Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 250 The Land of Nothingness

Chapter 250 The Land of Nothingness
The huge asteroid-like head hangs in the starry sky of the universe, and the surface of the head has been petrified.
Looking down from outside the planet's orbiting spacecraft.The two eye sockets of the huge head were dug out with two black holes, and some exploration spacecraft kept going back and forth to the interior of the planet through the two holes,
They were collecting the crystallized cerebrospinal fluid of this skull.

It is said that this head-shaped planet is the body remains of the legendary Celestial Group. It was later discovered by the collector Tiwan, and this planet became one of his collections.

Thanks to Tiwan's collection quirks, many predators, space mercenaries, like to come to this planet to pick up tasks, and want to give Tiwan some collections that they think are unique.

After all, collectors are notoriously generous.

Although most of them are rubbish that Tiwan doesn't like, but for other people, these things are extremely valuable. Many businessmen buy those things that Tiwan doesn't like at first, and then slowly form up the market.

Over time, this land of nothingness has also become the largest black market in the southern galaxy.

"The Collector's reputation is very loud in the Milky Way. Legend has it that he is a member of the Council of Elders of the Universe. Although I haven't figured out what organization this Council of Elders of the Universe is, few people dare to make trouble here!

We have entered the city, and there will be no desperadoes like Gululu here."

This is an urban area, and the large starships are either parked at the spaceport outside the void, or parked outside the city.

Therefore, the means of transportation in urban areas are generally flying motorboats, or small interplanetary spaceships.

Star-Lord took a group of card soldiers to the largest street in the city in a rented flying boat.

Star-Lord drives thirteen card soldiers at low altitude on the streets full of flying machines,
The messy streets are full of "aliens" of different shapes and looks!
The humanoid mechanical life with mechanical parts all over its body looks like an advanced version of the steel soldier. The huge shoulder cannon on its back is shining with energy. When passing by them,

The robot seemed to be a little curious, its eyes flashed red and glanced at the silver boxes carried by several card soldiers.

His actions made several card soldiers subconsciously put their hands on their waists vigilantly, but the robot just glanced at them, then stepped on a flying motorboat with heavy steps, and left here.

"Hey, relax, this is a black market, no one dares to make trouble here, they are the Hatta tribe, they are one of the few mechanical life forms found in the Milky Way, they are full of weapons, they are not easy to mess with!"

Xingjue noticed the vigilance of the card soldiers, and explained: "Hata people usually come to the black market to transform their own mechanical bodies, and generally they don't conflict with people!"

The flying boats, small spaceships, and "people" who come down from time to time in this black market street make these card soldiers an eye-opener.

In less than 10 minutes, Hugh Vader saw a stone man whose whole body seemed to be made of stones, and a hippopotamus who was wearing armor and looked like a hippopotamus.
Of course, there are also many aliens who are covered in armor like them and cannot be seen.
However, on the black market, most of the aliens look like humans, at most there are slight differences in skin color and body size, at most it is a matter of a few more or less organs.

Some have insect-like tentacles on their heads, some have one more eye on their foreheads, and some have two more arms than people on Earth, but in general, most of them are humanoid creatures
Hugh Vader's eyes suddenly focused, and a small single-person aircraft landed at the door of the roadside shop. A man wearing half-shoulder armor, "dreadlocks" on his head, and a breathing mask got out of the aircraft. alien.

Acquaintance, Hugh Vader has seen this alien race, and there is a specimen in the boss's hive laboratory.

"Don't look at him, that's a warrior of the Iron-Blood clan. They advocate hunting. Staring at them all the time will be regarded as provocation. They will often initiate a duel with the provocateur. They are a difficult race!"

Star-lord followed Hugh Vader's gaze, and noticed the Predator walking into a shop, and at the same time he said strangely:

"However, these predators usually play their hunting games on remote planets, so it's very strange to see them here—"

"How far is it from the shop you mentioned?" Hugh Vader looked at the small spaceship of the Predator parked at the door, and didn't say much, but the intelligent system in the armor is coming to this planet in the future. All the scenes were recorded.

These data, after returning to the earth, will be summarized into the database of the Tang Corporation.

