Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 279 Changes in the Military Order of the Independent Battleship Datang

Chapter 279 Changes in the Military Order of the Independent Battleship Datang (7000)

After a burst of space folds in Heldam, several Nova warships with a length of 2000 meters slowly sailed out.

In a pit with pits and rocks, a stream of turbid gas suddenly rushed out of the ground, bringing a huge amount of dust to the sky.

A giant valve with a diameter of more than 5000 meters slowly slid open, and a thick energy barrier gushed out, imprisoning the atmosphere in the base below.

The fleet flew in through the valve cautiously, and docked at a huge underground take-off and landing site.

A large number of ground crews flocked to quickly clean up the exterior of the battleship, washing away the dust adhering to it.

Adams, the director of the Heildam branch of the Tang Group's weapons production department, has led a group of elite soldiers to stand on the sidelines of the takeoff and landing field to greet his immediate superior and two executives.
Adams laughed and said hello: "Hey, bosses, you finally think of us.

You must give me a raise, I've been bored here for so long, I'm almost bored to death! "

Ivan Vanke punched Adams in the chest, and Ivan Vanke patted him on the shoulder forcefully: "Salary increase? I see your rosy face, and the living conditions are not much worse.

Is there anything wrong here?The boss paid you three times the salary! "

Sighing deeply, Adams shrugged his shoulders. He shook his head and complained: "This place is very good, very good. But, there are no girls here!"

"Girl?" Ivan Vanke was stunned, frowning and asked, "You want a girl?"

For Ivan Vanke, who is keen on dealing with machines and engine oil, women are just a burden that affects his modification and upgrade of Iron Soldiers.

Adams looked helplessly at Ryan, Kane and others who had just returned from hell. They spread their hands and complained: "Director Ryan, I don't need a girl. I have my dearest wife and my dearest wife." cutest kid ever.

But the boys here need girls!God, there are thousands of people in this base, and there is not a single woman. "

Adams looked innocently at the few people, and exaggeratedly shouted: "Do you want these great guys to have homosexuality?"

Glancing at Adams strangely, Ryan rang out those in the federal army, uh, he couldn't help shivering.

After thinking for a while, Ryan nodded and promised:
"If you can control those girls... tomorrow I will add enough girls for you,
But you have to understand, those girls are not our own, and if the secret here is revealed—"

Adams laughed,
He smiled until his eyes narrowed into a line: "Don't worry, I'm in this business, and no one will leak the secrets. Those girls won't even know that they left the earth!"

"Very good!" Ryan made a final decision on the matter.

He doesn't need to report to the boss about such a small matter, and he can decide it.

But only if you don't cause trouble.

From the eyes of the group of strong men behind Adams, Ryan saw the flames that almost suffocated internal injuries. They are all strong men with blood and blood.

In addition to training every day at the base, it is training, and it is indeed necessary to consider it comprehensively.This base is very important, and the secrecy work is also very important, but it can be made more humane.

He decided to turn around and let Yashida Industries recruit another group of girls to take up clerical work at the base.

Of course they need to be permanently stationed at the base.

Ryan doesn't want the secrets of the base to be betrayed by these dazed boys to those gorgeous girls as soon as they turn around!
Adams arranged for manpower to carefully clean up the returning fleet to prevent hell creatures from mixing into this world.

Under the leadership of Adams, Ryan, Kane and the others came to the top-secret production line at the bottom of the base.

In the huge factory building ten kilometers long and three kilometers wide, countless huge mechanical arms and countless engineering robots are busy around a giant battleship.

At least more than a thousand workers are like ants clinging to the scaffolding outside the battleship, which is divided into more than a dozen layers, concentrating on their work, and inside the open hatches of the battleship, there are still a large number of workers rushing in and out.

A large number of engineering vehicles poured into the battleship carrying various modular instrument components, and then rushed out of the battleship with countless scraps.

The battleship was almost completed. The length of the hull reached an astonishing 3000 meters, and the widest point was more than 200 meters. The height of the raised bridge in the center of the hull was also nearly [-] meters.

The hull is round, and the overall shape is like a cigar, but the ratio of length to width is thicker and shorter than ordinary cigars.

A soldier came over with a magnetic levitation engineering vehicle, and carried a few people to the bow of the battleship.

The bow of the battleship is densely packed with main gun holes. Ryan counted them, and there are more than fifty main guns with a caliber of more than [-] mm.

This is [-]% larger than the largest main gun caliber of the so-called top-secret first-generation main ship currently researched by the Federation.

