Chapter 258 Thief
There are millions of angels hovering around, these puppet-like two-winged angels and four-winged angels arched Michael as the center of the circle, and flew out of a huge group of concentric circles.

As these angels sang prayers and hymns to Michael, the naked eye could see the fine line of holy light converging from the wings behind them to Michael in the center of the concentric circle.

These two-winged and four-winged angels themselves are battle puppets created by the power of faith through the artifact of Heavenly Mountain, and they converge towards Michael with the power of their energy cores.

Michael, who is a thousand meters tall, has completely turned into a ball of light at this time, and the twelve pairs of wings of light behind him spread out, covering a wider range. Under the wings of light, hundreds of miles of land are all falling. There was a lot of snow.

Looking at the white flames that can melt through metal floating in the sky, the prayers of angels echoed in my ears,

Some Kree people in the space fighters looked at Michael, who was suspended in the air and was comparable to the size of a mountain, with desperate eyes. Some pilots with poor psychological endurance directly pulled out the energy pistol and pulled it on his forehead. trigger.

Facing the scene where his soldiers couldn't bear the pressure and committed suicide, the accuser Ronan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He carried the body seriously injured by Michael, returned to the damaged Dark Star, and directly used the highest authority to control the The Star Destroyer Cannon in the Dark Star has entered the energy storage mode.

A gun barrel tens of meters thick protruded slowly, and a dead white light shone faintly in the barrel of the high-energy star destroyer.

Michael's huge glowing body shrouded the void like a star. For Ronan, who personally controlled the Star Destroyer, there was no need to deliberately aim at it.

Following Ronan's command to launch, the Star Destroyer, which had emptied nearly half of the Dark Star's energy, roared at Michael.

Unlike the main cannons on ordinary spaceships and warships, the beams of energy emitted by the Star Destroyer Cannon are white, dead pale, just like the light of exhausted life.

Half of the energy on the Dark Star is converted into energy representing molecular fission, and the destructive power of this energy is ten times greater than that of the largest nuclear bomb on Earth, the Tsar.

Moreover, unlike scattered nuclear bombs, the destructive power of the Star Destroyer Cannon is condensed into one point. The Star Destroyer Cannon, which could have been used to penetrate thousands of kilometers of the earth's surface, the mantle, and finally detonate the energy of the earth's core, is now being used to target a person ( god)!
Pale fission death light shoots straight out, from the muzzle to Michael, at a straight-line distance, all the angels blocking the road are evaporated into gas by this pale ray.

Michael obviously also noticed the pale death light emitted by the Star Destroyer Cannon. With his left hand across his chest, a square shield of holy light condensed appeared in his hand, facing the death light directly.

The pale death light was hitting the shield held by Michael, and the rose flower on the surface of the shield instantly radiated holy light, faintly turning into a phantom of a white holy mountain, which was the six-story heaven mountain opposite the gate of heaven.

The appearance of Michael in the Bible records is that he holds a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. The shield in his hand is also an artifact no less than Thor's Hammer.

The pale death light was blocked by the phantom of the white Heavenly Mountain, but the continuous decomposition force from the pale death light continued to penetrate through the phantom of the Heavenly Mountain with a line of holy light defenses
Michael obviously underestimated the power of the Star Destroyer. Even in the Cree's arsenal, the Star Destroyer is second only to the black hole bomb and is equally as powerful as the antimatter destroyer.

Even the sacred shield that Michael was proud of could only resist the pale death light for a few breaths before being pierced directly.

The pale death light bombarded Michael's body of light, and the disintegration power originally from the pale death light instantly shattered the holy light that made up his physical body, piercing a hole tens of meters deep in his archangel's real body.


Michael spat out a mouthful of golden blood from the corner of his mouth. As soon as the blood touched the air in the void, it turned into white holy light and dissipated.

"Continue to boom!"

The accuser Ronan's eyes under the dark circles gleamed with excitement. It had been many years since the woman who betrayed the Cree Empire. He hadn't suffered such a big loss.

Ronan touched his aching chest, just as he was about to blast the birdman into pieces with a burst of anger.

Before his dark star could gather the last energy, Michael had already reacted. He raised the Vulcan sword in his hand, and the holy power of millions of angels around him was condensed on the blade, and a thick pillar of holy light swayed To the sky, like the stick that the monkey next door soars and pierces the sky,

Ronan the Accuser looked through the string window of the Dark Star and looked at the Holy Light Mountain, which was hundreds of meters thick and could not be seen at a glance, and controlled the Dark Star to escape.

