Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 28 Hunting Ghosts

Chapter 28 Hunting Ghosts
"Hey, where are we going?"

In a red Chevrolet sedan, Billy looked at his female companion in the driver's seat in surprise.

This is a new horse he caught at the night market, and he wanted to take it home for a night of fun.

Unexpectedly, this girl offered to show him something exciting.

What man can resist stimulation, Billy just followed this chick into the car,
It's just that the direction of the car is getting more and more remote, Billy couldn't help asking.

The redhead turned her face to Billy and licked her lips. She held the steering wheel with one hand and touched Billy's little head with the other.

"What are you, it seems a bit disobedient!"

At this moment, Billy felt that all the blood in his body rushed to his little head.

Where to go, what danger, Billy didn't care.

"This is a temperature detector. If you touch it, it will feel the heat and it will change."

No words all the way......


Billy got off the co-pilot's side, lifted his pants, and looked at the slaughterhouse in front of him with some surprise.

This is the fun and exciting place?
"Are you kidding me?"

The redhead got out of the driver's seat, and Billy was a little depressed.

"This slaughterhouse is just a cover, there is a fun place inside, come with me!"

The redhead dragged Billy by the arm and walked into the slaughterhouse.

Billy followed the redhead around the slaughterhouse, and soon came to a cold storage room.

There are rows and rows of meat racks in the cold storage, with butchered pork hanging on them.

The dense pork made Billy couldn't help but give a whistle.


He didn't even notice that the scattered workers in the workshop looked at him with greedy eyes.

A bearded man looked at him and even couldn't help swallowing.

The redhead led Billy to the deepest part of the cold storage, in front of a silver door.

A bearded man in a leather jacket was guarding the door and saw two people approaching.

"*$%*..." the bearded man questioned the redheaded girl.

Pointing at Billy, the redhead explained, "*^%…"

Billy couldn't understand the conversation between the two at all, so he asked curiously:
"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing?" At this time, the redhead looked at Billy without any concealment, naked, like a person looking at chickens, ducks and geese that are about to be served.

Billy was startled by the look in the redhead's eyes, and he was about to speak.

At this time, the bearded man had already stepped out of the way, and behind him, the silver door slowly opened to both sides.

"follow me!"

The redhead grabbed Billy's hand and dragged him toward the door.

As soon as you walk in the door, harsh heavy metal music echoes in your ears.

Listening to the familiar music, Billy felt relieved.

This is really a place.

The bright and dark atmosphere lights above the head, and the dancing and swaying crowd on the dance floor.

The DJ tunes up the music on stage.

The redhead shoved Billy into the crowd, and she herself, twisted and danced into the crowd.


Billy's body danced along with the music. He looked at a silver-haired beauty in the crowd, and couldn't help but rubbed her way to say hello.

The silver-haired beauty looked at Billy who was squeezing in front of her, and stretched out her hand to give Billy a hard push on his chest.

The huge force caused Billy to stumble directly and hit the back of a strong black man.

The black burly man turned his head and looked at Billy with indifferent eyes, as if seeing a cat or dog, and pushed him aside casually.

Billy stumbled through the crowd, managed to gain a foothold, and glanced around, noticing that the people on the dance floor were looking at him strangely.

"I'd better go get a drink!"

Billy couldn't find any trace of the redhead who brought him, he couldn't help comforting himself.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something dripping on his hand.

Billy spread out the back of his hand, and with the help of the bright and dark atmosphere lights, Billy saw a drop of blood on the back of his hand.

Billy raised his head in surprise. In his horrified gaze, countless blood sprayed down like raindrops from the smoke detector.

"Ah ah ah..."

Countless blood drenched Billy's whole body into a bloody man. He wiped the blood on his face, and saw in horror that everyone around him looked crazy, swallowing the blood that fell from their heads.

Billy was frightened crazy by this horrible scene, he yelled unconsciously, and was about to run out in a stagger.

boom!He bumped into a figure suddenly, and when he raised his head, there was the horse he caught in front of him.

"What, what is this place?"

Billy asked tremblingly.

