Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 249 A Visitor from the Wrong Universe

Chapter 249 A Visitor from the Wrong Universe

"Please? Shouldn't they go to Yashida Kogyo!?"

The sunlight shone through the green shade on the grape arbor on the title page of the "Huang Ting Jing Jing" covering Boss Tang's face, and Boss Tang's voice under the book was a little lazy.

On the low table beside him, there were pieces of blue energy crystals.

As he breathed, the energy contained in the sunlight and the power of the energy crystals extracted from the space gems from various dimensional worlds continued to swarm in from the [-] pores of his body,

These energies were converted into the surging true energy in his body, and Tang Song didn't need to practice deliberately by himself. Every time he breathed, he could clearly feel the increase in strength and the strengthening of his body.

After experiencing condensing evil spirits and refining gangsters, the true essence in Tang and Song's body was tempered by the two to form a black and white true essence mana.

This true energy circulated in the body, entrenched near the dantian, faintly forming a cloud of black and white yin and yang fish cyclones.

It is also this yin-yang cyclone like a millstone that continuously absorbs the sunlight in the sky and nearby energy,
A black hole seemed to appear in his dantian, and a ball of yin and yang light danced slowly in the black hole.

Every time it beats, various energies from the outside world pour into the body like a tide. Sunlight and gamma particles are all decomposed into the most basic energy particles when passing through the yin-yang fish cyclone, and finally become the essence of the yin-yang elixir in the Tang and Song Dynasties. part.

Swallowing a golden pill into the belly, I knew that my life was inexorable!

Ryan held a bunch of grapes in his hand, picked off the bright red and purple grape beads, squeezed the pulp into his mouth, and threw the grape skins into the trash basket beside him, with a helpless voice.

"Boss, the relationship between Miss Mariko and you is no secret at the top of the Federation!"

"The people in the Ministry of National Defense know who is in charge of the real opening method of the space gate!"

Ryan had nothing to do with this self-aware boss. From South Korea to Dongying, the boss and Yashida Mariko wanted to be together, and there was no intention of covering it up.

The Ark reactor used as a power source and those disguised space gate instruments were also transferred from the Tang Corporation to Dongpu.

As long as the people of the Federal Ministry of Defense are not blind, they can definitely guess who the real opener of this space door is.

"It's really troublesome!" Tang Song removed the "Huang Ting Jing Jing" covering his face, sat up from the reclining chair, picked up a bunch of purple-red grapes from the fruit plate in front of him, and directly bit down one.

The sweet juice flowed into the mouth as Tang Song chewed the pulp. Tang Song looked at Ryan with the grapes in his hand and asked:

"I heard from Hill that the ancient Titan "King" observed by the Emperor Organization has changed?"

"The observation report submitted by the Emperor Organization shows that three days after Yamata no Orochi was sent to Heldam by you, that Godzilla appeared in the sea area of ​​Japan, and seemed to be looking for something? This is also one of the reasons for the tension of the Federal Ministry of Defense. One, because of the disappearance of Yamata no Orochi, they are afraid of causing a chain reaction of these ancient titans"

Since the Yamata no Orochi ravaged Tokyo, the World Security Council immediately strengthened the supervision of the Emperor Organization,

Especially in terms of information exchange, several observation posts organized by the emperor had to share information with the World Security Council. After all, no country wanted a nuclear bomb to detonate at any time on its own land.

Judging from Yamata no Orochi's record in Japan, the destructive power of these walking nuclear bombs is even more dangerous than nuclear weapons. .

As the intelligence and security department directly under the World Security Council, Maria Hill will be able to get the latest news as soon as the information from the Emperor Organization is transmitted.

Under Hill's leadership, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s intelligence network and the Down Group's intelligence divisions were generally indistinguishable from each other.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. knew the news, it meant that the news had reached Boss Tang's ears.

"Since he is called the king by the emperor organization and his subjects are missing, this ancient titan is naturally interested. Don't worry about the ancient titan. The development of Heldam is progressing quite smoothly. Let's throw a few ancient titans now. In the past, it actually affected Kane's development progress! Just find an excuse to push it!

Well, tell them, we haven't fully grasped the positioning coordinates of the space gate. The last time was just a fluke. If something goes wrong, it would be terrible to throw those titans into Washington! "

"I see, boss, by the way, there are two more things I need to report to you!"

