Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 254 Tiwan's Collection

Chapter 254 Tiwan's Collection

Guns rumbling all over the void—

Inside the treasure house, Tiwan wiped the crystal bottle clean without haste, came to a transparent window, opened the window door, and put the empty crystal bottle in.

"Well, what to choose as a substitute, the golden-horned giant beast, or the Panxing sheep they found. There are two Panxing sheep, so just kill one!"

Looking at the starlight in the crystal bottle, Tiwan murmured, "The collection is perfect only if it is unique!"

After closing the window door, Tiwan held a transparent long stick in his hand, tapped it, and walked in the center of the rows of display cabinets made of starstone.

The rows of shelves made of star stones are full of light. Even in advanced civilizations, these star stones are also rare ores used to build starships.
But in the collector's treasure house, it is only used as a shelf for carrying collections.

There is a grid of transparent windows in each row of shelves, and these windows have been cast with some kind of constant space magic.

As a race that survived the last universe,
Collector Tiwan and his family not only have eternal life, master telepathy, the ability to advance,

At the same time, his attainments in mastering cosmic energy and time and space are no less than that of the top Heavenly Father God.

Each grid of these display windows that has been cast with space spells is Tiwan's precious collection.

Holding the long glass stick in his hand, Tiwan walked among the rows of star stone shelves, like a noble king visiting his kingdom.

The long stick of transparent heterogeneous metal struck the transparent crystal, making a tinkling and crisp sound.

These collections of Tiwan are not all the rare treasures that ordinary people perceive. Some rocks and leaves that are worthless to outsiders, either because of their unique shapes or because of their uniqueness, are also rare treasures. Included in this collection room.

Soon Tiwan found the one he wanted among his many collections.

A long stick of transparent dissimilar metal shoots a multicolored glass-like transparent light, which lands on the lock of a small window. The crystal of this small window slowly opens outwards,
Inside the small window, densely packed locust-like figures took off from the mini-continent, flapping their wings and flying towards the open window. As these little locust-like things flew closer, their faces became clearer.

It was a group of humanoid creatures covered with thick metal armor and three pairs of metal wings on the back.

The three pairs of metal wings behind them vibrated rapidly, and amidst the dense buzzing sound, the first batch of six-wing metal armor men had already approached the window door.

Tiwan didn't have much reaction to these metal men who were about to get out of trouble. He waved the transparent long stick in his hand easily, and a yellow energy light wave similar to the soul gem enveloped the entire window in an instant.

In the sky above the void, the star-circling snake entrenched in the space looks quite tragic. There are thousands of wounds on the khaki snake's body, with flying scales and bloody flesh.

Some wounds even reached several kilometers in length, not only piercing through the body of the circumstellar snake, but even almost cutting it in half.

The instigator of the wound of the Serpent around the Stars, Kerry Fleet's commanding flagship "Dark Star" was hit, and the belly compartment slowly retracted the big killer named "Star Destroyer Cannon".

Star Destroyer, as the name suggests, is a technology that can only be mastered by civilizations above the third level. With one shot, it can penetrate the surface layer of ordinary planets, detonate the planet's core, and destroy the entire planet.

After being hit by the Star Destroyer Cannon, the severely wounded and dying Snake around the Stars struggled to destroy the two Kree warships that had no time to retreat, the whole body of the snake stiffened, and it fell silent.

Near the floating snake body, there are at least dozens of wreckages of Kerry warships, which shows how powerful this star-circling snake is.

Ronan the Accuser has been standing on the bridge of the Dark Star, witnessing more than a dozen Kree battleships flying in front of the huge snake body of the Ringstar Serpent, and hundreds of space fighters flying out from the inside of the battleships. The corpse of the circumstellar snake flew, cutting the valuable parts of the corpse of the circumstellar snake, scales, snake tendons, and the energy body after the death and solidification of flesh and blood.

For ordinary civilizations, star beasts often represent terrible disasters that can destroy the entire civilization, but for advanced civilizations that have mastered absolute power, star beasts are a treasury of activities.

Although dozens of warships were lost, even if he failed to get the power gem, this snake around the stars alone was enough to make up for most of his losses.

