Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 280 Enemies with God

Chapter 280 Enemies with God
"The gamma rays emitted by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube have exploded thirty times!"

"The space gate is stable, and the space defense base has been notified, and no intruders have been found there!"

"Turn on the energy scan—"

Ear-piercing warning sounds sounded all over the base, and a dozen small airships quickly rushed to the vicinity of the Rubik's Cube.

A group of soldiers pulled out a cordon near the Rubik's Cube, and the Pope, the black colonel, and the dull-looking Michael were invited out.

On the airship, more than a dozen experts from various countries in white coats gathered around the Rubik's Cube, using various instruments to test the Rubik's Cube.

"Dr. Banner? Look?" An Austrian physicist handed the newly analyzed gamma-ray floating data to the middle-aged white man beside him.

Dr. Banner, who was wearing a white coat and a patterned checkered shirt, was biting the tip of a marker pen in his mouth, flipping through the numerical changes of the Universe Rubik's Cube for 5 minutes before and after, and looking around the Universe Rubik's Cube suspiciously.

This arc of soaring numerical value fluctuates, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the movement when they attacked the cosmic Rubik's Cube barrier when the Kiritas invaded.

Dr. Banner scanned the vicinity of the Rubik's Cube vigilantly, waved his hand, called a federal officer stationed at the base, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The white officer first looked around the Rubik's Cube in surprise, then nodded to Dr. Banner knowingly, and led the two soldiers out.

Since the Yaqi Disaster in Tokyo, Captain, Black Widow, and Hawkeye have all died of snake kisses.
Thor has returned to Asgard, and the Avengers can be said to exist in name only.

In addition, Maria Hill, the newly appointed director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has a big gap with the Avengers for some reason.

Dr. Banner was invited by the federal government, ahem, Minister of Defense General Ross, to become a research expert in this military base, mainly responsible for the research of the Rubik's Cube.

Dr. Banner, who has the identity of the Hulk Hulk, is not only a top physicist and a specially-appointed professor at the military base, but also an important guard force in the base.

As for getting a salary, holding multiple jobs, and thinking about other people's daughters, then don't blame being used by the old man as a cow and horse.

Michael didn't pay attention to the small movements of these human ants. He used his divine power to break the barriers around the Rubik's Cube and get this gem representing space.

As the power of Michael's Holy Spirit became stronger and stronger, the blue energy barrier emitted by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube became more and more flickering.

The energies of the two reached the extreme, the blue light and the white light were entangled together, and in the end, people on the ground could even clearly see the pure white silhouette that complemented the blue light.

A pure white figure, with wings like streamers on the back, and a golden halo above the head.

"Oh my God! Is that an angel?"


"It's an angel!".
Many people near the space gate looked at the figure suspected to be an angel in the sky, and turned their heads to look at each other, discussing,

For these federations, European whites, whether they believe in religion or not, the influence of Catholicism and Christianity can be said to have run through their lives.

Even the elite special soldiers who had been selected by thousands of people hesitated to shoot at this angel-like creature.

Compared with them, some yellow-skinned soldiers, under the command of their officers, raised their assault rifles one after another, aiming at the white light and shadow of the suspected intruder.


Sorry, influenced by ancient oriental civilization, God and angels are far less important than ancestors in the pan-East Asian cultural circle.


Facing the intruders, the leader, a tough Chinese officer, gave an order, and the bullets rained down on the intruders above their heads.

"God said: All blasphemers will be punished eventually!"

The light and shadow of the holy spirit of Michael lowered his eyes, and as he chanted and whispered, the copper-plated steel core bombs fired at him were all still, and then reversed and shot at the guarding force under the space gate at several times the speed.

Whoosh whoosh!

Accompanied by screams, the guard soldiers from various countries in training uniforms fell instantly under the dense bullets.

"Enemy attack!"

The officer who was called away by Dr. Banner quietly sounded the first-level alarm in the base representing the invasion of foreign enemies. With the ear-piercing sound of the alarm, more than a dozen small airships in the sky turned around, the bow weapon nest opened, and various missiles , the energy pulse weapons aimed at the white light and shadow that was tens of meters high.

