Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 288 Asking for a monthly ticket at the end of the month

Chapter 288 Asking for a monthly ticket at the end of the month

In Norse mythology, the world tree supports the huge Nine Realms
Among them, Asgard, the residence of the Nordic gods, is a small planetary body,
It exists in another dimensional plane just like the heavenly dimension and the holy mountain of Ospes in the Greek pantheon, and its area is about the same as the territory of the Federation.

Unlike the earth, which is a sphere, it does not rotate around the axis of the earth, nor does it revolve around the sun. It is a flat planetary material with a gravity similar to the surface of the earth.

Among the Nine Realms, apart from the Earth known as the Atrium, the other eight worlds do not exist in the solar system as people imagine, but are located in other dimensions.

The reason why the earth is called the atrium is because it is located in the central area of ​​the Nine Realms, like a big tree with nine fruits hanging on it, and the most central one exists in the real world. Dimensions are called reality dimensions for a reason.

In other dimensional worlds, if you want to come to the earth, there are two ways. The first is to directly find the coordinates of the earth, and descend directly to the present world through a magic circle or some kind of holy descent ceremony.

However, there is a temple protective circle arranged by the ancient mage mage on the earth. Some scattered demons, or the soul descendants of Michael, can avoid the monitoring of the temple protective circle.

The protective circle of the temple is like a fishing net covering the earth. The eyes of the fishing net are neither big nor small. Some small fish and shrimps can freely shuttle through the mesh, but the huge number of angelic legions want to pass through this circle. This is impossible.

Another way is to come down outside the earth, just like Michael’s nearly a thousand guards. Similarly, the earth is located at the core of the world tree. If there are not many angels coming, Odin can turn a blind eye.

If the army of angels in the heavenly dimension wants to invade the earth, they must pass through the nine realms,
But with tens of millions of angels, even if Odin is demented and insane, it is impossible for them to enter the World Tree, the land of the Nine Realms.

A gate of heaven with a side length of thousands of kilometers stands in the starry sky, and the sprinkling of light forms a platform with a length and width of tens of thousands of miles. Teams of angels fly out from the gate of heaven with wings and line up in the starry sky. And stand.

For these artificial puppets made by Tiantang Mountain, ordinary cosmic rays, low temperature, and oxygen-free vacuum environment are nothing to worry about.

Tens of millions of angels flapped their wings, and the holy light emitted by the white wings was like fireflies lighting up in the starry sky, illuminating the entire starry sky for a while.

These white streamers converged into a torrent, rushing towards the opposite side.

Facing the gate of heaven is a huge ash tree branch that spans an unknown number of miles. The world tree in Norse mythology, a great existence between fantasy and reality, is manifested by the god king of Asgard. Come out, the rungs are at the gates of heaven.

There are still some young leaves on the branch of the tree in front of the gate of heaven, and the green and almost transparent young leaves are hundreds of miles around.

There are long-eared handsome elves wearing light armor and holding long bows. They have long golden hair and a feminine face. They seem to be emitting golden light all over their bodies. They are from Alfheim. Spirit of Light.

Tens of thousands of elf legions lined up in front of the young leaves of the world tree, facing the turbulent angels rushing like a tide.

These elves opened their longbows, and the golden energy gathered on the bowstring, converging into a golden light arrow.



Under the shroud of the World Tree, even the vacuum environment between the cosmic starry sky no longer exists, and the sound of bowstrings collapsing in unison can be heard.

Tens of thousands of golden lights pierced through the bodies of tens of thousands of angels, making transparent holes the size of washbasins in their bodies.

The bodies of tens of thousands of angels stagnated in the void for a few seconds before disintegrating. Countless white feathers flew in the air, making a mess like a chicken coop that was hit by a heavy shell just now.

The white light clusters and feathers left behind after their bodies disintegrated are everywhere in the void, and the situation is appalling.



As these angels of light continued to pull the bowstrings, the golden light arrows came in an endless stream, and rained down on the angel army that was rushing towards the opposite side.
From the point of view of power, the arrows of these light elves, each with the least destructive power, are probably equivalent to the power of a standard energy rifle.

Wave after wave of arrows rained out,

These angels seem to be missing a tendon in their brains, they are foolishly facing the deadly golden light and don't know how to fight back.

Next to the leaves occupied by the elves of light, there are a group of dwarves wearing heavy armor and beards that grow to their chests. These dwarves have a variety of weapons.

Similar to the standard energy rifle, the magic firecracker, fired with metal projectiles, has its own explosion effect, and each shot is not inferior to the small and medium-sized missiles on the earth.

Tens of angels can often be killed with one bullet.

