Chapter 282 Commands
The artificial lake is shimmering with waves. Although it is early spring, the entire lake is full of lotus flowers in full bloom.

White, pink, golden, these bowl-sized lotus flowers are swaying in the wind, and they are very beautiful. Under the emerald green lotus leaves, you can faintly see koi carps of various colors swimming. ripple.

On the central island of the artificial lake, on the grassland next to the lake, there is a faint white mist,
In the center surrounded by white mist, a three-inch-tall tender green apple tree bud is absorbing the spiritual mist and growing slowly, with transparent dewdrops dripping down from time to time on the two emerald-like buds and leaves.

An obese big orange is squatting next to the buds of the apple tree, sticking out its tongue, carefully licking the dewdrops dripping from the young leaves.

Ryan, who had just returned from the dark world, got off the plane and came to Huxin Island Manor.
A figure outlined by white mist on the rattan chair by the lake has been waiting for a long time.

Ryan reported to the White Mist Human Shadow: "Boss, everything is going well in hell, the abyss world has been taken down, and the staff of the Dark Council are now accepting adaptations in the dark world!"

"In the weapons manufacturing department, the construction of the first Datang ship has basically been completed, and it will be officially commissioned in three months!"

The figure outlined by the white mist kept his hands crossed, listening to Ryan's report on the situation of this expedition to the hell dimension, as well as the door of weapon manufacturing, various data, configuration, and firepower of the Datang ship..
Regarding this trip to hell, the Daoist Spirit and Blood of the Heavenly Demon Blood Knife is almost equivalent to his second soul. There are some things that Tang Song knows better than Ryan, but he really doesn't know much about the progress of the Datang Ship .

Regarding the Datang ship, in fact, he wanted to imitate and integrate the alien technology purchased by Old Mande.

This is like a certain country in those years. Although it started from a cottage, it might be a shortcut to cross the river by feeling the stones.

Unexpectedly, the construction speed of the weapon R&D and manufacturing department is not slow. It seems that they have thoroughly grasped the scientific research technology brought back by Old Mande.

After a long time, he praised: "Good job, tell the financial department that the weapon research and development and manufacturing department will pay two years more salary this quarter as a bonus!"

Those who make meritorious deeds will be hurt, and those who have done wrong will be punished. Although Boss Tang has been a hands-off shopkeeper in the Tang Corporation, he is well versed in management.

Back then when Yuan Datou was training soldiers at a small station, the most important thing was to pay, pay enough!
"Yes! Boss!" Ryan silently wrote down,

"By the way, Magneto contacted me through Wanda. There seems to be something wrong at the Leon military base. There seems to be something wrong with Professor Charles. I'm at a critical moment now, so it's inconvenient to make a move!"

"Boss, Kane has led people to rush there. He just came back from hell, and he still holds the Ghost Bone Banner in his hand. He can solve this matter!" Ryan said quickly.

Tang Song hummed to indicate that he knew, and then greeted:
"Red Empress, list the public opinion trends about the Tang Corporation on the Internet during this period of time..."

"Okay, Boss!" After a crisp little loli's voice, a light screen appeared in front of the rattan chair, and it began to broadcast all kinds of slanderous reports about the Tang Corporation from all over the world, on the Internet and in the media.

A social networking site in the Federation published "evidence" about Tang's Arms Company being suspected of providing arms to certain free organizations in the Middle East!
After being smeared with a bold marker pen, it was printed with top secret words. It is said that the documents circulated from within the CIA were circulated wildly on the Internet as soon as they were exposed, and instantly detonated the entire Internet.

Although most of these documents have been smeared so that the content cannot be seen clearly, but the top secret and accompanying text commentary, involving nearly [-] million US dollars in arms orders, are enough to make melon-eating netizens rush to a climax.

Less than 24 hours after the arms incident, the Sydney media published a piece of news,
Down's mine in Sydney collapsed, more than 30 miners were buried in the mine!Senior officials of Down Corporation bribed senior officials of the Sydney government to give up the sky-high price of rescue, and the compensation for each family member of the miners was less than US$[-].

This provocative headline, coupled with a photo of a bald middle-aged man who is said to be a senior executive of the Down Group shaking hands with senior officials of the Sydney government, instantly caused Down's Mining Company a lot of abuse.

Eating bread with human blood, and the names of black-hearted capitalists are all put on the head of the Tang Corporation.

The Federal Washington Daily reported that Down's Biological Company was suspected of smuggling rare federal protected animals and conducting inhumane live experiments on these animals.