But as Michael swung the long sword in his right hand, the white pillar of holy light swung down, and a canyon hundreds of meters wide and tens of meters deep was opened on the ground.

With one sword strike, the entire void seemed to be divided in the middle by him.


Under the rock formations in the void, the skull of the Tianshen group that existed for an unknown number of years, under Michael's critical blow, a crack appeared in the bone, and the crack opened towards the entire The void continues to spread.

"This little guy is really ruthless. It seems that Jehovah is determined to win this lost mountain of heaven?"

Inside the castle, the light and shadow screen in front of Collector Divan showed the image of the entire void, looking at the repaired middle part of the void, and the head of the god group that was constantly fractured.

He felt a little regretful: "It seems that I have to change the place. This lost paradise continent is a treasure I found from the ruins of the last universe. It is a rare collection.
It's a pity that other parts were taken first, little guy, do you think it is possible for me to get the remaining six layers of Heaven Mountain from Heaven! "

Without waiting for Xingjue to answer, he touched his chin: "It's a bit difficult, but it may not be impossible. This little guy under the Lord has offended the Kree and Thanos. I can find a way to attract the flames of war to the dimension of heaven." ..”

The collector is very proud, he is different from his brother Gao Tianzun, he does not like bloody gambling fights, and he is not interested in those fights, only collectibles can attract him.

And these gadgets of his, as long as they are used a little, can play a role beyond imagination.

Just like this continent that can produce metal winged men, it should be a part of an artifact, which is incomplete. After the collectors get this artifact, they don't want to complete it all the time.

It's a pity that the other parts of this artifact fell into the hands of the heavenly dimension and became the foundation for the expansion of the heavenly god system. If Tiwan wanted to get this collection, he would undoubtedly have to fight against a god-type power, but this Definitely not Tiwan's style of doing things.

But now!

Through the light screen in front of him, Tiwan watched Michael destroy dozens of Kree warships, including the Dark Star and his commander, with a single sword, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sometimes, things don't need to be done by yourself.

The passage leading to the treasure house of collectors is covered with eccentric murals on both sides. In the murals, there are half-length images of three-eyed people, moving their heads and turning their heads. The gem-like eyes on their foreheads radiate an invisible spiritual energy, facing the whole world. The castle detects back and forth, preventing possible intruders.

"Become such a big man, the goal is so obvious, isn't it just looking for a beating?"

With his hands behind his back, Tang Song walked unscrupulously towards the collection room inside the castle. He was as weird as a ghost. There were dense detection murals on both sides of the passage, and no one could find him.
From time to time, Tang Song stretched out his hands to caress the murals on both sides, diverting his attention from two tasks, paying attention to the situation on the battlefield behind him with his spiritual sense.

Michael gathered the power of millions of angels, and most of Kree's fleet was wiped out with one sword, and Ronan the Accuser was also turned into powder with one sword.

But this powerful sword is not without price,

Beside him, around him, nearly a million angels who kept singing their praises were exhausted by his blow,

The four-winged angels degenerated into two wings, and the two-winged angels turned into light rain and dissipated. Nearly a million angels were wiped out by three-quarters of the sword.

Before Michael could catch his breath, in the outer space, the attack of the dark fleet at anchor came one after another.
"Zuzu, you have to keep a low profile, look at me!"

Tang Song commented on the angel who was struggling outside, shook his head and walked in the magnificent castle of the collector.

The collector's castle doesn't mention the decorations, the weird guards inside alone are jaw-dropping. The ordinary decorative paintings hanging on the walls may be some kind of artifact with detection magic.

It looks like a statue of an ordinary sculpture. Tang and Song dynasties swept through it, and there are faint gears turning inside, and there are some kind of energy fluctuations of black magic.

Not only that, collectors seem to attach great importance to the safety of their collections. Tang and Song Dynasties alone have noticed dozens of mechanisms, including black witchcraft, magic, magic, defense robots and other protective methods.

However, in the face of the invisible supernatural powers of the Tang and Song Dynasties, none of these protective measures could find his trace.


Xingjue was stuffed with a mouth ball, and was forced to listen to the collectors showing off their collections. The continent of six-winged metal winged men was constantly flying out.

Just when the collector pointed to the center of the continent and introduced the principle of making metal winged men on this continent, Xingjue suddenly saw a head approaching the collector, and leaned over to look at the continent in a bottle curiously.

Xingjue was sure that he could see clearly, the figure was beside the collector.

Staring at the things in the collector's hands carefully as if no one else was there,

He was clearly there, and even touched the bottle in the collector's hand, but the collector didn't seem to see someone standing beside him, and he was still chattering and showing off his collection to him.

