Chapter 284
"Mr. President, we cannot trust the safety of the world to one woman,
Uh, ma'am, I don't mean to offend," the middle-aged man with slightly thinning hair bowed his head slightly to the red-haired woman beside him, expressed apology, and continued:

"But I think that neither the Federation nor Utopia can bear the risk of Professor Charles losing control. We should be able to find a better way!"

The middle-aged man came from the Federal Ministry of Defense and was a senior official in the Office of the Minister of Defense. When he heard Magneto's words, he noticed the red-haired woman rushing over.

Jean Gray, formerly a teacher at Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys, a member of the X-Men, is currently serving as the Minister of Education of Utopia.

In his mind, information about women is quickly filtered

There is a secret list marked with danger levels in the Ministry of National Defense. In this secret list, there are many dangerous people who have powerful mutant abilities and can threaten the national security of the Federation.

Professor Charles is at the top of the list, and Magneto is at the top of the list, but Jean Gray, who is harmless to humans and animals and does not have many outstanding achievements, is not among them.

He didn't think Jean Gray was capable of controlling Professor Charles' out-of-control situation.

Therefore, the person in charge sent by the Federal Ministry of Defense directly denied Magneto's proposal to use Jean Gray to wake up Professor Charles, and insisted on finding other ways.

And what he called another way...

"Your so-called better way is to turn Charles into an idiot! Son of a bitch, Charles is a member of our Utopia, and it's not your Federation's turn to dictate!"

After hearing the official's words, Magneto clenched his fists and his face became extremely ugly. He has always been very restrained and yelled at the official directly.

Dr. Reed keenly noticed that the metal in the entire treatment room was trembling slightly at this moment.

Obviously, the energy accumulated by Magneto because of his anger has reached the verge of explosion at this moment.

Dr. Reed nudged Banner with his elbow, and when Bruce Banner turned his head, he gave him a questioning look.

"The experts at the base, the doctor's suggestion is to directly remove the front lobe of Professor Charles' brain!" Banner turned back and whispered in Dr. Reed's ear.

"This?" Dr. Reed immediately understood why Magneto was so angry after hearing this.

It is true that the Federation has gone too far in this matter.

Professor Charles had an accident in order to protect this advanced base. Not only did the federal side not actively assist, they even wanted to turn Professor Charles into an idiot once and for all.

Turn this dangerous man into an incapable idiot.

No wonder the faces of the people around here are not good-looking.

It is true that the out-of-control Professor Charles has threatened the security of the whole world. From the perspective of the so-called all mankind, the Federation has done the right thing.

But the federation didn't consider the feelings of other people present at all.

Not to mention others, even he himself was extremely uncomfortable hearing the federation's attitude towards Professor Charles.

To sacrifice voluntarily is for greatness, and to be sacrificed voluntarily is conspiracy.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad, no one wanted to be the one who was sacrificed.

"Mr. President, this is a last resort decision for the sake of world security! I hope you can understand. I think Professor Charles would understand and support this decision if he knew it." The official still wanted to persuade Magneto to make a decision as soon as possible.

"Get out!" Magneto gave the official a stern look, "If you made this decision on behalf of the federal government, then I don't mind declaring war on the federal government!"


As if to prove his determination, the metal utensils in the entire treatment room were suspended and aimed at everyone in the treatment room except the mutants.

And some radical mutants in the crowd also followed Magneto and prepared to attack.

Several Ministry of National Defense soldiers brought by officials in the crowd stretched their hands to their waists, ready to draw their guns at any time.

Frank waved his hand, and his S.H.I.E.L.D. agents began to move, quietly separating the mutants from the DoD soldiers.

Looking at Magneto's bloodshot eyes, the official swallowed, but still insisted: "Mr. President, I hope you will be responsible for what you say! Declare war on the Federation, with your Utopia's national strength..."

As soon as the official's words fell, a scalpel stabbed directly at his face under high-speed vibration.

For a moment, the officials seemed to have seen the scene of their own skulls being pierced.

When Dr. Reed was about to extend his banana arm to stop the scalpel,
A laser shot out from the side, deflecting the scalpel.

The blazing high temperature of the laser directly melted the scalpel into a pile of red scrap iron, which fell to the ground with a clang.


