Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 283 Solve the real big trouble

Chapter 283 Solve the real big trouble
Buzz Buzz!

The nano-suit on Tony Stark's body differentiated into three round shield-shaped laser emitters, suspended in front of him, and the rows of energy storage devices on the emitters lit up at a speed visible to the naked eye, aiming at the The entangled angel and python below!
"Mr. Stark, this black dragon is our boss' pet!"

A voice was connected to Tony Stark's communication channel at this time. Before the voice in the communication channel fell, a huge aerospace aircraft carrier released its stealth mode and appeared over the Leon base.

Frank took the lead and jumped down with a dozen S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stepping on the Dark Magic skateboard, and soon came to Tony Stark.

"Jiaolong!? Catch me?"

Tony Stark repeated the awkward vocabulary, and silently asked Jarvis to retrieve the information.

"Jiao, the genus of the dragon. There are [-] fish in the pond, and the leader of the jiao can lead the fish to fly into the water, and the jiao will go away.

"The dragon is like a snake with four legs, and it belongs to the dragon."

"The mother dragon is called Jiao!"

Jarvis quickly gathered the retrieved information in front of Tony Stark, and translated the text into the federal language that Tony Stark could hear.

"In Eastern legends, there is a boa constrictor with four legs and one horn. According to legends, its body shape can change at will, and it has the ability to control wind and rain. In Eastern mythology, it is the master of the underwater world!"

Tony Stark looked down through the panel of the steel suit, just in time to see Xiao Hei's growing figure, the python body wrapped around the white light and shadow grew from the thickness of a water tank to the size of a car. , the big mouth that looked like a giant snake opened, the big mouth full of fangs, like a black hole in the abyss, swallowed the upper body of the white light and shadow in one gulp.

Under the black tone of the giant python, the pure white light radiating from the white angel's light and shadow is continuously dyed into mottled variegated colors.

The giant black python kept swallowing, and the pure white angel light and shadow supported it vigorously, but the giant python kept spitting out black venom,

In the poisonous mist, the angel's light and shadow were corroded and riddled with holes, and were quickly swallowed by the giant python, leaving only a pair of legs flopping outside.
Torstak saw the light and shadow struggling constantly. This disgusting scene made him frown constantly. This scene reminded him of the scene when he went hunting in a country manor when he was a child. He saw a scene where a snake devoured a field mouse. The sight of struggling in his mouth gave him nightmares for days
For snakes, I believe not many people would like them. If they hadn't just found out that the black snake was an ally, they would just look at the appearance of the black snake and the angel's light and shadow, and the scene of the giant python devouring the angel at this time.

Tony Stark had already blasted a row of missiles towards the black snake.

"Is this Don's pet?"

Tony Stark suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and turned to look at Frank: "It seems that your boss likes this strange creature very much. It seems that the rumors on the Internet about your Down Group smuggling rare animals are not groundless!"

Frank heard Tony Stark's sarcasm, and responded calmly: "If I remember correctly, there have been rumors on the Internet recently that Stark Industries plans to re-enter the arms market. I think Mr. Stark should Don't have this idea?!"

Tony Stark frowned, ignoring Frank.

At present, Stark Industries has a strategic cooperation relationship with Tang Corporation in the field of energy, and the two parties have jointly monopolized most of the clean energy in the western world.

Therefore, in this wave of public opinion attacks, not only the Tang Corporation was splashed with dirty water, but Stark Industries and the Osborne Group were not spared either.

The Osborne Group's suspected human experimentation was rediscovered, and Stark Industries was discredited and planned to re-enter the military industry and return to the arms market.

For Tang Song, Tony's senses are very subtle. He faintly sensed that many things that happened in the past few years, including the terrorist attack on the State Guest House, the death of Nick Fury, and even the recent attack on Tokyo by a giant snake, were behind the scenes. The shadow of the Down Group.

The reason why he has been working hard to develop the Tang and Song battle suits is that he feels that Tang and Song are behind many events.

After the Tokyo snake incident, he used Jarvis to secretly investigate the Down Group.

Tony discovered that in the past few years, the Tang Group under the control of Tang Song has been using charity to clean up.

In two years, Tang and Song donated as many as ten figures, dedicated to education and poverty alleviation in poor countries, medical services, and food problems in some poor countries in East Africa.

Even the United Nations nominated him as a world peace ambassador last year.

If this can be said to be a show, then Tony Stark investigated that since Tang and Song took control of the federal underground world, the murder rate in the federal territory dropped by 80.00%.

Some human trafficking and organ smuggling industries have suffered violent blows.

Smuggling, money laundering, counterfeit banknotes, rape, theft, robbery, killers and other black pillar industries, due to vicious competition in previous years due to business competition, violent incidents have dropped by 70.00%.

Well, even in some places, even some brothers Ni are much gentler in collecting protection fees. After they grab your wallet, they won't just make up for it.

