Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 233 Collection of anti-Tang and Song battle clothes

Chapter 233 Collection of anti-Tang and Song battle clothes

Every life in the world has its own hobbies.

Some people like to sing, some people like to listen to others sing.

Some people like chaos, some people like to drive others crazy.

Of course, except for such extremists, most people's hobbies are quite normal.

Just like Boss Tang likes to grow flowers, pet cats, plant something and so on recently.

If it is more elegant, then collection, or collection is very suitable.

Look for eye-catching treasures from this grotesque world, and then carefully collect those treasures and put them in a specific place, usually a display cabinet or the like.

Rich people will open up an extra storage room for their collections.

Richer families will expand their storage rooms and add some small decorations to show their individuality.

Under normal circumstances, such a place would be called a treasure house.

Yes, similar to the one Odin set up in the Golden Palace.

A figure like Odin is already considered the upper echelon of the collecting world.

The things in his hands are things that most people have never heard of, or those wonderful things that only remain in legends.

But in the ranks of collectors, they are not really top.

Among the misty stars, there is a real "collector".

Although he has only recently become famous in this universe, anyone who has seen him will sincerely call him a "collector".

In short, after a group of interstellar pirates strayed here and spread the name of the land of nothingness, this city of stars that exists in the skulls of strange creatures has become a place that "only enters and cannot be accessed".

Maybe it's a serious collector's disease, the owner of this place, the Collector, announces to the entire universe.

Any unique and one-of-a-kind item, no matter where it comes from, regardless of its appearance, regardless of its function and effect, as long as it is truly unique, it can be exchanged for rewards from collectors.

any pay!
The wealthy collector seems to have it all, but the enigmatic collector exacts vengeance on those who dare to deceive him with fakes, or the bad guys who try to rob him by force.

In short, as long as you have the real thing in your hand, you can get everything in this place of nothingness!
Stars, precious materials, mysterious knowledge, bartering, and some lucky people even got a complete small fleet here.

Finally, there is news!

The news about the mysteries of the stars, the precious news, is enough to determine the life, death and future of a star field.

The owner of the void, the collector only cares about the collections he owns or will own, he doesn't care about the environment or rules of this place at all.

Around his needs, a large-scale black market quickly formed here.

Not everyone who brings treasures will be rewarded by collectors.

Although those inferior treasures are not appreciated by collectors, there are naturally some people with a lower style coveting them, murdering people, extorting goods, cheating, etc. These behaviors are performed almost every moment in the land of nothingness.

Generous collectors will occasionally issue some hiring orders to find treasures, so some interstellar mercenaries have also organized a group to come to this "good place".

And after the reputation of a place is bad enough, or after the ghost place is "free" enough, more chaotic people will be attracted to it.

This is a vicious circle.

All in all, it's a very, very bad place.

A very large museum!
The huge room is filled with various glass cabins.

The exhibition cabins are made of black metal strips and transparent glass, and each cabin stores a collection.

Plants, animals, bugs, mechanical creations, and even things like cocoons,

"Unique collectibles, power gems!"

The collector, Tiwan, has white hair and a rather unorthodox hairstyle.

A strange red and black robe with white fluff on the shoulders, white gloves, and a strange oil paint on the chin.

Well, at first glance, the collector doesn't seem like a likable guy.

He was filled with an indescribable strangeness,
The Collector let out a strange exclamation, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. Not long ago, he got the news of the cosmic spirit ball that sealed the power gem.

And released the news that those looters were hired to find the collection he wanted.

For Tiwan, the preciousness of the power gem is not because of its great power, but because of its unique property in the universe.

Really great record store As the best record store in New York, the location of this store is very remote and the space inside is very cramped,
However, the various records inside are arranged properly, and the small record store is full of enthusiasts who come here to buy.

These record collectors from all over the world move their steps carefully, afraid of stepping on the records under their feet.

After all, this record store is really not big, and the records almost fill up all the space in the small store.

Maybe there are a few under the piggy bank under your feet.

Xingjue squeezed into the crowd, picked up a record from time to time, looked at the lyrics on the cover, couldn't help humming a few words softly,

It's just that from the disgusted eyes of the people around him, it can be seen that his singing skills are really average.

"Boss, do you have any Red Bones records?"

After Xingjue found a few records, he squeezed in front of the fat white boss and told what he wanted to buy.

The boss looked at Xingjue in surprise, "Red Bones, that's a band from the 70s in the last world!"

"Wait for me to look for it!"

