Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 31: Allies of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield

Chapter 31: Allies of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield
Tang Song's words made West show a satisfied look on his face.

However, Tang and Song showed a hint of embarrassment at the right time.

"Does Mr. Tang have any questions?" West asked directly after noticing it.

Tang Song pretended to be a businessman, and said embarrassedly:
"There is indeed a question. At the beginning, I promised Father Dekler to maintain the stability of New York, but during this time, my subordinates also suffered a lot of casualties in the face of the counterattack of these vampires?"

"After all, we didn't expect that someone would be crazy enough to summon an ancient evil." Tang Song hesitated to speak.

The eyes of West and De Cler revealed a look that was as expected.

Businessmen are profit-seeking, and before they came, they had considered Tang and Song Dynasty's demands for more money.

If it weren't for a change that was extremely important to their department in the Vatican, the staff of the Inquisition could not be used on a large scale.

This time, a matter as big as the evil in New York is not up to a demon hunter like Tang and Song to handle it.

"I heard from De Cler that Mr. Tang wants to get involved in the arms business," West said, "I have a business here. I wonder if Mr. Tang is interested?"

A curious look appeared on Tang Song's face at the right time: "What business? I would like to hear the details!"

"Several divisions of the Italian Defense Forces are currently undergoing armament upgrades, and they are planning to update some of their weapons and equipment!" West paused.

When Tang Song heard this, he got up and poured a glass of high-quality white wine from Porto, France for the two of them, saying:

"No arms dealer will refuse this kind of arms business, but I heard that this kind of business has high requirements for qualifications!"

West laughed:
"The minister of the Italian Ministry of Defense has some friendship with me, and the person in charge of military procurement is an old acquaintance of Bishop Grant!"

After speaking, he looked at De Cler.

De Cler understood that it was time for him to make a statement, so he nodded and said:

"Mr. Tang, Bishop Grant already knows about the matter here. As long as the blood god's coming does not affect the Vatican, he will be responsible for the procurement."

Tang Song frowned, took a cigar from Ryan on the side, and motioned to the two of them:
"you do not mind!"

West spread his hands to Tan Tan, signaling him to go ahead and smoke.

Tang Song smoked a cigar and smiled:
"Then, I will take 35% of this business. I will register the arms company as soon as possible. Of course, the buyer will need the strong cooperation of Mr. West."

West nodded naturally, and Dekler also agreed beside him.

This is natural. Although a country's armament refitting may be only a part, the profits in it are almost billions of dollars.

Tang and Song took 35%, and the rest of the cake would naturally be distributed to other people upstream and downstream.

As for how they divide, Tang and Song don't care.


After the business was settled, Tang Song casually asked West:

"Mr. West, I heard that the priests are all ascetics. I wonder what hobbies you have?"

West didn't seem to expect Tang Song to have this problem. After a little hesitation, he organized his words and said:
"Well, I am very interested in the castles of various countries...

Every year I travel to Europe.

Actually speaking, I am a crazy lover of medieval castles,
Maybe go to all over Europe to visit the people in those castles and explore some wonders. "

Tang Song looked at the small silver cross exposed by West, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Visiting strange people, this is to inspect and monitor the vampires in various castles
Tang Song applauded lightly, laughed, took out the check book, signed a blank check and handed it to West:

"Mr. West, this is a trifle."

West declined with a half-smile:
"Well, there's no need for that.

Mr. Tang, we are already very grateful for your strong support in dealing with the blood god. . . "

Tang Song said solemnly: "I am a businessman, so businessmen always like to use money to measure everything.

I think Mr. West is a person worth associating with. In the future, in business and in many aspects, we will need the support of a famous and powerful person like you. Are you not happy to accept such a small thing? "

West licked his lips, glanced at Tang Song's eyes, and saw the slick gaze of a complete profiteer.

He smiled reassuringly, took the check, and put it in his pocket unceremoniously. At the same time, he pointed to De Cler and said:
"Then, I am not impolite, Mr. Tang, next time the Republican Party is elected, I hope you can... Well, the opinion of a big boss with financial strength like you is very necessary for the help and support of the Republican Party. . . ”

Tang Song showed a look of understanding, calculated shrewdly for a long time, and smiled.

