Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 255 Lost Paradise Mountain

Chapter 255 Lost Paradise Mountain
The laboratory-level military factory directly under the Supreme Intelligence of the Kerry Empire has improved space fighters with dual modes that can fight on the surface of the planet and outer space.

In a vacuum environment, the fastest speed of these space fighters can reach sub-light speed, and [-] space fighters can even wipe out an ordinary fleet of an established second-level civilization.

Within the planetary atmosphere, the speed of these space fighters has decreased, but in the normal mode, they also maintain a flight speed above the supersonic speed.

The space fighters are flying so fast, but they still fall into the siege of these six-winged metal men, just because these six-winged metal men are faster and more numerous.
The three pairs of metal wings vibrating behind them could barely see afterimages as they vibrated at high speed, and their figures were almost teleporting in mid-air.
The dense number, an average of ten or twenty six-winged metal men surrounded and beat up a space fighter,
In Tiwan's palace, there are still a steady stream of six-winged metal men flying out, and the battlefield has gradually spread from the airspace near the main city to the entire territory of the void.
bang bang bang-

In the outer space of the void, in the main control room of the Kerry fleet battleship, the data display screens representing the space fighters went out one after another. By the time the data was collected on the flagship of the Dark Star, more than half of the [-] space fighters had been lost.

"What are the origins of these winged metal men?"

The main control room of the Dark Star was connected to the perspective of several space fighters in the void, and the images of those flying six-winged metal men appeared in front of the accuser Ronan.

"Your Excellency the Great Accuser, we have not found similar races in our database! They should be some kind of mechanical puppet weapon!"

Officer Kerry next to him flicked the database projection in front of him while reporting to Luo Nanhui.

Scoff!A projection in front of Ronan suddenly shook. In the projection, a sharp long sword glowing with white light appeared in the image. The space fighter projection left the last image and disappeared immediately.

Ronan watched this scene, his expressionless face twitched, and several Kerry officers behind him could hear the heavy snorting of the accuser.

"Command the fleet, all warships activate the secondary main guns, and target the void!"

A moment later, the gloomy Ronan thumped the almighty weapon in his hand, and issued a new combat order.

"Yes! Your Excellency the Great Accuser!"

Ronan the Accuser's combat order was quickly issued to all the ships in the fleet. Hundreds of warships stretched out their thick gun barrels, aiming at nothingness.

On the back of a meteorite belt more than 2 kilometers away from the void, several ships look like they have been modified, and some strangely shaped starships are parked in the crater.

"The Cree fleet seems to be on fire, the second-tier main gun, they want to turn the whole nothingness upside down, it seems that we have to change the place to sell the stolen goods in the future!"

Inside a warship with a somewhat old appearance, the clear movement of the Kree warship was displayed on the big screen in the main control room.

Crouching on the railing on the second floor, a bearded predator whose right eye has been transformed into a mechatronic eye, holding a bottle of alcoholic liquid in his hand, poured it into his mouth, and said a little drunk.

"Head, should we leave here? The Cree have sealed off the void so tightly,

Now being bombarded by this naval gun, no matter how prosperous the void is, those good things will be gone. If the Kree people find us, it will be troublesome! "

"Wait! The Land of Nothingness is the largest black market in the southern Milky Way. I have a hunch that the Kree's attack will not be so smooth!"

Yondu, wearing a golden cockscomb hat, looked at the screen in front of him, and described the richness of the void to his subordinates with a hoarse voice.

In the galaxy, few people dare to face the Kree fleet, even Yondu, but he got word that his adopted son was in the void.

Yondu felt it was his duty to rescue the cub he had raised for decades, even if it wasn't his own.

As for the predators under him, they will definitely not risk their lives to save Star-Lord. Yondu can only use money to lure them. In the face of huge interests, these interstellar predators, not to mention Ronan the Accuser, dare to rush up even if Thanos is here. Desperate.

Just when the predators under Yondu were dubious about his words, not far from the meteorite belt where they were, hundreds of man-made wormholes suddenly formed.

A black fleet suddenly jumped out of the wormhole.

