Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 29 Ghost Hunting

Chapter 29 Ghost Hunting ([-])

In the world of Yan Fu, there are martial arts masters who have tempered the viscera to the extreme, who can blow a cup into powder and hold iron into mud.

The viscera of the Tang and Song Dynasties at this time are far superior to those of the great martial arts masters, especially the two Taibai essences conceived between the two lungs.

Not to mention blowing a cup into powder, even blowing steel into powder is just between opening your mouth.

Blowing a vampire into dust in one breath, the smoke dissipated, and in the dust, a drop of blood dripped to the ground.

With a light stroke of Tang Song's palm, the invisible strong wind brought bright red blood back to his palm.

A blood cell as thick as a little finger floated in Tang Song's palm, spinning silently.

It's hard to imagine that the total amount of blood in a vampire's body is less than half a tael.

But this ball of blood is also the essence of vampires.

The blood of a vampire, no matter for zombies or some spirits, is a great supplement.

Feeding a bronze armored corpse with just such a little blood can save at least ten days of hard work.

Tang Song gently rubbed the jade finger on his thumb with his index finger, and suddenly there was a sound of metal scales rubbing on the black jade finger, and a black snake head suddenly popped out, swallowing the blood from his palm into his mouth.

After swallowing the blood beads, the black snake head turned his head with unsatisfied intentions, and swept all the vampires present with his cold eyes. The greed in the snake pupils made all the vampires shudder involuntarily.

After devouring the blood beads in Tang Song's palm, the black snake let out bursts of neighing, and obediently changed back into a black jade wrench.

Only the roar of guns and the wailing of dead vampires echoed on the dance floor.

Dao Feng looked at Tang Song's back, his Adam's apple was loose, he couldn't help swallowing, and tightly clasped the silver-plated dart in his hand.

Tang Song turned his head and glanced at him with calm eyes, Dao Feng couldn't help but took a step back, forcing an awkward smile on Tang Song's face.

"These are all good ingredients! Since you're hungry, let's eat!"

Tang Song gave Dao Feng a warning look and ignored him.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the many trembling vampires in the ballroom, and sighed.

As soon as Tang Song's words fell, a black shadow flew out of Tang Song's hands.

The black shadow with the chopsticks turned into a black lightning in mid-air, swimming quickly among the vampires.

Even with the dynamic vision of a vampire far superior to that of ordinary people, what he can see is just a fleeting black shadow.

In the end, they couldn't even see their shadows, and all they could see were their companions who had fallen and turned into mummified corpses.

In just a few breaths, Nuo Da's ballroom became empty.


The sound of rattling canes hitting the ground resounded.

On the dance floor bar, the only surviving vampire DJ knelt on the ground, only feeling a cold thing crawling on the back of his neck.

He could even feel the icy touch of the sharp fangs of the snake on his neck touching his skin.

The trembling Kunn looked at the white leather shoes in front of him, and raised his head tremblingly.

"Don't, don't kill me. If you kill me, Dickon won't let you go!"

"Will you let me go?" Tang Songxie repeated with a smile, raised his cane, and tapped it on the back of the vampire's hand.


The cane directly penetrated the back of Quinn's hand, nailing it firmly to the ground.


Kunn let out a shrill scream, and the painful wailing echoed in the ballroom.

Boo!Tang Song pulled out his cane and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The screams stopped abruptly, and Kun En endured the pain, raised his head, and looked at Tang Song with a pitiful expression, his scarlet eyes were full of pleading.

Be afraid of death, be afraid of death!

Tang Song smiled slightly: "I ask, you answer, if you make a mistake, you will know the end!"


With a cane stuffed in his mouth, Kun could only nod vigorously.

"The dark world is rumored, and Dickon has made a big move recently! What is it planning? Can you tell me?"

Tang Song raised his cane and wiped the drool on the cane with Kun En's leather coat.

