Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 286 Asking for a Monthly Ticket at the End of the Month

Chapter 286 Asking for a Monthly Ticket at the End of the Month (6000)

Federal New York, Raccoon Town
A light blue Quin-jet fighter jet dived down towards Raccoon Town through the clouds, and landed straight to the artificial lake in the center of Raccoon Town.
Blue flames spewed out from the fuselage of the Quin-jet fighter plane, and this Quin-jet fighter plane painted with the black and white eagle pattern of S.H.I.E.L.D. parked on the tarmac of Huxin Island Manor.

The hatch of the Quin-jet fighter plane opened, and Frank, who was wearing a blue polymer combat uniform, had just stepped on the high-top boots on the tarmac. On his wrist, the black jade bracelet had disappeared at some point.

Frank looked up, only to see a black light flying towards the manor like an arrow.

"Welcome home, Mr. Frank, the boss is waiting for you in the botanical garden!"

At this time, two handsome Asian maids came over and bowed slightly to Frank.

Frank looked at the two maids, not because he had any thoughts about them.

He has been in an agent-like organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. for a long time, and now he habitually takes a few extra glances at everyone he sees.

Although the two maids in front of me are wearing black and white Japanese maid uniforms, judging from the calluses on their hands and the wear marks on their tiger's mouth,
The two of them were obviously not serious maids.

It should be the batch of female ninjas that Bai Yougui recently trained in Japan!
Frank nodded towards the two of them, signaling that he was clear, and then walked towards the botanical garden.

Along the way, Frank found that compared to the last time, the security force of the manor had been significantly strengthened. There were nearly double the number of black-clothed bodyguards with headsets in their ears, and they were all masters of ultimate training.

Located in the misty botanical garden by the lake, a figure that looks like white mist is bending over and holding a pickaxe to dig ditches on the hard ground, irrigating the small garden with water from the artificial lake.



In the middle of the botanical garden, under the tender apple tree that grew to a height of nearly one foot, a fat big orange was confronting a black snake with thick arms.

But from Daju's aggrieved meowing, it can be seen that the big cat is at a disadvantage.

The black snake spit out the letter, and caught a drop of dew dripping from the young leaves of the apple tree. The expression of squinting his eyes in enjoyment made the big orange beside him salivate.


Frank, who came to the Botanical Garden, looked at the white mist-like figure in front of him. He was really taken aback, but when he looked closely, he could vaguely see the figure of the boss in the white mist figure.

"Here we come! How about the advance base?"

Tang Song stood upright, leaning on a pickaxe in his hand, and on the white mist composed of aura, Boss Tang's handsome face was vividly reflected.

Tang Song watched Frank staring at the spiritual mist body condensed by his spiritual consciousness, and said with a smile:
"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just that the main body has not been released yet. This body is just a trick of spiritual consciousness!"

Frank suddenly said: "It's good that you are fine, I see that the security force of the manor has been strengthened a lot, and I am a little worried about your safety,
The safety of the Leon base is not a serious problem for the time being, the invaders have been repulsed, but Professor Charles has been confirmed to be brain-dead,

Utopia Education Minister Jean Gray has become a vegetable. Magneto thinks that the two of them suffered injuries because of protecting the property of the World Security Council, and has been clamoring for the countries of the World Security Council to give him an explanation!At present, he has taken a special plane to the World Security Council building! "

"In terms of security, Ryan saw that some little mice have been making small movements in the gutter recently, and they are afraid that they will hinder my practice. Newly added!" Tang Song waved his hand and explained.

Frank frowned: "Boss, those people from the Masonic Society, haven't we taught them enough lessons last time!? Do you want to clean them up!"

At the beginning, the Freemasons competed with the Tang Corporation for the space mining rights, and resisted the Tang Corporation in various fields. The boss directly ordered them to be cruel.

In half a year, seven high-ranking members of the Freemasonry Society died of sudden illnesses. The Freemasonry Society has been honest for more than a year, but they dared to make a comeback.

"The Freemasonry, last time they were scared, but people often only look at profit when they do things. For businessmen, as long as the profit is enough, they can even sell the hemp rope to hang themselves! Greed is something that can't be cleaned up. Finished."

"This time it's not just the Freemasonry, many people are just under the name of the Freemasonry, an angel who came down, made an empty promise, and exposed them all, but it just so happens that all the guys who got in the way Hoe it up like this weed, just to leave good ground for crops!"

Tang and Song bent down and used a pickaxe to hoe away a weed with the roots and soil, then sprinkled a handful of seeds casually, and covered it with his feet.

"Boss, do you want me to use S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Frank looked at the condensed white mist. The boss used his pickaxe to draw a canal, and the water in the lake meandered to irrigate the newly planted seeds.