The well-informed marauders quickly recognized the origin of this fleet,

The markings on their ships are from the Dark Order,
And the person who is known to command this fleet is called General Deathblade, and he is one of the Five Black Generals under the command of the cosmic overlord Thanos.

After General Deathblade and Black Tongue Mew commanded the Dark Fleet to quickly pass through the transition window, they appeared behind the Kree Fleet in an encircling gesture.


Incense is the method of Shinto practice
The so-called incense refers to the power of thoughts of ordinary people. A person has 8000 million thoughts in an instant.

The so-called burning incense, chanting scriptures, and praying are to open a channel and enshrine one's spiritual thoughts to the gods.

Incense is poisonous because people have selfish desires, and countless thoughts are mixed together, even gods will be submerged in this spiritual sea and fall into a nearly eternal sleep.

In the Marvel world, there are not many gods who really care about the beliefs of believers. Just like Asgard, Odin is not so much a god as he is the king who rules the Nine Realms.

The king doesn't care about the beliefs of the world, he only asks the world to accept his rule.

Odin doesn't care about the number of believers, but some people are very eager for believers, and they have fallen asleep for an unknown period of time.

A world of light that is only a few dimensions away from the real dimension, the six-story Heaven Mountain towers above the clouds, countless winged angels fly around the Heaven Mountain, and holy white light shines on the whole world.

On the topmost floor of heaven, a handsome man spread countless pairs of white wings behind his back,

Grand, pure, and continuous, the power of faith rushed into his body like a river with abundant rainfall.

These powers of faith exude a brilliant brilliance like a golden solution, so hot, so lively, so pure and flawless,

The sound of prayer, the sound of prayer, and the noisy sound seemed to be flying around his ears like countless mosquitoes and flies.

"Praise Michael!"

"Praise be to the great Viceroy of Heaven!"

The wings on the man's back bloomed with white light, devouring all these spiritual powers,
The feeling of absorbing the power of faith made Michael feel like soaking in a hot spring in a snowy day. Every pore was released, and every cell in his body was so ecstatic that he completely forgot whether this was heaven or the world.

Michael felt that his strength was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye
Corresponding to the improvement of his strength, the prayers echoing in his mind became more and more,
Gradually, the noisy voice forced him to stop absorbing the power of faith pervading Heavenly Mountain.

The number of people who believe in him is less than one ten-thousandth of the Lord, but the prayers of those believers are tortured enough, no wonder the Lord will fall into a nearly eternal sleep,

However, after absorbing the endless dimensions and the power of so many believers, the Lord's strength should already be at the infinite and multiverse level at this time!

Michael shook his head, and when he was feeling the power of the Lord, a gentle voice rang in his ears.

Michael knelt down on one knee, listening to the Lord's gospel. This was the first time the Lord woke up after sleeping for thousands of years.

Realistic Dimensions, Extraterrestrial, Solar System, Mars

After a storm, under the dark red soil layer of Mars, a teleportation star gate that has been preserved for an unknown number of years is revealed.

The dots of bright white light on the teleportation array on the star gate formed a circle of white halo,

A tall, mighty, handsome man wearing light golden armor strode out from the star gate.

Twelve pure white wings waved slowly behind the man, and a group of nearly a thousand men and women with six to ten white wings behind them walked out of the star gate.

The twelve-winged angel with a height of nearly [-] meters glanced around with cold eyes,
A faint silver flame rose from his body surface, stimulating the silver flame to grow even higher.

Gradually, when the silver flame swelled to a height of a thousand meters, his body gradually shrank, and gradually changed to be as tall as an ordinary person.

With the wings on his back retracted, he has become no different from ordinary people. Only his silver-white eyes, as well as the occasional silver cross and golden flames in the depths of his eyes, show the difference between him and ordinary people.

"There is an enchantment arranged by the supreme mage on the earth, you wait here first!"

He ordered his subordinates to follow him to the solar system and wait in place, the twelve-winged angel flew away from the starry sky
He flies extremely fast, and seems to have mastered the ability of teleportation. In just ten minutes, he came to the sky above the earth. The silver cross in his eyes flickered,
A barrier clearly shrouded the earth, enveloping the earth, but this barrier was aimed at the invasion of the Dimensional Evil God.

