Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 32 Cooperative Blood Mage

Chapter 32 Cooperative Blood Mage
The abandoned pier not far from the lighthouse is overgrown with grass.

Tang and Song held a gilded silver cane and watched the movement of the lighthouse in the distance with a telescope.

West, who had changed into a black priestly uniform, stood beside Tang Song, with a bright silver chain hanging from his chest, revealing an ancient silver crucifix.

The cross is half the length of the forearm, and at the position of the upper cross, two sapphires the size of pigeon eggs are inlaid.

The silver light on the cross has been dimmed. Judging from the degree of wear and tear, it has been a long time, but it seems that the original owner took good care of it and maintained it very well without oxidation.

Behind West stood four men and women also wearing black priestly uniforms.

It's just that compared to West, the priest's uniforms on them are much simpler, and there is no gold thread on the cuffs.

Each of them was carrying a silver suitcase with a cross pattern engraved on the suitcase. They were mysterious and did not know what was inside.

"My people caught a Hagui clan, he provided a piece of information, Jin from the underground world sent a group of girls to this abandoned pier!"

Tang Song was smoking a cigar, and the flames from the cigarette butts flickered in the darkness: "This pier has been abandoned for a long time, and there is a naval checkpoint six nautical miles away from here. Ordinary people, snakes, and smugglers will not come here. Obviously, our Mr. Jin Bin is delivering to some people."

"Jin Bin, that New York underground leader!" West lowered his hands, looking at the lighthouse in the distance.

"I heard De Cler mention him, colluding with other species, if placed in the Middle Ages, he would be sentenced to fire! Only fire can atone for his sins."

Tang Song narrowed his eyes. The so-called fire torture is to tie people to a wooden cross, pile firewood underneath, and burn people alive. This is also a method that the Holy See has always used to deal with heresy.

However, the current Holy See is really difficult to deal with a New York underground emperor unless it uses official means or uses extraordinary people.

Tang Song opened his mouth at the right time and said:

"I'm willing to help you deal with Jin Bin's affairs.

But I heard that he has many friends in the upper echelons of the Federation,
It is said that there are even big figures from Congress and the Department of Defense…”

Tang Song stroked the chilong pattern on the cane, looked sideways at West, and waited for his statement.

Jin Bin, the underground emperor of New York, Spiderman, Daredevil, and Punisher are the enemies of all superheroes in life. His strongest thing is not his muscles.

It wasn't his group of gunmen and thugs, but his intricate network of relationships at the top of the federal government.

This is also the reason why he was sent to prison again and again in the plot and released again and again.

With Tang and Song's current strength, it is not difficult to kill Jin, but if he moves his money bag, he will invisibly offend the people behind him.

Tang Song is not afraid, but these people can indeed cause him a lot of trouble.

Tang Song wanted to use West's hand to solve this problem, and test the strength of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield by the way.

West took a deep look at Tang Song, and seemed to understand his intention to borrow a knife to kill people, but West didn't mind, smiled and said:
"Collusion with other species is a serious crime, especially the cruelty of human beings and offering sacrifices to vampires. As long as the evidence is true, no one can protect him! Even if there is a president behind him, it is useless!"

Hearing West's words, Tang Song nodded with satisfaction: "In that case, after dealing with these vampires, Jin Bin and I will also deal with them for my husband!"

At this time, in the sky, the full moon peeked out from the dark clouds, and the silvery white moonlight shone on the sea surface.

In the lighthouse, a big man came out to release water. Looking at the full moon in the sky, he couldn't help but howl at the moon.

Amidst the howling, his face slowly protruded and became longer, and at the same time, thick long hair grew rapidly, and his body began to grow taller and stronger.

With a shrill wolf howl, this strong man has turned into a tall werewolf.


Tang Song and West looked at each other, and Tang Song raised his eyebrows, which is a bit interesting.


"Dirty taste, Dickon, you bastard, you actually cooperate with werewolves!"

Walking out of the underground passage was a tall man in a leather jacket with long hair and a shotgun in one hand.

Several pure blood vampires immediately smelled the man's scent.

