Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 257 Angel VS Battleship

Chapter 257 Angel VS Battleship
Boss Tang raised his head. His spiritual consciousness covers a wide range at this time, and he can clearly see the muzzles of the black fleet moored in outer space with blue light shining.

A thick beam of blue energy burst out from the muzzle, falling like raindrops towards the nothingness, and slammed heavily near the golden arch not far in front of Tang Song.

The ground has a radius of tens of kilometers, and the rocky soil layer with a thickness of tens of meters was bombed like a wave, and an earth dragon turned over directly, exposing the pale bone fossil of the head of the Tianshen group under the rock layer.
The attacks of these alien spacecraft are much more powerful than launching space-based weapons from low-Earth orbit on Earth,

Not only the attack strength, but also the coverage range is more than ten times that of space-based weapons.

"Looking at the shape of these spaceships, they look a little different from the current spaceships! There should be two groups of people!"

The fleet in outer space and the fleet in low-Earth orbit do not seem to be in the same wave. In order to cause greater damage to these "angels", their artillery fire also encircled some space fighters.

However, in terms of killing effect, this fleet was successful. The dense artillery fire enveloped the Golden Arch, and all the angels flying out of it were wiped out by the artillery fire.

The messy white feathers were almost half a meter thick in the void. This attack method gave Tang and Song the illusion that the opponent was blocking the door of the chicken coop and throwing kicks.

However, although the dense firepower of the fleet in the outer sky blocked the angels within the golden arches, it did not cause much damage to the golden arches themselves.

After the first wave of millions of angels rushed out of the golden arches, some nearly ten thousand seraphs joined in the prayer directly. The statues of the twelve-winged guardian angels in the golden arches emitted pure white light.

The body of the golden arch bathed in holy light intervenes between reality and reality,

It seems to be in the gap between reality and illusion, whether it is the intensive artillery fire of the outer space fleet or the direct fire of the main guns of the Kerry fleet that is close at hand, they all seem to be blasted in the air.

Not only that, the spiritual sense of Tang and Song swept over the millions of angel legions, and most of the others were similar to the six-winged metal man, a kind of angel-shaped puppet.

The inside is an energy core composed of holy power, and the total number of truly intelligent seraphs is less than [-].
Most of those killed by these artillery fires were puppet-like two-winged angels. The huge angel army scattered high into the sky, fighting with the Kree fighters.

Although the attack of the fleet in outer space cut off the reinforcements of the Angel Legion and caused a lot of casualties to the Angel Legion, it obviously did not hurt the huge number of Angel Legion.

Ancient One blocked heaven from the dimension of reality, and did not allow them to descend to manifest their saints, which seems to have her reason,

However, in terms of appearance and appearance, heaven is indeed more suitable for developing believers. Their style and appearance are really very attractive.

In comparison, the so-called Asgard of a certain one-eyed commander is much inferior. No wonder there are many more people who believe in God than Odin on earth.

When Gu Yi and Boss Tang discussed the Dao, they talked about some dimension evil gods and gods who coveted the earth deeply, among which Heaven was on the list.

The "lord" has an urgent need for the power of faith. According to the ancient one, in addition to the earth, believers who develop in heaven on alien planets and other dimensions are like the sands of the Ganges.

It seems that the power of faith provided by the believers on earth is extremely small for the believers in the entire Heavenly Mountain territory.
However, the earth seems to have an inexplicable attraction for gods, evil gods, and demons of all dimensions.

What a high believer on earth means to them in heaven,
Roughly equivalent to the role of thousands of fanatics on other planets.

Moreover, the quality of the beliefs of people on Earth is extremely high, as if an iron atom in a large steel mountain is suddenly turned into a silver atom. Although the amount is small, it is a fundamental change.

Naturally, Heaven will not give up this ointment land,

When Gu Yi and Odin joined forces, they barely kept these "cosmic locusts" out of the Nine Realms. For this reason, Gu Yi also signed a contract with that "lord".

The angels of heaven cannot appear on the earth. Except for the Vatican, they cannot come to the dimension of the world at will. As a condition, the ancient one allowed the believers in heaven to preach on the earth. This is also the origin of the Holy See on earth.

Compared with heaven, with two or three big and small cats, the Asgard's Aesir clan looks much more desolate.

I just don’t know what Asgard looked like in its heyday, the death army led by the goddess of death Hela, plus the Hall of Valor, which is said to be comparable to Mount Paradise.

I really don't know what Odin's intention is to seal his daughter with his own hands. If he hadn't intervened, his queen would have been almost killed by a defeater like the Dark Elf.

You must know that Asgard in its heyday had the strength to beat the Nine Realms.

Tang and Song complained about Odin, who had abandoned his martial arts, while walking slowly towards the palace complex where the collector Tiwan was located. The dense energy cannon bombarded him, either rubbing his body or penetrating his body. Body.

