Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 27 Blade's Edge

Chapter 27 Blade's Edge

Wearing a black leather trench coat and carrying a medieval-style long sword on his back, the big black man wears a pair of wide sunglasses, covering most of his grim face.

"Eric Brook, they call me Blade, Father De Cler asked me to assist you!"

With a deep and cold voice, and an expression so indifferent that strangers should not get close to them,

Tang and Song can see that the standing posture of the big black man can pull out the big sword behind his back as quickly as possible.

An actual combat master, Tang Song commented silently in his heart.

blade?Tang Song's spiritual sense swept across the big black man in front of him, and Tang Song noticed a wave similar to that of a vampire in him.

"Sunwalker Blade? I've heard your name!"

Tang Song finished feeding the handful of bait in his hand, took a towel from the servant beside him and wiped it, and looked at the big black man.

Blade Warrior, Day Walker, this name is well-known in the dark world.

The vampires in the dark world are divided into several special groups due to formation reasons.

The most widely distributed category is the legendary descendants of Cain, supernatural creatures who bear the curse of God,
By drinking the blood of humans or other creatures, they can survive for a long time, and humans who are bitten by them will also become their own kind.

However, its weakness is obvious. It hates sacred things (such as crosses and holy water), and is very afraid of sunlight because it can turn it into ashes.

The strength of this kind of vampire will increase year by year as they grow older. It is said that the strength of their ancestor Cain is even comparable to that of the Lord of Hell.

There are even legends that Cain's real body is now in hell, and he has become the master of a certain layer of hell.

The veracity of the legends has yet to be verified, but some of the oldest of these vampires are true horrors.

These old guys sleeping in some unknown castles in Europe are also one of the reasons why humans and aliens signed the "Treaty of Coexistence".

Otherwise, with the exclusivity of human beings, these dark creatures will have no power to fight back against the hot weapons of human beings.

But no matter how powerful vampires are, they also have their weaknesses. God's curse prevents these vampires from being exposed to sunlight.

They can only hide in the dark during the day, huddled in a cold coffin, and only come out to hunt and move at night.

Of course, there are no exceptions. Some mutants of vampires, for unknown reasons, are immune to sunlight and live in daylight.

Such vampires are known as daywalkers.

Day walkers are extremely rare in the vampire population, not one can appear in hundreds of years, and Blade is the only day walker known in the dark world.

Tang Song really did not expect that the existence of a half-human, half-vampire turned out to be a demon hunter of the Holy See.

The influence of the Holy See in the dark world is really not small.

"Since Father De Cler asked you to assist me, how much do you know about the dark creatures in New York?"

Tang Song stretched out his hand, gestured for Dao Feng to sit down, and asked.

The Blade Warrior did not sit down, but leaned against the pillar beside the pavilion, pursing his plump lips.

"The dark creatures in New York are mainly two populations of vampires and werewolves.

They are the most numerous and reproduce the fastest,
If it weren't for the constraints of the "Coexistence Treaty", the number of dark creatures in New York would have at least doubled with the vampire's first embrace ability.

Their weakness is that they are afraid of silver and sunlight! "

Dao Feng touched the silver-plated sword on his back, and said coldly: "To deal with them, you can choose to chop off their heads with a sword, or stick a wooden stake into their heart!"

There was an undisguised resentment in Dao Feng's tone.

When his mother was pregnant and in labor, she was bitten by a vampire, which also made him a half-human, half-vampire alien.

Blade has been looking for the vampire all these years, which is why he has been hunting vampires.

Tang Song interrupted Dao Feng's words at this time, and moved towards the Germanic man standing aside. When he came close, Tang Song ordered:

"I remember that there is still a batch of silver-plated bullets in the arsenal, distributed to Frank's gunners, and another 5000 rounds of steel core bullets, all silver-plated! Tell Frank, choose 50 good players, and use them before tonight!"

"Yes! Boss!" The bodyguard left to convey Tang Song's order.

Tang Song gestured towards Daofeng: "Excuse me, keep talking!"

Looking at the capitalists in Tang and Song, Dao Feng frowned and didn't say anything, but continued to tell Tang and Song about the dark creatures in New York.

"In addition to werewolves and vampires, New York also has some dark wizards, and some demons, half-demons lurking in New York.

There are not many of them, but they are very difficult to deal with. These guys have always wanted to open the passage between the hell latitude and the human world.

But because of the existence of churches and New York temples, they can only hide in the sewers like mice! "

"These things are usually monitored by the Holy See and suppressed by the Temple. Usually there is nothing wrong, but once there is turmoil in the dark world, they will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. Once they succeed, powerful hell monsters will break into the world. For human beings The world is a disaster."

Dao Feng's words were full of worries and worries.

"You said that demons broke out from hell, can you get a nuclear bomb?"

Dao Feng was taken aback by Tang Song's question, and his eyes under the sunglasses were in a daze for a moment.

Nuclear bombs, demons, two irrelevant things, how can they be compared together.

No one has ever tried bombing demons with nuclear bombs.

Dao Feng, who was a little confused by Tang and Song's brain circuits, pursed his lips, and said with some self-doubt:

"Shouldn't be able to?!"


"You just let him deal with those vampires?"

Dao Feng looked at Frank who was rushing over, his face was full of doubts.

"The power and speed of vampires surpasses that of ordinary humans, although Dickon Firth is only a new blood exiled to America 300 years ago.

But his strength is not weak, even surpassing some ordinary earls in Europe! "

Dao Feng's words contained admonition: "Ordinary people can only die in the face of them. Since you can be favored by Father De Cler, you must have supernatural power."

Frank was so angry that he was almost out of breath at the words of mercy from the blade.

He resisted the urge to take out the knife from the back of his waist.

"Vampires, it's not that I haven't killed these things before. During this period of time, I have killed at least one or two hundred vampires, and I have never seen them as powerful as you said!"

Frank stared at the blade, and taunted: "As long as it is a creature of flesh and blood, there is no one that cannot be dealt with by one shot. If there is, then another shot."

"What you killed were just some low-level vampires who didn't even have titles, or even blood slaves"

Blade folded his arms and squinted at Frank.

"Real vampires have at least two or three times the strength, speed, and reflexes of ordinary people. Facing them, ordinary people don't even have a chance to shoot!"

(End of this chapter)

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