After Ryan understood what the boss meant, he began to conceive the wording for the Ministry of Defense,

After eating a bunch of grapes, he took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the juice from the grapes on his hands, and then got down to business.

"After we used Yamata no Orochi to deal with Hawkeye and Phil Coulson last time, Hill carefully cleaned up the information left by Nick Fury and found that he still had a group of agents hidden before his death. Steve Rogers and others disappeared after being liquidated, including Bucky the Winter Soldier!"

"Winter Soldier! Steve Rogers' good brother? Find him as soon as possible, I don't want to be killed in front of me, and stage a scene of revenge for my brother!"

"I have arranged for someone to investigate, and I believe there will be news soon!" Ryan replied.

"Tell Hill, ask her to launch S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel to find it, in the name of arresting the remnants of Hydra, and in addition, ask her to send a copy of the Winter Soldier's information to Tony Stark, so that Tony knows that his At whose hands did father die!"

"Yes! Boss!"

In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and after asking Boss Tang for his opinion, a group of maids directly set the table under the grape arbor.
After the dishes were served, as soon as Tang and Song sat down, Skye led the little rascal, Gu Ziyun, and Zheng Daeun from outside the court, and Gu Ziyun and Zheng Daeun were fighting and fighting for the little rascal A fat orange cat in my arms!

Da da da--

Stepping on high heels, Skye, who was wearing a blue and white porcelain cheongsam, walked towards this side along the corridor. The cheongsam was slit to the bend of the legs, revealing her fair calves.

After following the Tang and Song Dynasties to practice ** Kung Fu, Skye's face is much more refined and fairer than before.

Skye came to Tang Song's side, grabbed his neck and sat in his arms, took the bunch of grapes from his hand, peeled the skins, and fed the grapes into his mouth.

"What are your plans for this afternoon?"

The few women who have been with Tang and Song for many years, except for Xiaonian, Gu Ziyun and Zheng Daeun, these little girls, all have their own "careers"!
Women, always find something for them to do to kill their energy. Otherwise, after a long time, they will be extremely bored, and it is inevitable that they will stage the palace fighting scenes in the palace dramas of the Qing Dynasty.

Boss Tang's women, currently Fox is in charge of the two seats at the high table on his behalf, managing his assassins and the former Assassin's League.

Selena manages the dark black market and several vampire clans who work under Boss Tang's door.

As for Skye, he is in charge of the network security department of the Down Corporation
Because of the presence of the artificial intelligence Red Queen in the network security department, Skye doesn't have many things to deal with. In his spare time, he likes to go shopping and shopping on Fifth Avenue with Gu Ziyun and the others.

"Oh!" Skye fed the grape pulp into Tang Song's mouth, and Tang Song pinched her fingers.

Tang and Song stroked the embryo of the blue-and-white porcelain vase with his fingers.

She smiled coquettishly, wriggling on Tang Song's body.

"It seems that there is an underground racing competition in Brooklyn today. Ziyun and Donne are fighting for the right to feed the big cat recently, so they plan to race cars to fight for the custody of the big cat!"

"Racing car! Just for it?" Tang Song looked at the big cat that was about to become a ball in Xiaoniao's arms. A tiger, even if it was shrunk, should have the appearance of a tiger, as fat as a ball, without any Domineering at all.


Seeing Boss Tang's disgusted eyes, Big Mao's fat face suddenly collapsed.

"Your little dried fish!"

Boss Tang was in a good mood today, so he greeted the maid and brought a box of dried fish from Alaska by air.

Open the lid and place it in front of the big cat. It has its own dining table and a dedicated maid who serves it.

Of course, when it recovers as a tiger, the bodyguards in the manor usually do the feeding.

The steak is medium rare, plus the crab legs of the smoked king crab, without too much seasoning, and it is paired with Bordeaux red wine.

Fresh enough ingredients, no need for overcooking, and the taste is okay.

Tang Song cut the beef with a table knife and fed it to Skye in his arms.

"How's the ore production in Heldam this month? Are they all shipped back?"

Ryan cut the steak in front of him with a knife and fork, sprinkled with black pepper, forked a piece of beef and put it into his mouth.

"The output has tripled compared to last month, and this month has increased by [-] miners. It is expected that the output will double again next month!"

Ryan chewed the beef in his mouth, picked up the red wine glass in front of him, and took a sip.