(The video is accompanied by a chimpanzee being injected with drugs, and some animal protection activists standing at the gate of Down's Biopharmaceutical Company, holding up banners)
The British Sun reported that the real identity of the big boss behind the Tang Group was revealed, and he was suspected to be the leader of the gang. The eye-catching headline was accompanied by a profile photo of Boss Tang.

This article vaguely implied that Boss Tang's fortune was not glorious. The wording in the article seemed to provoke racial antagonism, implying that the rise of the Tang Corporation had robbed whites and blacks of job opportunities in the Federation.

At the same time, the Sun newspaper also discredited the entertainment company under the Tang Group for allegedly choosing a concubine for Boss Tang in Hollywood.

Biopharmaceutical companies were involved in human experiments, financial companies were exposed to manipulating stock prices, and some people even reported to Congress that the Down Corporation had traded power and money in several federal cities and interfered in elections.

The intense storm of public opinion made Tang Group top the trending searches in more than a dozen countries at once, and the voices of abuse and accusations were almost overwhelming on various social media.

Down's shares almost immediately fell.

"Boss!" Ryan looked at the news broadcasts and headlines on the Internet, and soon realized that someone was deliberately targeting them.

Tang Song waved his palms condensed with white mist: "Not long ago, the top leaders of the church, some top families of the Freemasonry, and the chaebols held a secret meeting in the Vatican. The main body of the meeting was the downfall of Tang! first step!"

"Church?! Boss, isn't the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield with us?" Ryan was a little surprised. You must know that the relationship between the boss and the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield has been very close in the past two years.

Especially under the boss's silver bullet offensive, if the boss hadn't cultivated his moral character in the past two years and had no intention of being the president of Lao Shizi, he might have become the president of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield by now.

"The church is the church, and the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield is the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield. This time, the plan of the Holy Shield Brotherhood went wrong, and it was messed up. Heh, who would have thought that at the critical moment of the election for the Pope, there would be a holy descendant?" Angel down!" Tang Song shook his head.

Angel, Michael, or an old acquaintance who met once in the land of nothingness, he appeared on the earth because of the power gem?
Bai Wu of Tang and Song Dynasties was playing with a few copper coins covered with pulp, and he threw them on the ground. Five big five emperor coins rolled and fell on the lawn, showing the shape of a falling plum blossom.

Bai Wu of Tang and Song pinched his fingers, and the five Big Five Emperors coins on the grass made a soft noise.

"Lost Paradise Mountain?" After a long time, Tang Song, who figured out the arrival of the archangel Michael, turned a little weird.

If he remembered correctly, the continent that Michael was looking for and brought back from the land of nothingness should be in hell now!

The abyss world blocked by the demon blood knife

Even if the Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Knife incorporates the power of the origin of this hell, the transformation of this abyss is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

The river of blood flows around the abyss world and converges into the central depression of this abyss world, forming a sea of ​​blood.

In the center of the sea of ​​blood, a continent undulates in the sea of ​​blood. Amidst the chilling sound of the tsunami sucking blood, on the continent, some blood-colored figures keep flying up from the continent, flapping their blood-colored wings and flying to all parts of the abyss!
The lost continent that absorbed the energy of hell no longer gave birth to angels, but biological weapons named Shura by the blood Taoists.

The Man-made Lake Manor and the Red Queen are still broadcasting the slander and exposure of the Tang Corporation on various social media on the Internet during this period of time.

Under the impact of people's opinions and Qiu Fu's hearts, the comments on the Internet in the western world are almost all one-sided to boycott the Tang Corporation.

The ignorant are fearless, and even in some areas, some brothers Ni who don't know the real identity of Boss Tang organized a group to buy some enterprises under the Tang Group for zero yuan.

On the contrary, netizens from countries such as *, Japan, and South Korea expressed their enthusiasm for an oriental man who has become a plutocrat in the federation.

"Those years when I was the big brother in the federation!"

"This is the real version of Godfather"

"What is the godfather? You haven't heard that even this federal election has his shadow behind the scenes!"

"That's why our Grandfather is doing reverse colonization this time. We won the Federation and saved our lives!"

"*Guo Tang is awesome——"

"It's so inspiring, I suspect that this boss must have some kind of super power!"

"Upstairs, it's money ability. The current market value of the Tang Corporation has exceeded one trillion yuan!"

"Hollywood chooses a concubine, this is a plot like an emperor, you say *Guo Tang, have you ever slept with ****, ****, they are all my goddesses"

"Upstairs, I've checked. Although Down's Entertainment Company has only been in Hollywood for a few years, they have strong financial resources. They have been involved in several recent big productions. Unfortunately, your goddess also participated in it. With Hollywood's urine Sex, your goddess may have been given to **** by *Guotang"

"Ahh, *Guotang, damn it!"