He hesitated.

Tang Song looked up at him: "Using our own people, I let Adam handle this matter, and using SHIELD's staff will eventually leave an excuse!"

"Yes, boss!" Frank nodded, but his eyes did not leave the pickaxe in Tang Song's hand.

Tang Song was a little puzzled, and couldn't help but look at his usual hoe: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

"Boss, I used to run a farm before joining the special forces. The way you do this is wrong. The seeds you just planted cannot be directly irrigated with water. Also, you directly dig a canal between the artificial lake and the land, and the water flows It will make this ditch bigger and bigger, and finally submerge these lands directly!"

Tang Song raised his head, and a pair of vivid eyes appeared in the white mist, blinking at Frank, Frank nodded solemnly to Tang Song.

"Then you come!"

In the white mist, Boss Tang's face was contorted, quite a bit annoyed,
Is he farming? He is cultivating his sentiments.
Tang Song directly threw the pickaxe to Frank, walked to the apple tree buds, leaned over to pick up the big oranges, and started teasing the cat with the snake.

Frank was holding a pickaxe in his hand, but it was true. He walked towards the lake with the pickaxe in his hand, trying to block the ditch dug by the boss first.

Just when he came to the lake, when he was about to lower his head to dig, his eyes touched the surface of the lake. A pale face floated out of the water, and a pair of resentful eyes stared straight at him.

The weird scene caused the hairs on Frank's back to burst instantly, and his heart beat like a drum in an instant. The instinctive reaction before he had time to think, his whole body was full of anger and blood, and he directly entered the state of Zhu Yanchang, his muscles bulging like a horned dragon. , blood-red hair emerged from the pores all over his body, and in the blink of an eye, a four-five-meter-tall vermilion humanoid monkey appeared by the lake.

Frank, who entered Zhu Yanbian, had golden eyes and red flames burning faintly. This time he finally saw things in the lake clearly.
Below the surface of the lake is a half-human, half-fishtail monster. The upper part is a pale blonde beauty, and the lower part is a beautiful fishtail.

When the mermaid in the lake saw Frank transforming from a human into a monkey, he was also frightened, and with a flick of his tail, he was about to dive into the water

Frank stretched out his hand subconsciously, and an eight-nine-meter-long black gold stick with a thick bowl mouth appeared out of thin air in his furry palm, and he swung the stick and blasted towards the lake.

Frank's stick was specially refined by Tang and Song for him. The material is mainly vibrating gold and Adamantium alloy, and a lot of magic metal is added.

The biggest feature of this stick is that it is heavy, even ten times heavier than a main battle tank. Even Frank, who has transformed into a beast, can't play with this stick.

However, Boss Tang has forged all kinds of restrictions on this stick, such as the size of wishful thinking, and the ease of lifting weights. The hundreds of tons of sticks are as light as a lamp grass in his hand.

But swinging it on someone else is a different matter. Before the stick touched the lake water, the huge wind pressure directly tore the lake surface to the two sides, rolling up two waves of more than ten meters high on both sides!

The water waves rolled over, and instantly lifted the mermaid that had dived into the water into the air.

Frank waved a big stick, quite high-spirited.

At the beginning, when Tang and Song made him this stick as a weapon, he was very reluctant. Compared with the seemingly harmless stick, he would rather use a dagger.

But after Boss Tang made the stick out of the oven, and taught him a set of oriental stick martial arts, Frank only thought it was really delicious.

Ever since he had this stick, Frank always wanted to swing the stick twice when meeting enemies, as if holding a hammer would make everyone look like a nail.

Swinging the stick, Frank could even clearly see the helpless and panicked expression on the mermaid's pale face.

No, seeing that the mermaid that scared him was about to be smashed into minced meat with a stick, a gleam of clarity suddenly flashed in Frank's bloodthirsty eyes. This is the island manor in the middle of the lake, and the bottom of the lake is the quiet room where the boss cultivates. Therefore, this fish is raised by the boss. of.

Frank, who understood, couldn't stop the big stick in his hand.

Just when Wujin's stick was about to hit the mermaid, a giant composed of billions of tons of water suddenly stood up on the surface of the artificial lake. After the water giant stood up, the water level of the entire artificial lake seemed to drop by three meters.

The lake giant stretched out his big hands, and held Frank and the Ugin stick in his hands. His relaxed posture was like pinching a chick.

No matter how Frank swung the Ugin stick in his hand, the surrounding water flowed layer by layer, like a vortex on the bottom of the sea, making it impossible for him to use it even if he had great strength.

"Boss! I was wrong! Boss!"

Frank looked at the familiar face through the palm of the lake giant, but he didn't understand the whole thing.

