Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 247 After the Disaster

Chapter 247 After the Disaster
Dacheng Wanye, a native of Osaka, graduated from the University of Tokyo in Tokyo, and being admitted to the University of Tokyo is one of the few things in Japan.

He used to be the proud son of heaven that everyone envied.

After graduating from Tokyo University, he worked in a subsidiary branch of Toyo Mitsui Corporation. Before he was 40 years old, he became the head of the department, and bought a house of his own in Tokyo with a loan.

Although the monthly mortgage alone is more than 80.00 yen, but in the city of Tokyo, you can have a house and a car, a stable job, and a wife and children waiting for you to get off work at home. Wanye Dacheng can be said to have surpassed Dongying. [-]% of people.

"take care!"

After breakfast, Wanye Dacheng's wife straightened his suit as usual, sent him to the door, and waved with a smile.

"Okay! Then I'm leaving!" Before Wanye Dacheng started his car, he waved to his wife. After gesturing, he started the car and prepared to go to work in the company.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since Yamata no Orochi ravaged Tokyo, because the warehouse of the company where he joined was affected by Yamata no Orochi, he had been forced to rest at home for a week.

Fortunately, the house he bought with a loan was not on the route of Yamata no Orochi, so he didn't suffer any losses.

Wan Ye Dacheng was driving his black Toyota car. Through the car window, he could clearly see construction sites surrounded by fences everywhere along the road.

In each construction site, there are workers wearing hard hats busy, and the name of Yashida Co., Ltd. is painted on the construction wall of the construction site.

Obviously, after the snake disaster, Yashida Industry benefited from Tokyo's post-disaster reconstruction because of Yashida Mariko's exile of Yata Orochi.

Driving past various construction sites, Dacheng Wanye thought maliciously: "Why didn't the people from Yashida Industry stand up before Yamata no Orochi broke into Tokyo? What they want is the benefits of post-disaster reconstruction with a lot of oil and water!"

As a highly educated talent who graduated from Dongda University, and has worked in the club for more than ten years, Wan Ye Dacheng has always been unstingy in speculating on those with vested interests from the darkest angle.

How could those plutocrats who are as stupid as pigs but occupy 80.00% of the wealth of Japan do things that are not beneficial.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Through the car window, Wan Ye Dacheng looked at the parade people on the street sarcastically.

In his opinion, these people holding banners and photos of Yashida Mariko are a group of brainwashed fools.

Wan Ye Dacheng, who had a high-ranking attitude in his heart, soon came to his place of work, Mitsui Co., Ltd.

Mitsui Co., Ltd. is a company under the Mitsui Consortium, mainly engaged in the export trade of some precision instruments within the Mitsui Consortium.

Although affected by the development of advanced technology in recent years, some precision instruments of Dongying are not as popular as before, and the benefits of Mitsui Co., Ltd. are not as good as before, but Wanye Dacheng's salary has not been affected.

In Dongying, some small-scale companies implement the seniority system, and wages increase with age. Many Dongying people work in the same company all their lives.

Even if it is layoffs, the company will generally select employees from the bottom, and will not affect the middle and high-level employees like Wanye Dacheng.

"Baga! Are you kidding me, I was fired, President Oshima, are you kidding me!"

Before being called to the office, Wanye Dacheng never thought that one day he would be fired.

"Mr. Wanye, it's not that I'm dismissed, it's that the entire company has gone bankrupt!" The president of Mitsui Co., Ltd. had an unconcealable exhaustion on his face.

"Bankruptcy, how is it possible, the club is backed by the Mitsui consortium, how could it be bankrupt?"

Wanye Dacheng panicked completely. If he was dismissed, he could at least receive a sum of compensation.

But if the company went bankrupt, with the greedy characters of the big shots of the Mitsui Consortium, they would not be able to get the compensation [-]%.

"Because of this snake disaster, the real estate insurance company affiliated to the Mitsui Foundation paid a huge amount of compensation. In order to prevent Mitsui Insurance from going bankrupt, they had to mobilize the funds of their affiliated companies. Not only us, but also four other companies like us Fate of bankruptcy!"


