Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 287 6000 at the end of the month, asking for a monthly pass

Chapter 287 6000 at the end of the month, asking for a monthly pass
The Vatican, which used to be brightly lit and full of people, is now under blackout at night.

Except for the Central Cathedral, all the street lights in other urban areas were extinguished, and there were often only two or three dim lights on in the residential buildings on the side of the road. Because of the unstable voltage, these lights flickered occasionally, like will-o'-the-wisps.

On the dark street, only a large group of soldiers in black combat uniforms walked back and forth. From the epaulets on these soldiers, it could be seen that these were all special service soldiers of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When Nick Fury was in power, the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency was nominally a law enforcement organization directly under the International World Security Council, used to deal with various bizarre incidents and super-power crimes.

In fact, it can be seen from the name of this organization that it is still affiliated with the Federation in essence, but it is only because of the hegemony of the Federation World Police that it is able to carry out law enforcement in other countries.

Except for a certain big country in the East, even Russia has to turn a blind eye to the law enforcement actions of S.H.I.E.L.D. on its own soil.

The so-called international organization is nothing more than a fig leaf for his law enforcement actions.

No one likes a secret service organization that shows off its power in its own homeland. This is why governments of various countries have made trouble for S.H.I.E.L.D. after the civil strife between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra broke out.

However, with the progress of the interstellarization of the earth and the existence of the interest community of the forward base, the governments of various countries, especially the giants of the World Security Council, have to strengthen cooperation.

Eat alone?
You must know that anyone with a discerning eye can see that the pattern of the world is changing along with that star gate, and the current rapid development of the aerospace industry is an opportunity.

If the Federation really monopolizes this interstellar window, with the advantages of interstellar development, once the Federation gains an absolute lead in technology and economy, what will other countries do?

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and you will be reduced to Brother Nee on the African continent.

Under such circumstances, even if the current international situation is one superpower and many powers, as tough as the Federation, they dare not monopolize the cake of interstellar development, and have to share part of the benefits. You must know that it is urgent, and the other countries really Dare to lift the table.

And under the circumstances of this kind of multinational cooperation, the World Security Council, a clay sculpture Bodhisattva-like organization, has gradually gained some real power, and even its subordinate law enforcement agency, SHIELD, is also an international organization in name. It has become a real international organization and has absorbed many spies from other countries, forming a mixed situation.

Of course, the expenses of S.H.I.E.L.D. have also been borne by all countries instead of the federal government.

Of course, things have both advantages and disadvantages. The power of law enforcement around the world has increased. Correspondingly, SHIELD's rights in the federal territory have also been restricted, and it has lost its previous domineering power.

As soon as the Vatican was attacked by terrorists, S.H.I.E.L.D. rushed to and sealed off the scene, even faster than the Italian police. You must know that the Vatican is located in Italy.

In the dark Vatican, occasionally a few muffled gunshots could be heard in the distance.

The bright beams of high-power searchlights on the roof of the building on the side of the road shone straight down. Behind these searchlights, some pale, tall and thin men wore black clothes with S.H.I.E.L.D. The "fish that slipped through the net" who is looking for terrorists in fear!
In their presumptuous and silent laughter, through their open mouths, you can see the sharper canine teeth under their lips than ordinary people.

These special agents directly under Frank, the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., couldn't hide their excitement. Once upon a time, the Vatican, the Holy See's holy place, was a forbidden place for dark creatures like them.

Let alone the new-generation vampires of the American continent, they are the old antiques in Europe. Look at which clan of vampires has the courage to step into Rome, let alone the holy city of Vatican.

On the streets of the Vatican, a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s armed secret agents searched for the terrorists who attacked the Vatican.

Some of the big armed agents, in the dark night, their eyes glowed green, like beasts hunting in the dark. Fortunately, they all wore night vision goggles. Caused an uproar in the human world.

In the back alley of a church, Adam led seven or eight bodyguards to block a group of priests who wanted to escape.

More than a dozen priests of the Holy See and a few apologists of the Holy See guarded an elderly cardinal and wanted to escape from the Vatican.
Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. dispatched a large number of armed personnel to seal off the entire Vatican. It was extremely difficult for them to escape quietly.