The boss took out a small notebook from the drawer of the desk, and after poking at it for a long time, he raised his head and said.

"There are two cards in the bottom box in the fourth row!"

Xingjue walked to the fourth row of shelves where the records were placed, squatted down and rummaged for a while, as the boss said, and found two records at the bottom of the box.

Just when Xingjue was going to check out with the record in hand, the communicator on his wrist suddenly beeped.

Xingjue glanced around, took out a small earplug-like thing from the communicator and stuffed it into his ear, and changed the communicator from projection mode to voice mode.

"Xingjue, where are you, I have a big job!"

After connecting the communicator, a familiar voice came from Xingjue's ear.

"I'm busy, I also have a big job here, I can't get away!" Star-Lord flipped through the record in his hand while dealing with Yondu on the communicator.

After accepting Boss Tang's employment and getting the first deposit, Xingjue has already looked down on Yondu's so-called big business.

What kind of business can be compared to purchasing a dozen starships at once.

"Hehe, big job, what kind of big job have you received? Is it to help the Krollo people find their lost pets, or to smuggle your junk!"

On Contrakxia in the Milky Way, in a noisy tavern, several robotic maids were carrying trays, delivering cups of cloudy liquid similar to wine to the guests' wine tables.

Contraxia, this planet is a resting place for various predator tribes. From time to time, several spaceships land in the sky and anchor at the interstellar port.

The people in this bar are all sturdy and full of vicious aura, and all of them are equipped with energy guns.

Wearing a cockscomb-like decoration on his head, he smiled, showing his big scorched yellow teeth. There were seven or eight predators from various races sitting around him.

When they heard Yondu jokingly mocking Star-Lord, several big men laughed at the same time.

"Okay! Listen, the employer wants something very urgent this time. I need you to go to Morag to find something and bring it back. I will give you 10% of the commission this time!"

"10%, I haven't finished the task at hand, so I won't take it! Boss, let's see how much these records cost, beep beep——"

Yondu listened to the sound of the communicator hanging up on the opposite side, he was silent for a moment, and laughed a few times with a hoarse voice:

"Hahaha, it's not Star-Lord's character that he doesn't make money. He is not tempted by a [-]% commission, and he didn't even ask about the commission. Sally, go back to the spaceship and locate the position of Star-Lord. I have a hunch that he must have a big money-making business in his hands now!"

"Okay! Boss, I'll go check it out right away!" The sturdy gray-skinned man waved his arms and drank the drink in his glass in one gulp, then got up and walked out of the bar.

"Head, what about the cosmic spiritual ball mission, since Xingjue is not willing, how about I go?"

A three-eyed man held a wine glass, looked at Yondu, and volunteered.

Yondu gave him a sideways glance: "No, Bayer, you can't keep up with Star Lord in mechanism cracking, the holy ball temple there will only be revealed once in 300 years, we don't have a few chances to make mistakes!"

Bayer gulped down the liquid in the wine glass in frustration. Although he was a little unconvinced, he knew that Boss Yondu was right.

Among their group of predators, although Xingjue is the thinnest, but this kid invented some miraculous little things, and his research on some ancient civilization relics is indeed better than all of them.

In the past, they had handed over to Xingjue tasks such as treasure hunting in relics.

Now Xingjue suddenly dropped the pick, which made them really unable to find suitable people for a while.

Earth, New York, inside a really good record store

Xingjue took a stack of records, went to the counter, and under the surprised gaze of the fat white boss, took out a black Centurion credit card and paid for the records.

When Xingjue walked out of the video store with a stack of records, Tang and Song had disappeared outside the door, and only two bodyguards stood guard outside the video store.

"Mr. Quill, boss, he has some things to deal with. Do you want to go back to your residence or continue shopping—!"

Xingjue glanced at the black-clothed bodyguard, then at the record in his hand, "I need a few devices to play these classic records!"

"Get in the car, I'll take you right away!"

A bodyguard in black opened the door of the Mercedes-Benz and gestured to Xingjue.

Just when the two bodyguards were wandering around New York with Xingjue,

In the living room of Tang's Manor, Tang Song was sitting on the sofa, holding a thick stack of documents in his hand.

Kane sat in front of Tang Song with a clear face. He clenched his fists and made crackling, crackling, crisp sounds. The faint energy reverberated in the living room, shaking people's eardrums with pain.

Someone was plotting against the boss, and he rushed back as soon as he got the news.

On the other side, Ryan, Frank and the others are also strictly investigating this behind-the-scenes organization, digging out their heels.

