Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 269 Bloody Battle in the Abyss

Chapter 269 Bloody Battle in the Abyss ([-])

Standing at least thirty feet away, the muscular death giant blew the charge horn made of the broken horn of the magic dragon, and the dull sound spread throughout the plain.

"Wow woof woof—"

The blood moon sprinkled red light, and a large group of hell dogs appeared out of thin air. These hell dogs with bear heads and dog bodies were densely packed with hundreds of thousands of them, divided into hundreds of groups of dogs, large and small.
Swarms rushed towards the demon army that was waiting in battle.


The first to meet these hellhounds were the skull-crushing ogres holding flails. These ten-foot-tall abyss ogres smashed down the flails in their hands.

Easily smashed the heads of these hell dogs, and broke their waists and backs!

Pieces of hellhounds turned into puddles of flesh under the flails of these skull-crushing ogres,

Some Skull Crusher Ogres, who are not averse to meat and meat, directly picked up a few hellhounds and stuffed them into their big mouths, the purple-black blood they chewed kept flowing down their saliva

However, these hellhounds with astonishing bite force are advancing one after another by virtue of their huge numbers. A skull-crushing ogre is surrounded by at least hundreds of hellhounds.

Anus digging and biting, these hell dogs saw the opportunity and pounced on them. Some hell dogs were slapped down by the skull-crushing ogre, and they were slapped into a pulp like flies.

But soon more hellhounds filled the gap. These skull-crushing ogres fell one by one among the black hounds, and were bitten into piles of fragmented bones.

Facing the black hellhounds that were rushing towards them, the abyssal demon in charge of supervising the battle gave an order.

Tens of thousands of green-skinned plague vomit monsters with a belly as big as October wobbled forward, their stomachs swollen to the point of bursting suddenly contracted, and then opened their mouths wide, throwing green vomit as thick as water It's more than ten miles away.

Dense green viscous liquid pustules fell from the sky, falling on the hellhounds like raindrops,
The blasted pustules sprayed out mucus covering a distance of more than ten meters. Once they were stained with this viscous green vomit liquid, these hellhounds would vomit violently in light cases, or in severe cases, their legs and feet would become limp, and they would directly collapse to the ground.

The paralyzed hellhound was directly bitten by the dogs beside him, and within a moment it became the food of his own people.
Under the attack of these green-skinned plague-breathing monsters, most of these hellhounds were reduced in an instant.

When the remaining hell dogs rushed forward, what greeted them was the sharp scimitar of the Naga snake demon. These snake demon Naga with four arms and six arms, the swimming speed of the snake tail is not inferior to these hell dogs ,
Compared with the sharp fangs that the hellhounds are proud of, the scimitars in their hands are undoubtedly sharper
The scimitar wielding in the four arms almost appeared afterimages. In the light of the knife, the heads of hell dogs were cut off and their stomachs were disembowelled.

The blood moon shed light, and a large number of scythe demons appeared in the open space after the Hell Demon Hound fell. These demons holding bone sickles quickly took over the Hell Demon Hound's position and fought with the Naga Snake Demon.

Hundreds of thousands of hell dogs, naga snake demons, trolls, and scythe demons.
The ground was stained purple-black by the blood of these demons, and this was just a huge demon plain, an inconspicuous corner of the bloody battle in the abyss.
The Plague Vomiter's long-range attack was successful, but soon the opposite side also dispatched its own long-range units, a huge two-headed giant with a back crossbow device similar to a projectile vehicle on their backs. They lay down on the ground,
The catapult on the back directly smashed the magma boulders out tens of miles away. These heavy magma boulders smashed into the center of a group of abyssal nerubians, leaving large areas of fleshy mud and blood pits directly on the spot.

After a while, fire giants composed of magma stones climbed out of these blood pits. These high-level elemental demons with a height of twenty feet showed what is called the flowering of the hinterland,
Wherever these magma fire giants pass, all of them turn into hot magma within a ten-foot radius. Compared with these high-level middle-level elemental demons, ordinary mid-level and low-level demons are not their all-in-one enemies at all.
Hundreds of elemental fire giants quickly created large-scale chaos among the formed demon army.

Behind the demon army, the bloody moonlight hung down, and a pure-blooded abyssal demon stood in the moonlight, overlooking the entire battlefield.

As a pure-blooded abyssal demon, this abyssal demon is huge in size, more than a hundred feet long, with thick scales covering its back, and a sharp triangular bone plate in the center of its back, which extends behind its tail. Sharp and long dangerous tail spines.

