Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 281 Heaven Cake

Chapter 281 Heaven Cake
How powerful is Professor Charles, the mutant who claims to have the strongest spiritual power on the surface.

He can read other people's thoughts and memories without physical contact, can read other people's thoughts within a radius of [-] kilometers, and can also create illusions and manipulate other people's thoughts.

It could be argued that no one wanted to stand in front of Charles, that was as bad as being naked.

Professor Charles, who wears a brain wave amplifier, can theoretically even annihilate the consciousness of all human beings under the amplification of this device.

Professor Charles is also the key to the establishment of Utopia, and can be said to be an artifact of the country that can be compared with nuclear weapons.

At the same time, he is also the most important insurance for this interstellar gate besides the plan to burn everything together.

Professor Charles, relying on the powerful psychic power amplified dozens of times by the brain wave amplifier, blatantly pried open the surface of the intruder's consciousness and entered his psychic space.

It's just that the mental space of the intruder seems to be a little different from what he imagined.
In a pure white space, Professor Charles pushed his wheelchair forward.

The wheelchair rolled on the ground of the pure white space, making a gurgling sound.

But in front of Charles, an upward passage appeared, from which dazzling light was shining into this space of consciousness.

Charles could feel that he was aware of the huge sleeping consciousness coming from this channel.

Unable to suppress his curiosity, Charles pushed open the door. Behind the passage was a staircase made of white jade, extending to the end of the cloud.

The conscious body of Professor Charles pushed the wheelchair along the white passage, searching for the deepest secrets of the intruder's consciousness,
What Professor Charles didn't notice was that as he went deeper, the illusory white stairs under his feet were gradually solidifying...
Going up the white stairs, I don't know how long before Professor Charles, a solemn, grand, sacred and solemn white holy mountain appeared in front of Professor Charles.

The entrance to the White Sacred Mountain is a splendid golden arch.

Looking up at the golden arch that is [-] meters high and supported by six statues of twelve-winged angels.

Looking around the golden arch, a dozen tall and thin figures are floating in the air tens of meters above the ground. Behind them, there are white wings flapping gently.

Angels with white wings rushed up to the sky accompanied by melodious hymns, and the sky was full of holy light,

Along the consciousness space of the holy soul of Michael, unknowingly came to the depths of a certain dimension, the consciousness of Professor Charles, where heaven is located, finally realized something was wrong,
Under Professor Charles' surprised eyes,

Suddenly there was a white and gorgeous holy light rippling in the void, in that round of bright holy light,
A handsome angel stands impressively. As his figure slowly descends, his body has turned into a golden light flowing from a height of [-] meters, like a pure gold statue.

The huge golden light wheel slowly rotated behind him, making a deafening roar, a pair of huge wings stretched out from behind his shoulders, and strange golden light spots fluttered all over the sky.

Six golden blade-like light wings stretched out straight behind the back, reaching a full length of more than [-] meters.

Wearing a triple high crown on his head, the golden light wheel roared, spinning behind his head, wearing a solemn white robe, holding a golden horn in his left hand, and dozens of small bare-bottomed angels hovered faintly above it. The wings on the back of the angel radiated a blinding white light.

His voice had a magical power, as if amplified by hundreds of large loudspeakers, it echoed in Professor Charles' ears.

"Humans, welcome to heaven!"

Gabriel's voice hadn't finished yet, and holy lights rose around Professor Charles,

An angel with six pairs of huge white wings standing behind the holy light surrounded Professor Charles.

Professor Charles looked at the white holy mountain in front of him, looked around again, and looked at those handsome angels, his tone suddenly became a little dry.

"Heaven, am I dead!"

Gabriel looked at Professor Charles with a smile, and shook his head: "Those who believe in the Lord, after death, their souls will return to heaven and be redeemed!"

"But you are different, I don't think even Michael would have thought that someone could come to heaven through the consciousness channel left by his descendant, this kind of thing, even in the long years of heaven, no one can do it! "

"You are very strong, I don't think the Lord would mind having one more powerful fighter!"

"In other words, that person is not a false god, but Archangel Michael!" Professor Charles said with a wry smile:
"Could it be that the charm of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is so great that even you legendary angels are tempted by it?"

"Universal Rubik's Cube?" Gabriel said with some doubts in his tone, but he didn't ask too much.