In the eyes of everyone, Tony Stark lowered his arm. At his wrist, the arm parts of the nano-suit slowly faded into the ark reactor on his chest like mercury.

"Calm down, I know everyone is very excited right now,
But you'd better keep your emotions under control."

Facing everyone's gaze, Tony Stark directly reached out and tapped the black watch on his wrist a few times, and a virtual brain CT image emerged on the watch.

Tony Stark pointed to an area of ​​the scanned brain cT virtual image and introduced to everyone:
"Removing the front lobe does turn a normal person into an idiot,
This is the method used by mental hospitals to deal with some manic patients!

But obviously, our patient is not a manic patient! "

"If his spiritual energy is really strong enough to control the life and death of everyone on the earth,
For him, that physical body is a wall that controls this huge force.

If the frontal lobe is removed, it is equivalent to manually dismantling a dam to stop the flood! "

Tony Stark looked at the sweaty Ministry of Defense officials:
"Once he is manipulated by others, the damage to the earth will be devastating. You can call the White House now and ask those people in the White House if they can accept this consequence!"

Without waiting for the official to refute and answer, Tony Stark turned his head and looked at Magneto: "Just when the giant snake devoured the unknown creature, a passage appeared in the void,

I scanned that energy channel with an energy scanner, and accidentally caught a mental wave. Just now, when I was analyzing Professor Charles's brain wave, I found that the frequency of this mental wave was as high as 96% similar to that of Professor Charles. %! "

"You mean that Charles fell into the hands of the angel, the unknown creature..."

Magneto frowned when he heard Tony Stark's words.

If the unknown creature is really an angel, wouldn't the end of the passage be heaven.

To think that Charles, an old friend of many years, went to "heaven"!Professor Charles had a very strange feeling in his heart.

"Is there any way to bring Charles back?"

Magneto stared at Tony Stark and asked.

Regardless of whether it is heaven or not, he needs to find his old friend back.

"I tried to locate that passage, but unfortunately the opening time of the passage is too short!" Tony Stark shook his head.

"The energy capture device didn't capture the location of that channel! I need time..."

"Another way is to locate Professor Charles' mental fluctuations!
As long as I find out where his mental fluctuations are, I can locate the spatial fluctuations.

But we need an anchor point! "

When Magneto heard what Tony Stark said, he turned his attention to Jean.

"Let me do it!" Qin nodded, walked to Professor Charles, raised her hands, and was about to caress Professor Charles' temples.

"Wait!" Tony Stark raised his hand suddenly, stopping Qin from moving.

"Ma'am, the energy fluctuations on the other side of the channel are very powerful. You just need to sense the position of Professor Charles and provide us with a coordinate point..."

"Powerful?" Qin looked back at Tony Stark, smiled sassyly, and then pressed Professor Charles' head with both hands.

Looking at the woman with fluttering red hair and slightly closed eyes, Tony Stark inexplicably thought of his old friend Black Widow.

When he was sighing, the corners of his eyes suddenly turned to his side.

Magneto's figure moved back a little at some point.

Catching Tony Stark's eyes, Magneto twitched his mouth in embarrassment.

He wasn't afraid of the terrifying phoenix power in Qin's body.

Thinking of the scene where Tianqi, who was as powerful as a god, was turned into flying ash in the pervasive power of the phoenix.

Magneto felt a little beating in his heart.

Qin pressed Professor Charles' temples with both hands, and spiritual power invaded Professor Charles' mind.
Perceiving Professor Charles' spiritual consciousness that was originally as deep as the sea, it is now so dry that there is almost no spiritual power.

Qin's consciousness followed the traces of Professor Charles' spiritual power, and chased it out into the void.


Paradise, in the mythical history of Western civilization,

Heaven is often associated with beauty and holiness.

The biggest wish of Christians and Catholics is to go to heaven after death.

According to the teaching of the Bible, sinners cannot go to heaven

So in the Middle Ages, the Holy See even made something called the Atonement Scroll for this purpose.

It is preached that if you buy the Atonement Scroll, you can redeem your sins and go to heaven.

For a while, nobles and commoners in the Western world rushed to buy it, and the Holy See made a lot of money as a result, and once became the richest group in the entire European world.