As the high-ranking demon under Beelzebub, Prince of the Flies, this abyssal demon is the demon warlord of this bloody battle in the abyss, and is responsible for commanding the army of hundreds of millions of demons under Beelzebub's command.

And his enemies, in addition to vampires, undead knights, and undead legions from the blood hell, there are also two abyss lords who are not inferior to his master, the demon lord.

The abyssal demons soon noticed the discordant factors in their own legion,

"Kill those fire giants" (Abyssal)
The abyssal language of the abyssal demons resounded across the battlefield, and soon dozens of blue giants exuding a cold air descended in the bloody moonlight, appearing in the center of these demonic legions.

These supporters of Beelzebub from the abyss of giants must be at least seventy feet tall. Wherever they pass, an icy blue halo condenses around their bodies, turning all living creatures within hundreds of feet into ice sculptures. .

Before these ice giants could reach the fire giants, at least thousands of their own demons were frozen into ice sculptures by them.

However, it is clear that neither the abyssal demons who are the warlords nor the ice giants take these "insiders" to heart. Weakness is the original sin. This is the eternal truth of the abyss.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh-"

Floating in mid-air, the eyeballs as big as wheels are arranged in a huge square array, with different colors, and strange rays shoot out from these beholder crystals.

Weakness ray, acid poison ray, red flame ray, frost ray, corrosion ray, petrification ray... Hundreds of thousands of rays blasted into the opposite berserk dragon herd.

The body shape and appearance of the furious drake resembled a tyrannosaur, and the dragon scales of the furious dragon beast covered with scales were born with the ability to weaken magic, but hundreds of thousands of various spell rays fired a volley, knocking down thousands of furious dragon beasts in an instant.

However, the beholder's rays only released three rounds, and the huge storm element demon set off tornadoes, directly tearing the formation of these beholders.

The tornadoes rolled up by hundreds of small wind elements directly dragged groups of beholders into the storm. The blade-like wind blades slashed across, and soon the blood rain kept splashing around with the tornado.

In the sky, the giant winged snake demon of the dragon family, the magic dragon and a group of densely packed giant bats are fighting together. These hell vampires are extremely ugly in shape, with ugly faces and a pair of sharp claws connected by huge bat wings. .

These vampires are not vampires in the conventional sense. They are vampires who believe in the blood god. After the death of the Hagui clan, the soul enters the abyss of the blood clan and is reshaped by the rules of the abyss.

The densely packed vampires were like dark clouds, so many that they even covered the blood moon in the sky.

Vampires, Gargoyles, Winged Basilisks, Dragons, Winged Demons, Higher Wind Elemental Demons
The sky has become a forbidden area at this time, and the blood rain has not stopped since the blood moon rose.

Under the dark clouds, the headless horseman riding Nightmare under his crotch held a lance, and launched a desperate charge against a group of war trolls.

The so-called war trolls are said to be war machines made by an ancient abyss lord. These three-hundred-foot-tall giants are covered with hard rocks, and their sharp claws can easily tear the scales of the dragon.

In Western myths and legends, this kind of war troll is also called war Beamon.

In the chaotic battlefield, fighting is everywhere, and no place is safe. A high-ranking demon may not survive a blood moon cycle in a bloody battle in the abyss.


The sound of a high-powered motorcycle resounded among a group of scythe demons, and the peculiar sound made the group of demons who were fighting with the half-dragons turn their heads.

The chariot burning with raging hell flames drove across the demon battlefield, and Johnny, who turned into a ghost rider, swung the chains attached to the hellfire in his hands. Forcibly split a continuous fire line in the Devil's Plain
"That's what he calls a disguise!?"

Deadpool squatted halfway on a rock solidified by magma, holding the Mosingana rifle in his hand, and stared at Johnny's movements through the scope.

He originally thought that the camouflage that Johnny said was using the boss's breath-holding talisman to sneak through this demonic battlefield, but he didn't expect this guy to ride his cool motorcycle directly along the mountain wall so brightly. Into the battlefield.

When Johnny's motorcycle just drove into the devil's battlefield, Deadpool could still provide remote support with the help of Mosin Nagant in his hand, but as Johnny deepened, Mosin Nagant with an effective range of 500 meters could only Can be used as a scope.

"With the chaos of this bloody battle in the abyss, he can't last long?" Dracula looked at the blood cloud covering hundreds of acres in the distance,
A swarm of bats surrounded the blood cloud, which was obviously the blood abyss, where the vampire warlord was located.

