Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 256 Alien Angel Legion Dark Fleet

Chapter 256 Alien Angel Legion Dark Fleet
In the clear sky, it was as if a series of thunderstorms exploded. An incomplete space fighter fell from a high altitude to the ground. The cockpit door of the fighter bounced up. The man flapped the wings on his back and fell from the sky, and cut off his head with a sword.

"Crash!" The six-winged metal man looked around. There was no sign of life in the dilapidated ruins. The metal wings behind him fluttered and shot towards a besieged space fighter in the sky.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A burst of dense laser cannons suddenly shot out from the oblique ground, directly smashing the metal winged man who was caught off guard into a sieve.

With a loud bang, the falling metal wingman smashed a dent in the wing of the crashed space fighter.

Crash!The space fighter that succeeded in the sneak attack, before the pilot in the cockpit could take a breath, more than 30 figures on the ground flapped their wings and soared to the sky and surrounded him.

The pilot hurriedly raised the fighter plane, wanting to flee to the sky, puff, but a sharp long sword pierced through the door of the space fighter cockpit, nailing him to the seat.

The airframe of the space fighter with automatic flight mode set went straight into the sky with seven or eight parts, and then started the self-destruct program in the fighter.


Another thunder-like fireworks exploded in the air.

Old Mande, who witnessed all this, just covered his mouth, not daring to make any sound.

Whether it's the space fighters of the Kree or those metal winged men, they are killing crazy, as long as they are not their own, any creature is their target.

Old Mander saw with his own eyes many "acquaintances" were smashed into pieces by the laser cannons of the space fighters, and their heads were chopped off by those metal winged men.

The entire land of nothingness has become a veritable slaughterhouse.

He can only hope that the "boss" behind Xingjue can arrive as soon as possible. As long as he can bring him out of the void alive, he doesn't need to charge commission for this business.

Compared to Old Mander, Hugh Vader and the twelve card soldiers he led were very calm. When the battle in the Voidlands was at its most intense, they took Old Mander and Star-Lord to hide in the I entered the underground storage room of a store, and with the boss's breath-holding charm, escaped rounds of detection by the Kree space fighters.

The ruins are not too far from the space fighter that the Kree fell just now. When a few people peeked out from the ruins,

There was a sound of falling bricks and rubble on the ruins, and something was moving over their heads.

Aware of this, Hugh Vader made tactical moves towards the card soldiers next to him, and a group of card soldiers pointed their energy rifles above their heads in unison.

Xingjue carefully took out a few metal discs and adsorbed them on the top of his head. This kind of creature has a strong adsorption and strong magnetism, and can emit a chain of electric current, which instantly paralyzes and absorbs the enemy. It is Xingjue's secret weapon.

Everyone heard the footsteps above the ruins becoming more and more clear, and then suddenly stopped directly above them,
was discovered?Everyone's hearts rose to their throats, and the air almost froze in an instant.

Hugh Vader raised his hand, and the energy rifles in the hands of a dozen card soldiers had already been fully charged, just waiting for his order.

The dense firepower can smash the enemies above the head into a sieve in an instant.

In the midst of everyone's nervousness, clatter!
The unknown creature above his head suddenly started to move. Hearing the sound of the gravel falling to the ground, Hugh Vader made tactical movements in his hand to warn everyone. He carefully drilled out of the basement, through the gaps in the ruins, look out.

Not far away from the wreckage of the space fighter, an invisible creature picked up the corpse of the Cree on the ground, and as the creature shed its transparent camouflage, revealing the dark metal-like hard carapace underneath.

It has a spindle-shaped head, a big mouth full of fangs, and the viscous saliva dripping from the corners of the mouth drops to the ground, immediately corroding a small pit on the ground,

With its strong hind limbs and the sharp scorpion tail needle swinging behind its buttocks, the appearance of this creature became more and more familiar to Hugh Vader.

After the sticky insect eggs were spit out from the alien's mouth, the face-hugging insects inside the eggs broke out of their shells and burrowed down the broken neck of the Cree, and soon the corpse of the Cree was bulging. Inflated like a balloon.

Scoff!A pair of sharp claws in black and green tore the belly of the Cree from the inside, and then a small alien with a height of half a person came out, opened its mouth to the corpse of the Cree, and began to eat.

With the big piece of flesh and blood in its stomach, the little alien almost swelled against the wind, and when it devoured all the flesh and blood of the Cree, its size was already more than half the height of the adult alien.


The two aliens neighed at each other for a few times, and then ran in two directions. While the two aliens were running rapidly, their bodies gradually turned into a transparent color, mimicking in the air.


When Hugh Vader went back to the basement, several card soldiers looked at the smile on Hugh Vader's face and asked aloud.