"It's just ahead, believe me, I have dealt with old Mande a lot, in the whole black market, he is the most fair one in doing business, in addition, he has a wide range of channels, and he can even get the latest products from Nova Empire. Battleship."

While bragging, Xingjue led Hugh Vader and others into a shop facing the street.

This store looks no different from the storefronts on this street. They are all built with stone materials unique to the void, and the exterior is painted gray, except that the signboard of the store seems to be transformed from a piece of armor from a spaceship. See It looks unremarkable.

Of course, this is a black market street. People who come here to do business have things on hand, or things they want to buy are often not legal, and they will not go to shops that are too ostentatious.

"Hey! Old Mander, are you all right?"

Xingjue skillfully pushed the door open and entered the shop, and two energy guns outside the door pointed directly at him.

"Oh, old Mander, it's me, Star-Lord!"

As if hearing a familiar voice, the intelligent robotic arm retracted the energy gun in its hand.

"Xingjue, why are you here again?"

The voice came from inside the shop, Star-Lord waved, and led Hugh Vader into the shop, while other card soldiers waited at the door.

This shop looks inconspicuous from the outside, but it has a large space inside, about thirty or forty steps wide. On the walls on both sides are various types of energy guns, mechanical arms, spaceship mechanical parts, and some that look like It's an extremely high-tech electronic device.

Hugh Vader accompanied Xingjue towards the shop, and soon saw the "Old Mande" Xingjue said, a rhinoceros man who looked old.

Literally, this black market dealer named Old Mander is an alien with a head similar to that of a rhinoceros on Earth, with a pair of cylindrical glasses on the bridge of his nose, holding something similar to a welding torch, and repairing a Put the electronic components of the energy gun.

"Long time no see, Old Mande!"

"Long time?!" Old Mande raised his head in surprise, not understanding why he was going crazy. He just left here two days ago and came back suddenly, but Old Mande glanced at Hugh Vader beside Star-Lord.

Understand it, it seems that Xingjue boy has found another big fat sheep.

It's not once or twice that they have cooperated. Old Mande seemed to nod "understanding": "Long time no see, Xingjue boy, recently they have been rumoring that you have received a big deal!"

Xingjue took out a box of chewing gum from his pocket, stuffed one into his mouth, chewed, and gestured with his hands: "It's really a big deal, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you, boss Mande, you have been bragging to me before that you can get the newest battleship of the Nova Empire, is it true?"

"Not to mention the latest battleship of the Nova Empire, as long as you can spend enough money, even if you want the flagship of Ronan the Accuser, I can find a way to get it!" The old rhino took off his glasses, showing a pair of squinted eyes, Although he was talking to Xingjue, his eyes were on Hugh Vader.

"This energy crystallization! What's the price?"

Hugh Vader directly stretched out his hand and spread his fist. In his palm was a mahjong-sized energy crystal shining with blue light.

It's nothing else, it's the energy crystal condensed by Boss Tang using the space gem.

"Huh? Hiss! This kind of pure energy crystal!"

Under Star-Lord's triumphant gaze, Old Mander carefully took the energy crystal from Hugh Vader, and observed it carefully.

He took out an instrument from the cabinet beside him, put the energy crystal on it for testing, and looked at the value displayed on the instrument, Old Mande's small eyes instantly widened in surprise.

"No, how is it possible? The energy spar produced by the Kree people by collecting dark matter is only more than 80.00% pure. The purity of this spar is actually more than [-]%"

Old Mande seemed a little unbelievable. He changed several testing instruments for repeated testing, and then he gasped and said.

"The customer wants to sell this spar. I don't know what you want to exchange, Galaxy coins or."

"Spaceship, the best spaceship, and a system of civilization technology data!" Hugh Vader expressed his request.

Old Mande picked up the energy spar, shook his head and said, "This energy crystal is very pure and has a certain value, but it's not worth a high-level spaceship alone!"

"Who told you that we only took one piece, old Mander, I told you that this is a big deal!" Star-Lord said triumphantly: "The Kree and the newest warships of the Nova Empire each come with ten ships, and give us at the same time Find a batch of scientific and technological materials of the second-level civilization, the systematic one!"

Old Mande looked at Xingjue who looked like a nouveau riche, and said, "Xingjue boy, this needs a lot of money!"