"The target has been locked, the energy pulse laser cannon is ready!"

"The authorization has been confirmed, and the space-based weapon will enter the predetermined orbit in three minutes and 25 seconds!"

"The Jade and Stone Burning Plan is open, and it is applying for authorization, but the authorization has not been approved. The No. [-] defense plan is in progress, and all passages have begun to be blocked——"

"The Third Federal Aviation Squadron has taken off and will arrive at the designated location in 30 minutes and [-] seconds!"

How much the World Security Council attaches importance to the space gate, let's put it this way, this space gate is the only bridgehead on the entire earth that can cross the solar system and face the universe directly.

For the safety of the space gate, prevent the alien fleet from directly attacking the earth through the space gate.

This Leon base can be said to have gathered the strongest defense force in the world. At the moment the base alarm sounded, all the accesses and exits of the entire Leon military base were blocked by two-meter-thick alloy metal doors.

These alloy metal doors are far harder than the protective armor of the Federation's active tanks. While blocking the entrance and exit passages, the metal doors are immediately connected to an ultra-high current and voltage.

Even the sky extended a blue tortoise shell-shaped energy protection layer. This vibrating gold technology from Wakanda blocked the entire Leon base into a blue birdcage.

The only area connected to the outside world is only a small area above the space door.

And this sky was immediately blocked by Wakanda's Zhenjin fighter jets and airships in the base, and at least twenty satellites in the sky pointed at it from afar.

This area is also reserved for launching space-based weapons from low-Earth orbit satellites in the sky.

At the beginning of the Yamata disaster, although the Federation's "God's Stick" failed to complete its mission, the lethality, destructiveness, and cleanliness of the "God's Stick" made it the satellite weapon of various countries. preferred, and even started an arms race for it.

"Your Majesty the Pope! This?" The black colonel looked nervously at the surrounding walls and the top of his head. The half-meter-thick alloy steel plate closed with a bang, completely turning the base into a cage.

In mid-air, there were flying motorboats galloping everywhere, carrying energy weapons. On the ground road, a large number of heavily armed soldiers rushed to the core area of ​​the base in armed Humvees.

The black colonel looked at the old pope beside him, his back soaked in cold sweat. He had a bad feeling that the sudden alert at the base should have something to do with the two people beside him.

Obviously, he is not the only one who has this idea.

The moment the alarm sounded, the security system of the base checked the list of all personnel entering and leaving the base, and locked 47 suspicious targets.

The dense surveillance cameras in the base immediately locked the location of these 47 people
Several airships similar to the flying motorboats of the Kirita people stopped in front of the three of them, and seven or eight soldiers wearing simple exoskeleton armor got off the airship and surrounded the three of them.

"Three, the base is currently under lockdown. We need to check everyone's information. You can't stay here anymore. Please follow me!"

The thick guns in the hands of these soldiers pointed at the three of them, and an officer gestured politely to the three of them.

The old pope looked back at the angel light and shadow at the space gate in the distance, sighed, and said in a low voice: "How can mortals compete with gods!"


Dr. Banner looked at the white light and shadow in the sky, shook his shoulders, and laughed, "I've beaten more than one of these creatures!"


The white coat on Dr. Banner's body was stretched by his soaring muscles, and a ragged hulk jumped up, leaping tens of meters high, and roared "Hulk!"

Hulk's big slap directly slapped the white light and shadow.


Hulk's slap, which contained dozens of tons of strength, slapped out, as if the slap was in the air, and it was a bye. He was also brought forward and fell directly from a height of tens of meters.

Hulk fell heavily, and his feet stepped on the solid ground to create several deep cracks.


The Hulk raised his arm suspiciously, looked at his big slap, then looked at the white light and shadow in the sky, and let out a roar.

"Some brute ants!"

Michael sneered and looked around at the human weapons aimed at him, as well as the seemingly strong green hunk on the ground.