The red-haired girl didn't speak, but just opened her mouth. On both sides of her lips, two sharp canine teeth protruded slowly.


Frightened by the hideous face of the red-haired girl, Billy fell to the ground. He raised his head and looked around. The entire dance floor was densely packed with monsters with fangs.


A vampire closest to Billy stared at Billy's neck, couldn't help swallowing, and then leaned over and bit it.

His movements seemed to set off a chain reaction, and four or five vampires jumped at Billy at the same time.





Several near-coherent gunshots rang out, and several vampires pounced on their prey in mid-air, and turned into a cloud of fly ash.

"I'm sorry, this is a witness. I let you eat it. I can't find a reason to do it to you!"

boom!The silver door was knocked open by a huge force, and more than [-] special forces wearing a full set of Kelaf body armor, closed helmets, four cantaloupe grenades hanging on their waists, and armed with AK rifles broke in.

These special soldiers bowed slightly, with more than twenty guns, aiming at the many vampires on the dance floor.

Many vampires looked at each other in blank dismay, and invariably set their sights on the DJ playing discs.


The bar DJ got up and took off his hat, revealing two sharp canine teeth, and a pair of scarlet eyes fixedly staring at the special forces who broke in suddenly.

da da da da da...

There was the sound of the crisp wooden staff hitting the ground.

Tang Song, dressed in a white suit, walked in with a civilized staff, holding a civilized staff in one hand and a cigar in the other.

Behind him, Frank blew on the muzzle that was still emitting gunpowder smoke, and looked provocatively at the blade beside him.


"It's him!"

"That's right, it's him!"


With the appearance of the three of them, the vampires who had been eyeing each other all showed fear.

Frank spun the Browning automatic pistol in his hand a little proudly.

But he soon discovered that the person these vampires were afraid of was not him, but the blade beside him.

Obviously, for a vampire, a daywalker is far more deterrent than a human with a gun.

"He is Quinn?"

Tang Song tapped the civilized stick in his hand and pointed at the DJ on the bar.

Dao Feng nodded: "Yes, he is Quin, one of Dickon's confidantes, he must know what the hell Dickon is doing?"

"Take him!"

With an order from Tang and Song, more than [-] special forces opened fire at the same time.

The rate of fire of the AK47 can theoretically reach 600 rounds per minute.

And its magazine capacity is 30 rounds.

More than [-] special forces opened fire at the same time, directly covering most of the dance hall, and the silver-plated bullets fired from the chamber instantly swept away a large number of vampires.

These lowest-level vampires turned into a cloud of flying ash the moment the silver-plated bullet hit them.

Da da da da!
A group of three, three groups and a team, more than twenty special forces spread out in a fan shape, firing guns, and advancing into the ballroom.

Every moving object is a target, and it will turn into fly ash when hit by a silver-plated bullet, so that these special forces don't have to worry about enemies pretending to be dead.

"Da da da…"

As Blade said, vampires are far superior to ordinary humans in speed and strength.

Even in the face of more than 20 automatic rifles, some vampires have slipped through the net, relying on their speed, they want to struggle to the death.

But they pounced in front of these special forces, and before they showed their fangs, the extremely strong garlic smell rushed straight into their extremely sensitive nasal cavity.

At least one bottle of garlic essence was sprayed on each special soldier. The strong smell made these vampires not want to get close at all.

They stared at the three people standing at the door.

A naked female vampire covered in blood plasma took out two scimitars out of nowhere and rushed towards the door.

Her target is Tang Song, who is dressed in a suit and looks gentle.

Obviously, compared to Daywalker Blade, who has killed countless ghosts, and Frank, who has a gun in his hand, this vampire also understands the truth of picking up soft persimmons.


The female vampire was very fast, almost crossing half of the dance floor in the blink of an eye.

Frank on the side was about to raise his gun, but Tang Song paused his cane, and puffed out a mouthful of cigar smoke.

The white smoke sprayed four or five meters away like an arrow, wrapping the female vampire holding a scimitar in it.

Phew, the smoke dissipated, and the female vampire, together with the scimitar in her hand, disappeared with the white smoke like foam...

(End of this chapter)

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