The bloody battle in the abyss involving four abysses, not to mention a ghost rider, even if Mephisto is still alive, he has to stay away from this situation.

"Let's make some noise! ​​Share the firepower for Johnny!"

Logan smoked the cigar in his mouth vigorously. Without waiting for Deadpool to answer, he raised the squad M60 machine gun in his hand, aimed at the densely packed demons at the foot of the mountain, and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da da da da."

Silver bullets burst out like raindrops. Under the volcanic rock wall, a nest of dog-headed demons who were fighting with the fallen demons were directly smashed by these silver rune bullets soaked in holy water.


Deadpool took out two grenades, unplugged them, threw them out without even looking at them.


With the density of the demon army on the plain, the silver shrapnel shot out by the explosion of these two high-explosive grenades covered a radius of tens of meters. Two little suns.

The actions of Deadpool and Logan made tens of thousands of demons within a radius of a hundred miles all notice the top of the mountain. Compared with the huge number of demons on the plain, these demons are just a drop in the ocean.

But tens of thousands of grotesque and ferocious demons and devils all looked up at him. Even the nervous Deadpool felt his scalp tingle for a while. He retracted his head behind the rock, then took out a grenade from his crotch, and pulled it out. Lower the plug, and throw it back without looking back.


"Nice job, Wade, you've angered these guys!" Logan praised Wade, stood up directly, stood on the edge of the cliff with one foot, and pointed the machine gun at the people who were crawling up the mountain wall below. The demon is a burst of fire.

da da da da-

The silver holy water rune bullets shot down, like the autumn wind sweeping down the fallen leaves, turning a large number of mountain-climbing demons into piles of fly ash.

However, Logan's attacks did not frighten the devil. On the contrary, with Logan's active exposure, Tang Song's breath-holding talisman also lost its effect.

"Humans, human beings! I smell human flesh and blood"

"Human soul, what a sweet taste..."

At this moment, at the foot of the volcano, all the demons who saw Logan and smelled Logan fell into madness at this moment.

For demons, there is nothing more nourishing than the real dimension, the flesh and blood of human souls. Compared with them, those stinking flesh and blood of the same kind in hell seem to have become a piece of rotten flesh at this moment.

A hellhound directly spit out the piece of meat in its mouth, and rushed to the top of the mountain frantically, that sweet and delicious piece.

In front of it were dozens of similar ones who were one step ahead of him. Without hesitation, this hellhound stretched out its mouth and bit off the hind leg of one of its kind.

Dense demons climbed up the volcanic rock wall, rolling towards Logan on the top of the mountain like a black tide going against the current.

"Come on, you sons of bitches, come here!"

Logan held his machine gun and fired down without the slightest fear. Beside him, more than [-] steel soldiers stretched out their arms down the mountain. In the palms of their palms, the black muzzle of the gun kept spitting out flames.

Countless demons were hit by bullets and rolled down the mountain, their bodies were instantly torn into pieces.

Under the frantic shooting, the ammunition belt wrapped around Logan's body was quickly consumed. He directly took out a four-barrel rocket launcher from the five-yin bag, pointed it down and pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Wade, where did Johnny go?" Logan threw the fired bazooka directly off the cliff, and took out a new bazooka from the five-yin bag. After cleaning the chamber, Logan threw the bazooka casually. Going down the mountain, I turned around and asked.

At this time, on the empty mountaintop, apart from hundreds of golden warrior puppets, there is no shadow of Deadpool, not only Deadpool, but even Dracula is gone.

"Wade?" Logan was a little surprised, but he didn't feel the anger of being left behind. He knew Deadpool very well. He was a bastard, a scum, and a bad-mouthed bastard, but he was definitely not a coward who left his comrades and escaped.

"Hey, Logan, hold on for a few more minutes, I'm preparing a surprise for the guests going up the mountain," Wade's voice came faintly from inside the crater.

"Hurry up! I can't guarantee that I can persist until you come up!"

Although there were more than 20 steel soldiers to assist them, they still couldn't stop the tide of demons. Some demons quickly climbed to more than ten meters in front of Logan. Logan stretched out his hands, and two demon hunting shotguns appeared in his hands.

bang bang bang-

Large pieces of silver rune balls shot out, and pieces of demons turned into flying ash before Logan's eyes.

brush brush --

Hundreds of golden warrior puppets approached, drew out their broad giant swords, and slashed to intercept the wave of demons charging towards the top of the mountain.

In the sky, hundreds of Winged Demons, who looked exactly like Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, flapped their fleshy membranes and swooped down to Logan on the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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