As Frank's begging for mercy resounded, the giant composed of water waves as high as [-] meters suddenly collapsed, and a layer of huge waves was set off on the entire lake.

The lake was rippling towards the botanical garden on the shore. When the waves with a height of three or four meters approached the botanical garden, they were immediately blocked by an invisible barrier.

Tang, with his hands behind his back, rubbed his hands secretly, and raised his eyebrows to Frank and said: "Look, the waves of the lake can't come in, let alone dig a canal."

A crimson flame rose from Frank's body, steaming his clothes, he secretly smiled wryly,
With his keen five senses just now, if the boss hadn't shielded his senses, how could he not have noticed something under the lake.

Obviously, the boss is taking revenge on him for mocking him for not being able to farm. The boss is still the same as before, stingy and vengeful.

Of course, he only dared to slander in his heart. If he really wanted to say it, it was impossible for the boss to be really angry. However, the boss had a dark personality like the prank just now, so he had to be careful for a long time.

"Boss! Who is the mermaid in the lake?" Frank steamed his clothes dry, shrunk Ugin's giant stick, and stuffed it back into the five-yin bag.

"Oh, it was sent by the collector Tiwan. He recently led a group of archaeologists to excavate abandoned pirates in the Caribbean Sea. He caught a nest of sirens and sent them over. I think they all look good. , and raised them in the lake!"

Tang Song waved his hand without looking back, as if he was not the one who just used the power of the primordial spirit to condense the flood into a water giant.

"Take a good rest for two days when you come back. I'll have someone prepare a table of your favorite meal..."

Frank looked at the naughty boss and had no choice but to leave resentfully.

In the botanical garden, Tang Song's Bai Wu waved his arm, and he pinched the seeds that had just been buried in the soil into his palm out of thin air. He muttered to himself in a bit of bewilderment:
"Is it really necessary to wait until the plants have sprouted before watering?"

Not long after Frank left the botanical garden, a blue light gate vortex appeared out of thin air on the lake, and two figures walked out of the vortex.

Among them, the golden figure sank under its feet, directly sinking into the bottom of the lake like a metal sculpture.

"Boss!" Kane stepped on the water, stepped on the water and crossed the lake more than ten meters wide, and came to Tang Song.

"It's done!"

Kane handed several bone flags to Tang Song, and reported to Boss Tang one by one what happened in the dimension of heaven.

"Professor Charles, what a pity!"

Tang Song sighed, and then left the figure of the bald professor behind him, shook the white bone flag in his hand, and an illusory woman's soul appeared in front of him, watching the phoenix power overflowing from the woman's soul.

Tang and Song pointed out together, and soon one after another spells formed out of thin air, sealing Qin Gray's soul in them, and soon a crystal-like jade sign appeared in Tang Song's white mist-like palm.

Holding the jade card, Tang Song said to Kane: "Frank is back, and you two haven't seen each other for a long time, go find him to catch up on the old days!"

Kane nodded towards Tang Song and walked out of the botanical garden.

Tang and Song played with the jade tablet that sealed the power of the phoenix in their hands, and looked up at the sky, the world outside the world tree that ordinary people can't see.

Dense light spots are spread outside the Nine Realms, the number is like the sand of the Ganges River, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance.

That is the angel army sent to the real dimension through the gate of heaven, but so many angels are not the thousands of fish that escaped the net shot down by his Da Yan as if the circle,

Millions, or even tens of millions of angel legions want to cross the Nine Realms, break through into the territory of Asgard, and enter the earth, which is not an easy task.

Now Odin is still alive, and he recently gave Odin two big gifts. I believe these angels are a piece of cake for God Odin, right! ?

Tang Song thought for a while, and threw the plant bean seed in his hand casually. Before the yellow seed fell to the ground, his white mist-like figure got into the bean seed.

With a flash of golden light, a figure exactly like Boss Tang appeared in the botanical garden. He opened a portal with flames in his hand and walked in.

In the Central Cathedral of the Vatican, a group of bodyguards in black surrounded a tall man nearly [-] meters tall and slammed open the closed church door.

Inside the gate, a group of Holy See knights in silver armor just wanted to step forward to stop them, looking at the white light emitted by their armor.

Thinking of Brother Ryan's instructions when he came, Adam imitated Brother Frank, pinched his thumb with his right ring finger, and snapped his fingers crisply.

Before these unknown Holy See knights could react, a thick beam of plasma light blasted directly from above their heads.

The roof of the central cathedral, which had stood in the Vatican for hundreds of years, was directly lifted off, and a large hole of tens of meters was pierced through the ground.

The few surviving Holy See knights looked at their companions who disappeared before their eyes, and then looked up at the huge battleship above them, their legs felt weak.

A bolder knight rushed back into the church, wanting to inform the bishops in the secret room.