De Cler and West laughed at the same time and took their leave.

Waiting for the two to be sent far away by Frank,
Tang Song touched his chin and said thoughtfully:
"The deputy chief judge of the Inquisition, does he have such great power that he can even affect the political circles of the Federation?"

Inquisition, an institution established by the Holy See in the Middle Ages to try heresy.

It aims to eliminate all heresies against the church, as well as people with heresy ideas.

In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition had great power and could directly burn suspects to death without any trial.

They were responsible for the burning of witches in the Middle Ages.

Up to now, although the influence of the Inquisition has declined, the director of the Inquisition is second only to the Pope in the Holy See.

As for West, he was one of the two deputy chief judges of the Inquisition.

The status is second only to the chief referee and director.

The deputy head of the Inquisition is a big man, no wonder the energy intensity on his body is so high.

After seeing off West and De Cler, Tang Song sat on the sofa and narrowed his eyes slightly, a unique light flashed by.

Unlike De Kler, he felt an energy similar to the cross on De Kler in the vice referee.

But in terms of energy, the so-called holy power in West is at least ten times that of the Dekler cross.

Could this be the confidence of the Inquisition to seal the Blood God?

Ryan frowned: "Now the influence of the Vatican is mainly in the aspect of belief and politics. Many countries will not buy his account.
I'm afraid they came to you this time for some benefit. This West may not be weak. "

Tang Song corrected his point of view: "It's not that he is not weak, but he is very strong. Don't underestimate him. If there is a conflict in the future, if you still hold the idea that he is not weak, you should commit suicide as soon as possible. good...

Of course, I won't let him have a conflict with them. . .

Haha, they use us, why don't we use them? "

Ryan showed a clear look.

Tang Song said viciously: "Well, go and find a few cooperative arms companies, forget about Stark Industries, he is too expensive, what we are looking for is the one with high quality and low price, and we can make money by keeping the cost down. more!
Hammer Industries is great!Although the quality is poor, the Italian soldiers probably won't care. "

"It's a pity, why doesn't the Italian military use AKs? We have a few warehouses for such solid things."


After West and De Cler walked out of the manor.

Father De Cler said hesitantly:
"Master referee, this Tang and Song Dynasty is a bit incomprehensible and mysterious. Should we pay attention to the mysterious power in him that Dao Feng mentioned?"

West asked: "Have you checked his background?"

De Cler said braggingly: "Tang Song, a Chinese, smuggled into the federation more than two years ago, and it took half a year to obtain the legal right of residence and a diploma from the federation's Oxford University.

Then he started fighting in the underworld, using money and violence to attract a group of capable subordinates, and now he has become a relatively powerful one among the underworld leaders in New York. .

Oh, the territory of the Hand Association has also been taken over by him. . .

According to the information provided by Daofeng, he should still be a member of the Eastern supernatural forces! "

West licked his lips and sighed: "Is it the East, a mysterious country where the faith of God has never been spread!"

Then West said conceitedly: "But in this god-given land, we are the masters of the world, and he is just a greedy and vicious businessman.

But I like merchants, because as long as we give them enough benefits, they will work hard for us, understand? "

De Cler nodded in understanding, and asked suddenly, "Why didn't we take him in?"

West laughed: "We want elites, not every superpower is qualified to join our organization, you look like the group of brainless mutants, they only deserve to stay in the laboratory...

Of course, if this Tang can let me see his potential, I don't mind being his guide. As for now, let's take a look.

De Cler, the Diocese of New York will be handed over to you in the future. You have to work hard to maintain the stability of the Diocese of New York as much as possible. We will do our best to help you become a big shot in this area. This is what the church promised to you, understand? "

De Cler nodded, and West sighed: "Ever since the Sacred Shield Brotherhood split, today's Brotherhood is not as good as it used to be."

"You can't imagine the power we possessed back then, the power that can easily overturn this world...

Now we can only parasitize on the church and use its power to restore our glory~”


Tang Song took back a wisp of spiritual consciousness, poohed and said:

"Damn it, it turned out to be a twenty-five boy!

hum, hum. . .The Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, I don't know who is stronger between them and the group of bald mages. "

Seeing Frank fiddling with the catapult knife in his hand, Tang Song asked him fiercely, "Frank, do you still have contact with Nick Fury?"