Hearing Tang Song's question, Kun En trembled all over. He was indeed afraid of the man in front of him, but isn't this lunatic Dickon easy to provoke?
As if feeling his hesitation, Tang Song's cane pressed down, and Kun En suddenly felt as if his body was pressed against a mountain, and he collapsed to the ground with a plop.

"I said, I said," Kunn felt the strength of the cane behind his back getting stronger, and he said in horror:

"Blood God, Dicken Firth wants to summon the Blood God, he wants to rule mankind, and make this world a blood race world!"

Blood God, what is it?
Tang Song set his sights on Blade, who knew more about the history of vampires.

Dao Feng explained solemnly:
"The Blood God is a legend in the history of vampires. Some people say that it is the descendant of Cain, the oldest second-generation vampire. Others say that it, like Cain, is also one of the origins of vampires."

"No matter what it is, the existence of the blood god is extremely terrifying. If Dicken Firth is really successful, it will be a catastrophe for mankind!"

Catastrophe, Tang and Song sneered at this statement.

A blood god who doesn't know the so-called is considered a catastrophe for mankind, so what is Thanos holding the infinite gauntlet.

It's true that the bald mage who is currently entrenched on the top of the snow mountain is eating nothing.

The real latitude demon, Mephisto, the lord of hell, only dared to develop one or two knights secretly like thieves on earth.

Let him really come down and try, if the dog's brain is not knocked out, he will be considered a loser.

To be honest, Tang and Song were very afraid of this kind of being able to play with time and see the existence of the future.

Who knows, in a certain timeline, he will turn into a world-destroying demon, attract the dissatisfaction of this bald mage, and wipe him out from the root.

However, judging from more than two years, the bald mage doesn't seem to have much interest in him.

"I remember that the taboo existence of summoning the blood god is very demanding. At least the blood of thousands of pure girls is required, and the sacrifice of twelve pure blood vampires is required. Is Dicken Firth crazy!"

Tang Song didn't care about the blood god, but Dao Feng was extremely excited.

Over the years, under the influence of his adoptive father, he has become a qualified vampire hunter. He is well aware of the cruelty of vampires.

They look like humans on the outside, but in their bones they regard humans as chickens, ducks, and geese, no different from poultry.

It is only because of the power of human thermal weapons that they signed the "Coexistence Treaty" with human beings.

If Dicken Firth is really successful, then the whole of New York may be reduced to a purgatory.

"Where's Dicken Firth?"

Dao Feng excitedly grabbed Kunn by the collar, pulled him up, and questioned him with wide eyes.

"Ahem!" Kun En looked at the blade, spitting blood from his mouth, he didn't know whether he wanted to think about it, or gave up,
It suddenly let out a maniacal laugh:
"Sunwalker, don't be too happy. Summoning the Blood God requires a Sunwalker as the officiant in addition to the sacrifices you mentioned. You are dead!"

"Just let it come!" Dao Feng smiled coldly, revealing a row of white teeth.


"This place is good, tell Ryan to renovate it later and change it into a themed nightclub!"

Several gunmen cleaned the battlefield, and the half-dead Kunn's limbs were nailed to teak stakes, his mouth was stuffed with gag balls, and he was locked in an iron cage filled with live pigs.

Tang Song stroked the drowsy black snake that swallowed too much vampire blood in the palm of his hand, and told Frank.

Frank nodded aside with a stinky face, obviously the peak of human combat power was hit again.

"Tang, the matter of the Blood God is very important. I need to go back and see the priest and explain it to him face to face!"

Dao Feng bid farewell to Tang and Song with a solemn face, and Dao Feng had to pay attention to what he had just tortured from Kun En's mouth.

"Say hello to Father De Cler for me!" Tang Song said politely, ignoring Dao Feng's frequent gazes at Kun En.

Dao Feng's plump lips opened and opened again, and finally he chose to turn around and leave.

Tang Song touched the little black snake that was about to transform into a monster in his palm, and watched the figure of the blade leaving.