"Boss, Heldam is a complete world that is not inferior to Earth. It would be a pity if we only use it for mining!"

"Huh?" Little Naughty put a piece of cut steak into Tang Song's mouth with a fork, Tang Song opened his mouth to take it, touched Little Naughty's hand, and the little girl's face turned red with embarrassment.

"What do you think?" Tang Song listened to Ryan talking about his development opinions on Heldam while chewing on the beef fed by Little Naughty.

During this period of time, although Ryan said that he was cooperating with Magneto to manage Utopia's affairs, he almost managed everything from Utopia's most basic hydropower, civilian facilities, to the army and administration.

As for Magneto, although he has been running for the mutants for so many years, he is like a rebel for many years, but he has no consideration for how to manage after success.

I don't know how to govern a country at all. Here you can refer to the man surnamed Li Dashun who has only been emperor for 42 days, and a certain Liban in the parallel world.

The so-called utopia established by the mutants is completely controlled by the people of the Tang Group who control the basic lifeline of the country, people's livelihood, water and electricity, food, national defense, military, and even taxation
That is to say, Magneto is Boss Tang's cheap father-in-law, otherwise, the so-called Utopia can change its banner immediately with an order from Tang and Song Dynasties.

"Boss! We can emulate Utopia and establish our own country in Heldam," Ryan suggested: "Form an army, produce weapons, starships..."

Tang Song listened to Ryan's suggestion, thought for a moment, and the silver fork bumped gently on the plate, rejecting Ryan's proposal.

"Ryan, the most important thing for me to form a power is to search for cultivation resources for myself, and to enjoy life and establish a country. Well, it is actually possible, but this management is left to you?!"

When Ryan heard Tang Song's words, he immediately shook his head as if he had encountered a scourge, and said with a wry smile: "Forget it, boss, if I didn't say it, you'd better let me go, I think this is very good! I still want to Live two more years!"

Ryan knows that the boss is not just talking about it, and he is really capable of letting go of the shopkeeper.

During this period of time, I dealt with various affairs in Utopia. Even if Ryan has the mutant ability of photographic memory, his physique is different from ordinary people after practicing. When he gets busy, he will lose a lot of hair.

There is no way, most of those mutants are talents who have not been to school, and there is no suitable person for them. Only a few teachers in Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys can help him share one or two.

Thinking about building a country from nothing, or a world as big as Heimdall to be developed, Ryan felt a headache when he thought about it.

He doesn't expect this guy in front of him, bah, the boss in front of him can help him share the burden. In Chinese, this is a man who throws his hands away.

Ryan finished his steak in twos and then slipped away, afraid that Boss Tang would have a whim and follow his topic and say that if he really wanted to build a country in Heildam, he would be making himself guilty.

"When is the car race?"

"We're going to the modification base to choose a car this afternoon. The competition is scheduled for the evening. Boss, why don't you go with us? Choose one yourself, and you can participate in the competition tonight!"

"What's a lottery? I don't want to feed this fat cat!"

"Uncle, what prize do you want?"

"***********How ​​about it?"

"As expected of you, uncle lustful! Alright, we've made a bet with you, but we have agreed in advance that you are not allowed to use your abilities to cheat!"

Just when Boss Tang accompanied his women to choose his favorite racing car at a well-known car modification factory in New York.

Tony Stark, who had been busy transforming his battle armor all day, took Pepper on a yacht to go fishing at a nearby location of his own, in line with the idea of ​​combining work and rest.

It can be regarded as a distraction for myself. The Avengers Alliance established by Nick Fury before his death, a snake disaster passed, and the captain, Hawkeye, and Black Widow all died.

Now the only Avengers left are him, Dr. Banner and Thor, Thor is still in Asgard, and the so-called Avengers are now dead in name only.

Just as Tony Stark left the seaside villa, an uninvited guest came to the villa, and took over Jarvis's core code with ease.

"Mr. Stark, you are a little different!"

Tony Stark, who is obviously much older, controls the computer while drinking coffee,
"Jarvis, this is the difference between us humans and your machines, we will grow old, you will not, but honestly, Jarvis is good to see you!" Tony Stark quickly checked the computer, searching for this The world is different from the universe he is in.