Frank instinctively opened his mouth to answer: "He contacted me before and wanted me to join his organization..."

He shut up abruptly, and took a deep look at Tang Song:
"I didn't agree, my character is not suitable for his job, boss, you saved my family, I won't..."

Listening to Frank's dry expression of loyalty, Tang Song laughed and interrupted Frank's words.

After getting along for more than a year, Tang Song naturally knows what kind of person Frank is.

The reason why he asked Frank was that he vaguely remembered that when he read a Marvel comic, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra were originally split from the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield.

However, since Nick Fury had contacted Frank, according to the agent's disposition, he probably already had his name in the S.H.I.E.L.D. files.


Tang Song closed his eyes and rested his mind. A figure behind him walked over quietly, threw himself directly behind him, and hugged his neck.


Skye wrapped his hands around Tang Song's neck, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and said with a smile:
"Boss, do you miss me?"

Tang Song turned his face to the side and put his arms around Skye's neck in a wet French kiss.

For a long time, Skye felt a little out of breath, so he broke free with both hands.

Tang Song stretched out his hand to pick Skye's chin, and got up and hugged her back into his arms. He moved his hands up and down, making her weak all over, and then he got down to business:

"Just came back? How are things going?"

Skye leaned in Tang Song's arms, limp all over.

"Several hackers from Rising Tide have already dug in, but some people don't want to join!"

"It's okay, we don't force others to be difficult, you can go to Ryan later and ask him to give you a sum of money to buy some high-end computers!"

Tang Song held Skye in his arms, like teasing a kitten.


You get what you pay for, and after seeing enough money, Tang Song quickly let West see what efficiency is.

Everyone in his field was spilled out, looking for suspicious-looking people.

In less than three days, Tang and Song found a place where Dicken Firth was suspected to be hiding.

Of course, what West didn't know was that Tang Song had already found this place, but for him.

The game is nothing more than raising the bandits' self-respect, after all, the heart and soul of the vampire is a renewable resource for Tang.

At night, in the port of New York, in an old, abandoned pier, an old watchtower, a little yellow oil lamp is flickering like fireflies.

This is an abandoned pier in New York, and the overall planning of the city has not yet been transformed here.
Therefore, these lighthouses, which are at least decades old, still remain, and they have become the activities of some invisible creatures.

Frank led more than 100 gunmen and quietly surrounded the vast area near the lighthouse.

Twelve super snipers lay on the ground, on the roof far away, using Barrett heavy sniper, aiming at the direction of the top tower from a distance.

Inside the lit lighthouse, several big men were sitting around the light drinking and playing cards.

Directly below the lighthouse is an underground building the size of two football fields.

At this time, in a secret room, in a pool one-third the size of a swimming pool, blood boiled like boiling water.

Dicken Firth looked wildly at the blood pool and the twelve pure blood vampires tied to the stone pillars around the blood pool.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you are about to witness a miracle!"

A pure-blood vampire in a suit with his hands tied to a stone pillar taught him in a low voice: "Bastard, you will not succeed. The most important thing in summoning the blood god ceremony is the daywalker. Do you dare to provoke him? Now New York's The Bloodborn has already killed or injured hundreds of people because of you, will the European elders let you go!"

"Sunwalker!?" Dickon Firth walked up to the pure-blooded vampire who was talking, and stared at him:
"It's funny to say, when will the elders care about the life and death of us mixed races!"

"Also, who told you that you must have a daywalker to complete the sacrifice?" Dicken Firth said with an exaggerated expression:

"You know what, I found a perfect replacement!"

The pure-blooded vampire snorted in a low voice: ""Impossible, it is clearly recorded in the holy book that only the blood of the day walker can complete the sacrifice and summon the blood god! "

"You purebloods have been holding this old concept, lying in coffins, the times are progressing, human beings are developing, we can't fall behind!" Dicken Firth patted the pureblood vampire's face.

The pure blood vampire let out a low roar, his angry eyes were red.

"How about it, come and meet my allies and the sacrifice I prepared for the Blood God!"

As Dicken Firth's voice fell, a long-haired figure came out of the underground passage.

(End of this chapter)

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