"Go back and interrogate this vampire carefully, and see where all the vampires are in New York," Tang Song told Frank:
"Dig out the people and companies who manage their accounts," Tang Song muttered to himself afterwards:
"A group that has accumulated wealth for more than 200 years, hey, it's still an illegal gang, I don't know how much wealth can be exchanged for!"


"A blood hall was swept away! Who did it?"

Skinny ripped jeans, a leather jacket, hippie attire, fluffy hair, and a big gold chain around his neck, he looked more like a street gangster than a vampire.

But it is indeed a vampire more than 300 years old. It came to America from Europe with the Mayflower, and its age is as long as New York's history.

One of the patriarchs of the two major vampire clans in New York, Dickon Firth!
"It's the Sunwalker!"

A lower vampire replied tremblingly: "A ghost slave saw Sunwalker, and he led a group of humans into the hall of blood!"

Daywalker, Dicken Firth said the name, and two sharp fangs protruded from the corners of its mouth.

Scarlet blood filled its eyes.

The day walker, the day walker created by it, the only day walker other than Count Dracula for hundreds of years.

But every time he is against him, damn it, just wait, when he successfully summons the blood god, then it will be the real king of blood.

"Where are those pure-blooded waste?"

Dicken Firth managed to control his bloodthirsty desire, and turned to ask the bloodborn beside him.

"They're all in the council hall!"


"Dicken Firth, the half-breed bastard, what trouble we've gotten into because of his ballroom! I propose that he be expelled from New York!"

Before Dicken Firth walked outside the council hall, he heard a voice from a distance.

His face suddenly darkened, mixed race, bastard, he hadn't heard this word for many years.

"His development of the blood race with such a big fanfare, hunting, will definitely attract the attention of human beings. Once the treaty is violated, it will be bad for the whole blood race!"

"Alvin, he is a descendant of your family, what do you think should be done with him!"

"He's just a newly embraced half-breed, not a member of our family, but his behavior in such a big way will indeed break the coexistence treaty. I will warn him, if he doesn't obey again, he will be expelled from New York!"


Listening to the discussions in the conference room, Dicken Firth pushed the door open and walked in. At this time, he had already put on a cynical expression on his face.

"I heard from outside that several congressmen seem to have an opinion on me!"

Dicken Firth walked behind a middle-aged white man with a plunging head and a suit and collar, put his hands on the armrests of his chair, and looked down at the people present.

"Dicken Firth, it's not that we have a problem with you, but that your ballroom has attracted the attention of humans. If you continue like this, it will definitely threaten the New York ethnic group!"

"Humans, a group of pigs and sheep, are you afraid of them?" Dicken Firth raised his hand exaggeratedly, and laughed loudly:

"Humans, they are our food by nature, when will we be afraid of them!"

"This is not the Middle Ages," a pale young man sarcastically said:
"If we really want to go to war with humans, we have no chance of winning, half-blood boy, you should recognize the reality, now is the world of humans."

"Then why don't we turn him into the world of our blood race!" Dicken Firth said in a crazy tone:
"Think about it, in the future, the whole world will be our hunting ground, and human beings are just our lambs. How wonderful this kind of world is!"

"I think you are crazy!" A congressman couldn't help scolding: "If you don't put away your dangerous ideas, you will be expelled from New York!"

"Expel me!" Dicken Firth pointed at himself, as if hearing some joke, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Don't forget where this is, this is New York, the lair that I have painstakingly managed for more than 200 years!"

"What do you want to do?" A congressman sensed something was wrong, and just about to get up, a pair of handcuffs popped out from the seat under his buttocks, and a pair of handcuffs locked him firmly on the seat.

The crackling sound continued, followed by the scorching sound of the silver shackles touching the flesh, that sound was like frying squid on an iron plate.

A scream resounded throughout the meeting room.

Dicken Firth's face was already icy cold,
"Naive guys, you don't really think that I invited you from Europe to form a New York council, do you? Twelve pure-blood viscounts, your blood will be the best sacrifice to meet the blood god."

(End of this chapter)

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