Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 248 Miner construction intention

Chapter 248 Miner construction intention (8600, small nine thousand)

"Mr. Wanye, here is your ID card!"

"Wristbands and ID cards must be worn on the body, otherwise, the armed robots in the camp will not be able to identify their identities, and will be regarded as intruders, and they will shoot violently!"

In the simple barracks with colored steel tiles, Wan Ye Dacheng, who was wearing a miner's uniform and a hard hat, sat nervously in the simple and sturdy bus, obediently clutching his identification plate in his hand.

"Just hang it around your neck!" The middle-aged man dressed as a miner next to him was holding a flat glass jug in his hand. He saw his nervousness and comforted him.

The man's name is Kitake Ishikawa. According to what he said, he is the boss of a company in Shizuoka Prefecture. After the snake disaster, his company closed down and he had no choice but to come here to work.

"Ishikawa-kun, the people from Yashida Industry said that we are going to dig mines. What kind of ore are they digging?" Wanye Dacheng looked outside a little nervously, fidgeting a little, and couldn't help asking Ishikawa beside him.

Ishikawa raised his head and took a sip of sake, waved his hands: "Of course you will know when you get to the place, there will be someone who will take you there specially for newcomers!"

Drop drop-

As the sound of inspection passed, the gate of the camp opened slowly, and more than 30 simple but sturdy armed buses drove out of the camp slowly.

The reason why it is called rudimentary is because these buses have abandoned all decorative things, not even glass. The original position of the window is pretended to be a protective steel plate, and even the driver's front windshield is welded on. Layers of protective barbed wire.

Wan Ye Dacheng had seen it before getting on the bus. On the roof of the bus, there were four six-barreled Gatling machine guns that looked astonishingly powerful. lap.

The artificial sun in the sky radiates light, illuminating the road for these buses,

Muddy, rugged and potholed, it is exactly the kind of road that the car travels too much and is forced out. Although the tires of these buses have undergone special modifications, they still feel very bumpy when sitting in the car.

Through the holes in the outer protective steel plate, Wanye Dacheng could see convoys joining them from time to time. Within half an hour after leaving the camp, the size of their mining team expanded to nearly a hundred buses.

Along the way, Wan Ye Dacheng could see the wasteland illuminated by the artificial sun, densely packed with bending women and men working hard.

Wanye Dacheng secretly learned that most of these farmers are also from Japan, but compared with the miners, the salary of these farmers who are responsible for planting is half less than them, only [-] yen.

[-] yen, which is more than the amount he repays the loan every month, plus the monthly family expenses of his wife and the tuition fees of his children.

So when entering the camp to choose a career, Wanye Dacheng chose the miner without any hesitation.

However, the weapons on the armed bus gave Wanye Dacheng a bad feeling.

"Oh! It's almost there!" Ishikawa, who was sitting next to Wanye Dacheng, looked at the time on the wristband on his wrist, and threw a blindfold to Wanye Dacheng.

"Put it on and close your eyes. We are about to pass through a dark area. Don't worry, this dark area is not too big. It's only 15 minutes away!"

After finishing speaking, Ishikawa fastened his seat belt on his own, put on his blindfold, folded his arms, and fell into a deep sleep with the help of alcohol.

Wan Ye Dacheng took the blindfold thrown by Ishikawa and looked around. There were people around who were wearing blindfolds like Ishikawa to fall asleep, and there were newcomers who were as ignorant as him.

There were also people lying on the gap between the protective steel plates with excited faces, looking out excitedly, as if preparing to watch a big show.

The bus quickly and gradually left the area covered by the artificial sun and entered a dark place.

thump, thump, thump
As the driver in the front row pressed the switch, two headlights instantly lit up in front of the bus, and the incandescent lights shone like two beams of light from a distance, illuminating the road ahead.

More than 100 buses were driving in the dark, and the lights gathered together, like a dragon of light in the dark.

Soon Wanye Dacheng understood the reason why the bus was equipped with weapons, and the sound of wings and scales rubbing against each other sounded in the air.

Then Wanye Dacheng felt the shaking of the roof of the bus.

da da da da-

The sound of heavy machine guns firing and the screams were mixed with the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground from time to time.

"Potter! I killed six of them"

"I'm seven"

"I only have three, Shet, but you can keep some for me—"

While watching the results of the automatic Vulcan cannon shooting through the lighted screen in front of the car, the white driver chatted with some drivers on the current channel, and seemed to be familiar with this dark place.