From the bow to the stern, there are hundreds of secondary guns of large and small calibers densely packed, among which there are more than 80 main gun barrels with a caliber of more than [-] mm.

The artillery fire intensity of the whole ship is equivalent to a first-class mixed fleet according to the information provided by Old Mander.

However, compared with the main gun barrel with a caliber of nearly [-] mm in the center of the bow, all other main guns paled in comparison.

With a caliber of nearly five meters, the barrel of this main gun, inside the barrel, faintly shone with a mysterious blue halo,

Ryan probed in to observe, and he could see that there were hundreds of fist-thick blue crystals embedded in the barrel of the gun.

These are all energy gems condensed from the Rubik's Cube.

This extremely high-purity energy crystal, after countless experiments,
With extremely strong energy focusing and energy amplification effects, it is simply the best material for making energy weapons.

Therefore, when designing the main gun of this giant ship, according to the information of some alien naval guns, the designer directly embedded these energy spars inside the gun bore.

Kane stared blankly at the main gun. As a former special forces commander, a soldier, or in other words, no man could refuse the romance of a giant cannon.

He took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "Every time I see this guy, I wonder if it can penetrate a planet with one shot!"

Ivan Vanke's voice came from the side: "It is impossible to penetrate a planet,

The alien technology bought back by Old Mander, we can use at most the technology of the first-level civilization.

At the beginning of the design, this battleship was designed according to the standard of a first-class battleship, and the shield energy was less than one-tenth of that of the Nova battleship.

An ordinary second-tier battleship only needs a single blow with [-]% power to turn him into ashes.Even if it turns on all the energy shields, it still can't stop the shooting of one-tenth of the power of the Nova Battleship! "

"However, the power of this battleship has far exceeded the main gun of a first-class battleship." Adams looked at the giant ship with emotion: "This is a murder weapon!"

"Adams, introduce me, this...the first-generation "Datang" battleship! I need to report this surprise to the boss"

Ryan looked at the giant ship in front of him, his fingers trembling a little.

The first first-class reloaded starship named the Datang series is the first autonomous starship manufactured by the Tang Group through alien technology.
All the technologies used on the battleship, although most of them are purchased alien technologies, have all been localized.

The battleship in front of me is the Institute of Weapons, a masterpiece designed by all the researchers who worked hard for more than a year.

The engine of the battleship is based on the most advanced engine technology smuggled from the emerging empire, and has been optimized and improved by everyone in the weapons research institute.

Especially after using the magic metal material from Heldam,

The volume of a single engine is 50.00% higher than the durability of the original engine[-].

The outer armor of the Datang ship is even more shockingly tough, using not only the magic metal of Heldam, but also the fusion of Adamantium alloy.

The thickness of the thirteen-layer shell of the Datang ship is less than ten meters, but its defense capability is at least equivalent to a standard alloy armor with a thickness of 500 meters.

The weight of the thirteen shells is also extremely light, and the unit volume weight is only equivalent to about 80.00% of the alloy steel of the same volume.

Although the Datang warship made entirely of these magical metals is huge in appearance, it is actually extremely light in weight, and its interior space is even more enormous.

The large and light hull allows the Datang ship to carry more supplies. As long as the warehouse is filled with energy crystals produced by the Rubik's Cube,

The Datang ship can continue to sail in outer space for more than 100 years.

The strong engine and solid hull directly lead to the unprecedentedly powerful firepower system of the Datang ship.

Not to mention the main cannon inlaid with energy spars, but there are 36 main cannons with a diameter of [-]mm surrounding the main cannon.

The full-power salvo of any main gun can shoot through all the active main ships of ordinary first-level civilization alien fleets.

Even the motherships of the Kirita people would be torn to pieces once they were hit by a single shot.

The extra advantage brought by the huge hull is that the electronic system of the battleship is also unprecedentedly large. The huge radar unit with a total volume of more than 20 cubic meters makes the radar scanning distance of the Datang ship more than [-] times that of the active first-class battleship.

A giant electronic jammer installed in the battleship.It can even make all electronic instruments within [-] light seconds useless.

Speaking of electronic systems, Adams proudly mentioned that under his leadership, researchers from the Institute of Weapons Research conducted research on biological stealth coatings.

Combining metallic stealth paint with a cloak from hell that has a natural invisibility ability, they have developed a specialty material that is almost absolutely invisible.

Near absolute stealth, powerful defense.Great power, great firepower, according to Adams,
This Datang ship has the power to sweep the entire earth, and the world is impermanent

If using this main gun,

The Datang ship can resolve all disputes on the earth within an hour.