"The boss is here!" Hugh Vader glanced at everyone and said to them.

Hearing Hugh Vader's words, more than a dozen card soldiers showed relieved smiles on their faces.

All over the void, the space fighters of the Kree and the metal winged man released by the collector Tiwan fought extremely fiercely, and the raindrops of metal wing feathers fell with the wind.

Booming, the space fighter crashed and died, and the sound of dense explosions was like the firecrackers during the Chinese New Year in the east of the earth.

While the two were fighting non-stop in the sky, on the ground, an invisible force quietly began to devour all living creatures in the void.

An alien creature that looks like a stick insect is huddling under the wreckage of a crashed space fighter to avoid the killing mad Kree and metal winged people.

Just as he was shivering, the air suddenly refracted slightly, "Puff!" There was a sound of a sharp object piercing through the flesh, and he only felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen joints.
He lowered his head, and on his chest, a black hexagonal needle-shaped tail was slowly withdrawing.

"Crack!" A shadow enveloped him at this moment, and when he was about to raise his head, his eyes suddenly went black.
Bite off the head of this stick insect-like alien with one bite, revealing the alien body shape, and spit out an alien egg from its mouth.

The reproduction mode of the first generation of aliens is similar to the ant colony on the earth. Originally, only the queen could lay eggs and then hatch into shape.

After the research of Professor Conners' scientific research team, the new generation of aliens has integrated the genes of hermaphrodites such as squid and snails, so that these ordinary aliens can also quickly produce alien eggs.

Although the number of aliens brought to the void by the Tang and Song Dynasties was only [-], as long as there were enough hosts, these aliens could undergo fission at a geometric speed.

And the land of nothingness, the largest black market in the southern galaxy, has a resident population of several million, plus mobile predators, interstellar pirates
When the Kerry battleship blocked the void, and when these people were chased and killed by the Kree space fighters, invisible figures appeared beside them one by one, and quietly began to harvest their lives.

A group of ferocious aliens stepped on the corpses everywhere in the void and screamed to the sky.
"Deadblade General, Ebonmaw! What do you mean?"

The Dark Church's fleet suddenly surrounded its own fleet in a half-moon shape from the rear. Ronan, the accuser, quickly contacted the commander of the fleet and questioned their reason for coming.

"Capturing the Power Gem is the task Thanos entrusted to me, don't you want to take credit for it!"

Ebony Maw, the Ebony Maw, floated in the main control room of the flagship of the Dark Fleet with his hands behind his back. Although he looks exactly like Ben Boerba, his temperament is extremely elegant.

"Your Excellency Ronan, by the order of the great Thanos, we will take over the war in the void, and I will not bother you with the rest." Ebony Maw nodded slightly towards Ronan.

Ronan the Accuser looked at the projected Ebony Maw and the General Deathblade holding a long blade next to him, a trace of fear and unwillingness flashed in his eyes, the power gem was in the void below.

As long as he gets the power gem, he will have the same power as Thanos.

"Ebony Maw, when Thanos ordered me to find the Power Gem for him, now the Power Gem is in the void below. I lost thousands of people and dozens of warships. If I just return to the Cree Empire in such a desperate way, I also have no face to continue to be the accuser."

"So, Your Excellency Ronan wants to continue attacking the void?!" Ebony Maw slightly raised his hand,
Except that Ronan couldn't see the projection, the captains of the many battleships of the Dark Fleet watched Ebony Maw's gesture together. As long as he commanded it, hundreds of warships of the Dark Fleet would open fire on the Kerry Fleet mercilessly. ..
"Collector Tiwan in the Void is very difficult to deal with. My soldiers can cooperate with you to take down the Void. As a condition, I want half of the collector's treasury and the spoils of the Void!"

Ebony Throat glanced at Ronan, then exchanged glances with General Deathblade beside him.

"Half of the wealth of the nothingness! Well, I can be the master, take the nothingness, and half of the wealth belongs to you!"

Black Yao[-] will always be by Thanos' side, as the right-hand man of the cosmic overlord, they know some secrets that ordinary people don't know, just like the true identity of the collector Tiwan.

A member of the Cosmic Council of Elders, Thanos behind them is not afraid of Tiwan, but Ebony Maw and General Deathblade are not sure about taking down this old monster of the same age as the universe.

So they knew that Ronan was up to something, but they were happy to have someone play forward.

"Put in ground power, at any cost, be sure to get the Power Gem before them!"

After shutting off the communication with the Dark Fleet, Ronan's face was gloomy, and he ordered the fleet to conduct two rounds of bombardment towards the void, and then directly issued a landing order.