On the contrary, the detection rate announced by the police department to the outside world is increasing year by year.

Naturally, this is not the federal police who just huddle in the police car and eat hamburgers and fries. The quality of the state police has improved.

Tony Stark once hacked into a police station in a Los Angeles neighborhood and retrieved the surveillance video data of that police station.

He found that once the police station received a difficult complaint, or was asked by the city government to increase the detection rate,
They don't need to waste a lot of police force, just make a phone call, and the person in charge of the block will come forward to solve it.

Obviously, the underground world, driven by certain forces, has formed an indescribable order. This order is like a huge spider web, gradually covering the entire federal underground world.

Compared with the chaotic and disorderly underground world in the past, Tony Stark can't tell whether this change is good or bad, but it is obvious that this change is different from Tang Song, the former emperor of the underground world, and his Tang Group. No relationship.

During the investigation during this period, Tony Stark has obtained a lot of criminal evidence of the Down Group.

Smuggling, political and business collusion, malicious manipulation of stocks, and even the secret accounts opened by the Down Group in Swiss banks for those high-level politicians.

However, these evidences are obviously not what Tony wants. In any country, a large interest group rises up, just like a real estate developer surnamed Wang said, some tea money must be given.

Any conglomerate company in the world, including his Stark Industries, would have an unclean foundation if one were to examine it carefully.

As far as Tony Stark himself knows, when Stark Industries' public relations department first contracted the federal arms order, the amount of money that was handed out every year was as high as eight figures, which is not counted as some small gifts.

The Tang Corporation can't be brought down by relying on what he found alone. What Tony Stark is looking for is the evidence related to the several vicious terrorist attacks in the past few years.

Although he is just conjecture, he can see Tang and Song Dynasties in it after careful study of the eventual beneficiaries after the outbreak.

Former President Francis Underwood succeeded in taking office after the terrorist attack on the State Guesthouse,

Tang Song's bodyguard named Kane became the director of the Secret Service under the president's military control, although it only lasted for three months.

But even during Francis Underwood's tenure,
Not only did the Tang Group receive a large order from the federal military, but they also took advantage of the chaotic situation in which many consortiums fell into chaos due to the death of the head of the state guesthouse attack to expand aggressively.

Tang Song himself even became a member of the Federal Congress.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Francis Underwood's defeat in the presidential election to check up on the former president.

It's just that a bizarre air crash caused the former president to sink into the sea with 47 passengers of a Boeing plane, and the news was lost.

His investigation, too, has stalled.

Before he investigated Tang Song, the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, asked his most powerful subordinate to investigate an energy smuggling incident of the Tang Corporation

As a result, the man known as the strongest agent of mankind died in the assassination of his most trusted subordinate.

On the way of investigating Natasha's whereabouts, Hawkeye triggered the eruption of Mount Fuji in Japan, awakened the Yamata no Orochi, and finally caused the Tokyo snake disaster that shocked the world, and even the captain died in Shekou.

The captain and the Coulson agent were both investigating Tang Song and his Tang Group. According to Agent Coulson, they found a counterfeit banknote manufacturing den of the Down Group in Detroit.

The scale of counterfeit banknotes flowing from this den to the world every year can reach hundreds of billions of dollars.

After the deaths of the two men, these investigations were not over.

Even the former subordinates of Tang and Song dynasties transformed into the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

All of these are self-evident.

Tony Stark looked around at these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were on flying skateboards and had Black Eagle badges on their chests, and couldn't tell whether these people were security personnel of the Down Corporation or employees of the federal government.

"I hope there will be news from the Winter Soldier as soon as possible!"

A glint of haze flashed in Tony Stark's eyes.

In the Leon base, seeing that the guardian snake was about to devour the invading angel, the guards in the base could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

You must know the low-earth orbit in outer space, but there are more than [-] orbiting satellites aimed at this place. No one knows how many space-based weapons these satellites carry, except for the high-level countries to which the satellites belong.

The security and defense personnel in the base really dare not bet that if the Rubik's Cube and the space gate are in danger, will those high-level government officials think about giving them time to evacuate before pressing the launch button of the space-based weapon.

Just when everyone's heart was finally let go, a burst of angelic praises suddenly resounded through the base, and a passage was opened out of thin air in the void. At the end of the passage, the lights and shadows of countless angels could be faintly seen, like angels like flower petals. Surrounded by a handsome angel holding a long sword, the angel saw the light and shadow in the mouth of the giant snake through the passage, his eyes were filled with infinite anger, and hundreds of wings spread out behind him.

A thick pillar of holy light projected from the passage, and it was reflected in Xiao Hei's half-open mouth.

Under the erosion of the little black snake's venom, Michael's holy soul, which was originally motionless, suddenly condensed into a huge light cocoon under the illumination of the main body's holy light beam
Then, in the eyes of outsiders, a glaring white light exploded from the mouth of the giant black python.