"Murder weapon! This is a murder weapon!"

Kane stared at the huge ship in front of him in a daze, and stroked its smooth outer deck vigorously.

Sighing, Kane muttered in a low voice: "Such a good guy, I'll find the boss sometime, the first battleship must be under my command!"

Adams led the crowd into the Datang ship, and briefly introduced every important area of ​​the battleship.

It can only be a brief introduction, because the battleship is too big.

The overall score of the battleship is not much different from other starships, after all, this is a battleship based on existing technology.

For such a huge battleship, less than 500 operators are required, and the other logistics and maintenance personnel are equipped with 1000 people as standard.

The standard number of soldiers in the battleship is 2000, and the huge hull is enough to ensure that everyone has comfortable living conditions.

The soldiers of the battleship are all equipped with the latest individual combat armor of Tang Corporation, (the steel soldier's improved version of the steel suit)
There are even three small-scale integrated production lines in the cabin at the bottom of the battleship.

These three production lines adopt a fully automatic modular design, as long as enough energy and raw materials are provided, everything from pistol bullets to medium to steel soldier robots can be manufactured.

If the Datang ship lands on a resource-rich planet, it only takes half a month to form a large-scale army

It took five hours to wander around in the battleship. When I walked out of the battleship,
Ryan asked: "This battleship is ready, how long will it take?"

Adams raised a finger when he heard what Ryan said:
"One month is only one month, and if you don't go on a long-distance voyage, you can be properly prepared.

There will be no problems, all the technology is mature, it doesn't even need human manipulation

But at present we are short of sailors, as well as soldiers, and we also need training for operators and logistics personnel! "

Ryan nodded and smiled: "Okay, speed up the progress, I need to surprise the boss when he leaves the customs!"

Just as Adams issued the military order, he promised that there would be no problems and that there would be no delay.

Ryan took out a jade talisman from his arms with a surprised expression.

"Boss! You're out of customs!?"

Hearing Ryan's words, Adamston, who had just issued a military order, turned pale.

"There is a problem with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, yes! I understand, I will rush there immediately!"

"Your Majesty the Pope, Mr. Bishop! The matter has been settled, please follow me!"

In Utopia, an airport ten kilometers away from the city of Leon, a private plane from the Vatican had just landed, and a black colonel who had been waiting for a long time greeted it.

Judging from his uniform, the black colonel was from the Federal Air Force.

The cabin door was slowly lowered, and a group of clergymen in civilian clothes surrounded the Pope and stepped off the plane.

After the black colonel stepped forward to salute, he guided the crowd towards the row of black concierge cars.

"Your Majesty, there are only three concession passes, and your entourage may not be able to enter the core area!"

The convoy started and headed towards the city of Leon. In the extended concierge car in the middle, the black colonel looked embarrassed.

"Three!?" The Pope tapped his fingers on the armrest of the leather seat and murmured, but he looked at the blond young man beside him with fiery envy.
It's hard to imagine that this young man with firm skin and white skin like jade was a dying old man who was about his age a few days ago.

If only his body could recover to this state!

However, the Pope was shocked when he saw the emotionless eyes of the blond youth reflected on the goblet.

The soul has been changed, hey, so what if you become younger, who would have thought that in the modern society of the 21st century, there would still be such a miracle as angels descending.

The one who descended was the Archangel Michael, known as the Vice King of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The first thing the Archangel came to do was to clean up the heresy within the Holy See. If it weren't for his advice, at least two-thirds of the clergy in the entire Vatican would have been sent to the stake.

Thinking of this, the Pope has a headache. Now is no longer the Middle Ages, when the Vatican was a church and state, and it was even possible to depose the king.

Although the Holy See holds a part of extraordinary power, because of religious influence, it has great influence in Western countries, but influence belongs to influence.

If thousands of people were sent to the stake at one time, the pressure of public opinion alone would overwhelm the Holy See.

It took him a lot of effort to appease the Archangel.

"Three passes are enough, you don't need so many, one is enough!" The blond-haired young man, that is, Michael after he arrived, shook his red wine glass and said.

The black colonel subconsciously looked at the Pope.

The pope nodded to him: "Prepare two!" After speaking, the pope explained to Michael: "I'd better go in with you! It's more convenient!"

Michael nodded slightly noncommittal, crossing his legs and tasting the slightly bitter red wine.

He came to the dimension of this world with two tasks this time, mainly for the Lost Heaven Mountain.

Back in the void, he and Gabriel were severely damaged by the warships under the command of General Deathblade, and millions of angel legions fell into the sand in the void.