In the myths and legends of any religion, there is an utopia where the ideals of believers can be entrusted.

In this fantasy world, all the beautiful fantasies of the believers are entrusted.

The endless river of milk, the delicious food everywhere, the golden gems on the trees,
A naked beauty in a veil, no work, no disease, no pain, only endless life and endless enjoyment.

These ideal worlds are not static, but constructed according to the needs of real human beings.
In some modern religions, in the ideal world described, there is even a game room that is always connected to the Internet, and even the angel responsible for guiding is replaced by the goddess in the game.

Buddhism has Paradise, Catholicism is heaven, Asgard has Valhalla...

Buddhism talks about reincarnation, Catholicism preaches after death, and Asgard talks about entering the Hall of Valor after a heroic battle.

No religion talks about the present, it's all about the future, after death, the next life, reincarnation.

The beauty of illusory things is that they are far away, and the most beautiful flowers are seen in the fog

Once in close contact, it is like the reason why the peacock is beautiful because of the long distance. Once you get close, you will see the ugly butt behind the peacock. After the colorful feathers, only the ugly remains. up.

Above this tumbling sea of ​​clouds, in front of the towering gate of heaven, under the quiet and ancient holy light, a conflict is erupting.

The handsome angel with hundreds of pairs of light feathers stretched out from behind held the divine sword burning with raging holy flames, aiming at Professor Charles from afar.

The anger in those silver eyes could almost burn the entire sea of ​​clouds.

Professor Charles looked at the angel in front of him, and his eyes fell on the Vulcan sword held in Michael's hand. White, holy white light shone and entangled on the sword.

That was Michael's holy power churning.

The Vulcan Sword, this legendary weapon has a reputation resounding in countless worlds, and the meaning it represents is far heavier than its own existence.

Michael is wearing armor.

There are golden armors, some are white, and the holy light that looks like thunder is beating on the wings on Michael's back like an electric current.

The long white hair fluttered in the wind, and the furious Michael was like a lion king patrolling his territory. The mountain-like power was still heavy, still oppressing all living beings.

In Charles's spiritual vision,

The white holy light centered on Michael, and that white light formed a floating sea of ​​light,
Just by looking at it, one can't help but kneel down.

The power of the gods is like the sea, no exaggeration.

Professor Charles was sitting in a wheelchair. In mid-air in front of him, hundreds of angels turned their backs to him, holding holy lightsabers and stopping in front of Michael.

Blocked his passage to the real world.

"Mortal! You want to stop me!"

A broken wing can be vaguely seen in the clean wings behind Michael, and scorched black marks can be clearly seen on the root of the broken wing.

At this moment, Michael was extremely angry. The pain of being torn apart made him wish to rush to the latitude of reality immediately, and cut the black python into countless pieces.

But the human in front of him dared to stop him!

"Angels represent holiness in the Bible! You don't act like an angel!"

Professor Charles' figure is somewhat illusory, which is the expression of his majestic spiritual power exhausted to the extreme.

Just now, he struggled to get rid of the horn of doom,
Escape from a sea of ​​near-endless believers' doomsday curses...


Just now, Professor Charles tried his best to stop the enraged angel from descending into the world.

Not long ago, in front of the golden gate of heaven, a void passage appeared. On the opposite side of the void passage, Professor Charles felt many familiar mental fluctuations.

His students Scott, Qin, old friend Magneto, and the familiar one, they built a mutant utopia after decades of struggle.

The moment he confirmed that the opposite was the real world, Professor Charles didn't think much at all, and directly tried his best to control tens of thousands of angels with psychic abilities, and stopped the angry guy in front of him.

However, Charles did not expect the anger of this archangel, nor did he expect that people (snakes) in this world would be so crazy,
Directly devouring the holy soul that Michael descended is equivalent to directly tearing a piece of Michael's soul. The pain of tearing the soul is a thousand times, ten thousand times more painful than cutting a piece of flesh on an ordinary person.

This directly awakened the body of Michael who was sleeping in the sea of ​​faith on Mount Paradise
Professor Charles' ability in the spiritual field is unrivaled, he can feel Michael's furious emotions,

This guy is almost insane from the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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