The matter of the Lost Heaven Mountain was handed over to Michael by the Lord, and he was not responsible for it.

However, Gabriel is still more interested in leading a powerful soul that needs redemption

"It seems that I have become a stowaway! I don't know if there is an extradition treaty between Heaven and Earth. If there is, I don't mind being sent back to Earth!"

Charles looked around, stroking the armrest of the wheelchair with his fingers, under his bald head, there was a smile on that kind face, but there was a glint of gloom in his eyes.

An angel, an angel who robs the Rubik's Cube of the universe and human property, doesn't look like a good idea. He half-jokingly told Gabriel that he has no idea of ​​going to heaven.

At the same time, he keenly noticed the stair passage he came from.

Without waiting for Gabriel to answer, Charles stood up suddenly, and his figure rushed towards the stairs he had come at at a vigorous speed.

"The Lord is the only God, even pagans will be forgiven, I see sin in you, I think you need to repent on the mountain of heaven, atone for your sins!"

Gabriel looked at Professor Charles who was trying to escape to heaven, the wings spread out behind him, and endless holy light shone in the void.

Hundreds of angels pursued Professor Charles, and soon blocked his way.

However, when Professor Charles put his finger on his temple, a powerful and invisible wave of mind instantly swept around, and the large groups of angels standing in front of him collapsed to the ground.

Some of the angels were controlled by him by using the energy of their hearts, and they waved the long sword in their hands, slashing at their companions around them.

Taking advantage of this chaotic situation, Professor Charles rushed down the ladder of heaven in three steps and two steps, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the portal leading to the real world.

With the sound of a horn, a white beam of light enveloped Professor Charles,

In the mind of Professor Charles, the voices of countless believers praying suddenly appeared,

The messy voice and the massive amount of information instantly made Professor Charles's head confused.

Originally, with the psychic ability of Professor Charles, relying on the blessing of the brain wave amplifier, he was able to find the mutant he was looking for among the 60 billion people in the human world.

It can also blow out all the life he perceives at will like blowing out a candle.

It's a pity that the holy beam of light summoned by the horn of doomsday contains the destruction of hundreds of living planets in heaven, the dimensional world, and the prayers and curses of those believers to God in those doomsday disasters.

The huge amount of information contained in it, and the combined spiritual energy is more than a thousand times, ten thousand times more than the entire population of the earth.

Even Professor Charles, whose psychic ability is strong enough to survive outside the body, and whose spirit is majestic enough to rival that of Yanfu Continent, was lost in the sea of ​​belief in heaven for a while.

Under the impact of the consciousness of this huge spiritual sea, he also fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"A very powerful soul is enough to forge a powerful battle angel!"

Gabriel looked at Charles who was struggling in pain, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he said softly.


On the Black Bat fighter plane, Cyclops suddenly noticed that Professor Charles's calm face suddenly twisted, and two streams of blood flowed down his nasal cavity.

Cyclops quickly shook Professor Charles, trying to wake him up, but no matter how hard he tried, Professor Charles, who was in a coma, had no intention of waking up.

On the contrary, the veins on Professor Charles' forehead were protruding, and even the veins were exposed on the smooth bald head, which made people worry about it, fearing that these veins would burst in the next moment.

Several mutants on the spacecraft heard the movement and surrounded them one after another.


"Teacher, how is the professor?"

A group of mutants in X-Men uniforms, including former X-Men members, former members of the Brotherhood of Mutants, and several newcomers recently selected in the Utopia judicial examination.

They now have a unified identity, the mutant picket team responsible for managing the security of Utopia. In layman's terms, they are the senior police in Utopia.

They are mainly responsible for dealing with mutants who rely on mutant powers to do evil in Utopia.

The Leon military base is in the hinterland of Utopia, so they rushed to support as soon as they received the news.

And Professor Charles is the second plan that was originally notified in the Leon military base.

I just didn't expect something to happen to Professor Charles.

As the wall stone of mutants, the safety of Professor Charles can be said to be related to the stability of Utopia.

Soon even Magneto arrived at the Leon base. On the Black Bat fighter, Magneto stepped on a metal plate before he even waited for the fighter to open the door.
He directly waved his hand and opened a door on the metal warehouse wall of the Black Bat fighter,

Quickly came to Professor Charles and looked at this old friend whose seven orifices were bleeding non-stop.