The narrow strip that the bus convoy passed by was located at the boundary of the two artificial suns, and the east and west did not exceed ten kilometers.

In the darkness, the lights of the bus attracted thousands of predators, the first to arrive was the winged creature of Heldam,
More than 100 buses and hundreds of Vulcan cannons formed an anti-aircraft firepower network, like red chains rising into the sky, these duck-billed, eagle-bodied strange birds were instantly beaten into pieces under the intensive firepower of the Vulcan cannons. sieve.

"Open the side protection of the peripheral vehicles, and activate the energy pulse gun!"

There was a sudden silence in the noisy channel, and then a steady voice sounded in the channel.

"Roger that!"

The driver put away his laughing expression, and replied with a serious tone.It looked like the car he was driving was on the boundary of the convoy.

Da da!

The driver flicked the red button next to the steering wheel, and then the protective steel plate on the left side of the bus split into two, exposing the densely packed mobile shooting ports inside.

Pulse beams of blue energy are lased from these firing ports
Wan Ye Dacheng lay in the gap between the protective steel plates, and with the help of the faint light emitted by the energy beam, he watched in the dark night a large number of beasts and humanoid creatures fell down like cutting wheat.

"Only a few small tribes and some beasts attracted by the light, and these dark elves of Hildam seem to have learned their lesson!"

In a mining base [-] kilometers away from the convoy, the artificial sun hangs high. In the barracks office of the base, a Germanic man wearing a German military uniform during World War II is cutting sausages on a plate with a knife and fork while looking at the people in front of him. Satellite monitoring screen.

On the screen is the situation of the bus convoy in progress. Looking at the pictures sent by the infrared camera of the satellite, the big man who originally planned to go fishing looks a little disappointed.

"This dark area we left on purpose, at least thousands of dark elves buried their bones here, Bernie, they are not fools! They knew it was a trap, but they would die!" The big man with a steaming black coffee glanced at the satellite monitoring and shook his head.

"I'm going to the metallurgical area in a while, and you will be in charge when the newcomer arrives in a while!"

The big man gulped down the steaming coffee in his cup, greeted the big Germanic man who was studying satellite images and wanted to fish in another way, put down his cup, and was ready to go out.

Bernie picked up a piece of sliced ​​red sausage with a silver fork, ate the bread with relish, and waved his hands without looking back.


In the base, heavily armed soldiers can be seen everywhere. Most of them come from training camps in Siberia and the Middle East, a small part come from mercenary regiments in East Africa, and some are elite gunmen transferred from the underground world.

When these unruly soldiers on the earth saw Monroe, they all behaved like dolls, saluting and saying hello.

Monroe just nodded slightly as a response.

As the card sequence soldiers, he and Bernie are the managers of the mine. Except for the big boss and a few big bosses, they have the absolute management rights of this camp.

These include the command and control of forty defensive steel soldiers and the control of intelligent fire control weapons in the base.

Monroe walked very quickly. After walking for less than five or six minutes, he came to a very closed housing area.

"Mr. Monroe, a new batch of metal ingots has been smelted!"

Seeing Monroe come in, the manager in charge of metal smelting quickly greeted him and reported the progress of metal smelting.

In the center of the empty space of the factory building, there is a large light ball that is exactly the same as the artificial sun hanging in the sky, but the diameter is a few circles smaller than the artificial sun.

More than a dozen round tripod-shaped metal furnaces were burned red by the blazing high temperature, and some workers manipulated metal arms by the computer to throw pieces of irregular metal ore into these furnaces.

Under the heating of polymers powered by the artificial sun, the ores in these metal furnaces were soon smelted into furnaces of liquid, which were poured into molds,

The uncooled metal ingots are as big as bricks one by one, and then these metal ingots will be put into the conveyor belt and continuously forged by the heavy air hammer. In a complete assembly line, there are ten air hammers of various specifications. several.

Each metal ingot needs to be hammered hundreds or thousands of times by these air pressure and gravity at least
Several kinds of metal ingots that have been quenched with impurities are re-grabbed by the mechanical arm and thrown into another specific big cauldron according to a fixed ratio, under the energy supply of the artificial sun.

The runes in the cauldron kept flickering, changing the molecular ratio of these metal ingots after fusion, and the final formed liquid was re-injected into the mold to obtain a metal block no more than the size of a palm.