"This should be a big man, can you find out who father is looking for from his mouth?" Adam looked at the people blocked in the alley, and turned to look at the bodyguard behind him.

The black-clothed bodyguard sized up the cardinal who was being escorted among the crowd, stared at his face a few more times, and compared silently but ignored his identity.

"Boss, he is the fourth-ranked cardinal in the Holy See. He definitely knows where the person the big boss is looking for is?"

Adam nodded, raised his chin, stared at the cardinal in the center of the crowd and asked, "Old man, do you know where West is? He is the deputy head of your Inquisition. Tell me where he is. I can Let you go!"

"West, you are heretics of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield!" After the cardinal heard Adam's words, his old face wrinkled like an orange peel was full of anger:
"West, this damned heretic, has long been sent to the stake by Lord Michael together with those bastards who blasphemed the Lord!"


After hearing the cardinal's words, Adam's honest-looking face suddenly turned cold, he didn't care about Michael or not.

That guy named West was the one his father wanted. If he died, how would he explain to his father.

"Dead! He's dead, why are you still alive!" Adam grinned at the cardinal, his cold eyes were like a raging lion.

"You protect the bishop and go first!"

A bearded and silver armored knight took the lead, holding a flail, standing in front of many priests, blocking Adam who was walking forward slowly.

The length and length of the western flail is similar to the oriental nunchuck, but a short stick is replaced by a meteor hammer.

The birth of this kind of weapon is like the ancient oriental mace and heavy hammer, which are heavy weapons specially used to break armor.

The hammer head at one end of the flail generally has a large number of spikes, just like the spikes of a mace, they can cause great damage to the enemy and the armor on the enemy.

The flail in the bearded man's hand was a weapon used by a knight of the Holy See in the Crusades in the Middle Ages. After several generations of masters' nurturing, it became a set of sacred armor just like the armor on the bearded man's body.

You must know that in the entire Holy See, there are less than [-] sets of this kind of holy armor in total, and the selected knights can display the strength of a quasi-first-class superhero by wearing these holy armor.

Even the members of the Dark Council, the Grand Duke of the Blood Race, the tribal chief of the Beastman Race, these high-level dark creatures dare not face more than two holy knights at the same time.

This is also the reason why the bearded man dared to block the enemy alone, the only thing that made the bearded man worry about was the terrifying battleship in the sky.

He needs to fight quickly, otherwise once he is locked by the battleship, those colleagues who died tragically in the secret room under the central cathedral told him with their lives that even the holy armed forces cannot stop the blow of the battleship's cannon.


The bearded man waved the flail in his hand, and the meteor hammer at the end of the chain emitted a burst of holy light, and smashed towards Adam.

Facing the oncoming white light, Adam waved his hand, and countless white currents condensed in his palm, forming a palm covering the entire alley, directly holding the bearded knight and the flail in his hand.

If Frank was here, he would definitely feel that Adam's hand is very similar to the scene where a black-bellied boss holds him in the palm, except that Boss Tang's palm is formed from lake water, while Adam is formed from the super-strong electric current in his body. palm.

Adam's technique is naturally learned from Boss Tang, which is a supernatural power called "Innate One-Physical Capture".

Practicing to the depth, there is a powerful power to move mountains and change veins.

Adam heard from his father that there was once someone who could pick off the stars in the sky with this hand and play with them as projectiles.

Naturally, he couldn't reach that point, and he couldn't even do what Tang and Song had concealed from him, grabbing a small mountain and throwing it hundreds of feet into the sky for help.

However, his innate ability to catch a small Holy See knight is not a problem.

The blazing electric current originating from Ghidorah's genes directly made the bearded knight tremble with electricity.If he hadn't been wearing holy armor, Adam's grip alone would have turned him into a pile of coke in no time.

However, even with the holy armed body protection, the bearded knight was also incontinent in his crotch due to the electric shock, and the pungent smell of urine made Adam frowned.

He swung his big hand transformed by the blazing electric current, and slammed it hard to the ground.