The information in Tang Song's hands is what Frank investigated through the channels of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Boss, no matter what organization this Freemasonry is, I will definitely dig him out." After a long silence, Kane finally said:

Picking up a glass of wine and taking a sip slowly, Tang Song said with a smile:

"A bunch of jumping clowns, don't worry about it, but some mice still need to be removed, you can do it."

A thick stack of documents was thrown into Kane's hands, and Kane flipped through them.

The data records the identities and origins of the secret agents who have been mixed into the company's research department since the establishment of the Tang Corporation.

According to the reverse osmosis investigation results of the B-level research institute of the military industry department under the Tang Corporation,
More than [-] kinds of weapons and equipment below A-level have been researched and leaked.

A-level research institutes, peripheral researcher identification reports, more than one-third of the scientists who have been employed in the past year are spies from various countries and organizations

[-]% of the middle and lower managements of the largest subsidiaries of the Tang Group now show signs of being contacted and bought.

"Boss, I'll mobilize people immediately to clean up these people!" Kane gripped the documents in his hand tightly.

Tang Song waved his hands and said:
"Our core strength is the A-level and above laboratories in the beehive base of Raccoon Town,
As for some insignificant things, it’s okay to show them. You cut off the hands that reach out to these laboratories, and you are ruthless! "

Kane said in a muffled voice: "Yes, boss, but the Freemasonry made it clear and wanted to trick us! We have to settle this account!"

Tang Song nodded. The Freemasonry organization really stretched its hand too far. Seeing how much he ate, the big chaebols hiding behind the scenes felt that they could force him to give up his benefits by means.

There is so much meaning.

Tang and Song played with the wine glass in their hands. The Freemasons were a loose alliance, although they were nothing more than a group of stonemasons in the eyes of West.

However, after hundreds of years of development,

Thanks to the development of industrial capital, the Freemasonry formed by this group of craftsmen,
Now it has become synonymous with money and power.

A group of happy little fleas are like sharks smelling blood. What they want is the benefit of the space gate.

A fool blinded by interests,
Together, they consciously control almost [-]% of the world's energy, mining, people's livelihood, and economy, so they have the guts to attack him.

They didn't even think about talking to Boss Tang.

I really don't know how to live or die!
Originally, Tang and Song still wanted to play with them,

It's a pity that they contacted Phil Coulson and Steve Rogers to investigate the so-called death of Nick Fury.
And pointed the finger at Boss Tang, this is not courting death.

"Notify Anna and Mrs. Viper to cooperate with Black Widow. If Steve Rogers finds any clues, don't hold back and kill them!"

"Yes! Boss!"

"How is the preparation for the insight plan?"

"49 micro-array satellites have been launched into the established orbit one after another in the name of Starlink, and they can be activated at any time."

"Then take this fat man named Josh and try the effect of these satellites!"

Tang Song shook the document with the photo in his hand.

Josh Lamont

The boss of the largest mining company in the Federation
A member of the Commonwealth
"Jarvis, call up the original design of the 'anti-black leather armor'."

In the huge seaside villa manufacturing workshop, holding a cup of coffee, Tony put on his flamboyant brown sunglasses and said something to Jarvis.

The next moment, Jarvis projected a complex and precise design drawing in front of Tony, Dr. Reed.

The design drawings of the alien battle armor constructed with light were broken down by Tony's constantly waving fingers.

Soon, the large workbench shaped by projected light was covered with all kinds of oddly shaped parts with unknown uses.

"You call this 'anti-black leather armor'?"

Behind Tony, Dr. Reed, the world's smartest person on the scientific side, rubbed his chin, wearing a pair of experimental glasses, he looked at the virtual parts in front of him, and he said to Tony:

"Who is this thing for? If the name is heard by those racists, I'm afraid they will gather in front of your Stark Tower to protest!"

"Uh, I designed this for the dark elf back then. I have been improving it all the time. Unfortunately, I have never been able to crack the way of turning into a dark mist."

Tony took a sip of his coffee, feeling a bit sore.

"And Tang, in that dark world, his strength is too strong. Once he loses control, I can't think of anything that can restrain him, so I need to create a weapon that can restrain him."

Iron Man put the coffee cup on the table, folded his arms, and said to Reed in the blue-lighted laboratory:
"But the design can't keep up with the changes, especially for some monsters that cannot be judged by common sense."

Tony stroked his chin and said:
"But it's not worthless. I don't think it's a big problem to use it to fight that dark elf after a little modification."

"Slightly modified?"