After it cools down naturally, the workers here will carefully manipulate the robotic arm to pick it up and seal it.

This fusion of five kinds of metals requires dozens of tons of ore to obtain an alloy weighing several kilograms. The big boss gave it a strange name-the essence of hardware!
Accompanied by the director of metallurgy, Monroe inspected the work of the metallurgical department and came to the warehouse where the metal ore is stored.

Inside the warehouse, there are four steel soldiers with handles, boxes of metal ingots are neatly arranged, gold bricks, silver ingots, copper ingots, iron blocks.
Monroe didn't even look at the neat boxes of precious metals, and walked to the innermost part of the warehouse. In the innermost area of ​​the warehouse, there were more than a dozen large iron boxes that were locked.

Monroe leaned over, unlocked a box with his fingerprint, took out a piece of hardware essence from the box, and tossed it twice in his hand, weighing the weight.

"how many?"

"Half a ton of metal essence smelted this month, 310 eight magic gems, and 25 kilograms of magic metal!"

The director of metallurgy had already memorized everything in the warehouse.

"Too little!" Monroe put the refined metal bar of hardware back into the box, fastened the box again, locked it, and got up and said to the metallurgical supervisor.

"Recently, a group of newcomers will be sent over. The output of ore mining can be doubled at least, and your metallurgical quantity must keep up!"

"Understood, I understand!" The supervisor responded repeatedly.
A mining cart, a large pot of water, a safety helmet, a pig's mouth filter mask, a set of mining equipment that looks full of technology, and two boxes of self-heating vegetarian lunch boxes. This is what Wanye Dacheng needs to go to the mine. all gear.

To get in and out of the mine, you can only lie flat on the mine cart, even so, the distance between your face and the rock above your head is no more than three punches.

The oppressive and suffocating atmosphere made Wan Ye Dacheng feel breathless.

The mine car is self-driving, and the speed is not slow, but it still ran for more than ten minutes from the entrance of the mine.

The terrain along the way is this kind of environment like the crevices of rocks rubbing the ground. Every few meters, Wanye Dacheng can see the jacks and steel plates supporting the rock top.

This gave him a little bit of comfort in his tense heart, so that he would not worry about being buried alive in a landslide.

Soon the mine cart took him to an open mine. There was so much space here that a person could stand up completely. The mine was equipped with lighting fixtures so that the mine would not be too dark.

In this mine, Wanye Dacheng also saw two steel robots patrolling from time to time.

In the mine, everyone started digging according to the area designated by the two steel robots. According to the old miner, the direction that the internal analysis program of the steel robot can delineate in the past two days can avoid landslides to the greatest extent.

According to the camp manager,

There are seven or eight mines near the camp. The mine they entered is located in the hinterland of the mountain, and it is rich in some rare gemstones. Among the mines, the conditions are the harshest.

However, it is also the one with the best treatment, with an extra [-] yen per month as a subsidy, and those who dig up a large number of gemstones will also receive additional rewards. Ishikawa is located in this mining area.

According to the old man's demonstration before entering the mine, Wanye Dacheng wore the set of mining equipment on his body, like a good health care product. His right arm was covered with a hollow iron arm, and at the end of the iron arm was a collection detector. , excavation, excavation and one device.


Wan Ye Dacheng pointed the tip of the iron arm at the ore rock formation, and then pressed the switch on his waist. The spikes at the end of the arm vibrated at a high frequency, digging into the rock formation two to four or five centimeters like cutting tofu.


Wanye Dacheng was a little amazed at the power of this set of equipment. Looking around, everyone was busy at the moment. Thinking of his wife and children at home, Wanye Dacheng didn't dare to neglect, and immediately threw himself into mining.

With the support of the energy source at the waist, the semi-automatic mechanical arm digs the rock wall like cutting tofu, but it may be because the number of gemstones in the mine layer is too scarce.

Wan Ye Dacheng dug for more than two hours, and when he almost suspected that he had dug in the wrong place, his detector indicator light glowed red, accompanied by the sound of Didi alarm.

Wan Ye Dacheng lay on the ground, and after a while digging through the excavated gravel powder, he found a red gemstone the size of a mung bean.

The wrist watch on his wrist silently recorded this scene and gathered it into the database.

"According to the output analysis estimated by the Red Queen, the magic gemstone mine in the mountainside can still be mined for at most two months, and the quantity is very small. There is no need to use explosives to violently mine the mountain. Yes, I understand! The metal ingots that have been smelted will be transported tomorrow morning." Back to the warehouse!"