One minute later, Old Mande looked at the opened silver suitcase in front of him, which contained neatly stacked mahjong block-sized energy crystals.

Looking at these energy crystals, Old Mander wanted to call the guards directly, kill Xingjue and the others, and take all these high-purity energy crystals for himself.

But Xingjue's words instantly woke up Old Mande.

"Old Mande, this is just the beginning. My current employer is a big boss at the level of the overlord of the universe, and the business will continue to flow in the future!"

Xingjue doesn't know Boss Tang's strength, but it doesn't prevent him from making a big banner out of tiger's skin.

As soon as his words came out, Old Mander was frightened. The overlord of the universe, in the Milky Way, there are not many people who can be called the overlord of the universe, and the most famous of them is Thanos.

Could it be that the Xingjue boy has turned to Thanos, but even if he is not Thanos, he must not be able to provoke him if he can master the power to extract this kind of pure energy crystal.

Old Mande has been doing business in the void for so many years, and he has his own set of survival rules. When he judged that the people brought by Xingjue were not easy to mess with, he resolutely became a well-behaved businessman.
"The scientific and technological information of the second-level civilization is easy to say. I have a complete set at hand. It is the systematic spaceship manufacturing technology of the Gurulu tribe, complete energy shields, and naval guns. However, the spaceship needs to wait for a while."

"The scientific and technological information of the Gululu tribe, the things on the rotten street, are there any better ones, at least have a complete spaceship jump technology, or a civilization with artificial wormhole technology!"

When Star-Lord heard Old Mande's words, he looked disgusted. The Gululu people are not as good as the Kirita people. Dogs don't want their technology.

"Xingjue boy, the spaceship jump technology, do you really dare to think, it is a technology that only the second-level advanced civilization can barely master, and there is also artificial wormhole technology. At present, in the Milky Way, only the Cree and the Nova Empire are advanced. I don’t have the core information that only civilized people have mastered!”

"How long will the spaceship have to wait? We want the technology of the Gululu tribe, and we want all the technology systems of other civilizations!"

When Hugh Vader said these words, he felt the small bag near the jack of spades hanging under his neck. It was specially refined by the boss in addition to a few big bosses and the boss's wives. One of the bags, which is full of energy crystals is the confidence for Hugh Vader to speak.

"For spaceships, at least [-] rising suns in the void are needed. After all, it will take some time to get some "battle-damaged" spaceships from the two empires!"

"However, I do have some systematic spaceship manufacturing technologies ready-made, and I can sell them to you first!"

Old Mande was smiling, and the rhinoceros horn covered the cunning in his small eyes. Selling information and knowledge was his favorite business. Information was often time-sensitive, but knowledge could be sold repeatedly.

"The thing is right!" After Star-Lord checked the old Mander and took out the technical data in the memory, Hugh Vader waved his hand, and the card soldier left behind six boxes of energy spars.

These are the price of the purchase material and part of the deposit for the spaceship.

As for whether Old Mander would run away with the money, Hugh Vader said that he was not worried about this issue. On the detected energy spar, there was a tracking spell drawn by the boss himself.

When the old rhinoceros was detecting the spar, the tracker had already locked him.

"If you really want spaceship jump technology, or artificial wormhole technology, Star Lord, you can try your luck at the collector!"

After the transaction was over, Old Mande personally sent their group of big clients outside the door. Before leaving, Old Mande proposed to Xingjue.

"Tiwan the Collector? Forget it, we don't have what he wants!" Hearing Old Mander's words, Star-Lord refused without thinking.

Leaving old Mander's shop,

Hugh Vader couldn't help being curious: "Collector Tiwan, the owner of this planet, he has the spaceship jump technology in his hand? Can't we exchange it with energy spar?"

Xingjue looked around like a thief to make sure that no one was overhearing their conversation, and then he whispered:
"Tiwan is a very picky collector, or he has a collection quirk, and his collection room only collects those unique things. Well, he is indeed very generous, but he has a difficult personality.