Dr. Reed raised his hands and picked up a working core on the virtual workbench in front of him. He looked at the structure of the thing over and over again, and then said suspiciously:

"This is not a slight problem, Tony, we have conducted research on the combat method of that dark elf, and according to that Asgardian, in order to fight it, this thing must be more than 85% from the inside out. complete transformation."

"And according to my initial estimates, the finished product is definitely a gigantic monster. Well, to accommodate so many rows of high-energy particle generators, its height must be at least 150 meters. It's an out-and-out giant robot. .”


Tony snapped his fingers, he reached out and patted Reid on the shoulder, and he said:
"If it's really a simple job, I'll do it myself, but I called you over, you should understand? I need your wisdom, to be precise, the two of us cooperate, oh, yes, Banner for a while just come."

Iron Man looked at the time on his watch, and he said to Mister Fantastic:
"His research on gamma rays can help us complete the design of weapon systems"

Reed lowered his head and entered the state of a scientist. While quickly modifying the structure of the parts in his hand, he said to Tony without raising his head:

"Honestly speaking, I think everything is good on Earth so far. All countries are focusing on the stars, and there are less wars and disputes."

Tony, who also entered the working state, said casually:
"Just like a nuclear bomb, we can use it, but we can't. To be honest, Tang's strength is too strong, so strong that many people don't feel safe, otherwise I wouldn't let you come to help."

When the Nine Realms converged, Tony Stark witnessed the scene where Tang and Song eradicated Malekith at the last moment of leaving Wertheim.

Like the Batman in DC next door, he is an extremely insecure person. After returning to Earth, he developed an anti-Tang and Song suit, of course, in name to deal with energy creatures like dark elves.

In order to develop this powerful battle suit, he even invited Dr. Reed and several other assistants, which would have been impossible for him before.

But the captain told him not long ago that the death of Nick Fury and the betrayal of the Black Widow seemed to be related to Tang. Before Nick Fury was assassinated, he had been secretly investigating Tang.

This made Tony Stark have to speed up the pace of research on anti-black leather suits.

Brilliant scientists are a bunch of workaholics, and staying up late is a piece of cake for them.

Even Tony Stark, the most unscrupulous playboy among scientists, often stays up all night designing various equipment and instruments.

And when they work, they need a quiet environment without being disturbed. Once they enter the working state, the passage of time will become very fast.

In the constant friction and collision of the sparks of wisdom of the two smart people, one night passed quietly.

While busy, Bruce Banner also arrived. This tall and thin scientist was wearing jeans, a baseball cap, and a very rustic shoulder bag.

"Banner, did you go crazy with Betty last night?"

Tony, with dark circles under his eyes, drank milk and said to his friend very dissatisfied:
"You should have come here 7 hours ago!"

"Betty went to see her father. General Ross is now the Secretary of Defense and is about to change his term. It's hard to spare some time."

Facing Tony's ridicule and dissatisfaction, Dr. Banner was not angry. He took out a silver hard drive from his satchel and handed it to Tony. He said:

"I saw the armor parameters you sent last night. I completed the blueprint of the weapon system that matches it on the plane. It was modified with the blueprint of the gamma ray generator that made the Hulk."

"Look at it first, if you need to change it, I will stay here forever."

Dr. Reed took the hard drive and called up the data. The three scientists quickly chatted together, talking about various knowledge that ordinary people could not understand at all.

It is said that it is an anti-black leather battle suit, but the goal of the three people is to develop a battle armor that can fight against Tang and Song Dynasties. This is a tacit understanding between various forces.

"Unfortunately, Ivan Vanke is not here, relying on the wisdom of the few of us, we can definitely create a truly powerful armor!"

As soon as Banner's words came out, Tony and Dr. Reed were a little silent. They stayed in the Chitauri Starship Research Center for nearly half a year, and the results they deciphered can be said to have pushed the earth's starship technology forward a big step forward. step.

After getting along for half a year, even Tony Stark has to admit that he has his own uniqueness in the field of weapon research and development.

It's a pity that he belongs to the Tang Group.

"Here is the information on the Wakanda alien vibranium you want!" At noon, the three of them, who had been busy all night and all morning, had lunch.

A little black girl with dreadlocks came to Tony's beach house and delivered a silver suitcase.

The princess of Wakanda is also an expert in Vibranium technology.

After lunch, Tony Stark was preparing to take Dr. Reed and Dr. Banner on his private yacht to go fishing in the sea with a combination of work and rest.

At the seaside villa, an uninvited guest interrupted their yacht trip.

Thank you for your great reward, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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