Following Xingjue's eyes, this figure turned his head to look at the collector.

There was a playful and weird smile on that handsome face.

He put his finger up, put it near his mouth, and gave Xingjue a hush expression.

Then walked lightly into the collector's treasure house.

Because he wanted to show off his collection with Xingjue, Tiwan adjusted Xingjue's sitting posture. At this time, Xingjue sat in the crystal coffin and watched with his own eyes. ,

He bent down from time to time, as if admiring Tiwan's collection very carefully.

Then, his right hand actually stuck straight into the transparent window on the shelf, which looked solid and unusual.
It's as easy as picking out bird eggs from a bird's nest, grabbing collector Tiwan's collections and stuffing them into his wallet.

His shriveled wallet looked as if it would never be full, and within a short time, Star-Lord watched helplessly as he swept away most of Collector Tiwan's collection.

At this time, the collector was still immersed in his plan to kill two birds with one stone, he pursed his lips and smiled triumphantly.

"The little guy Thanos is not weak, and with the addition of the Kerry Empire, even the Heaven Dimension can't afford it.
At that time, I will follow behind, maybe I can complete this Heavenly Mountain, no, no, it cannot be called Heavenly Mountain, the land of nothingness is about to be destroyed, and this mountain of nothingness will replace it as the largest black market in the galaxy. Gather the collections of the entire universe for me!
Or even a collection from another universe, can't you tell, little one! "

Collector Tiwan laughed wildly triumphantly: "I am so wise. Too wise."

Star-Lord looked at the empty shelf behind Tiwan, and had a weird smile on his face.

"What are you looking at?! Hmm..." Collector Tiwan laughed and finally noticed something was wrong with Xingjue. He followed Xingjue's eyes,
His first reaction was that his eyes were dazzled, he subconsciously rubbed his eyes, and then took another look.

Looking at the empty shelves in the treasury, he couldn't faint directly.

"Damn it! There are thieves! Guards, guards, guards!"

Amidst the excited roar of the collector, the guards in the collection room realized this, and they began to patrol around,
Some robots turned on their own detection and scanning systems, but scanned the entire collection room, but there was no sign of a thief anywhere.

At this time, Tiwan, who had almost fainted from the loss of the collection, finally woke up. He gritted his teeth and waved the transparent long stick in his hand,

The end of the long stick shone with multicolored light, and then an invisible wave enveloped the entire collection room,

Tang Song only felt a special frequency vibrating in front of him, and he squeezed himself out of the gap between the two dimensions.

Seeing Tang Song showing his figure, the guards in the collection room reacted, and everyone shouted and attacked him.

Four gorilla-like alien guards with a height of more than three meters and heavy armor appeared out of nowhere, and charged towards Tang Song with a thick high-energy cannon in their hands.

Behind the gorilla, there are more than a dozen three-eyed men who are driving strangely shaped armed robots that look like octopus.

These three-eyed people are sitting in the cockpit in the middle of the robot, pressing their hands firmly on a transparent blue crystal ball, and the strong light visible to the naked eye is constantly pouring into the blue crystal ball from their bodies, and these armed robots have one after another. Raise your wrists and feet, and spray out a series of extremely thin but terrifyingly penetrating mental shocks towards Tang and Song Dynasties

It's a mental shock, not an ordinary high-energy beam.

At the same time, in mid-air, the muffled engine sound was not counted, and hundreds of armed robots the size of human heads rushed out from all directions above the storage room, and they rushed towards Tang and Song crazily. The hoarse voice kept clamoring: "Invader, invader, destroy, destroy"

Seeing that the messy attacks in these collection rooms were about to rush to Tang and Song's side,
"Interesting!" Tang Song just glanced curiously at the transparent long stick in Di Wan's hand,

Facing the attacks from all directions, he chuckled, and poured the true energy around him into the two sword pills, and the two white sword lights shot up into the sky silently with bright white light,

The shattered sword glow swept across the entire collection room with a chilly air,
Silently, each robot was split into two pieces, and the three-eyed bald head was pierced through the three eyes on the forehead by the silky sword light.

As for the top of the collection room, the densely packed high-energy lasers and deadly ray emitters that continuously blast out have already been destroyed by the sword light transformed by the sword pill.

The guards rushing towards Tang and Song were all shattered by the sharpness of the two sword pills.

Even the solid star stone shelves in the storage room were smashed into pieces by Jianwan's sword energy.

(Woooooh, Calvin, the card is amazing)

(End of this chapter)

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