His body, like the golden arches, does not seem to be in the dimension of reality,
He walked in the middle of the battlefield so brightly as a living person, but whether it was the Kree, the metal winged men, or the angels, the fleet in outer space seemed to be blocked from perception.

Didn't find him at all.

What the Tang and Song Dynasties used was a space technique called Two Realms Invisibility. This was not an ordinary spell composed of the invisibility technique, which was restricted by several spells, but a real space technique.

The serious two worlds are invisible. If you want to practice it, you need to master as many as 260 space talismans. The combination changes and the understanding of space are difficult to comprehend if you are not at the level of the pure Yang Zhenxian.

Space and time spells are the most difficult to practice in any universe or big world.

After all, time and space are not like gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder that can be observed, perceived, and captured.

The Tang and Song Dynasties were able to master the Intangible Realms thanks to the help of the Space Gem and Gu Yi.

the existence of space gems,
It's like the entire Marvel universe nakedly dissecting its own space rules in front of Boss Tang, like a goddess who is set high and cold in the eyes of outsiders.

Boss Tang fiddled with her naked body and admired it.

After making it clear that he would take over the important task of maintaining the dimension of reality, Gu Yiyi opened up Karma Taj's library. In the library, there are many spaces inherited from ancient times, and the black magic of time has benefited Boss Tang a lot. deep.

Among them, the invisible technique of the two realms is the product of the magic reform.

Tang Song passed through the chaotic battlefield as if no one was there, and came to the collector's castle. Looking at the blue energy shield in front of him, he raised his foot, and a phantom of a golden bridge flashed under his feet.

By the time his feet landed, the person had already appeared inside the protective shield, in front of the gate of the castle.


Old Mande and Xingjue stared dumbfounded at the strong man in front of him punching out a punch, and a red-white lightning punch blasted a four-winged angel to pieces.

After Adam killed an angel who found it in the way, he stood behind Kane on his own.

Among the falling feathers, Kane looked at Hugh Vader, and glanced at Old Mander, who was supported by two card soldiers,

"Boss Kane, he is the black market businessman we contacted, and he is in charge of purchasing our warship spaceship!" Hugh Vader explained the origin of Old Mander to Kane.

Kane looked at Old Mander,
"You are a black market merchant. The market on this planet has been destroyed. Can you still get the goods we want?"

"Yes, yes, no problem. This shop in the Nothingness is just my facade. My real resources and contacts are not in the Nothingness. Even if the Nothingness is destroyed, it will not affect my business!"

Old Mande felt Kane's fierce aura all over his body, and the small eyes on the rhino's face squeezed out a flattering smile towards Kane.

Fearing that he would be smashed into meatloaf with a punch, or be left alone, the current void is a flesh and blood mill. If he is thrown here as a small black market merchant, he will probably not be bombarded into slag by stray bullets in the next second. It was beheaded by those birdmen with wings.

"Take him, let's go!"

Kane looked away from Old Mander, glanced at the densely packed angels swooping down from the sky, and snapped his fingers.

At the moment when these angels swooped down, hundreds of dark figures rushed out from the surrounding ruins, threw these angels to the ground, and pierced their hearts with sharp tail needles.

The sharp teeth directly crushed their throats.

Dark fleets in outer space,
Separated several huge black spaceships like castles
Under the cover of more than a dozen warships, these spaceships descended from the sky, and the hatches opened downwards. A large number of soldiers under General Death Blade rushed out of the hatches like a tide, leading tall war beasts.

"Take this castle, and whoever captures it first will be personally rewarded by the great Thanos!"

Roar, a beast-like roar uttered from General Deathblade's mouth,

All the soldiers under him let go of the chains in their hands, and huge war beasts swarmed towards the battlefield,

These war beasts are biochemical weapons produced by Thanos' conquest of the universe by extracting excellent genes from various interstellar races. They are not only huge in size, but also have rough skin and thick flesh.

It can withstand ordinary energy gun shooting, and the flying speed of many war beasts is also amazing.

Dense flying war beasts soared into the sky, fighting with those angels and metal winged men.

A large number of other beasts resembling Beamon charged directly at the collector's castle.

With the long-range fire support of the outer space fleet, thousands of war beasts in armor are not afraid of gunshots, knives, or fire, and they charge frantically.
Countless angels risked their lives to resist these war beasts, but their hands slashed on the armor of these war beasts. Although they hit their armor with light and rain, they couldn't do anything to these guys at all.

As the soldiers controlling the beasts blew their motivating slogans, these thousands of beasts instantly dispersed the defensive positions formed by the angel legion like marching ants.

Tens of thousands of double-winged, four-winged angels lost half in just 10 minutes. The huge war beast, like a heavily loaded tank, rampaged and will soon reach Collector Tiwan's castle.