There was once a Vagol mercenary, the last survivor of their race, who ran to the void to find a collector to pick him up, and turned out to be Tiwan's collection!
There is also a half-dragon man, a descendant of a dragon-like beast in the legend. The collector said that he has the sharpest horn with the largest arc in the entire universe, which is very valuable for collection, and he is also locked in the collection room!
If it's not necessary, I think we'd better not provoke him, it's important to complete Boss Tang's task! "

Star-Lord's last words convinced Hugh Vader, and the group prepared to leave the black market street and take a spaceship to the next location, a few light-years away from the void, the Saka planet in the Taiyo galaxy.

There is a land of war, and it is also the largest arena and slave trading market in the universe,

Now that you have bought a spaceship, you need a group of scientific and technological talents who can drive, maintain, and manufacture spaceships.

In addition, the ruler of the planet Saka is said to be brothers with the collector Tiwan.

Xingjue and his party had just left the black market street, and when they were about to take the flying boat to the spaceship berth, they ran into an "acquaintance" head-on!
"It's you! Didn't I just hand you over to Tiwan, you escaped!"

The tall Predator held a transparent petri dish in his hand, inside was a half-meter-high alien egg. When he saw Xingjue, the Predator was a little surprised, and immediately popped out a sharp claw knife.


A dozen card soldiers following Xingjue raised their energy guns in unison. The thick energy gun looks a bit like a toy water gun on Earth, but the alien metal material looks particularly heavy, and the muzzle is condensed. The energy light waves are very lethal at first glance.

These energy guns were all purchased from the old Mande store, and Xingjue had four on his waist. With public funds, these energy guns were all the latest models purchased. The power may not be the greatest, but the few Xingjue on his waist It's definitely the most expensive one.

Xingjue understood the Predator's words through the universal translator, he didn't want to provoke this warlike race, he spread his hands towards the Predator,
"Hey, did you recognize the wrong person, we just came to the land of nothingness!"

The Predator just glanced at Xingjue, and said in a low voice, "I have already completed the collector's commission. As for whether you escaped from his collection room, it has nothing to do with me!"

After talking about the Predator, he took the petri dish containing the alien egg and boarded the spaceship, leaving behind the confused Star-Lord.


The Iron-Blooded Spaceship driven by the Iron-Blooded Warrior had just ascended to the sky and was about to enter the low-earth orbit that broke through the void, when a huge energy light wave fell from the sky, directly blowing up the Iron-Blooded Spaceship to pieces.

Huge wormholes seem to open windows in the outer space of the void,

Amidst the shining luster of the warp wormhole, black, huge, strangely shaped warships suddenly appeared in the sky above the void.

The moment they jumped out of the transition window, when these warships arrived at the predetermined position, they threw black cruise missiles towards the nothingness without even issuing the most basic combat declaration.

Amidst flashes of flames, those black, square-shaped missiles were thrown out one by one from the Kerry battleship's weapon launch port.

Just in the blink of an eye, the pirate spaceships anchored outside the void ushered in a catastrophe.

Group after group of scorching fires lit up in the starlight of this deep space, and those explosions were full of power.

After hitting the first spaceship that was locked, the energy of the explosion and the impact of the martyrdom will often also involve the surrounding spaceships that are flying too densely.

"It's the warship of the Cree, and the black one is Ronan the Accuser's flagship. How could he appear in the void, my God, is he going to war against the Collector?"

The movement in the sky quickly attracted the attention of many people in the void.

Some people directly drove their spaceships to escape, but the spaceships were often just lifted off, and were mercilessly smashed to pieces by the Kerry battleships blocked by outer space.

At the same time, in the collector's enviable collection room, collector Tiwan is carefully admiring the universe spirit ball in his hand.

Collectors are also at the top of the pyramid in the entire Marvel Universe.

He and his brother Gao Tianzun are members of the Council of Elders of the Universe, and they are existences that can live and die with the Marvel Universe.

The endless lifespan makes him regard collecting as his little hobby, just like his brother Gao Tianzun likes to organize gladiator competitions.

"Infinity gems are the most valuable treasures in this universe, rich in secrets and power. As far as I know, many people and forces are looking for them."

While the collector was playing with the cosmic spirit ball, he seemed to be able to see the power gems in it through the cosmic spirit ball. At the same time, his left hand moved across the crystal-like coffin beside him.