"How is Charles?"

He directly bent over and squatted next to Professor Charles' wheelchair, eagerly looking at the mutant doctor who was examining Charles' body.

"The professor's consciousness seems to be oppressed by some powerful external force. We need to get him out of this oppression as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the blood vessels in his brain can't support the strong pressure, they will burst. I'm afraid, professor."

The doctor hesitated, and tactfully told Magneto about his diagnosis.

"Strong external oppression!?" Magneto looked at the brain wave amplifier on Charles's head, blinked, and wondered if he had heard it wrong.

He and this old friend have been in love and killed for a lifetime, although he is very dissatisfied with Charles' pedantry and human weakness.

But he is deeply aware of the strength of his old buddy, in terms of spiritual power, with the blessing of a brain wave booster, how could there be any creature on the entire earth that can oppress him.

"In my name, let Hank ask the people of the World Security Council to ask clearly, what is the origin of the intruders in the base below?"

At this moment, Magneto, as the head of Utopia, sent a note to the World Security Council in the name of the leader of a country, and even the World Security Council had to pay attention to it.

Soon Utopia's foreign minister, Hank the Beast, brought back news about the invaders from the World Security Council.

In the communicator, Hank's hairy face couldn't hide his shock, "The news from the World Security Council indicates that the intruder is suspected to be Michael!"

"Michael? Which Michael?" Magneto's eyes widened.

"Vice King of Heaven, Angel of God, that Michael in the Bible!" Hank was in a daze when he spoke.

The angel, the Bible, and Magneto looked at Hank in astonishment. After confirming again and again, Magneto looked back at the old man who shrank in pain and had blood on his face.

He gritted his teeth resentfully: "So what about angels, it's not like we haven't killed Apocalypse who claims to be the only god!"

Magneto turned to look at Cyclops: "Scott, where is Jean? Tell her to come here quickly. If it is really the legendary Michael, only Jean can save Charles now!"

"Qin, let her use the power of the black phoenix, but the professor said that?" Cyclops hesitated.

Magneto glared at him fiercely and said: "Charles, it doesn't matter what he said, now only Qin has the ability to enter Charles' consciousness! If you don't want him to die, bring Qin!"

After Magneto finished speaking, he ignored Cyclops, who was struggling, and took out his mobile phone to call Wanda.

"Wanda, where is Tang? I have something very important. He is retreating? My matter is very important. Be sure to inform him!"

"So what about gods, do they think it's still the Middle Ages!
Even if it is a god, it is also the god of your west. We Chinese people are not afraid of any monsters, ghosts, and snakes. Don’t talk about Michael, even if the Lord himself came and wanted to get the idea of ​​Stargate, we should ask the guys in our hands if they are the same. agree! "

A video conference between the heads of six countries was held urgently. The head of state * slapped the table domineeringly: "If you dare not make a move, leave it to us. The satellite is just above the base, and the four Dinghaishen needles are thrown down, I don't believe that Michael's wings can't be beaten!"

"Ahem!" The black president of the Federation, who had just taken office, covered his mouth with his fist and coughed twice.

The French president on the side took the words of the head of state with a wink: "President, the Leon military base is our only bridgehead at present, and the importance of the space gate is self-evident.

Our countries have invested a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources. If space-based weapons are used rashly, the money and energy spent on rebuilding a forward base is trivial. The most important thing is that I am worried that it will affect the progress of interstellar development! "

"Then how do you deal with this matter according to your ideas?" The head of state did not even look at the French president, but stared at the federal president.

The black president of the Federation, who had just taken office, was a bit erratic in the eyes of the head of state: "According to the defense system we built the forward base at the beginning, an intruder is not important at all!"

"Mr. President, I hope that things are really as your country said. It doesn't matter. If the Federation is unable to protect the forward base, then we have a lot of reliable guys in Russia, but the output of Stargate needs to be redistributed in my opinion. !"

The Russian president had a smile on his face, but the meaning in his words was that he wanted to be solid and really wanted to gnaw a piece of meat off the Federation.