Michael drew out his sword and blasted Ronan, who was holding a universal weapon, on his Dark Star spaceship.
In less than ten minutes, Michael single-handedly killed more than 30 warships that the Cree were proud of. Before his teleportation ability, the so-called concentrated fire attacks of these warships were a joke.

Michael looked at the leader of the Cree who was spitting out purple blood in front of him. When the long sword condensed by the holy light in Michael's hand was about to strike the final blow,

He swept his gaze and noticed the Angel Legion in defeat.

The wings on his back swung, and with the power of teleportation between his wings, he came directly to a spaceship of the Dark Fleet. He held up the long sword in his hand, and a thick white sword light slashed towards the spaceship under his feet.

At this moment, a figure with hands behind his back appeared in front of Michael, and he waved lightly in front of the Vice-Prince of Heaven.

A Cree space fighter next to it was directly twisted into a twist by an invisible force, forming thick spiral steel spikes, and shot towards Michael.

Michael casually cut off the steel spikes in front of him with a holy light slash, waved his wings, disappeared, and suddenly appeared in front of Ebony Maw, with the long sword of holy light in his hand slashing towards his body. Face to face.

A long blade flew from the side and blocked Michael's blow. General Deathblade jumped up and took Michael's blow for Ebony Maw. His feet sank.

The huge dark spaceship was shaken.

General Deathblade swung his hand back, and the famous Deathblade in the universe hooked towards Michael's neck.

One of the two is one of the five black generals of Thanos, the overlord of the universe. He has cleared many planets that were in the way for Thanos. The death blade in his hand is indestructible. In other parallel universes, his death blade can even pierce through Vision's shell made of Vibranium.

The other is one of the four great archangels of heaven, Michael, who is known as the deputy king of the kingdom of heaven. He is not a parallel importer like Thor. La, even more than that.

Compared with Michael, who has the ability to teleport, General Deathblade can barely parry with that sharp Deathblade.

But he is not alone, the ebony throat that was freed up waved his hand,

All the high-energy main guns on the turret of a fallen Cree warship were constantly shaking.

Amidst the huge metal impact, hundreds of high-energy main cannons on the turret rolled into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they were twisted into pieces, turned into countless sharp metal short blades, and stabbed at Michael.

Michael waved his sword, and the white holy light sent General Deathblade flying dozens of meters away. Facing the densely charged blades, his wings flashed behind him, and he was about to use teleportation.

At this moment, Ebony Maw flicked upwards with his hand, and the metal shell of the dark battleship under Michael's feet suddenly turned into a liquid state, leaping upwards, tightly entangled his legs.

Seeing that countless sharp blades were about to pierce his heart, Michael did not panic at all. The wings on his back stretched out, and the white holy flame rose hundreds of meters high.
Michael, who had returned to his real body at a height of a thousand meters, just waved his wings, and the scorching heat of the holy flame instantly burned a big hole in the black battleship under his feet.

Those short metal blades were melted into puddles of molten iron by the holy flames before they could get close to him.

"Heretical! How dare you plan on Heavenly Mountain!"

Michael looked at the herd of war beasts that were about to rush to the collector's castle in the distance,
I thought that this group of heretics also came for the Lost Heaven Mountain,

The silver cross in his eyes is shining brightly, and the twelve pairs of wings behind him are all spread out,

A halo of light flashed on the top of his head, and a nearly transparent white crystal appeared on his forehead, and he could vaguely see the circles of thick white light in his head rippling crazily.

Amid the prayers of millions of remaining angels,

After Michael chanted a few spells, a ball of white light slowly formed in his hands, and then scattered towards the battlefield.

Holy flames as white as snow floated down from the sky, and the holy flames with a temperature higher than the core of a star fell on the ground, instantly piercing through the metal layers of these warships and fighter planes.

In front of these holy flames, the solid rock floor was easily burned into a glass-like liquid, as if it were made of paper.

As for the charging beasts, the snowflake-like holy flames fell on them, and they were instantly ignited into huge torches.

"All battleships, use the star destroyer, aim at the glowing birdman, and fire!"

When Michael gathered the power of millions of angels to launch the "God's Purification", Ebony Maw controlled two Cree warships to form a huge shield to block himself and General Deathblade.

However, the snowflake-like holy flames with unimaginably high temperatures quickly burned holes in these battleships. It didn't take long for the entire battleship to be burnt copper red.

General Deathblade, who was huddled under the shield, directed the fleet staying in outer space through the communicator to attack Michael.

With life and death at stake, General Deathblade no longer cared about any power gems, and directly ordered the fleet to use the Star Destroyer Cannon.

One step faster than General Deathblade was Ronan the Accuser's Dark Star, which charged at Michael with a huge accumulation of muzzle energy.

(Ah ah ah, Calvin)

(End of this chapter)

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