He comes from another universe. In that universe, there are Iron Man, the Hulk, the Chitauri invasion, the civil war between the Avengers, and a purple sweet potato that invades the earth and wants to destroy the universe. The key is that The purple hunk succeeded.

He and his companions used the quantum channel to travel to this universe, trying to find six infinite gems and save his world with the power of infinite gems.

But he came to the wrong place, the wrong place, and the wrong timeline, a few years later than he expected.

"The difference, I found it, mutants, there are no mutants in my universe, and the location of the Kirita's invasion has also changed, the Down Group." Tony's gaze was fixed on an obituary.

"Captain is dead, Hawkeye is dead, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is Agent Hill, where is Nick Fury, where are the Mind Stone and Space Stone?

Hell, why is the space door still open? If you want to close it, you must get the spiritual scepter to get the space gem! "

"Jarvis, someone tampered with your program!"

As it was getting dark, Tony brought Pepper back from the sea with an empty bucket. From Pepper's limp legs and flushed face, it could be seen that she had gained a lot from sea fishing this time.

As soon as he entered the room, Tony Stark noticed something was wrong. The wine had been tampered with, the coffee had been drunk, and the computer had been used.

Tony Stark connected to Jarvis and discovered that Jarvis's core data had also been tampered with. How could this be possible? With Jarvis's encryption program, no one could crack his encrypted secret.

Soon he restored the internal monitoring of Linhai Villa through a hidden camera.



Tony Stark and Pepper Pepper looked at the screen in the surveillance, a little surprised, there was another Tony Stark in the surveillance.

Tony Stark was the first to suspect mutants, especially Mystique, who has the ability to transform.

You must know that the purpose of the anti-Tang and Song armor he is designing now is to deal with Tang and Song.

And who doesn't know that Utopia, the kingdom of mutants, was created by Tang and Song.

Tony Stark has reason to suspect that the purpose of Mystique is to steal his armor data.

No, even if Mystique can become exactly like him, it is impossible to crack Jarvis' core program.

Tony Stark rested his chin, staring carefully at every move of the counterfeit in the surveillance screen. For some reason, he had an intuition that the Tony Stark in the video did not feel like a fake to him, Tony Stark Came to an absurd idea.

The Second Universe, let’s call it that.

The slightly older Tony returns to his world through the quantum channel

I am doing the 97th upgrade for my steel suit.

In recent years, the level of combat energy he has been exposed to has become higher and higher, forcing Iron Man to continue to upgrade his weapons and suits in all aspects.

He continues to learn more and more abundant engineering knowledge on the earth, absorbing the nutrients of alien technology.

Constantly looking for new materials from all over the world.

Constantly upgrade the firepower system and add more advanced weapons to the battle suit.

This made Tony feel that he seemed to have returned to the state of designing weapons all day when he was young, but he did not resist the return of this "old business".

On the one hand, after experiencing the last time Thanos destroyed the world, Tony realized that he did not have enough cards to deal with emergencies.

On the other hand, he was inspired by the anti-Tang and Song battle armor designed by Iron Man from another universe.

More powerful firepower means that he has a greater chance of winning in future battles.

Weapons, indeed, are often used to carry out killing and violence.

But when the heroes hold weapons, these killing weapons can also be converted into guardian power.

This is what Tony understood when he used the Iron Suit to fight for justice for the first time.

If he wants to save the world, he needs to have enough strength.

"Tony, something is wrong. The other universe through quantum space is very different from our universe."

Tony, who was burying himself in building a concept map of the new fire control system, raised his head, looked at the fully armed American team, pushed his design glasses, and said:
"I know! Captain! There are too many variables, the Mind Stone is missing, and we can't get the Space Stone out. The two universes are not quantum entangled, they are two independent universes! I think we went to the wrong place!"

Tony took off his glasses, "Ant-Man is like this, have you got enough Pym particles back, we need it."

The most difficult thing is the feasibility of crossing the quantum tunnel, which they have already solved, and the rest is to find a way to get back the six infinite gems and save their own world.

Tony stood up and stretched.

The US team frowned: "Ant-Man has returned, we have enough Pym particles, but except for the three of us, no one else has returned!"

Captain America asked:

"What did you find?"

Tony walked to the coffee machine and made himself a cup of coffee:
"Many things, the difference between another universe and us, like mutants, there is no such race in our world, the Battle of New York is also different, the location has changed, the original Kirita invasion in New York, the location It became the city of Leon in Mexico.