"President **, the guarding work of the forward base is still not strong, you don't need to worry about it, the situation in the base is under control now,

Professor Charles has already rushed to the scene. You should know the strength of Professor X. Even the Nordic god of thunder may not necessarily be the opponent of Professor Charles. I think even the archangel Michael in the Bible has the most strength on par with Thor. Comparable! "

The black president put his hands on the desk in front of him, seeming to increase the persuasiveness of his words. This was a common move he used when he was a lawyer!
But compared to this immature president, everyone present is an old fox who has been in politics for many years.

Even the presidents of Britain and France, who have always stood on the side of the Federation, are more or less interested in making plans.

The benefit distribution of the advance base was originally because the Federation was the most powerful and the distance from the Leon base was the closest. There was no way. When the benefits were distributed, the Federation got the most cake.

Seeing that there is an opportunity to redistribute the cake, the leading brother, who was not a leading brother back then, even the loyal followers of the Commonwealth of Great Britain, did not have the ambition to make the glory of the never-setting sun shine again by taking advantage of interstellar development.

"It's best for your federation to solve it independently, but I heard that the people who brought the pope into the advance base were members of your federation military!"

**The president said something with a smile, completely ignoring that the swarthy face of the federal president had turned black and purple.

"The suspect has been brought under control. As for whether he is from our federation, it remains to be investigated! I have asked people from the FBI to verify, and I suspect that he is an agent of a certain country pretending to be!"

The federal president glared at the Russian president, and it was self-evident who the certain country was referring to.

Just when the two stared at both sides like fighting cocks, not to be outdone.

Next to the presidents of several countries who were holding a video conference, a secretary came up one after another and whispered softly.

The next moment, the complexions of the people present became very ugly, especially the federal president,

The Secretary-General of the White House brought him two bad news. The air force colonel who was detained and detained died of poisoning during interrogation.

Charles, whom he had placed high hopes on, suddenly fell into a coma, and the current defense force of the base still had no way to deal with the unknown life form suspected of being an angel.

Obviously, these two things are no secret to the few people present.

Soon, leaders of various countries expressed their attitudes on the matter of advancing the base.

Regardless of the purple eggplant-like complexion of the federal president, the Russian president bluntly said that if the federation couldn't handle it, he could directly mobilize the Black Sea Fleet to help.

**The head of state spoke softly, but he directly put the Dragon Palace satellite into a state of war preparation,
*The prime minister of the country said to the federal president kindly that he could apply to the royal family to send the legendary twelve knights of the round table with extraordinary power to support him.

Among the few people present, only T'Challa, who is not familiar with political struggles, was a little ignorant and did not understand that the heads of state were taking advantage of the situation to exert pressure and wanted to obtain more benefits.

Perhaps because of the same skin color, T'Challa has a somewhat favorable impression of the new president of the Federation, and he directly promised him that he can send Wakanda's elite forces to quickly support the advance base.

He didn't even notice that after he finished speaking, his fellow clan's face became even more ugly.

"Where are the supernatural soldiers we're training, send them there!"

In the presidential office of the White House, the federal president who had just taken office just swept the documents in front of him to the ground and roared at several of his staff.

"Sir, a large part of our super soldiers are trained by the church. You must know that the target we are suspected of dealing with is the legendary angel!"

The Secretary of the White House squatted down to pick up the documents on the ground, and at the same time expressed his opinion to Mr. President, rejecting the President's idea of ​​deploying those super soldiers.

"Then let S.H.I.E.L.D. handle it, and those superheroes, contact them—" Mr. President loosened his tie and sat back on the office chair.

"People from S.H.I.E.L.D. are already on the way. Mr. Stark rushed to the scene as soon as he got the news. Dr. Reed and his team are on the way. With them, I believe the situation will be under control soon! "

The Secretary of the White House summarized the documents in his hand, arranged them neatly, and put them back on the president's desk.

When he heard the secretary-general's orderly words, the federal president's soaring anger disappeared immediately. He opened his hands and expressed his apology: "I'm sorry, ma'am, I lost my composure."

The Secretary-General of the White House shook his head: "Sir, this is our responsibility to help you manage this country. You are the federal president. You have to believe in your rights. Even if they are gods, they can withstand a few nuclear bombs! "

Hearing the Secretary-General's words, the President subconsciously looked at the suitcase. The moment he saw the suitcase, his anxiety calmed down.

Yes, God can withstand a few nuclear bombs.

(End of this chapter)

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