In the white light, a handsome angel phantom opened the throat of the one-horned giant snake with both arms, stepped on the holy light, and walked out step by step.

Just like the myths and legends recorded in the Bible, the scene where the angel subdued the thousand-year-old snake, everyone in the base was dumbfounded. Some believers who believed in Catholicism and Christianity even crossed themselves on their chests while muttering.

Xiao Hei was violently pushed open from the mouth by the "person", and transparent drops fell on the ground along the fangs, and the metal ground of the base was immediately corroded and pitted.

Seeing that the chubby fat was about to slip away, a trace of tyranny flashed in the little black and golden vertical pupils.

It shook its head vigorously, and bit down its sharp fangs that were comparable to ordinary magic weapons. At the same time, the black mysterious light on the scales continuously pulled the surrounding water vapor, and soon all the water vapor in a radius of thirty miles around the base was drawn by him. A cloud of black mist gathered around him,

The huge black dragon shuttles through the clouds, like a real dragon in oriental myths and legends.

The dragon generates wind from the cloud and the tiger, and under the blessing of water vapor, Xiao Hei used his powerful body and ability to control water flow and cloud energy to mobilize all the strength of his whole body to chew the white copper pea in his mouth.

When the two are at a stalemate,

Frank stepped on the black magic skateboard and came to Xiao Hei's side at this time, a few streamers of blue light flew out of his hands, turning into a few coffin nails covered with mottled bronze and rust,

These coffin nails pierced into the soles of the struggling angel's feet at extremely tricky angles.

The holy soul of Michael was pressing his hands against the jaw of the giant python. He suddenly felt a numbness in the soles of his feet, and a burst of cold breath spread along the soles of his feet to his whole body. The little energy recovered, like a punctured balloon, instantly poured out along the hole in the sole of the foot.


Taking advantage of the situation, Xiao Hei opened his mouth and swallowed the holy soul of the vice-lord of the kingdom of heaven into his stomach!
“Great satisfaction!”

With a bulging snake belly, Xiao Hei rubbed his big head against Frank's body. His cold golden pupils stared at Tony Stark, and then turned into a wisp of black light and circled around Frank's wrist. .

"Tony, where is the intruder?"

Dr. Reed rushed here after receiving the news that the forward base had been invaded. He had just brought his team to the Leon base. As soon as he got off the plane, he came to a family in the base under the guidance of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Hospital.

The spacious consulting room is now full of people.

Dr. Reed grabbed an acquaintance, patted his shoulder and asked.

At this time, Dr. Banner, who had changed his clothes and skin, turned his head and squeezed an awkward smile at Dr. Reed.

"The intruders in the base have been wiped out, Dr. Reed, you came just in time. Now we have encountered a major event related to the safety of the world!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but squeeze Dr. Reed's hand into the crowd, and said very politely, "Excuse me, please step aside!"

After some bad-tempered mutants were squeezed, they couldn't help turning their heads and glaring at the two of them, but when they came into contact with Dr. Banner's harmless face, they all leaned aside politely. The two left a passage,

"Professor Charles, what happened to him?"

Dr. Reed was forced into the center of the crowd by Banner. At this time, five or six people were surrounding a wheelchair in the center of the consultation room.

An old man wearing a high-tech helmet and an oxygen tube is sitting in a wheelchair.

Dr. Reed recognized the old man in the wheelchair as Professor Charles, the leader of the mutants. Among the crowd around him, there were many acquaintances he knew or knew,

Tony Stark, Magneto.
It seems that something happened to Professor Charles, but what does this have to do with the world crisis.

Dr. Reed cast a puzzled look at Dr. Banner.

"Reed, what do you think would happen if a nuclear bomb suddenly changed its trajectory during launch and disappeared from the radar?"

Dr. Banner glanced at the crowd, leaned over to Dr. Reed and whispered in a low voice.

"Nuclear bomb? What does this have to do with the scene in front of you?" Reid didn't quite understand what Dr. Banner wanted to express.
But from Dr. Banner's words, he heard the seriousness of the matter.

An out-of-control nuclear bomb will be a disaster no matter where it falls, and it may even trigger World War III.

"With Charles' spiritual energy and brain wave amplification equipment, the brain wave consciousness he radiates is enough to cover the whole world. If he is really controlled by someone with a heart, the whole earth will be in danger. Qin, here, only you can Enter the doctor's spiritual consciousness and find him back!"

In the crowd, Magneto, wearing a dark red helmet, was persuading the woman on the side, and when his words heard Dr. Reed's ears, a chill went straight to his heavenly spirit along the tailbone.

He turned his head stiffly, looked at Dr. Banner, and was meeting Dr. Banner's wry smile.

(Phew, there are many rules for funerals in my hometown, juniors, sit down and toast, listen to the yelling, and smile wryly)

(End of this chapter)

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