The bluestone road on the ground was directly smashed into a human-shaped indentation. Under the huge impact, the bearded knight swung his pendulum. He didn't know if it was caused by electricity or he fell, and he kept spitting blood out of his mouth.


Adam looked at the bearded knight who seemed to be alive, holding his right hand empty, and a long spear condensed with white lightning appeared in his hand out of thin air. He raised his head, intending to understand the bearded knight,

If you want to go down with a spear, the tattered armor on the bearded knight may not be able to protect him.

At this time, the black-clothed bodyguard who had been advising Adam came to Adam, "Head, wait a minute!"

Adam slowed down, loosened his fingers slightly, and stopped throwing the lightning spear,

He looked puzzled at the bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard quickly explained: "Head, this is the holy knight of the Holy See. It may be useful to keep it. Moreover, the hive laboratory has always wanted a living sample of holy power and the energy breath of hell for hedging experiments! We might as well use it Bring him back!"

Adam glanced at the bearded knight twitching in the deep pit, and pondered:

"Since it's useful, let's keep him first. I'll ask Brother Ryan later. If it's useless, I'll throw it in the hive laboratory!"

Hearing Adam's words, several bodyguards pulled the bearded knight out, stripped off his armor, removed his weapon, and handcuffed him with electronic shackles, calling for someone to escort him up.

A set of movements can be described as flowing.

The bearded knight bravely resisted the thugs like Adam, trying to buy time for the cardinal and the priests to evacuate, but unfortunately they did not escape.

A dozen men in black stepped on missiles hanging from their feet, and the black magic skateboard with laser weapons forced the priests back into the alley.

"My god! It's a dark creature!"

A young priest felt the aura from these men in black,

He had seen the vampires imprisoned in the dungeons of the Inquisition, and the bloody aura on these men in black was exactly the same as theirs.

Thinking of what the judges of the Inquisition told him about the terrifying viciousness of these dark creatures, such as sucking blood, playing with souls, and manipulating the undead, the young priest immediately collapsed.

"Don't kill me, I know where the referee West is?"

Hearing the young priest's words, Adam's eyes lit up immediately. With a wave of his right arm, he pierced a Holy See knight who was swinging a long sword and slashing at the young priest.

After the fiery electric gun penetrated the body of the knight of the Holy See, its lingering power remained undiminished. It pierced through four or five priests in black robes like candied haws, and smashed down a bluestone wall in the alley before disappearing.

The young priest was trembling with fright.

Adam's figure quickly appeared behind him, picking him up like a chick.

"You know West's whereabouts!"

The young priest nodded tremblingly, "I know, I know, the bishop took me there, and they were locked in the dungeon of the Inquisition. The bishop and the others wanted to find out about the secret funds held by Chief Inquisitor West."

"Bah, Bach, you traitor, you will definitely go to hell after you die!" A white-robed priest spat angrily at the young priest.

The others also cursed at the traitor who betrayed the Holy See.

The young priest's face turned red when he was scolded, and his face was bulging with veins. He completely forgot to be afraid, and directly scolded them:
"You bunch of gays, copper smelters, you really don't think anyone wants to sleep with you, especially you, Norris, Cardinal, I bah, think about it, your thick bark-like hands On me, just thinking about it is disgusting, disgusting!
Fuck you to heaven, if God is really omnipotent, how could the Pope be arrested, let God die! "

Adam held the collar of the young priest, listened to the telegram in his mouth, blinked his eyes, and turned to look at the bodyguard in black behind him:
"What's he talking about assholes and copper smelters? I think he's angry—"

Several black-clothed bodyguards look at me, I look at you, and they shut their mouths tightly. If they dare to teach Adam to a bad state, Boss Ryan and Boss Kane will definitely not spare them, and they will have to be sent to Siberia for training in the end Camp dug potatoes.

"How about, boss, let's rescue Mr. West as well. Boss Ryan is still waiting, and the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. can't block it for long!"

A bodyguard in black looked at Adam's eyes full of curiosity, and quickly changed the subject.

Adam thought for a while, too, put the young priest on the ground, and ordered him to take them to the prison of the Inquisition.

A spark-splashing portal emerges from the North Pole, inside the glacier of Base Zero.