Hundreds of warships landed directly towards the nothingness, and a steady stream of fighter planes flew out of the cabin,

When the Metal Wingmen in the sky saw the Kerry battleship landing, they rushed towards them in a black mass. The Kerry battleship's main gun and auxiliary guns fired at once.

A cannonball blasted out, eroded for dozens of miles, and large pieces of metal winged men disappeared in the violent high-intensity particle flow.

The Cree soldiers in black combat armor, under the cover of battleships, drove space fighters, and rushed forward, forward, forward, desperately toward the castle palace where collector Tivan was located.

The Ronan-worshipping Kree soldiers went utterly insane after the accusers' desperate orders.

Thousands of space fighters, under the cover of tens of thousands of unmanned energy-launching vehicles, advanced all the way regardless of the combat formation.

The metal-winged men flying densely from all over had just gathered together and tried to stop them, but the feathers were withered by the main artillery bombardment of the Kerry warship, and most of them were killed or injured.

These Kerry warships didn't even use the taboo high-energy weapons on the warships. A salvo of artillery fire from hundreds of warships tore up the scattered formation of these metal winged men.

Dash, Dash, Dash, Dash like no one else...
Soon the Cree's attack led by space fighters hit outside the palace of Collector Tivan. Looking at the six-winged metal winged men pouring out from under the blue energy shield, the side of the Dark Star The turret was raised, and the charged main cannon was aimed at the collector's palace.


A stream of energy particles tens of meters thick blasted towards the energy shield covering the collector's castle.

At this moment, a triangular star gate with a side length of several kilometers suddenly appeared in front of the collector's door. The star gate opened, and Michael walked out of it in one step.

Behind him, thousands of angels with pairs of white wings on their backs filed out with holy faces.

According to the guidance of the Lord, Michael had just located the coordinates of the Lost Heaven Mountain through the star gate. He had just stepped out of the star gate before being bombarded head-on.

Facing the charged blow from the main gun of the Dark Star, Michael had no time to dodge. The white holy light flashed in his hand, and a cross holy sword condensed by the holy light appeared in his palm. He clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, and struck standard chop,

A pure white pillar of holy light blasted towards the oncoming stream of energy particles!

The main artillery bombardment of the Holy Light and the Dark Star caused a violent energy explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in front of the collector's castle.

Michael took a step back, feeling the holy light surge in his body, and he struck. Although the energy particle stream bombarded by the main cannon of the Dark Star was smashed, but after all, the shot was hasty and he couldn't use all his strength.

Michael stabilized the holy light in his body, squinted his eyes and felt the atmosphere around him, the Lost Heaven Mountain was behind him,
But what was going on around him, he raised his head, his eyes shot a faint holy light, and looked at the densely packed starships and fighter planes in the sky, and there was a complete fleet in the farther space.

Just before Michael realized what was going on, hundreds of Kerry warships roared at the blocking stone.

Dozens of main guns, secondary guns, and anti-aircraft laser energy cannons on the ship all aimed at Michael and the Angel Legion behind him, ejecting a stream of high-energy particles.

Michael was aggrieved, and behind him was the Imperial Guard of the Angel Legion. If he dodged, the power of these energy cannons would all hit his Imperial Guard.

Forced to be helpless, he could only wield the long sword of holy light, cut out streaks of holy light, and intercept the bombardment of these naval guns.

It has to be said that Michael is worthy of the strength of the vice lord of the kingdom of heaven. The artillery bombardment of the entire fleet of the Cree was actually stopped by him alone.

It's just that from the corners of his twitching mouth, one can see how the Archangel is feeling.

When Michael was intercepting the attack of the Cree warship, nearly a thousand angels of the Praetorian Guard behind him formed a complex multi-layered three-dimensional sphere hand in hand and hand in hand.

The angels with the highest status are located at the center of the sphere, and the sphere is surrounded by pure white flames that are compressed at a high speed.

As these angels recited the charming mantra, the prayers of nearly a thousand people merged into a tidy wave.

Circles of white and silver holy light diffused from the angels, forming a golden arch with a height of [-] meters and supported by six statues of twelve-winged angels.

This portal is the entrance to the control core of Heavenly Mountain, and it is also the symbol of Heavenly Mountain, the Gate of Heaven.

This door to heaven is even more of a random door.

The so-called random door means that no matter where the Heavenly Mountain is, the avatar projection of this Heaven's Gate can appear anywhere, and a large number of angel legions can be thrown into the battlefield at the fastest speed.

It is precisely because of the existence of the gate of heaven that the large number of angel legions have the reputation of "locust legion". The white wings flying all over the sky may appear anywhere at any time, which creates the mighty power of the angel legion.