Monroe hung up the satellite phone and said to Bernie: "The pioneering team has opened up a new mining area with Yamata no Orochi. Boss Kane asked us to go there with [-] experienced hands!"

"Experienced hands! There are only a few experienced hands in the entire mining area. You didn't explain the situation clearly to Boss Kane!?"

"I told you, the boss has set aside a week for us to bring in newcomers!"

"Could it be impossible for those animals from the Pioneering Group to let Yamata no Orochi rest for a few days!" Bernie complained.

In a mountain depression more than 300 miles away from the mine, a huge luminous sphere rose into the sky, and then a huge figure on the ground, like a child whose lollipop was taken away, chased the artificial sun flying into the darkness and rushed into the darkness. past.

The rumbling sound of the giant crashing into the rock was getting farther and farther away in the darkness..
Not long after, a convoy of dozens of buses and armed trucks arrived at the mine. The first to get down was a group of guards wearing dark armor. They all wore the same type of masks as the Predator , the infrared scanning instrument of the mask makes them feel like a duck to water in the dark.

As for the guards who didn't wear masks, they were all injected with the latest low-light potion. Even in the dark Heldam, they all regarded the night as day.

After they finished their vigil,

Only then did a large number of engineers get out of the car, and the workers began to build barracks and arrange camps according to the established plan
Under the ravages of Yamata no Orochi, the indigenous creatures in this mine have already fled here, but for safety reasons, there are still more than a dozen steel soldiers in the sky escorting them.

"According to this progress, in another six months, our mine bases will be expanded to [-], but the mines must be connected with each other. Our manpower is too small, and these mine bases are too far apart. Attack, it is difficult for us to react!"

In the camp leading to the Heldam space gate, Kane looked at the satellite image, and the laser pointer in his hand lit up.

"The communication between the mines must be guaranteed. Within half a year, at least six more satellites will be launched. At the same time, more small checkpoint camps will be added between the mines, and the number of artificial suns will be increased at the same time!"

The reason why the distance between the mines is too far is to avoid the Yamata no Orochi being attracted by the artificial sun and attacking the mine camp.

Therefore, the artificial sun that the pioneering group used to catch snakes chose to land at least two hundred miles away from their mines, where there are abundant resources, or where there are powerful monsters.

All the people present were middle-level and high-level members of the Tang Corporation, and they all understood Kane's position among the big bosses, so they took notes in silence.

"Dr. Otto, is there any difficulty in making an artificial sun?"

Kane looked at Doctor Octopus and asked.

Doctor Octopus thought for a while: "The toughness and tenacity of the essence of metal is enough, but if you want to withstand the high temperature of the artificial sun, you still need to mix some Adamantium alloy. I need a batch of Adamantium alloy solution as the artificial sun." The shell of the sun!"

"Okay! I'll take care of this!"

Kane nodded, indicating that he took it down.

At present, the number of secondary Adamantium alloys manufactured in the group is not much, but a squeeze can still meet the needs of Doctor Octopus.

"As for the satellite launch, is there any difficulty—"

"Guaranteed to complete!" The supervisor in charge of the satellite launch is the director of Tang's Aerospace Science and Technology Department. Hearing Kane's words, he hastily promised.

Within a week, the ores from various mining areas have been transported to the base where the space gate is located. After registering and registering, Kane distributed the whereabouts of these ores.

Most of the hardware essence is transported to Raccoon Town, where there are a group of professional foundry masters, who have been the champions of the knife forging conference in recent years, and they are responsible for forging these hardware essence into magic weapon molds.

Of course, before that, more than a dozen micro-carving masters in the base will control the modified micro-carving machines to carve the internal spirit patterns inside these molds.

These lines are all made of magic gem dust, which is an excellent energy conductor. As for energy supply, each magic weapon will be equipped with an energy spar from the Rubik's Cube of the Universe.

This magic weapon can only be regarded as a monkey version, but it can be mass-produced, with a daily output of more than two hundred, most of which are standard sabers and military stabs.

The restrictions on several spirit patterns are also very simple, and the inscriptions are generally small spell restrictions such as firmness, blood flow, and sharpness.

There is also a part of the essence of hardware directly transported to the quiet room of the boss's manor. These essences of hardware will become the nutrients for the boss to sacrifice and refine the sword pills, and turn into Taibai essence to be absorbed by the sword pills.