Their injuries are irrelevant, relying on the divine weapon of Tiantang Mountain, most of their injuries quickly recovered.

As for the millions of angel legions destroyed in the void, although it is a pity, most of them are just regenerated and insignificant puppets.

Most importantly, they lost the whereabouts of Lost Paradise Mountain,

For this reason, the Lord had no choice but to wake up for three breaths from deep sleep, use His great prophecy, see through the divine power of fate, and find the approximate location of the Lost Heaven Mountain.

Lost Paradise Mountain fell to Earth for unknown reasons.

Out of fear of Gu Yi and Odin, when the Lord was asleep, he didn't know the attitude of the two, even if they were the four archangels, they didn't dare to break into the earth rashly.

However, according to the prophecy of the Lord, both Ancient One and Odin were running out of time. This time, Michael did not descend in real body, but in the form of holy descending, occupying the body of a believer.

One is to facilitate the search for the Lost Heaven Mountain, and the other reason is to pave the way for Heaven to reoccupy the Earth before the two guardians of the Earth fall.

The black colonel looked at the Pope suspiciously, and then secretly glanced at the blond young man, somewhat confused about the relationship between the two.

But a black man who can achieve the position of colonel is not like his own brainless fellows, he knows the truth of prudence in words and deeds.

The convoy came out of the airport slowly and headed towards the city of Leon. The reason why it was slow was because it had to go through five checkpoints when leaving the airport.
The soldiers on duty at these inspection gates are not a system, and even belong to multiple countries. Even with special passes, these soldiers carried out a detailed scan and inspection of the convoy with instruments.

To prevent weapons of mass destruction from being brought into the city of Leon.

You must know that even countries guide news information and public opinion.

There is no lack of distrust of Leon's space gate on the Internet. In the eyes of these people, the existence of the space gate is like an unstable bomb, which will be detonated at an unknown time. Among them are some doomsayers and heretics.

In the past few years, there have been many terrorists who have launched suicide terrorist attacks on the city of Leon.

The convoy left the airport, and the speed began to increase. There were not many vehicles on the newly built expressway leading directly to the city of Leon. The convoy passed by, and the most encountered were military vehicles, and even the machine guns on some Humvees. They are all in a state of live ammunition.

The convoy driving at a high speed soon arrived outside the city of Leon. Through the window, what caught the pope's eyes was a circle of reinforced concrete pouring walls that were tens of meters high.

On the wall, there are patrolling soldiers with guns everywhere, and machine guns are aimed at the city without any concealment. Seeing the convoy driving over, a dense array of surveillance drones flew up on the wall, like a swarm of bees. Hovering over the convoy.

Through the bulletproof glass, the pope could even clearly see the small cigar missile carried on the belly of the drone.

When the speed of the convoy was approaching the gate of the city wall, it had already stopped. Several officers stepped forward, and after checking the pass of the convoy, they signaled to let them go.

"It seems that your Freemasons still have some strength in the military!"

The Pope looked at the distant city wall behind him, nodded towards the black colonel, and said.

The black colonel looked calm: "Your Majesty, this is only the outermost guard of the base. If you want to enter the core area, you must hold the corresponding pass. The inspection inside is more strict. I have already arranged the hotel. You need to bring these personnel in Waiting in the hotel!"

Strictly, the Pope nodded, indicating that he understood. As for Michael, who was at the side, he was looking at the surrounding buildings and facilities and the pedestrians with interest, just like a human being bored watching ants crawling on the ground. group.

The convoy was diverted, and other people in the Vatican were sent to the hotel, while the Pope and Michael were driven by the black colonel to the inner area.

Everything that passed along the way gave the old pope, who had been ill for many years, a clearer understanding of Leon's original alien invasion.

The original city of Leon, with the space gate as the center, was built into a militarized fortress town with a radius of [-] kilometers
Patrol Humvees and soldiers on duty can be seen everywhere on the ground, and black muzzles protruding from the shooting ports can be seen on some reinforced concrete bunkers.

Robots patrolling can be seen everywhere, and it can be seen from their constantly turning heads that they are detecting energy fluctuations.

"Your Majesty, I'm checking again. The two of you are not carrying weapons. The checkpoint in front not only has the most advanced alien detection equipment, but also has mutants on duty. They can detect hidden energy reactions!"

After passing through two checkpoints, the black colonel parked the car in the parking space beside him, opened the door for the old Pope and Michael, and instructed.

"Don't worry about this, we are not carrying weapons!" The old pope said and glanced at the careless Michael.