The figure of Tang Song stepped out of the space door, and as he slapped the cane on the ground, a strong electromagnetic current swept across the entire No. [-] base in an instant, shutting down all the electrical equipment in the base.

Including monitoring, and elevators leading to the interior of the glacier,

The scientific research experts and guards who were observing inside the glacier were stunned by his suppression the moment Tang Song's figure appeared.

This is the second time that Tang and Song have seen this Titan frozen in a giant iceberg.

This titan monster looks like a terrifying three-headed dragon covered in golden scales.

It closed its wings and was sealed in the glacier. Its body width definitely exceeded 200 meters. If its wings were spread out, it must be at least 500 meters.

Yamata no Orochi is big enough, but it is not as oppressive as the frozen Titan in front of you, and Yamata no Orochi is purely wild. This terrifying creature in front of you, just from its appearance, has a little bit of invincibility. Neglect of evil.

It is not like an ancient god, but more like a demon challenging the god.

Three slender snake-like necks extended from its body. Like the body, the giant beast's necks were also covered with golden scales, and at the top of the three necks were three ferocious and huge heads.

The head is like a dragon in oriental mythology, with nostrils like a horse, eyes like a lion, and sharp dragon horns protruding from each head, but the dragon horns are not as majestic as rumored, but rather like the horns of a devil .

This put a layer of tyranny and haze on the giant beast.

Its three heads were frozen in different positions above the body, and on the platform where Tang and Song stood, it happened to be possible to fully see the outline reflected in the unclear ice.

Strictly speaking, this Ghidorah is not a Titan, but a star beast that has fallen to Earth from outer space.

The biggest difference between the star beast and the titan is that the star beast does not need to rely on the living environment on the surface of the planet, just like this Ghidorah does not need to rely on the earth's oxygen to survive.

At this time, the Tang and Song Dynasties were short of a means of transportation, and the length and size of the head in front of them were all suitable.

Tang Song raised his cane and pressed it on the ice layer. The power of the primordial spirit instantly outlined the golden hoop prohibition of the Beastmaster Sect. The immortal gate restriction and the power of the soul gem merged together, and the golden light enveloped the entire glacier.

The golden light shrunk and turned into three shining golden hoops that were worn on Ghidorah's head. As the runes on the golden hoops flickered, the three golden hoops directly penetrated into Ghidorah's dragon head.

"wake up!"

The Tang and Song sticks were touched on the iceberg, and countless cracks appeared in the hundreds of meters of iceberg. Inside the glacier, six golden vertical pupils opened together.

hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
With the crackling sound of the iceberg breaking, three dragon chants resounded on the Antarctic ice sheet.

The members of the Emperor Organization had just turned on the backup power supply and restarted the monitoring, and watched in horror as the huge iceberg cracked open. The ancient Titan spread its wings and broke through the ice layer, piercing through the clouds in an instant, and soaring across the sky!
The sound of the dragon chant continued, and there were waves of storms between the wings!

Under the deep sea, a terrifying figure was swimming.

It is nearly 200 meters long and looks like an ancient dinosaur.

Every time the small short hands and huge tail on the side of the body are swung, tens of millions of tons of sea water are moved, and wherever it goes, water waves like ocean currents are easily formed.

It is covered with blue scales.

In the dim light of the deep sea, the scales shone with a luster like metal.

While wandering, it seemed to be the roar of Ghidorah in the distance, and it leaned out of the water, looking in the direction of the South Pole.

At the same time, there was a roar in response!

"hold head high!"

"Crazy enough to hit the road!"

Tang Song stood on the golden dragon head in the middle of Ghidorah, and said lightly!
Ghidorah rushed down the glacier in the distance, and a gust of wind pressed the top. As Ghidorah fell, the entire ice surface shook violently, and the icebergs were directly split open.

Ghidorah's three heads scrambled to look at Tang Song obsequiously.

The addition of the Immortal Golden Hoop Restriction and the Soul Gem's abilities is not as simple as one plus one, and it is enough to control Ghidorah to death.

With a wave of Tang and Song's cane, a space gate with a diameter of hundreds of meters opened wide amidst sparks, and opposite the space gate was a dark starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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