Most of the magic gems are sent to Raccoon Town, but some will be reserved.

The underground black market that was supplied to Selena was used to increase the attractiveness of the black market, and secondly, they captured the dwarf who built the golden warrior for the dark elves.

A large amount of ore and magic gems are required to forge a golden warrior..
Although this kind of golden warrior's combat power is not very good, but under the increase of magic, it has a kind of ability that never wears out, never stops, and is almost constant. It is an excellent magic puppet.

The boss intends to cast another 330 four golden warriors, making up the number of golden warriors to a thousand, which can be used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers in the later stage.

As for other metal ingots such as gold, silver, copper and iron, they will be shipped back to the Tang Group's mining company and several arms manufacturing factories in batches.

The part delivered to the mining company also needs to be redistributed, and allies like the Wieland Company and the Holy See in the Holy Shield Brotherhood must take a share.

Ordinary metal ore Wieland Company needs more. As for the Holy See, they usually send silver crosses and silver-coated gold crosses,

In addition to the Holy Shield Brotherhood, there are also some partners of the Tang Corporation, and Boss Tang's close "friends" will also give them a share.

According to Boss Tang's words, it is to make many friends, and friends with interests involved are the best. Compared with illusory friendships, only interests are eternal. .

If he wants to destroy this "friend" relationship, unless others can offer more benefits, but if there is such a day, Boss Tang doesn't mind throwing away his suit jacket and let them see what a monk means.

After a snake disaster, the shortage of manpower in the Tang Group in Heldam was greatly alleviated. At least [-] Dongying people were sent to work "overseas" by Yashida Industry.

Although Yashida and the Dongying government endorsed it, the family members of these overseas workers were still a little uneasy because they could not contact their families at first.
After all, in modern society, where communication is so developed, there will always be no signal anywhere.

Some people wondered whether their family members were sold abroad by Yashida. They even went to the gate of Yashida Industry to make trouble, but they were quickly suppressed by the Japanese government with police forces.

The Dongying police took a rare and strong attitude. There was no other way. General Clough, the naval commander of the Federation military base stationed in Dongying, personally called the Minister of Defense of Dongying, and the words were very tough.

If they can't guarantee the safety of their own people, then he can send out the garrison to help.

The Minister of Defense of Japan was so frightened that he called the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department overnight, asking him to properly handle Yashida's problem.

The troublemaker was taken directly to the Metropolitan Police Department and locked up.

It was not until half a month later that Yashida transferred the first month's salary to the bank account of their family members that this matter was barely over.

After the snake disaster, Yashida Mariko's reputation was almost unmatched in Japan, but she did not really run for the position of Prime Minister of Japan, but after seeking the consent of Boss Tang, she supported a person who was close to Yashida. MPs come to power.

Just when Japan was in full swing for the election of the prime minister.
In the Down's Manor in New York, a guest was welcomed.

What in hell, demons, devils, dark creatures, evil spirits.

Hell has as many demons as these, but there are countless mines, magma rivers flowing all the time, and volcanoes erupting all the time, making Hell possess mineral resources unimaginable by ordinary people.

There are many kinds of energy sources in the universe, but if you want to implement them in the early stage, you need a lot of investment

The Milky Way is not an overly chaotic star field. Many things have owners, and many planets suitable for living are.

Compared with other planets, the earth started a bit late, just like enclosing land, all good places have been encircled.

If the earth wants to develop, there are two ways, one is to grab, the other is to buy, exchange resources.

The smugglers that the Tang Group just recruited, no, the Interstellar Merchant Fleet followed Xingjue, the head of foreign trade, for a walk in the Milky Way, and found that there are really not many resources that can be sold on Earth.

First of all, in terms of technology, except for a few black technologies, others are not handy for the alien life that has already sailed in the interstellar space.

As for resources, the good news is that even in the Marvel universe, the value of gold is not low, and there is no such thing as imagined that any planet is gold.

There is a gold alloy in the construction materials of ordinary starships. Therefore, the price of gold has not been suppressed with the interstellar age as expected, but the price is also quite ordinary.

The other is energy. Energy is a popular thing on any planet. The energy crystals formed by space gems can even be used as currency in the Milky Way.

It's a pity that energy crystals have been used to barter. With the purity of energy crystals, it is easy to attract covetousness. In addition, the Tang Corporation, in addition to the energy blocks that are fixed for sale, is made of conventional military energy magazines and used to arm robots. Battleships, etc., there are really not many left, so it is possible that Boss Tang wants to be a 24-hour refiner himself.

