, the underground world have nothing to do with them.

Ordinary people still have to be busy with their basic necessities.

Aliens invade, so it doesn't matter that your credit card expires tomorrow.

Banks won't forgive your mortgage because of an alien invasion, unless they actually take over Earth.

After the momentary passion of human beings defeating aliens, ordinary people still live their ordinary lives busy with three meals.

No one noticed two ordinary people walking in the streets of New York, a handsome Asian and a greasy white man with a small belly.

At most, some women stopped because of the handsomeness of that Asian, and those who were shy quietly looked at him, and those who were brave even went to Tang Song directly to ask for contact information.

As for the greasy man at the side, they ignored them directly.

"Hey, I think their taste is really different from other races in the Milky Way. When I was living on an alien planet, with my handsome appearance, I was often favored by beauties from other races!"

Seeing that there was another small note in Boss Tang's hand, Xingjue complained to Tang Song indignantly that he had gotten nothing.

Tang Song just glanced sideways at his belly, which immediately made Xingjue speechless.

"I used to have eight-pack abs, but I've been busy exercising these days, but it's not important..."

After walking along the streets of New York for a while, Xingjue couldn't help but justify himself.
"It doesn't matter! If you really want to have eight-pack abs, I can ask Kane to send you to the Siberian camp for a period of training.

If you like beautiful women,"

Tang Song patted Xingjue on the shoulder, and pointed to the cover girls on the big screens on the streets of New York.

"Which one you like, you can choose whatever you want, after you choose, they will appear on your bed tonight!

Don't worry, since you are willing to be my buyer, you are my friend, and I have never been stingy with my friends. "

Hearing Tang Song's words, Xingjue looked up at the bright and colorful model girl on the big screen, with fair arms and bare thighs, which made him swallow involuntarily.

God, what a beautiful woman, the skin is still as white as his,

Not green, not blue, not gold.

With no armor on her body and no horns on her head, this is the human beauty in his dream.

Xingjue hesitated~

Tang Song then patted him on the shoulder and pointed forward.

"Okay, the biggest video store in New York is right in front of you, you can look for the tapes and records you want!"

Seeing Xingjue's figure disappear into the video store, Tang Song waved his hand,
A black-clothed bodyguard trotted over from a distance behind the two of them.

"Boss!" The bodyguard saluted Tang Song slightly.

"Tell Sid, the models on these big screens, go talk about the price, and send it tonight!"

Tang Song ordered casually.

After the bodyguard responded, he took out his mobile phone from his arms and took pictures of the models on the nearby big screen one by one.

Sid is the general manager of a media company under the Down Group.

This media company has acquired a TV station and several magazines in the federal territory, and it can be regarded as a rising star in the media industry.

Of course, one of the important uses of this subsidiary company is to contact Boss Tang's fancy actresses and models after the draft, and to negotiate prices and conditions.

(Thank you Red Immortal Juju for your reward)

(End of this chapter)

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