Wan Ye Dacheng left the company in a muddleheaded manner, he could no longer remember what Da Dao said in the end.

He drove aimlessly on the streets of Tokyo, he didn't know where he was going,
go home? !What should he tell his wife.

He lost his job, a huge mortgage, his children's tuition fees, and family expenses. Although he had saved a little money over the years, facing the high monthly expenses, that little savings was just a drop in the bucket.

Once there is no source of income, the house will definitely be taken away by the bank, and the whole family will immediately fall apart.

Drop drop drop-

A car horn sounded from behind, waking up the dazed Wan Ye Dacheng. After waking up, he realized that he had unknowingly come to a river.

There were more than a dozen cars parked by the embankment by the river, and from time to time someone stood by the guardrail and turned over, and the splash of water rang in Wanye Dacheng's ears.

He also came to the side of the embankment like a maniac, watching the rushing water submerge the jumping figures one by one, a sudden urge to jump down rose in his heart.

Just when he clenched the railing with both hands and was about to turn over and jump down.

A hand suddenly grasped his arm,
"Sir, swimming and fitness, bah, I'm sorry, I'm used to it, let's find out about working overseas, the monthly salary is 15 yen, and we will pay a settling fee of 80 yen before going!"

A young man with yellow hair grabbed Wanye Dacheng's arm and introduced him skillfully.

When Wanye Dacheng heard that the job cost 15 yen, he was shocked and woke up instantly.

"Are you sure, the monthly salary is 15?"

Huang Mao looked at Wanye Dacheng's expression, and was overjoyed. He quickly pointed to his badge and introduced:

"Hey, Uncle, look clearly, this is Yashida Industries recruiting workers, the salary is 15 yen, yes, but it's not in Japan, but overseas!"

Yashida Industry, Wanye Dacheng seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, he held Huang Mao's arm instead: "Where to apply, what conditions do you need!? I am a graduate of Dongda University, with many years of management experience—I— —”

"Uncle, don't worry, this job requires a lot of people. It is a job created by Yashida Industry to help the people affected by the disaster. Have you seen the bus over there? You go to the car and wait." , wait a moment, we will start when the crowd is full!"

Huang Mao beckoned, and a young girl in a black hip-wrapping skirt and a little red hood ran over from the side, leading Wan Ye Dacheng to the side bus.

"Five thousand yen! That guy Serizawa is right. This kind of suicide sanctuary is the best way to recruit people. Counting this, I earned [-] yen today!"

Huang Mao watched Wan Ye Dacheng get on the bus, and happily swung his fist hard.

"Including this car, our team alone has recruited more than 200 people. Why did Yashida Industries recruit so many people?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Huangmao's heart, but after seeing a suicidal person who was about to jump into the river, that curiosity was instantly forgotten by him, and he stepped forward and rushed to the person almost like a [-]-meter sprint.

"Sir! Let's find out about the overseas job with a monthly salary of 15 yen!" Huang Mao's foot strength, which was trained by being chased by another man's master, took the lead and grabbed the middle-aged man who wanted to commit suicide. Another colleague was slow After one step, he could only leave in resentment.


A blue door of light blooms at the end of the empty air-raid shelter...

Wan Ye Dacheng looked at the familiar Komon he had seen on TV, and thought of the Yamata no Orochi who was swallowed by the Komon.

I knew in my heart that this was being cheated. What kind of high-paying job with a monthly salary of 15 yen? Could it be that Yashida Industry tricked them into coming here to feed snakes with them.

But the contract has already been signed, and 80 yen has been credited to his wife's account.


Wan Ye Dacheng felt his heart beating, and looked around cautiously. He was surrounded by heavily armed soldiers with live ammunition.

Just now, someone yelled and wanted to escape and escape, but the armed guards around him shot without hesitation.

Looking at the large bloodstains still remaining on the ground, Wanye Dacheng had no choice but to move on with the flow of people...

Until you step into the blue light door and enter the unknown world opposite.


(There are only so many today, and I will make up for it tomorrow. I feel a little uncomfortable, as if I have heatstroke)

(End of this chapter)

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