Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 270 Yuanguang Mirror Abyss Bloody Battle

Chapter 270 Yuanguang Mirror Abyss Bloody Battle ([-])
Raccoon Town Lake Island Manor
Hope looked around a little uneasily,

Whenever the maid holding the tray passed by, she would subconsciously put her hand on her cuff, rather frightened.

Hope was wearing a black lady's slim-fit suit with a white shirt inside.

The cross-patterned button on the suit is actually a disguised wasp transforming device. As long as she presses the switch, she can immediately transform into a wasp. As for whether she can escape from this heavily guarded manor, Hope is not sure. .

Beside Hope, Scott, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, took a peeled hard-boiled egg from a maid and kept rolling it over his face.

It is said that this earthen method can eliminate the bruises on his face.

Whether it worked or not, Hope didn't know, but the little Asian girl was really ruthless.

If it weren't for this man named Scott, she would be the one who turned into a pig's head now.

"Does it still hurt?" Looking at Scott's grinning painful expression, Hope couldn't help but ask in concern!
At this moment, she somewhat believed what this man said, maybe he was really another parallel universe, another Hope's lover.

Scott looked at Hope's familiar face and subconsciously shook his head.

The egg rubbed in his hand pressed against the wound on his face, and the severe pain made him gasp for an instant.


"I'll help you!" Hope took the hard-boiled egg from Scott's hand and gently rubbed it on Scott's face.

Looking at the white greasy under Hope's white shirt, Scott's eyes straightened instantly!

"Hey, this lobster is not bad, hey, girl, please, bring me another one of this lobster!"

A disastrous sound sounded, and the little raccoon broke off the tail of a lobster with his hands, and ate the tail of the blue lobster longer than its face.

The white and tender shrimp meat does not need too much seasoning, squeeze some lemon juice, take a bite, it is very sweet.

The lobster shells in front of the little raccoon have piled up into a hill. While gnawing on the prawn meat, it still doesn’t forget to greet the maid beside it.

The sweet-looking maid cleaned up the shrimp shells in front of the little raccoon,

Soon, two more processed, fat French blue lobsters were brought in.

Xingjue, who was sitting next to the little raccoon, quickly grabbed one, and started fighting with the little raccoon for food.

There is a small airport in Raccoon Town, and two of the runways are specially reserved for the take-off and landing of planes that provide fresh ingredients for Huxin Island Manor.

Like these French blue lobsters, a few hours ago they were swimming on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

After the dinner menu of the Huxin Island Manor was finalized, these fresh blue lobsters appeared on the manor's dining table in various poses.

Fried, fried, boiled, fried, steamed, sashimi...

Opposite the little raccoon, Thor was playing with the golden bowl in his hand, stroking the familiar pattern on the bowl, and he turned his head to finish the bowl.

"This wine has a familiar taste!..."

Thor drank the wine in the golden bowl, put down the golden bowl, and watched the clear wine gurgling from the golden bowl.

Thor drank three bowls of wine in a row. Whenever the runes on the wall of the golden bowl flashed, the wine in the golden bowl would be filled automatically.

"This bowl?" Thor picked up the golden bowl, shook it and looked at Tang Song who was walking this way.

"This bowl is your magic wine set from Asgard. Last time I was a guest in the Golden Palace, God Odin gave me a few sets. If you like it, I'll ask someone to get you one!"

Tang Song was dressed in a white suit, holding a silver-plated cane with a beast's head in his hand, and playing with a string of vermilion bracelets in his hand. With several people, he walked slowly towards Thor.


When Scott saw Gu Ziyun following Boss Tang, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and the wound on his face felt another burst of severe pain.

"Huh?" Gu Ziyun noticed Scott and Hope, and those big eyes lit up immediately, like a little girl meeting her favorite plush toy,

She walked directly in front of Scott, and told the two with a sincere and innocent face: "The way you two transform into little ants is amazing, and the attack method is something I have never seen before, otherwise we will fight again." One match!"

Another fight?Hearing Gu Ziyun's words, and thinking of the ferocious appearance of her hitting her head against the stone pillar, Scott gasped, feeling pain all over his body.

Just yesterday, through Dr. Pym's final location, he and Hope found the manor of Raccoon Town Lake Island. They used Pym particles to transform into ant-man and wasp form. After avoiding layers of guards, they successfully Infiltrated into the manor,
Just when the two were on a waterside promenade in the manor, planning to search for Dr. Pym separately, a sweet-looking little Asian girl seemed to find them passing by the promenade.