Boss Tang couldn't help laughing at those comments below the video, and felt like he was back surfing the Internet.

But not all comments are so sandy.

Boss Tang was very upset by some comments that asked the Tang Corporation to get out of the federation.



"Since they are all saying that we are a *society, then we should show the attitude of a *society and do what we should do. The Red Queen has compiled a list of chaebols who participated in the Vatican's conference on the downfall of Tang, and those Talkative media execs, inform the High Table and Sloan that I want to see them in the paper!"

"Yes! Boss!"

"Boss, what should we do with the church?" Ryan hesitated.

"Hasn't the Datang warship been built? Pull it out and fire a cannon at the Vatican!" The white mist that made up Tang Song's body slowly drifted toward the center of the lake.

"I have calculated that our allies are not in danger of their lives. Rescue them and change the owner of the Vatican!"

After Ryan saw it, he quickly said: "Bombard the Vatican, boss, isn't this a bit loud!"

"There's a lot of movement?" The drifting white mist stopped, and the white mist turned to look at Ryan: "What do we have to be afraid of now, um,
Are you worried about public opinion?You go to Mrs. Austria, get a presidential decree, and say that the bandit accomplices who destroyed the Federation's Stargate are hiding in the Vatican!Let's fix things! "

"Yes, boss!"

Leon military base, artillery fire in the core area

In the military base, airships, spaceships, chariots, and even railcars for transporting ore, all means of transportation are in full swing to evacuate a large number of scientific researchers and those valuable equipment outside the base.

Prepare for the possible follow-up heavy fire attack.

At this time, at the core of the base, near the space gate, a black-scale dragon with the thickness of a water tank was surrounding the white light and shadow tens of meters high, and the two were struggling together.

Countless lightsabers erupted from the white light and shadow, constantly slashing at the dragon. The scales on the surface of the black dragon's body were covered with a layer of water-like ripples, blocking these lightsabers.

The body of this black dragon entwined tightly on Michael's light and shadow, and that illusory light and shadow forcibly transformed into a solid body under the mysterious light emitted by the black dragon's scale armor.

Being strangled tightly by the ever-tightening body of the flood dragon, it kept tightening. At the same time, the sharp claws of the flood dragon clasped the wings behind the white light and shadow, and bit his neck with its sharp teeth.

The neck of the human-shaped light and shadow became pitch black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, the blackness was spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Michael pushed his hands outward, trying his best to avoid being strangled by the black python. The sharp pain and gradual numbness in the holy soul made his hands gradually lose their strength.

What kind of snake is this? Even the venom of the poisonous snake in the Garden of Eden cannot infect the Holy Soul, which represents holiness!

Michael's consciousness gradually became a little fuzzy, and vaguely, he saw the huge black python devouring him with its bloody mouth open.

Michael felt a little regretful in his vague consciousness. Not long ago, he couldn't break through the energy barrier of the Dragon Jade for a long time, so he thought of tearing off the animal skin roll to see what happened.

Unexpectedly, a small black snake that looked like a decoration on the animal skin suddenly burst out and bit him. He was obviously in the state of a holy soul, but the black snake went down in one bite, and the poison directly killed him.

Then the black snake exploded into a black python, wrapping him tightly.

The scales of this black python are hard and unreasonable, even His holy light cannot split the scales of this black python.

He changed forms one after another, trying to avoid the entanglement of the black python with the help of illusory ability, but he didn't expect that the black python could also illusoryly transform into an energy form.

If Xiao Hei knew that Michael called it a black python, he would immediately spray Michael's face with a mouthful of venom to wake him up for a while.

He is a flood dragon, a black flood dragon that is about to transform into a real dragon!
On the top of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, with the help of the animal skin scroll, Xiao Hei has continuously absorbed the power of the space gem, and has transformed into a four-clawed dragon, which not only has the ability to control water and wind.

Because of the power of the space gem he absorbed, he has the ability to control space.

So even if Michael is blurred, he still can't avoid Xiao Hei's strangulation,

"Who can tell me what these two creatures are, a white angel, and some kind of snake-shaped alien creature? Which one is the invader!"

Tony Stark, who came to support after receiving the news, flew in mid-air, looking at the two sides fighting around the Rubik's Cube, a little stunned, and directly let Jarvis connect to the communication system of the base.

(I just got the news today that my friend’s father is brain-dead and works in a hospital. I don’t know if I need to go home tomorrow to help repair the grave. It will take me two days. It looks like I won’t be able to go back to Jinan.)
(End of this chapter)

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