The cosmic Rubik's Cube turned into a space gate is still hanging in the city of Leon, bringing the entire human race into the interstellar era. "

Tony took a sip of his coffee and raised his cup to Captain America: "I have analyzed it with an intelligent program. We couldn't get space gems during World War II. The biggest possibility is the anchor theory."

"Anchoring theory?" Captain America was a little puzzled.

Tony explained: "Our purpose is to get six infinity stones to save our universe. If we succeed, we will return these six infinity stones. They fit in our own history, but obviously we During World War II, I got the space gem, but couldn’t bring it back, obviously some kind of force tied it, like an anchor!”

Captain America frowned, "!"

Tony snapped his fingers: "I knew you didn't understand. To put it simply, from the perspective of quantum entanglement, there should be a universe that develops exactly the same as ours. It's like light and shadow, but they are light and shadow for each other. One body with two sides.

But we obviously found the wrong universe, so we can't get the space gem back, even if we can get it back, the nuances of the two universes will affect the infinite gem, as a product of the rules, I think even if we get the space gem back, it will be in our The function of this universe may be no less than a stone! "

"But the good news is that we have brought back enough Pym particles, enough for our trial and error needs, and we can completely find our real goal, the universe that is quantum entangled with our universe!"

"Of course we need to call Xingjue and the others back first!"

In the land of nothingness, when Xingjue's somewhat dilapidated planet just landed, a group of green aliens with six arms and a height of more than three meters surrounded them. All of their six arms were holding various weapons, such as energy guns. , looks like an extremely sharp cold weapon.

Bang Dang, Xingjue opened the hatch of the spaceship, followed by thirteen card soldiers. They were all wearing fully enclosed dark armor, and on their heads were masks transformed from the environmental adaptability helmets of the Predator.

Twelve of them each carried a silver suitcase.

"They are the Gululu tribe, and they are also wandering races in the universe. It seems that they regard us as fat sheep who have just arrived here. I will solve it!"

Star-Lord glanced at these green skins, turned his head and said to a card soldier wearing a fully enclosed armor,
Instead of carrying a suitcase, the card soldier holds an energy rifle.

After Xingjue finished speaking, he turned around, looked at the green skins, and opened the translator on his neck.

"Hey, get rid of you guys, I'm the famous Marauder Star Lord, aren't those newcomers who just came to the void, just relying on you, do you want to scare me?"

"Hi, Star Lord, we have heard your name, someone on Yondu's ship said, you found a big deal, can you keep these boxes, we are curious what you have in these boxes?"

After a green skin with tentacles like braids finished speaking, the group of green skins behind it raised their weapons and aimed at Xingjue and his party!

"Shet, you bastard Yondu! I would have thrown the coordinates on the communicator into the death star field if I knew it!" Xingjue cursed.

He suspected that Yondu deliberately revealed this news to retaliate against him. Didn't he just change the coordinates in the communicator? It must be that old guy who wanted to grab his big business and failed to get angry.

"Will killing them affect the procurement of spaceships?"

The card soldier who came to Xingjue patted him on the shoulder and asked.

"This is the land of nothingness, one of the largest black markets in the southern Milky Way, and the owners here generally don't care about these trivial things!" Xingjue hadn't finished speaking.


The card soldier standing beside him raised the rifle in his hand, and the energy rifle fired a beam of energy roaringly at the leading alien green skin. Star Reaver ripped whole from the waist.

The stinky blood was sprinkled everywhere.

Before the Gurulu marauders could react from the fact that the leader was killed, the card soldier raised his left hand, slid forward, and made a tactical move.

The twelve silent card soldiers behind him simultaneously ejected a dagger, a dagger made of adamantium alloy mixed with fine metal, and rushed towards the looters in front of them like a black shooting star.

These card soldiers are extremely powerful, like tigers plunging into a flock of sheep. In just a few seconds, all the alien raiders who regarded them as fat sheep were eliminated.

By the time Xingjue blinked his small eyes and realized, a group of card soldiers on the battlefield had already started to search for the weapons on these Gululu tribes.

"Uh, these Gululu people are holding some old-fashioned energy guns, not worth much?"

Xingjue never expected that the buyers sent by Boss Tang would be so skilled.

It's just that my eyesight is bad.

(End of this chapter)

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