Not to mention the entire void, the so-called largest black market in the southern Milky Way, and the collector Tiwan.

Let's hope the universe-famous collector's treasure trove doesn't disappoint him too much.

Ten minutes after giving the space fighter attack order, Ronan the Accuser contacted the commander of the space fighter group for the first time.

"Your Excellency the Great Accuser, we have destroyed the Space Fortress and the low-Earth orbit defense satellites in the Void, and most of the defensive laser cannons on the ground have been destroyed. Currently, in the Void, only the main city where the collector Tiwan is located is still alive. Resisting!"

In front of Ronan, a virtual three-dimensional figure of the commander of the space fighter group appeared. After saluting to Ronan, he reported the achievements of the space fighter group.

Then he asked cautiously: "Should we activate the anti-matter bomb to completely destroy the resistance of the void!?"

The accuser Ronan looked at him noncommittally, and said indifferently: "The fireworks will bloom until the end. This asteroid will be destroyed sooner or later, but before that, I want to see the Power Gem and all of Tiwan's collections!"

Speaking of which, Ronan looked out the porthole, where the battleship of the Star Ring Snake was being divided, and added: "Before they finish dealing with that star beast!"

Before the space fighter group commander could finish speaking, Ronan hung up the communication first.

After receiving the order from Ronan the Accuser, roaring in the void, the densely packed fleet of space fighters covered a small half of the sky, and they all began to increase the frequency of their attacks.

Although antimatter bombs cannot be used,
More than 3 space fighters, which can be called massive, even if they are just conventional bombs and airborne laser cannons, a round of bombardment on the energy shield of the city below. The last barrier in the void.

"Scatter the attack, the first echelon is with me, the target is the collector Tiwan's palace in the main city, and everyone else, attack freely!"

Covering the sky, there are densely packed space fighters. Except for thousands of fighters that collectively dived towards the palace where the collector Divan lives, other fighters began to lower their altitudes. The laser barrels at the front of the fighters began to attack all activities in the city without distinction. objects.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh-

The space fighters of the Cree are equipped with the most advanced scanning system. Even if these predators and space pirates hide tens of meters underground, they cannot hide from the "eyes" of these space fighters!
The standard energy laser cannon of the space fighter is comparable to the naval gun attack of an ordinary starship in terms of firepower. The solid fortress that the black market merchants are proud of often cannot withstand the three-round salvo of these laser cannons.

In the void at this time, everyone was running for their lives in the face of the menacing Kerry space fighters.

But without starships, fugitives who only rely on flying motorboats, or even only on their legs, are live targets for high-speed space fighters.

The energy of the thick fighter jets bombarded down, and the ordinary carbon-based life was directly blasted into a pile of sticky liquid.


An alien race that looks exactly like the Golem in the Fantastic Four on Earth, curled up in a pile of rubble, trying to disguise itself as a stone.

More than a dozen thick energy beams fell from the sky, directly smashing into a pile of real rubble.

In the dilapidated urban area, Hugh Vader was running desperately with twelve card soldiers, avoiding the space fighters in the sky.

Of the four card soldiers in the center, two are holding Star-Lord, and the other two are holding Old Mander with the head of a rhinoceros and small eyes.

"Crazy! These Kree people are crazy. They attack the land of nothingness. Aren't they afraid that the interstellar pirates and predators in the entire southern galaxy will trouble them?"

The howling wind blew past Old Mander's ears, and Old Mander seemed to be a little bit unbelievable that the Kree people dared to really attack the Void, instead of just intimidating and pretending that he originally thought.

How dare they, you know, the land of nothingness is the largest sales center in the entire southern galaxy, which involves the interests of at least tens of thousands of interstellar pirates and predators.

Aren't the Kree afraid of revenge from these interstellar pirates?

"Who are you afraid of? That's Ronan the Accuser, an interstellar pirate in the entire galaxy, who dares to provoke the Kree people!" Star-Lord, who was supported by two card soldiers, taunted angrily.

"I think the Kree people want to completely destroy the nothingness, old Mander, all you can do now is pray that the big boss behind us can come here before the nothingness explodes, otherwise we will have to Turned into cosmic dust just like this planet!"