And he first entered this dimension outside the earth, and then came to the earth in real body. Although he couldn't hide it from the supreme mage, this enchantment couldn't stop him.

He thought for a while, then suddenly turned into a silver light and escaped into the earth, landing directly in the Vatican.

"Corrupt and dirty civilization, these lost sinners, they should dedicate their faith to the great Lord!"

He looked coldly at the bustling priests on the street, and shook his head involuntarily:

"Behind the faith of the Lord, foul breath, sinners, all should be judged and cleansed."

His cold eyes swept across the crowds on the street, he shook his head,
"Dark sinner, accept the Lord's punishment!"

A glaring white light suddenly burst out from his body, and the burst of power smashed half of the pedestrians on the street to pieces. Thousands of people were rushed into the sky by the air current, and then burned to ashes by the high temperature.

The fierce wind swept the entire street with fiery waves of fire from his body,

The temperature within a radius of more than ten kilometers rose sharply, and soon soared to thousands of degrees high enough to melt ordinary stones.

The buildings and pedestrians on several nearby streets were vaporized in the twisting white light and the rushing heat wave, and a large lava pit with a depth of [-] meters had been burned out on the ground.

But after a while, everything in front of him looked as if the glass was broken, as if time had flowed back, and it quickly returned to its original state.

"Mage Gu Yi!?" He waved his hands and pulled out a two-handed long sword with a cold light, and pointed it cautiously in front of him.

A figure in a yellow monk robe appeared in front of him, reading a book in his hand.

"Michael, long time no see. I remember that I made an agreement with the Lord that you can't really step into the earth!"

Master Gu Yi rolled up the book, put his hands behind his back, and looked at the man in front of him.


The supreme commander of the Angel Legion, the Vice-Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven.

He is the chief warrior at God's side, the leader of the angelic legion.

Michael looked at the ancient mage, unable to hide the jealous look on his face.

"Master Gu Yi, the contract between you and my lord, this city is my lord's pasture, you have no right to interfere!"

Gu Yi put his hands behind his back: "Isn't the Lord's order to let you find the lost Heavenly Mountain? You should go to the land of nothingness, not the earth!"

Michael clenched the sword in his hand, he was not surprised that Gu Yi knew his purpose of coming, in front of the Supreme who held the time gem, there were few things that could be hidden from him.

However, once the reality dimension came, Michael planned to clean up the reality dimension before completing the task of the Lord. Some heretics mixed into the Lord's pasture, which greatly affected the power of Heavenly Mountain to harvest faith.

The ancient mage raised his hand, and a space gate with sparks appeared in front of Michael.

"You don't have much time. If you waste time here, the lost layer of Heavenly Mountain will disappear forever. The seventh layer of Heavenly Mountain will only have six layers in the future!"

Michael carefully stared at Gu Yi's expression, trying to see if she was deceiving him, but he couldn't see anything in the face of Gu Jing who was calm.

Michael put away the long sword of light in his hand, and stepped into the space door that Gu Yi had drawn out. On the other side of the space door, thousands of angels from the Angel Legion were waiting for him. It was exactly when they came. That Mars teleportation array.


In the void, Tang Song crouched on the ground, fiddled with the wreckage of a hexa-winged metal man that was bombed down by a Kree space fighter.

The metal wreckage is empty, except for a body of energy that has just dissipated into white light.

"So these metal men are angels?"

Tang Song felt the white light from the long swords of these metal men. He had gone to the Holy See more than once or twice, and he was very familiar with the energy called Holy Power mastered by the Holy See.

The energy attached to the surface of the long sword by these metal men is obviously exactly the same as the holy power of the Holy See.

In addition to these metal wings, although they are somewhat different from the angels in his impression, Tang Song faintly felt that these metal people with six wings should be related to the Holy See and the legendary heaven.

So, what are the strange things in the treasure house of the collector Tiwan?

Boss Tang, who originally came to the void for the power gem, was completely aroused by Tiwan's treasure collection.

(Thank you for the reward from Mr. Zhongming in October, thank you for the reward from Mr. Xinya Cipher, thank you for the reward from Mr. Enlil, thank you for the reward from Mr. 4109)
After the end of the exemption tomorrow, Riwan, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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