He is in the state of the holy soul at the moment, and can switch between the soul body and the energy body. With human weapons, how can he touch him in the soul body, unless humans use the black hole weapons of higher civilizations when humans use the void.

The defense system in the military base was turned on, and all kinds of light and heavy weapons, energy weapons, continuously attacked Michael,
But these weapons either passed through the white light and shadow like Hulk's slap, or were bounced back, causing considerable casualties to the guarding soldiers.

"The intruder doesn't seem to have an entity! It seems to be some kind of energy body, superpower crime!"

"Notify S.H.I.E.L.D., retrieve the records of suspected super-powered criminals, and take targeted measures!"

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. aerospace aircraft carrier is approaching the base, and it will be over the base in 27 minutes!"

"The utopia mutant picket team has arrived over the base, and the authority is connected, and the access channel is opened!"

As the deputy king of the kingdom of heaven, Michael naturally knows the several infinite gems that represent the origin of the universe,
Among them, the space gem fell into the hands of Asgard's Asgar gods. In their legends, it was called the fruit of the world tree and the dragon's jewel swallowed by the world-destroying dragon.

In the divine battle between their kingdom of heaven and Asgard robbing the real world, the Asa protoss used this "dragon jewel" to develop the teleportation ability of the Rainbow Bridge.

This is also the reason why the Lord built the gate of the kingdom of heaven later,

Michael did not expect to see this artifact called the Dragon Jade by the Asa Gods here.

When he saw the Rubik's Cube, he chose to do it without any hesitation.

As for the so-called plans considered by the shepherds and those rich mortals, he has long since left them behind. The Dragon's Jewel is not inferior to the treasure of Heaven Mountain.

It's like seeing a piece of gold in an ant's nest. Anyone will think about the gold, regardless of what the ant thinks.

It's just that Michael didn't expect that the power of the Rubik's Cube is so strong, even if he tried his best, he couldn't break the energy barrier around the Rubik's Cube.

"The energy layer surrounding the Rubik's Cube cannot be shaken by ordinary people. Give it up, it is a treasure for all mankind! Even a god cannot easily take it away!"

Just when Michael and the Rubik's Cube were in a stalemate, a powerful stream of consciousness suddenly appeared in Michael's mind, and an earnest voice advised Michael.

"Mortal! Get out!"

Michael's mind was confused for a while, but he reacted instantly, a human being with a strong consciousness tried to control his thoughts in vain.

Michael snorted coldly, and in the sea of ​​consciousness, he revealed his real body, with hundreds of pairs of white light feathers stretched out behind him, emitting endless light and heat, and the power of the holy light washed away all the filth in his consciousness.

A moment later, the buzzing teaching voice in Michael's mind disappeared, just when he thought he had wiped out the consciousness of that ignorant mortal.

In his mind, a bald old man sitting in a wheelchair suddenly and clearly appeared, those eyes that seemed to be able to read people's hearts stared at him with a smile.

"Angel is another person who wants to become a god. Many years ago, I met a mutant who claimed to be a god. He was very powerful and tried to rule the whole world. Unfortunately, he underestimated the human desire for freedom. In the end, he Failed!"

"What is your purpose, to obtain this Rubik's Cube, or to destroy the Stargate, young man, you are making an enemy of the world!"

Cyclops is pushing a high-tech wheelchair on a black bat-shaped fighter plane. Professor X, who is wearing a metal brain wave amplifier on the wheelchair, is muttering words, as if trying to comfort someone.

Although Professor X successfully entered Michael's sea of ​​consciousness by virtue of his mutant ability, he couldn't read Michael's consciousness because Michael's consciousness was too strong.

He obviously didn't realize that the person in front of him was not the superpower or mutant he had previously known, but a real "true" angel without any moisture.


Professor X felt the intruder's consciousness space, and the majestic consciousness energy was by no means inferior to that "Apocalypse"

And in his sea of ​​consciousness, there seems to be another consciousness. He can feel the intruder's admiration and awe for that consciousness,

Professor X tentatively explored the consciousness that seemed to be sleeping.