"Don't worry! The boss will arrive soon!" Hugh Vader looked back at the two of them and said confidently.

The thirteen card soldiers, headed by Hugh Vader, had entered the invisible mode of the Dark Demon Armor on their bodies. At the same time, they, including Star Lord and Old Mander, had several invisible breath-suppressing charms attached to them.

With the cover of the urban terrain, they avoided space fighters flying low in the sky.

"Stop!" Hugh Vader, who was running fast, stopped suddenly, and the twelve card soldiers he led also stopped together. Among the ruins in front of him, the sound of a high-power energy gun firing sounded.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Behind a wall of the ruins, the robot who once had a relationship with Xingjue and the others, at this time, the big guy with a diameter comparable to an energy cannon behind him aimed at the sky, aiming at a space fighter flying by at low altitude, It was a burst of intensive firepower output.

The unsuspecting space fighter quickly turned into a firework with the sound of an explosion.

However, the coordinates and azimuths of the destroyed space fighters were transmitted to the communication channels of all fighters at the same time,
In just three breaths, more than hundreds of fighter planes roared, swooped down to this area, and plowed the entire area with energy laser cannons.

As for the tall robot, it was directly smashed into a pile of scrap iron by the close firepower.

"This level of firepower, do you think the boss behind you can support it? You know, there are hundreds of Cree warships in the sky!"

Witnessing all this, Old Mande couldn't help swallowing.

Hugh Wade gave him a cold look: "If I hear anything from you questioning the boss again, I will break your leg and leave you here. We don't mind working with another black market dealer. Remember, never Question the boss!"

Old Mander looked at Hugh Vader's serious sapphire eyes, and had no doubt that this guy would really do this. He had seen Hugh Vader before.

It was a planet ruled by gods, and the fanatics on that planet, when he questioned the so-called god,

Those fanatics looked at him with such eyes. Later, if Starhawk, the leader of the predators, hadn't passed by and rescued him, he would have almost died on that planet.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Old Mande shut his mouth decisively, and had a vague guess in his heart that the big boss Xingjue served should be a "god"!
In the main urban area of ​​the Nothingland, the "God" guessed by Old Mander is currently squatting comfortably behind a ruined wall not far from the Collector's Palace with his two love generals, admiring the densely packed The scene where space fighters attack the collector's palace in turn.

Boss Tang squatted there with a cigar in his hand. Kane and Adam next to him followed suit. The three smoked,

While thousands of fighter planes in the sky swooped down and bombed in turn,

They didn't notice that there were three "street slippers" watching the theater near them at all!
"Boss, this energy shield looks good!"

Kane looked enviously at the energy shield rising from the Collector's Palace. Although it looked like a thin layer, thousands of space fighters bombed it for more than ten minutes, and they couldn't break the layer.

This is many times stronger than the protective cover of the Kirita starship. If this technology can be obtained, they will only be able to fight others on the battlefield in the future, and no one else will hurt them.

"Wait a minute, I've heard of this collector Tiwan, he's a ruthless character, these fighters can't please, wait until they both lose, we'll take action again, everything inside is ours!"

Tang Song smoked a cigar, protruding his spiritual consciousness, feeling the dense fluctuations hidden in the energy shield, and slowly exhaled a white smoke ring from his mouth.

When the space fighters in the sky were bombarding the energy shield outside the palace for another round, the unbreakable energy shield suddenly cracked a crack from inside,
The densely packed six-winged figures suddenly flew out of the palace, and the speed of these tall figures with six metal wings on their backs was astonishingly fast.

They formed a group of three or four and surrounded the group of low-flying space fighters.

These metal men flap their wings at an astonishingly fast speed, even surpassing the speed of these supersonic flying space fighters,

These space fighters didn't react at all, and fell into a tight siege.

These six-winged metal men waved the long swords in their hands,
The long metal sword shrouded in pale white light easily pierced through the metal shell of the space fighter like a hot knife cutting butter.

Boss Tang looked at the layer of white light shrouded by these metal long swords, and always felt very familiar.

(Thanks to the big butterfly breeder in Dachang City for the reward, thank you big brother, because there are few updates on the street, I have rarely seen rewards, touched)

48 hours free, ah...

(End of this chapter)

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