Inside the coffin was a guy who looked exactly like Xingjue, with the same greasy face and fat belly.

The collector's fingers slid across the collection coffin where Star-Lord was imprisoned.

"For me, the only Infinity Stone in the universe is the best collectible. I like it very much, but this thing represents trouble. Behind that little Titan is death. I never like to make trouble for myself."

Under Star-Lord's uneasy gaze, Collector sighed, and said:

"By the way, mortals like you naturally don't know the existence of the five gods of the universe. They are the real gods of the multiverse! They are the cornerstone of the entire universe!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" with a ball chew on his mouth, struggling to speak.

There is a more powerful existence behind Thanos, and he needs to bring this news back.

It's not that he has never dealt with collectors, but in his world, collectors have no skills at all.
The collectors of this universe are simply perverts.

In his universe, perhaps because of the blood left by his "father", he, a half-god and half-human race, survived Thanos' snapping fingers by luck.

He came to this universe through this quantum channel, and wanted to search for the infinite gems, and get his universe to redeem his world and his lover.

However, this universe seems to be somewhat different from what he remembered. In this timeline, not only did he in this universe not get the cosmic spirit ball, he didn't even know those few partners.

He had no choice but to go to the planet in his memory to look for the cosmic spirit ball that stored the power gem. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got the cosmic spirit ball, he met a Predator, who was still an elder-level guy.

Xingjue felt a little desperate when he thought that he was caught within three seconds of that iron-blooded elder.

"Information is the most valuable. It is like a key. If you want to open the door to a new world, how can you do without the key?"

Having said that, the collector chuckled lightly, and said in a playful tone:
"You carry information from another universe, as long as I find the key point, I can open the door to another universe"

The maid next to him handed over a pair of weird glasses, very similar to those used by jewelry appraisers.

The collector wears black glasses on his face,

With a soft sound, the frames in front of the collector's eyes rotated open like the lenses of a camera.

In the constant focusing, he clearly saw the energy lines wrapped around Xingjue's body.

In the truth hidden under the radiant stream, the luster that shines like stars,
Energy not seen by mortal eyes, not felt by them.

That is the original force of the universe, the original force belonging to another universe.

this, this is what he's interested in
The star-lord is the most valuable thing that collectors have obtained for him in the past few thousand years.

A look of surprise flashed in Tanya Tiwan's eyes.

Collector reached out and tapped a certain instrument on the workbench.

In the next moment, a holographic projection appeared beside him. Images from various eras and star fields flickered in those projections. Some were wars, some were secret meetings, and more were destruction.

In the purple or dark red halo, the planets just fell apart.

The collector's voice sounded in his living room with the beating of the projection, like the best tour guide, he explained in a gentle tone:
"You want to get the power gem, but first you haven't figured out what the power gem is,
When the universe was born, er, I mean when most of the universe was born, the origin of all things was an explosion. a corner. "

"Just like blowing up a balloon, it starts to expand, and most of the power is turned into various star entities, but some will evolve into more unique things under special circumstances."

The collector raised his finger, and on the fingertips of the white glove, six rough rough stones with irregular shapes and unique light spun and danced rapidly, attracting Xingjue's attention.

Collector says:

"Why are they called infinity stones? Because each of them represents an attribute of a group of stars, or a rule, which is the embodiment of great power at the physical level."

"Space, time, reality, mind, power, and soul form the basis of all things."

"If you get one, you can master one kind; if you get everything, you can control the infinite!"

Tanya Tiwan clenched his fingers, looked at Star Lord, and said:
"This is not an exaggerated description by writers. Young people, in fact, no matter how many words you use, you can't describe their power. The stronger they are, the more dangerous they are."

The collector's finger swayed lightly, "The Infinity Stone represents the original power that belongs to this universe,
Even if you can get this power gem and bring it back to your universe, it's useless,
The original power of a universe, unless you can completely integrate it, remember, the rules are only within the universe,
The different rules of the two universes conflict with each other, and what you bring back is just a stone,
Unless it is two universes with the same origin, one body with two sides, but with you, I can locate your universe through the energy in you! "

Xingjue's eyes widened immediately, the sockets of which were filled with bloodshot eyes.


Star Lord is struggling
(End of this chapter)

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