However, this kind of magic firecracker does not seem to shoot very frequently, but fortunately, thousands of dwarves formed a three-shot phalanx, which increased the rate of fire of the magic firecracker.

Behind these dwarves who were shot dead, some dwarves were busy manipulating their mechanical weapons.

A ballista with a range of tens of miles, Senhan's arrows are as thick as the thighs of ordinary people, and are engraved with magic runes.

Some dwarves looked for targets in the whiteness through the monocular scope on the ballista. Their targets were the angels with more than four wings.

Once locked by them, a crossbow bolt with the function of chasing the lock is fired, often shot out in one arrow, and in the angel army, it can often expose a ball of holy light.

The dwarves from Nidweal are the most famous weapon-making masters in the entire Nine Realms and even the entire galaxy.

Even Odin's eternal gun and Thor's Thor's hammer are from their hands.

The magic weapons carried by these dwarves recruited by Odin can be described as varied. In addition to magic firecrackers and ballistas, there are also magic artillery, airships...
The shells fired by dozens of magic cannons are not inferior to the power of small nuclear tactical missiles on the earth. ,
Every time the artillery goes down, at least thousands of angels are wiped out in the artillery fire.

For a time, the Angel Legion that launched an attack on the Nine Realms suffered heavy losses.

In front of the gate of heaven, as the initiator of this battle, Gabriel didn't seem to care about the casualties of the Angel Legion. Behind him, the densely packed Angel Legion continued to file out.

If at the forefront of the battlefield, thousands of angels fall every second, then at the gate of heaven, tens of thousands of angels pour out every second.

As an angelic legion supported by cosmic locusts, their strength is enough to make any force terrified.

There was a faint silver light in Gabriel's eyes, and he looked at Asgard covered by the World Tree.

On the rainbow bridge in Asgard, a phantom standing thousands of feet high, with long white hair floating like waves behind its head.

In the deep eye sockets are azure blue eyes, releasing light like lightning;
With a straight and majestic face and a big beard all over his face, he looks extremely bold and forthright;
The mountainous body was only wearing a small animal skin apron, and the snow-white skin was covered with light golden simple patterns, and there was a very elegant and mysterious power hidden in it.

Thin lightning flashed slowly across his body, and his whole body was like a god of thunder and lightning, full of domineering aura. With a few crisp sounds, several blue electric snakes rushed to the top of his head, forming a phantom of a crown, and then disappeared immediately.

There are faintly strange golden idols looming, exuding an extremely uncomfortable pressure.

"God Odin!"

Gabriel looked at the phantom with a long spear in fear. Odin, in the mythological pedigree, is not inferior to the existence of the Lord.

God Odin's divine power is far beyond what he can compare, which is why Gabriel has been standing in front of the gate of heaven. If God Odin really joins the battlefield in person, then he will withdraw directly into the gate of heaven without saying a word middle.

On the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, apart from using the Eternal Spear to summon the phantom of the World Tree, God Odin has no intention of participating in the battle in person.

In Norse mythology, the god Odin rules the Nine Realms, but in fact Asgard does not completely rule the Nine Realms, and is regarded as the suzerain of the other eight worlds.

Just like Daming and Goryeo, Datang and Dongying, except for the special world of the earth, the other seven worlds are not obedient to Asgard, and even launch a rebellion every once in a while.

Like the dark elves, and the giants of Jotunheim, and the fiery demons of Muspelheim,
In Marvel's original plot, the former two caused a lot of trouble for Asgard. As for the latter, Surtur, the monarch of Muspelheim, even destroyed Asgard himself.

But most of these things happened after Odin fell into Ragnarok.

In the current Nine Realms, after Odin issued a call-up order, even the rebellious Frost Giants and Fire Demons had to send troops to join the battle.

so as not to leave dying Odin a pretext for crusade,

It's just that each of them is at most hundreds of thousands, and the number of tens of thousands less, even if they are all added up compared with the tens of millions of Angel Legion, it seems a drop in the bucket.

In the hidden void, the huge three-headed dragon Ghidorah is suspended in mid-air, and the huge head is covered with countless scales.

Each scale has a half-meter square.

The scales are covered with gilded fire-like runes, and there is a fierce and sharp barb on it.

Tang and Song stood in the middle of the three dragon heads, overlooking the outbreak of the battle between the gods of heaven and the gods of Asgard.

Relying on the huge number, the Angel Legion didn't care about casualties at all, and quickly piled up in front of the World Tree relying on human lives. Tang Song watched a familiar figure wielding Thor's Hammer, leading hundreds of thousands of Asgardian and Warner protoss. The army stood in front of the light elves and dwarves who attacked from a distance.