"Report, the suspected target has been locked. According to the time when the gamma rays erupted from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the suspect is currently locked and the target is Fang Jige! The 265th Pope of the Holy See of the Vatican!"

"No processing authority, the situation has been reported to the World Security Council!"

The Leon military base has more than one complete security system, including hundreds of thousands of surveillance cameras throughout the base, so that this military base jointly managed by various countries has no secrets at all.

The security system designed by Tony Stark, the former president of Stark Industries, and top computer experts and security experts from all over the world, immediately confirmed the identity of the old pope.

Pope of the Vatican!Although in modern society, the pope has almost no real power, but his influence spreads all over the western world.

An energy creature suspected of being an angel and the pope, this has to make people have certain associations.

The command of the base was directly handed over to the World Security Council. In the council, six ministerial-level senior officials from various countries began to remotely command the scene through the real-time video in the base.

"Mr. Fang Jige, we need to know the true identity of the intruder, I hope you don't make it difficult for us!"

In a meeting room in the base, there was a steaming cup of coffee in front of the old pope, and heavily armed soldiers stood around the door and around.

Several remote virtual portraits were projected on several seats in this meeting room. A white old man with blond hair and some thinning hair stared at the old pope in front of him with a serious expression.

Through the white steam wafting from the coffee cup in front of him, the old pope looked around at the few people sarcastically.

"True identity, sir, haven't you heard a proverb that mortals should not look directly at the true God!"

"God!? It's just some aliens with strong vitality. The god you believe in is much stronger than the god of thunder in Asgard. We humans are currently entering the interstellar era. Gods will eventually be swept into the garbage dump !"

Coming from the east, a senior ministerial official in charge of communicating with the World Security Council looked at the Pope with disdain.

"Heretic, you are blaspheming!" The old pope heard the words of the middle-aged man in front of him, and a white holy light rose from his body angrily. The holy light was emitted from the silver cross around his neck, covering his body instantly. whole body.

The vision on the old pope's body immediately aroused the overreaction of the soldiers stationed in the meeting room, and there was a sound of pulling the bolt of the gun.

A series of large-caliber exoskeleton machine guns and energy rifles pointed at the old pope. On the four corners of the roof of the meeting room, several suspected Gatling machine guns slowly began to rotate, aiming at the muzzle of the pope, and entered the preheating state.

"Your Majesty the Pope, you have a strong influence in the world. However, the space gate formed by the Rubik's Cube is the property of the entire world and concerns the interests of the entire human race. Let alone the Holy See, even if the intruder is really Gods"

The blond white man didn't finish what he said, but just gave the old pope a meaningful look.

The old Pope's heart tightened. He naturally knew the subtext of the blond old man. Even in the Middle Ages when the Holy See was in its heyday, it was impossible to fight against the whole world, let alone the modern society with the rapid development of human technology.

In fact, he was also secretly bitter. Originally, according to the plan they had discussed with the Freemasons, the Holy See was responsible for taking control of the scroll of animal skins.

Who would have thought that Archangel Michael would directly want to move that cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Even if he, the pope, claims to be the spokesperson of God in the world, what can he do in the face of the actions of Michael, the vice prince of the kingdom of heaven.

He simply held the cross with both hands and began to pray with his eyes closed.

"King of God's messengers;
excellent messenger; mighty seraph;
You are one of the seven angels before the throne of God;
Fearless challenger, your voice echoes from the vaults of heaven: "As God is!"

You are God's appointed guard;
Glorious Christian winners under the new law;
You have successfully protected women and children;
Subdued the dragon and locked his power;
You are the leader of the Spirit of Light. "

Listening to the old Pope's singing and prayers, except for the senior official from the East and the representative of Wakanda, the faces of the council representatives from the other four countries became extremely ugly, as if their own mother had died.

"Can you explain to me the meaning of this carol?"

The representative of Wakanda couldn't help asking.

"That is a poem written by a priest of the Holy See to praise Michael's glory and glory!"

The representative of France, an old lady with short hair, sighed and looked at the others: "Michael? Everyone! It seems that we are going against God today!"

(End of this chapter)

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