Then, there was an inhumane beating!

Except for Stark and the Hulk who have steel suits, Scott has never seen such a heavy fist. The sweet-looking little girl can smash the stone pillars in the corridor with one punch.

It was a bluestone pillar thicker than the thighs of ordinary people.

And this little girl seems to have particularly keen five senses. He and Hope have transformed into Ant-Man mode many times, trying to escape, but still can't escape her tracking.

In the end, he had no choice but to transform into a giant mode. As a result, he was beaten up by the little girl first, and then was arrested by the manor bodyguards who rushed over with a tranquilizer gun.

Before coming to this small town, Scott and Hope checked the background of this new town together. The construction of this small town was completed by a construction company affiliated to the Down Group.
As for the residents in the small town, 70.00% are the family members of employees of the Tang Group. It is self-evident who the owner of the luxurious Huxin Island Manor is.

Falling into the hands of the leader of the biggest hey gang in the Federation, Scott could think of his end.

If Thor, the little raccoon and Star Lord hadn't arrived in time, they might be gone now.

"It's just how did they know this Tang?" Scott looked at Thor. His fat belly and fat figure were the Thor from the same universe as him.

And the little raccoon and star-lord are also there.

"Since the god of forging has returned to dusk, most of the magic tools in Asgard have been forged by the dwarves of Nidawi,
These dwarves are good at making weapons, but they can't make such exquisite magic wine glasses.

In Asgard in my universe, these drinking utensils are all treasured by my father, and he will only take out these drinking utensils during major festivals!

Once, Sif and I hunted a wild boar, and I stole a few gold cups from the treasury, but these gold cups were stolen by my younger brother Loki, and I was severely beaten by my father."

Tang Song walked to the main seat and sat down, playing with the beads in his hand, quietly listening to Thor recalling the past.

Facing a poor man who has lost his homeland, parents and brothers, Tang Song is not stingy with giving a little patience and being a friendly listener.

Thor shook his head, waking up from the memories, he picked up the wine glass and drank the Asgardian wine, "These wine glasses were later buried with the spaceship and the people of Asgard. The starry sky was destroyed in the hands of Thanos!

It can be seen, my father, that the god Odin of this universe values ​​you very much! "

Tang Song smiled and raised the golden cup in front of him: "Maybe it's because His Majesty Odin regards me as a friend!"

friend? !Thor Yaoyao and Tang Song toasted, and raised their heads to drink a bowl of fine wine.

After experiencing the bereavement of his mother, father, sister, brother, and country, Thor is no longer as naive as he was at the beginning.

He knew exactly what kind of person his father was, the eternal fire, the magic wine glass, these things he could give to the person in front of him.

I hope that Asgard has escaped the fate of Ragnarok as mother said!

"It's boring!"

After being rejected by Scott and Hope, Gu Ziyun took a deep look at the two of them boredly. His face seemed to be full of smiles, and the emotionless eyes in his eyes looked at Scott. Special chills all over.

It wasn't until Gu Ziyun returned to Tang Song's side and pulled a chair under him to sit down, that the chill of being stared at by a beast disappeared in Scott's heart.

So, what kind of existence is a man who can tame this beast?
Scott secretly looked at Tang Song. In his world, there is no such person as Tang Song. It is hard to imagine that this handsome Asian is in charge of the largest group company in the entire Federation.

Tang Song also noticed Scott's gaze at this time, and he nodded towards Scott, "I'm sorry, Mr. Scott,

I have a lot of business, and there are many people with conflicts of interest, so I pay more attention to security. My subordinates did not pay attention to proportion, please forgive me!
But in the future, if you need help with something, you can go through the main door! "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tang, I was worried about my father's safety, so I dragged Scott into your manor rashly!" Hope stood up and bowed slightly to Tang Song.

Unlike others, as a native of this universe, Hope clearly knows the power and influence of Tang and Song in the Federation, so even with the support of Thor and the others, Hope still keeps his attitude very low.

After all, maybe one day this fat version of Thor will slap his ass and return to his own universe, and she and her father still have to live.

"Understood, understood, worrying about the safety of one's own father is also natural for children. Don't worry, Ms. Dane. I invited Dr. Pim here just to better cooperate with him!"

"You must know that my company has more than a dozen experts in the quantum field! Currently, there is a lack of a leader!"

Looking at the smiling Tang Song, Hope felt a chill in her heart. She excused her father and said, "Thank you, Mr. Tang, for your kindness. My father is used to being withdrawn and never gets along with others. His former colleagues, Many friends can't stand him! I'm afraid he is not suitable for this job!"