At this moment, the Dark Parliament took out a map of hell in due course.

Of course, Boss Tang is not interested in Hell. The exploration of alien resources in the real world is in progress, and the development of Heildam, the land of no man, takes up more than half of his manpower.

Hell, dogs don't go to that shitty place!
"Mr. Tang, our Dark Councilor is willing to serve you. The magic ores, gems, and metals produced in hell are all yours!"

The speaker of the Dark Parliament looks like a kind Santa Claus, and it is completely impossible to tell that he is a necromancer who has lived for nearly a thousand years.

Of course, this is not his real body. The real body of creatures like necromancers is their phylactery, where their souls are placed. In theory, as long as the phylactery is not broken, necromancers will not die.

Tang Song looked at the sudden visitor in front of him, tapped his fingers on the table a few times, raised his head, and looked at him.

"You have planted men in Heildam!"

Knowles, the president of the Dark Council, was stunned, and he immediately explained: "That was a misunderstanding, we have a wizard recruited."

"Forget it!" Tang Song waved his hand, planning his explanation: "Just be direct, tell me, what does your dark council want?"

"Mr. Tang, Mephisto died at your hands. The several hell dimensions he ruled are vacant, and now the abyss of hell has launched an abyssal bloody battle involving dozens of dimensions for his inheritance. With your participation, our Dark Council discovered a dimension of hell that Mephisto once ruled!"

"Your dark council wants to occupy a dimensional world!" Tang Song looked at Knowles with an inexplicable look (looking at an idiot).

He doesn't dare to set foot in that ghostly place in hell even now, don't look at him and Gu Yi teaming up to kill Mephisto, but that was after Mephisto was pulled out of his home field by a coincidence , he used a large array to set up an ambush, and executed the final blow after a long time of plotting with the Seven Arrows Book.

As for the three melons and two jujubes of the Dark Council, who want to occupy a dimensional world, it's not that Tang and Song looked down on them, it's no use at all.

"Mr. Tang, we hope to get your help. After all, your reputation of killing Mephisto is widely spread in countless dimensions."

"Wait a minute, I don't care what your real purpose is, let me say a few things, your dark council can do it, and then you talk about your things—"

Tang Song was not interested in Knowles' flattery, and interrupted him again.

Knowles was very respectful: "Is there anything you need us to do, just ask?"

"First, kill someone for me, a mage named Casillas. Second, I want the earth to have no more sects and believers who believe in Dormammu. If your dark council can do these two things, you Come back and tell me what's next!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Tang! The Dark Council will definitely not let you down!" Knowles stood up and took off his hat to salute Tang Song, before disappearing into the courtyard in a cloud of black smoke.

"Lian, tell me, what is the purpose of the Dark Council?"

Tang Song was lying on his rattan ladder, with an open book of "Huang Ting Jing Jing" covering his face, lazily basking in the sun.

"Boss, I heard from Kuroki Mingliang that a black wizard's black magic can be practiced to a certain level, and he can fuse his own soul with the power of the dark dimension!"

"Hedao? Interesting, it seems that the speaker of the dark council wants to become the next Dormammu! The lord of hell, the god of the dark dimension!"

"Boss, then we"

"Leave him alone, let the people of the Dark Council clean up Dormammu's minions in the real dimension. Without the coordinates, let me see how it finds the earth!"

Although Tang Song intends to take over the time gem from Gu Yi, he doesn't want to face Dormammu directly. The time cycle is still countless, and it hurts to think about it.

It's better to dig out Dormammu's tentacles on the earth directly, so that he can't find the way to the earth. Thinking of this,
Tang Song lifted up the ink-scented book slightly, and looked at Ryan:
"How is Strange's hand recovering?"

Ryan was holding a cup of tea, and was pinching the grapes in the fruit plate and stuffing them into his mouth: "It's almost recovered, and we used our latest medicine. After testing, the recovery of nerves has reached [-]%. Don't delay him to continue to do one." Surgeon!"

"Boss, people from the Federal Ministry of Defense have come to visit many times—it's still about those ancient Titans,

The Yamata no Orochi raging in Japan has frightened those high-level government officials. What the Ministry of National Defense means is to ask you to find a way to throw all the remaining ancient titans into Heldam! "

(End of this chapter)

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