That strong fishy smell belongs to the smell of werewolves.

Several pure blood vampires couldn't help scolding angrily.

However, the anger of the loser is often ignored by no one.

"Well, Lucien, my friend, welcome, welcome." Dicken Firth opened his arms and gave the man a big hug.

The man pressed the shotgun to Dicken Firth's chest, avoiding Dicken Firth's movement.

Dicken Firth shook his head and shrugged his shoulders: "Everyone has been working together for so long, and you are still so born!"

The man named Lucian looked coldly at the pool of blood in the room and frowned.

"Your business is about to succeed, what about the things you promised me?"

"Don't worry, I've got [-] rounds of ultraviolet bullets ready!" Dicken Firth clapped his hands, and several vampires moved over several wooden boxes.

Lucien pried open one casually, and inside were neat rows of brass bullets shining with purple fluorescence.

Lucien picked up one, put it in his hand and examined it carefully, and pressed the bullets into the magazine one by one in front of Dicken Firth.

Seeing Lucien raise his gun at him, Dicken Firth raised his hand with an exaggerated expression! "Whoa whoa!"

Lucian turned his gun and pulled the trigger directly at a vampire beside him.

The unlucky guy who hadn't had time to react was shot in the chest, and with a scream, his whole body burned from the inside out, and in just ten seconds, it was reduced to a pile of ashes.

The few vampires in the room were taken aback by Lucian's sudden shooting, and they all reached for the pistol on their backs.

"Don't move!" Dicken Firth stopped his subordinates.

Lucien looked at the vampire who had been reduced to ashes, nodded in satisfaction and said:
"Good stuff!"

Dicken Firth stared at Lucien coldly: "I've given you what you want, but what about what I want?"

Lucien waved his hand, and two tall figures walked out of the secret passage carrying a large box.

Before the box was put down, Dicken Firth couldn't wait any longer. He stepped forward quickly and opened the wooden box.

Inside was a tied up white man, with blindfolds on his eyes and a mouth ball stuffed in his mouth. Feeling the vibration of the wooden box, he couldn't help making a whining sound.

"Is that him?"

Dicken Firth stroked the white man's face, as if he was touching some rare treasure. His sharp nails scratched across the white man's face, leaving a bloodstain.

Dicken Firth wiped the blood from the white man's face with his hands, put it into his mouth and sucked it, the sweetness made every pore of his body tremble.

"This human body contains the perfect blood of the first generation of Alexander. He can cooperate with the blood of the Sunwalker in your hand to create another Sunwalker as a sacrifice!"

Lucian said in a deep voice to Dicken Firth.

Unlike the vampires from Caine's lineage, another branch of vampires in New York is a genetic mutation from itself.

They and the werewolves of Lucian are the same ancestors, from a Hungarian nobleman before the Middle Ages-Alexander Koventis.

This nobleman seems to have a special gene. After his eldest son Marcus was bitten by a bat, he became the first generation of vampires.

And his second son, William, was bitten by a wolf and became the first generation werewolf.

As for the youngest son, he died of old age in an ordinary way, but because of this, the genes in Alexander's body were perfectly inherited.

And the man in the wooden box is the descendant of Alexander's generation.

Lucien had already obtained what he needed from him, but in order to deal with his enemy, he used this human being as a bargaining chip and used it to make a deal with Dicken Firth.

Looking at the man in the wooden box, Dicken Firth let out a burst of ambiguous laughter.

"Bring the blood of the blade!"

A vampire quickly fetched several test tubes of serum, all of which were Blade's blood.

The day walker and the vampire have not been fighting for a day or two, although Dicken Firth has been at a disadvantage all these years.

But it is not difficult for Dicken Firth to get some blade blood.

It's not that the scientists under him haven't done research on Blade's blood, but they haven't produced any results.

After all, one is on the scientific side and the other is on the mysterious side, and there is some incompatibility between the two.

Dicken Firth took a syringe, drew a tube of blood from the white man's arm, injected it into the test tube containing the blood of the blade, shook it, and handed it to the subordinate beside him.

"Give it to Claude, let him experiment as soon as possible, I want the result!"