The presence of this Archangel is no better than any weapon.

The black colonel nodded and led the two of them towards the front checkpoint.

He is just an inconspicuous officer among the officers supported by the Freemasonry, not even the middle level of the Freemasonry, at most he is a thug.

He, who was not qualified to participate in the secret meeting in the Vatican, naturally didn't know that the two of them didn't come to visit, but wanted to gain control of the space gate.

"Hello, please show me your ID!"

In front of the huge alloy gate, an officer stepped forward and stopped the three of them with a wave. The black colonel handed over three special passes.

Drop drop-

The officer scanned the documents with an instrument, and after confirming that they were correct, he led the three of them to the inspection table in front of the Alloy Gate, and followed the three of them to stand on it.

A blue laser envelops the three of them, scanning them from top to bottom.

The latest technology of the Tang Group can effectively identify technological means such as human face masks and imitation faces, and it can also identify magical monsters such as shapeshifters.

At the same time, it can also detect whether the target is carrying a weapon. Even if the weapon is hidden inside the body, it can be scanned by the transmission laser.

At present, this technology has been introduced by the security inspection departments of many countries. If this technology is applied to the airport, it can effectively prevent terrorist attacks.

The biggest impact is to further compress the living space of some humanoid dark creatures.

Of course, all of this is in the plan of a black-hearted boss. There is no living space in human society. Can we live in another place, such as a dark world with a vast land and few people?

Instrumental testing, manual testing, and after several rounds of testing, the three of them finally passed the test. The two-meter-thick alloy gate in front of them slowly opened a small door driven by mechanical gears.

The scene inside the door was beyond the Pope's expectation. The core space of the Leon military base was not as small as he imagined.

On the contrary, the vast space is full of people coming and going, and the ground is full of crossed railway tracks. From time to time, some trains full of ore can be seen passing by.

If it wasn't for the heavily guarded outer layer, it would be hard to imagine that the interior of this military base would look like this.

He always thought that the space door was in a white research room, which was full of people in protective clothing conducting research.

The black colonel led the two of them to a station, and after waiting for less than 5 minutes, a rail car similar to a sightseeing bus stopped beside the three of them.

After the three got on the car to find a place to sit down, the rail car started slowly, as if seeing the Pope's doubts, the black colonel took the initiative to explain:
"Your Majesty, the development of this space gate has not been in a year or two. The World Security Council has established a huge space base station opposite the space gate, with a complete defense system, and our warships are now capable of For the preliminary interstellar voyage, a steady stream of mining ships can mine the ores from nearby meteorite belts and uninhabited planets, and transport them here through the space gate!"

The old pope looked at all this with a dumbfounded look. He even saw a dozen spaceships with extremely sci-fi shapes in the driving map of the rail bus.

He has only been ill for a few years, how can it feel that decades have passed in a flash, and the earth has entered the interstellar era!
Compared to the old pope, Michael's gaze was on the blue light door that was getting closer.

"Space Gem!" Michael chanted the name!

Standing under the space door, the huge blue light door makes people immediately realize their insignificance. At the space door, the old pope finally saw the researcher in a white coat in his imagination,

His eyes fell on the huge rolled up animal skin above the light gate.

"grown ups!"

The Pope looked down at Michael who was beside him. Michael took a step forward, and a pure white light that no one could see clearly came to the door of the space.

The wings spread out on the back, and Michael's holy spirit opened its hands, leaning forward and grabbing the cosmic cube that released blue energy.

Before his hand touched the main body of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, it was blocked by a blue energy flow. Michael tried to use all his strength, and the wings on his back condensed holy light, and even a golden halo appeared above his head.

Chi Chi Chi!
"The gamma rays of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube have exploded in a big way, hurry up, check the situation of the Rubik's Cube!"

Just as Michael's hand was clinging to the barrier outside the Rubik's Cube, the energy detection device in the base suddenly issued a piercing alarm, and then a large number of armed personnel and researchers rushed to the space gate.

Researchers from these countries used various instruments to detect the energy value of the Rubik's Cube, and began to speculate on the cause of the gamma-ray burst.

But neither the high-precision energy detection devices in their hands nor their naked eyes, including the patrolling sentinel robots, seemed to have seen Michael's shadow.

Even under the noses of everyone, Michael still did not let go of his hand grasping the Rubik's Cube, condescending, looking at these mortals arrogantly, just like looking at busy ants.

However, the archangel who looked down didn't notice that a small black head protruded from the roll of animal skin at the space gate at some point, and the golden vertical pupils looked at him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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