Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 26 Norman Osborn

Chapter 26 Norman Osborn

On the lawn of the golf course, Norman Osborn was playing alone.

He swings powerfully, but his mind is clearly not on his game.

Even missed the club several times.

Norman Osborn was in a daze. Just now, Munn rejected the Osborn Group's proposal to increase political donations.

Moon, as a high-level Republican, his attitude towards Osborne can explain many things.

Obviously, the Republican side is not optimistic about the development of the Osborne Group, and they prefer to cooperate with Stark Industries.

For Osborn, things were not only bad,

The cooperation agreement they signed with the Federal Ministry of Defense is about to expire, and there has been no news about the renewal of the contract.

The individual aircraft developed by the scientific research department was also blocked by the procurement department of the Ministry of National Defense because of its high cost.

A series of bad news made Norman Osborn extremely depressed, and he always had the urge to destroy everything.

Financial report data, stock price, think of the aggressive faces of those directors every time a board meeting is held.

Norman Osborn felt the veins on his forehead throbbing.

As the president of the Osborne Group, he is subject to the waste of the board of directors.

Damn the board of directors, they forgot that the Osborne Group only belongs to the Osborne family.

"The board of directors should be cleared!"

A green light flashed deep in Norman Osborn's eyes, as if someone was whispering in his mind, like a seductive demon.

His hand holding the club became tighter and tighter, and the carbon fiber club made an unbearable cracking sound.

"Mr. Norman, what a coincidence!"

A voice pulled Norman Osborn out of his hallucinations.

He raised his head and looked at the Asian young man who walked up to him. He felt a little familiar!

"you are?"

As a former intern of the Osborne Group, Tang Song naturally met Norman Osborn himself.

It's just that as the president of a company with a market value of [-] billion yuan, Norman Osborn naturally couldn't know every employee.

The reason why he found Tang and Song familiar was because he attached great importance to Professor Connors' experiments.

As an experimental assistant, Tang Song, the little transparent, more or less left some impressions on him.

"Tang Song, you are running a trading company now. I think Mr. Norman is a little uncomfortable. Would you like to call a doctor for you?"

Tang Song stretched out his hand towards Norman Osborn.

Norman Osborn shook hands with Tang Song politely, with vigilance and scrutiny on his unsmiling face, and alienation in his tone.

"Thank you, I'm just a little tired and don't need a doctor!"

Norman Osborn knew what his problem was. This is not a problem that science can solve now.

When he was young, he devoted himself to the research of a potion to improve the strength of the human body,

Hoping to improve human capabilities in terms of strength, speed and metabolism,

At that time, he was eager for success, so he used his own body to experiment, and the genetic mutation was caused by the imperfect medicine.

And the saddest thing is that this genetic variation turns out to be hereditary.

For myself, but also for the Osborne family,

Norman Osborn tried everything he could to cure the genetic mutation in him.

For this reason, the Osborne Group has begun to focus on genetic research over the years.

The investment in genetic research is high, and it will take at least several years or even ten years to see returns.

There is no return on the huge capital investment. For the major shareholders on the board of directors, it is undoubtedly a waste of their money.

They don't care about Norman Osborn's life or death. To them, as long as it doesn't affect their money making, it doesn't matter who sits as the president of the Osborn Group.

This is also the root of the conflict between Norman Osborn and the members of the board of directors, one for life and the other for money.

"I have a meeting to attend later, if you don't mind, I'll leave first!"

Norman Osborn nodded politely towards Tang Song, and straightened the club by himself.

Norman Osborn has seen a lot of people like Tang and Song. Every time there is a large reception, many people will come to toast him and strike up a conversation.

It is nothing more than for investment, to improve one's own network resources.

Norman Osborn is used to it.

It's just that he is not in the mood to talk to the Asian in front of him now.

Norman Osborn waved after finishing his clubs, and the caddy who was waiting in the distance drove towards him in a golf cart.

Tang Song stood aside, not surprised by Norman Osborn's indifference.

There is no so-called shame and indignation because of being underestimated.

Don't bully the young and poor, it just appears in the fairy tale world.

A person's ability determines his status and value.

Tang Song watched Norman Osborn get on the golf cart, and in his backhand, there was an extra coin-sized turquoise round jade pendant in his palm.

"Mr. Norman, I think you are not in a good state of mind. I have an accessory here, which should be good for your body!"

As Tang Song spoke, he threw the jade pendant between his middle and index fingers at Norman Osborn.

Seeing the jade pendant flying over, Norman Osborn habitually reached out and took the jade pendant in his hand.

The moment his palm touched the jade pendant, Norman Osborn only felt a cold feeling from his palm to his brain.

His whole body trembled, and his tense nerves instantly relaxed.

The feeling of comfort made Norman Osborn, who was insomnia every night, almost groan.

Looking at the jade pendant that was subconsciously held in his hand and wanted to be thrown casually.

Norman Osborn held the cold jade pendant tightly in his palm. He looked at the jade pendant, and then at Tang Song.

After pondering for a moment, Norman Osborn got off the golf cart again, came to Tang Song, and took out a business card from the inside of his clothes.

"Mr. Tang, if you like golf, you can come to Osborne Manor as a guest when you have time. I built a private golf course in the manor. Although it is small, it is relatively clean!"

An ordinary business card, neither made of gold nor jade.

No job title, just the name of Norman Osborn, and a line of phone numbers underneath.

"Mr. Norman, you're being polite, it's time to bother Mr. Norman!"

Tang Song took the business card from Norman Osborn and returned his own.


"Lian, have we invested in Osborne Group's stock!"

On the private helicopter, Tang Song played with the jade wrench and asked Ryan in the driver's seat.

His voice was not high, just the tone of ordinary people, but Tang Song's words seemed to ring in Ryan's ears, and the noisy propellers did not affect his words at all.

Ryan said loudly: "Boss, we did buy some shares of the Osborne Group, which is about 2000 million U.S. dollars!"

"Sell all the stocks!"

Tang Song thought about the state when he just met Norman Osborn. Under the calm appearance, there was an almost uncontrollable mania.

Schizophrenia?Green Goblin!
What Tang Song threw to Norman Osborn was a pure heart jade pendant, a small object he usually used to suppress his restless mood.

However, Norman Osborn has a genetic problem. This jade pendant can soothe his spirit, but it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. It is only a matter of time before the Green Goblin appears.

The reason why Tang and Song Dynasties sent jade pendants was because Norman Osborn was of great value both in terms of economy and influence.

Valuable people are worthy of attention.

Osborne is also quite interesting.

If he remembers correctly, Green Goblin, Second Generation Green Goblin, Professor Lizard, Sand Man, Electron Man.

There are five super villains with names and surnames in the Osborne Group, a place of geomantic omen.

By the way, there is also a doctor octopus who seems to have accepted the sponsorship of the Osborne Group.

"Withdraw another 3000 million from the account, find someone to register a security company, and hand it over to Kane! Assign another [-] people to him!"

Tang Song remembered Kane's appeal at the beginning, and simply granted him.

"Yes, boss!"


In the next few days, a small amount of funds entered New York State's election donations through the formal channels of the trading company.
After registering at the top, under the green light at every level, the registration of the security company was quickly completed.

"Boss, people from the Holy See are here!"

In the manor, Tang Song was holding a handful of bait and feeding the koi in the pond.

A handful of bait was thrown down, and more than a dozen koi competed for food. The red and white staggered, it was really beautiful.

At this time, the Germanic bodyguards under him led a burly black man in a leather jacket into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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