Tiantangshan, the whole body is as white as jade, shining with metallic brilliance faintly, solemn, grand, sacred and solemn Tiantangshan.

The base of this mountain has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and many white temples stretch from the foot of the mountain to an unknown distance.

Around these palaces, which are often several kilometers in radius and [-] meters high, there are countless angels standing densely.

A large number of pure white cities with a radius of about one mile are suspended in the dark clouds.

The shape of these cities is similar to the sky castle, except that the whole body is white and cast with a strange material between metal and spar.

A large group of two-winged and four-winged angels gathered densely in these cities, wrapping their wings around their bodies like birds, squatting motionless in the cities in a strange posture.

A seraph in a white robe standing behind Michael took out a golden horn from its neck, put it near his mouth and blew it vigorously
As the trumpet sounded on Paradise Hill,
The wings of millions of angels, the four-winged angels spread their wings, and under the leadership of thousands of seraphs, they formed a dense formation and rushed to open the gate of heaven.

The sound of dense wings beating continued, and millions of angels silently poured out of the golden gate of heaven.

Seeing this scene, Ronan could no longer maintain his composure, and hurriedly ordered the fleet to attack the gate of heaven.

Even ordered the Dark Star to use the Star Destroyer main cannon, and a thick beam of energy shot out from the Dark Star//
Michael swung his long sword to intercept it, but he had to be distracted to protect the guards behind the gate of heaven, so the holy light slash only blocked half of the beam of star destroyer.

The remaining half of the energy blasted by the Star Destroyer penetrated the angel phalanx in an instant, and hit the gate of heaven. The holy light representing divine power collided with the energy ray representing technology.

The light brightness in the void seemed to suddenly increase dozens of times, and then a wave of white light energy exploded near the gate of heaven.

Hundreds of thousands of angels could be vaguely seen flashing in the white light, and disappeared into nothingness in the energy rays rushing towards all sides.

Nearly a thousand angels behind Michael spurted pale golden blood from the corners of their mouths, and nearly a hundred angels were turned into white fireballs by the white holy flame.

Fortunately, the gate of heaven was not broken because of this, and after a shock, it stabilized.

"Heretics!" Michael waved the long sword in his hand angrily, and he instantly appeared above the Dark Asterisk while waving his wings, and slashed at the Dark Asterisk with his sword.

At the same time, from the gate of heaven, a steady stream of wings and four-winged angels also fluttered and flew towards the Kerry fighter planes and warships in the sky.

The blue energy particle rays are endless, wave after wave, raining down on the Angel Legion,

These ordinary two-winged angels seem to have lost a tendon in their brains, and they foolishly face the deadly energy particle rays without knowing how to fight back.

Tens of thousands of blue lights penetrated the bodies of tens of thousands of angels, making transparent holes the size of washbasins in their bodies.

The bodies of tens of thousands of angels stagnated in the void for a few seconds before disintegrating. Countless white feathers flew in the air, making a mess like a chicken coop that was hit by a heavy shell just now.

The white light clusters and feathers left behind after their bodies disintegrated are everywhere in the void, and the situation is appalling.

However, these lost angels are inconspicuous in the huge number of angel legions. As the angel legion once known as the locust legion, it once again shocked everyone present with its huge number.

"How many war beasts can our biochemical training line produce in a day at full power?"

Ebony Maw looked at the white-shrouded ground of the Void, and looked sideways at General Deathblade beside him.

"Only relying on the resources carried by the battleship, [-] heads, unless we can resupply in the void!" General Deathblade shook his head.

"Concentrate all the firepower to bombard this light gate, block their reinforcements inside, and the beasts attack, blooming from the center point to buy time,

The battleship blasted away the collector's castle, and the two of us rushed in to snatch the power gem and the visitor from another universe! "

General Deathblade is indeed the one who is best at commanding the army among the five generals of Heiyao. He quickly researched the key points of the Angel Legion.

If the intensive firepower of battleships is used to block the gate of heaven, it will be able to delay the human sea tactics that the Angel Legion is proud of.

clack clack clack-

With the order of General Deathblade, hundreds of battleships of the Dark Order aimed their charged main guns at the void, and thick beams of energy beams descended from the sky and bombarded the densely packed angel army.

(Thank you for the reward, Hurry up, boss, thank you, boss Nalan Lingyun, for your reward, thank you boss for your reward, thank you boss for smoking and loneliness, thank you boss Weimo for your reward, thank you boss Saynol dude reward)

Six thousand, I owe four thousand, my ears hurt a little, I have otitis media, and I took some medicine. I have been in my hometown for the past two days, and I wanted to write more while I was off work, but I didn’t expect to have more time to see my children than to go to work.

(End of this chapter)

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