On the other side, the Frost Giants and Fire Demons, led by their respective leaders, also fought with the angels of the Angel Legion, and fought close to each other.

"Asgard's army is really good. I thought you wouldn't fight wars since your Asgards' swords and guns were put into storage and your horses were released in Nanshan?"

Tang Song tilted his head slightly, and an old man in a white robe appeared on Ghidorah's other dragon's head at some point.

"Don, this is the trouble caused by you people on Earth! Now let us Asgard bear it!?"

Odin looked at Tang Song with one eye, not understanding his intention of provoking the dimension of heaven.

"What's your purpose?"

Tang Song looked at Odin and asked a question: "How long do you have with Gu Yi?"

Odin was silent for a moment: "According to what your atrium said, I still have one standard year for you before I fall into eternal sleep!"

Tang Song clasped his hands together and clasped his hands: "The time of Master Gu Yi is about the same. Once the Nine Realms loses both of your guardians, the situation is not good. Not to mention anything else, once you enter Ragnarok, you feel that you can rely on Can Thor and these soldiers from Asgard shock these guys?"

Odin followed Tang Song's eyes, looking at the Frost Giants, Fire Demons, and even the Vanir Protoss who had a good relationship with Asgard.

Odin sighed in his heart, he knew that the human being in front of him was right, once he entered Ragnarok.

The fall of Asgard was inevitable.

This time the heavenly dimension invaded, he issued the summoning order of the Nine Realms, and he did not use the angel legion to eliminate dissidents and weaken the strength of all walks of life.

If the strength of the other worlds in the Nine Realms has been compromised in this war, then after he left, Thor might not be able to stabilize the current situation in the Nine Realms.

But whether it is Laufey or Surtur of the Frost Giants, how can they be the easy ones? Judging from the troops they sent, they are obviously deliberately preserving their strength.

Like a viper lurking in a cave, waiting for the day when Asgard is weak.

"So?" God Odin looked at Tang Song questioningly.

"Are we talking here?" Tang Song asked back!

"In the ancient times of the earth, there was a king. Before his son ascended the throne, he was afraid that his son would not be able to rule a huge territory, so he leveled the thorns that hindered his son's rule in advance!"

In the Golden Palace of Asgard, Tang Song holds a golden cup and talks to Odin!

"Since His Majesty is about to enter the twilight of the gods in one year, why not pave the way for Thor in advance!?"

God Odin looked at Tang Song, and somewhat understood Tang Song's intentions: "You want me to work with Gu Yi to help you wipe out the hidden dangers that threaten the Nine Realms before stepping into Ragnarok!"

"No, Your Majesty is protecting Asgard and the Nine Realms. Mephisto is dead. Lucifer, who coveted the earth, has been severely injured. It won't be better in a few hundred years. It will not cause harm to the earth and Asgard. Threat, who else is left, Dormammu, or those hell lords, I have a way, they can't pose a threat for the time being!

By the way, there is another paradise!We join forces and give them to."

Odin stared at Tang Song with one eye, and remained silent for a long time, "Human, I now have some doubts about Gu Yi's eyes, you are a terrible guy, and now I don't know whether it was right or wrong to indulge you when I listened to Gu Yi's words——"

"I saved your queen, and I will save Asgard from Ragnarok in the future!" Tang Song played with the gold cup in his hand, and looked at Odin without showing any weakness.

"Without me, how good will the ending of your Asgard be? The entire Asgard will be reduced to dust, and the Asgars will merge and annihilate themselves with the earth."

"One condition," Odin shook his head: "I need a guarantee to keep Asgard safe!"

"What guarantee does Your Majesty want?" Tang Song asked.

"In Asgard, there is an army of death, invincible! I will leave them to Thor to protect the safety of the Nine Realms!"

Tang Song put down the golden cup in his hand and looked at Odin playfully: "Are you going to release Hela!? Your Majesty is not afraid of falling into the prophecy of Ragnarok!"

Hela's strength is definitely at the level of the Heavenly Father, but after being released, it's really hard to say who the knife will cut at.

If he had been imprisoned in a small dark room for thousands of years, after he came out, he wouldn't be ashamed of his surname if he didn't bleed.

Odin glanced at Tang Song and nodded slowly.

"After I stepped into Ragnarok, the seal that sealed Hela won't last long. I heard from Gu Yi that the Soul Gem is in your hands!"

Tang Song's eyes shrank when he looked at Odin. This is to let him use the power of the soul gem to control Hela. After confirming his eyes, this is a ruthless person.

(End of this chapter)

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