At the same time that his subordinates took over the test tube, a ball of green smoke slowly appeared in front of Dicken Firth, slowly formed a black cat, and called to him.

The red light in Dicken Firth's eyes suddenly lit up:
"Damn it, that damned human actually brought someone here? How could he find this place?

Oh, I see, it was a mistake to ask humans to cooperate. .But it doesn't matter, it's a group of ordinary humans. . . "

Looking at the black cat that suddenly appeared, Lucian shrank his pupils. He recognized that it was the pet of a famous black wizard in the dark world of New York.

Dicken Firth even cooperated with the Dark Wizard.

For a moment, Lucien's mind was spinning fast, he was considering the pros and cons of cooperating with Dicken Firth.

After all, it was said that Victor had an affair with this dark wizard back then.

"Is there an enemy? I brought thirty good men, all of whom are the strongest werewolves!" Lucien took the initiative to say after weighing the gains and losses.

Dicken Firth laughed viciously, and said to Lucian:
"Don't worry, it's just a group of humans. Since they are here, don't even think about going back. Let them become sacrifices to the great blood god!"

"Go, gather people, don't let these human beings delay the coming of the great blood god!" Dicken Firth turned to several subordinates.


On the abandoned top floor by the sea, a sniper was lying on the spot, and in the shadow behind him, two green eyes suddenly lit up.

In the shadows, a cloaked man seemed to merge with the night.

A cloud of black smoke emitted from his hand, covering the sniper lying on the roof.

The sniper only felt exhausted, his spirit was lost, and he felt drowsy.

With a flick of his finger,

A bullet directly hit the foot of the werewolf who was releasing water by the sea, scaring it so much that it almost jumped up.

The werewolf looked left and right, and quickly ran into the abandoned house beside him, quickly opened the door and jumped out.

Frank's angry voice sounded on the channel: "Who is shooting!"

"I, I went off!" The gunshot woke up the dozing sniper.

"Shoot, kill them!" Seeing that the enemy was alarmed, Frank gave the order directly.

At this time, the gunshot alarmed several werewolves on the lighthouse, and they all roared at the moon and turned into werewolves.

He jumped off the top of the five-meter-high tower and ran out roaring.

The sniper on the roof directly pulled the trigger, knocking a werewolf several hundred meters away, and the bullet from the heavy sniper rifle directly opened a hole the size of a bowl in its chest.

However, the vitality of the werewolf was really tenacious. The silver-plated heavy-duty sniper bullet hit the body, and the werewolf fell to the ground like a dead fish on a chopping board and struggled frantically. It didn't die for a while.

The gunmen next to them also poked their heads out from the roof and corners, and AK rifles poured out firepower frantically.

Tang Song stood on the pier, "looking" at the roof of the building in the distance, and he felt a "person" there.

A person with a strange breath, if the energy contained in West next to him is holy light, then the man on the top of the building is exactly the opposite of West, and the breath on his body is very similar to the skeleton demon he refined.

The "Necromancer" of the West?
But West didn't seem to notice the trace of the "Necromancer", and was staring at the movement under the pier intently.

At this time, the vampire in the bunker poked its head out of the bunker like a groundhog under the alarm of the gunshots.

Submachine guns, shotguns and pistols protruded from various hidden firing ports and launched a counterattack.





The snipers on the roof played a role at this time. The twelve snipers accurately took away an enemy in the bunker with each shot.

The power of Barrett's heavy sniper made it difficult for those simple bunkers to resist the penetration of the heavy sniper.

For these former professional soldiers, bullying a group of vampires with submachine guns and pistols with a heavy sniper is completely stress-free.

The sniper on the roof was concentrating on aiming at the bunker and shooting.

The man in the cloak in the shadow raised his hand and waved lightly, and a mist enveloped the entire roof.

Frank, who was shooting with the M416, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and a chill pierced his back. Without thinking about it, he just rolled on the spot.


A heavy sniper bullet landed where he was just now, creating a deep hole in the ground.

The shot stones flew out, directly drawing a bloodstain on the face of a gunman who couldn't dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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