"Human, after experiencing setbacks, you can always learn to be flexible. Dr. Pim has accepted my invitation and is currently the chief scientist of our physics laboratory!"

"How is it possible?" Hope opened his mouth!

Tang Song looked at Hope's unbelievable eyes, smiled and said: "Our company has the most advanced alien technology, and Dr. Pim wants to use our company's power to rescue his wife who is trapped in the quantum channel. win!"

"Hey, save Ms. Janet. I have experience with this. I have to establish a quantum communication to find the coordinates of your mother's quantum space!" Scott couldn't help interjecting when he heard Tang Song's words, and then he saw Gu Ziyun's eyes seemed to be smiling, but his voice suddenly became much quieter.

Hope looked back at Scott, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to look at Tang Song: "Mr. Tang, can I see my father!"

Hearing Hope's words, the wine glass in Thor's hand, who was drinking from a golden bowl, stopped on his lips.

The little raccoon who was competing with Xingjue for a fried lobster ball quietly looked at Tang Song.

Ant-Man Scott Lang put his finger directly on the button of the Ant-Man Transformer, ready to fight at any time.

Tang Song didn't seem to notice the stiff atmosphere at the scene, he waved his hand, and the bodyguards on the side came over.

"Go to the research institute, invite Dr. Pym, and say that Miss Hope is here and wants to see him!"

"Yes, boss!"

Seeing the figure of the bodyguard leaving, the frozen atmosphere on the wine table instantly relaxed,

Taking advantage of Xingjue's inattention, the little raccoon grabbed the shrimp ball that both sides were fighting for and stuffed it into his mouth.

Star-Lord grabs the little guy by the neck and shakes its head to make him spit it out.

After hearing Tang Song's words, Hope also sat down again, but from the way she looked up from time to time, she knew that she was still worried about her father.


Thor, the god of thunder, continued to drink the fine wine of Asgard in a muffled voice.

At this time, Tang Song raised his wine glass and looked at Thor: "Your Highness Thor, do you still remember our previous agreement?"

Thor put down the golden bowl and looked at Tang Song: "Your subordinates have gone to the hell dimension? That's not a good place!"

Tang Song smiled: "Just like what I said to Ms. Hope, I appreciate people who honor their parents,
Johnny is willing to go to hell for his father's soul. As a boss, there is not much I can do, and it is okay to help out where I can!
But my strength is really limited. I heard that Thanos of your universe died under your Storm Axe.
Your strength should be very strong, so I hope you can help Johnny! "

"Hell!" Hearing Tang Song's flattery, Thor patted his stomach: "I can help you in that ghostly place, but without the help of the Rainbow Bridge, it is a bit troublesome to freely enter and exit the latitude of hell!
You know, I don't want the people of Asgard to know I exist! "

"His Royal Highness Thor can rest assured that as the next supreme mage, I am also proficient in some space magic. Although it is not as good as Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, it is not a big problem to open a space door leading to hell!"

"Supreme mage? You?" Thor the God of Thunder opened his mouth wide, staring at Tang Song again and again, but he didn't see any resemblance between him and the mage Strange at all.

"For some reason, Master Gu Yi entrusted me with the task of guarding the latitude of reality!" Tang Song swiped his finger, and a round light mirror appeared on the wall opposite the oak dining table.

In the circular light mirror, there was a scene of countless black tide-like demons rushing to the top of a volcano.

From the perspective of the circular light mirror, those tide-like demons are like a black sea, and the crater is like a reef that is about to be submerged by the tide.

On the crater, a bare-chested man covered in blood was waving his sharp steel claws to fight non-stop with these demons.

The man was thrown to the ground by the demon beside him again and again, and stood up again and again among the demon corpses.

A hell dog bit through the man's belly, and the man's steel claws directly penetrated the hard skull of the hell dog and cut off its head.

Using the head of the magic dog as a stapler, it stapled his torn belly to prevent the intestines from flowing out.

Continue waving the steel claws, hugging a corpse digger demon, the steel claws in his hands frantically pierced the heart of the corpse digger.


Seeing this scene, even Thor, who has experienced several crises of annihilation and countless life and death scenes, cannot help but be impressed by the tenacity of the man.

"Who is he?"

After watching the man being swallowed by a troll, he waved his steel claws, directly opened the troll's belly, and walked out.

Thor's blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and he was full of fighting spirit. He couldn't help asking Tang Song!
(End of this chapter)

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