"All killed!"

Adam rested his finger on his thumb, and a silver Alderman alloy steel ball jumped along with the white electric current from his fingertips, and shot out. After penetrating the bodies of two Holy See knights and the sacred objects on them, the The head of a knight who ran to report the news was directly smashed.

The group of bodyguards behind Adam swarmed up, and each of them who had been injected with the hive laboratory lizard type III serum reported their combat effectiveness. All the remaining Holy See knights will be eliminated.

"They don't dare to torture the Pope, but they have mind readers in their hands. Don't forget, the Pope has a list of the people who attended the meeting in his memory!"

Hearing the voice from the audience, the cardinal who was in charge of the secret meeting frowned and looked at the audience.

It's a pity that because of the Holy See's showmanship, many Freemasons have expressed great disappointment with the Holy See.

The so-called way to replace the control of the space gate is to grab it directly?Card Dazuo was not as brave as your Holy See when he was alive. It is really still the Middle Ages, the era when your Holy See was in power.

When they heard the news, all the Freemasons and some insightful people who participated in the anti-Tang movement lamented that "the upright son cannot be conspired with".

Many people didn't even come to this secret meeting in person, and the number of people who came to this meeting place was less than one-third of the last time.

The meeting had to be turned into a video conference.

However, thanks to the outstanding contribution made by the Tang Corporation in the field of virtual projection, the image projected by the virtual world does not look like a real person.

The cardinal who presided over the meeting did not find the person who raised the question for a while, and he quickly argued to the audience:
"As the spokesperson of God, His Majesty the Pope carries several sacred objects of our Holy See, including the cross that can shield the perception of the mind. The ability of a mind reader is useless to the Pope!"

Hearing the cardinal's justification, the panic-stricken audience breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, attacking the military base of the World Security Council is a felony. Even if all the people present are either rich or expensive, they cannot bear this responsibility.

"However, there are so many involved in this matter. Just in case, I hope that everyone can work together to mobilize the energy in their hands, rescue the Pope, and cover up this matter!"

Just as the cardinal finished speaking, everyone in the audience was exchanging flickering eyes, thinking about how to get out of this matter perfectly.

The door leading to this secret synagogue was suddenly violently pushed open, and a group of black-clothed bodyguards surrounded Adam and walked in.

"I have a suggestion!"

Adam went directly to the high platform in the center of the synagogue, and unreasonably threw his shoulders at the cardinal's body.

Immediately, the cardinal staggered.

After coughing, Adam didn't use the microphone like the cardinal, but clapped his hands towards the audience.

"My father expressed his gratitude to everyone for their love. In order to thank everyone for their love, he specially asked me to prepare a gift for everyone. I hope you like it!"

Crashing, many members of the Freemasonry looked at this big man who suddenly appeared.

"Which family are you from?"

An old white man stood up and glared at the boy who didn't understand the rules.

"Family?" Adam tilted his head and looked at the bodyguard beside him: "My father's surname is Tang, and we are the Tang family?!"

Tang, when he heard the surname mentioned by Adam, all the members of the Freemasonry seemed to be strangled by the neck for a moment.

Nuo Da's conference room was instantly silent.

After speaking, Adam ignored the expressions of everyone in the venue, threw the microphone in his hand, and walked towards the door with many bodyguards.

"Stop him!" The cardinal shouted to the guarding knight in panic.

At this time, Adam had already arrived at the gate. He turned his head and snapped his fingers lightly, "I hope you all like the gift prepared by my father!"

Just as his figure disappeared into the secret room, the muzzle of the Tier [-] Tang heavy battleship above the Central Cathedral shone with light blue light.

A stream of blue particles rolls up a plasma air mass tens of meters thick and hits the given coordinates
The [-]-meter-deep rock layer melted completely, the stream of particles shot into the secret chamber, and a huge flame burst out from the secret chamber. The powerful shock wave killed and injured more than a hundred Freemasons in the entire secret chamber.

More than a dozen holy knights of the Holy See in the secret room howled at the same time, the armor suddenly flashed a dazzling white light, the protective formation on the armor was activated, and a one-foot-thick holy light shield rose from the body of the holy knight. .

Relying on more than a dozen sacred artifacts on their bodies, they wanted to protect the cardinals and archbishops, but facing the bombardment of the energy naval guns of the first-level Tang heavy battleship, let alone the sacred artifacts, even the angels descended to earth. There will be no bones left to be bombed.

"Brother Ryan told me before he came, we have a group of allies in the Vatican, let me find them, is there any way?"

Adam, who walked out of the Central Cathedral, looked at the crowds and tourists running around because of the sudden change. He suddenly remembered something, and asked the bodyguard beside him with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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