Chapter 36 Blood God

A blood shadow flew out of the flames and landed beside the huge pit, revealing a bloody humanoid creature like a skinned monkey.

The burnt red skin was full of blisters, only two or three pieces stuck to the burnt flesh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The humanoid creature landed outside the deep pit, but it couldn't stop laughing wildly.

Accompanied by his laughter, the flesh and blood on his body kept wriggling, and the wounds on his body stopped bleeding, healed, shed dead skin, and re-grow skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the charred humanoid creature turned into a naked man.

Not to mention, she looks quite fair.

A faint light flashed in Tang Song's eyes, and his sensitive six senses actually sensed a hint of danger in this naked man.

This feeling is like when he was walking in the mountains and forests when he was in the world of Yan Fu, he was stared at by a mandrill who had achieved a lot of cultivation.

Although the mandrill was killed by him with the help of terrain formation, Tang Song still remembered the feeling of the thorns on his back.

After all, if he hadn't reacted quickly, the mandrill would have almost cut him open.

Looking at the naked man in madness, Tang Song took a step back, a string of white jade rosary beads collided with each other on the wrist and rattled, and the surface of the beads faintly appeared the pattern of bones and skulls.

In Tang Song's other hand, two sword pellets were twirling in his palm, faintly condensing two red-white sword glows.

"Hahahahaha... I succeeded, I succeeded!"

Dicken Firth was naked, standing beside the burning pit, raised his hands to the sky, and clenched his fists.

Dicken Firth's excitement was uncontrollable. After more than 200 years of planning, he finally stole the power of the blood god.

Yes, that's right, Dicken Firth's original intention was not to summon the blood god to descend.

In the blood race, he is just a half-breed who was bitten by a pure-blood vampire. Even if he summons the blood god, what can he get? Is there an ancestor on top of his head?

Dicken Firth has deceived everyone, and what he pursues is always only power.

This is also the reason why he cooperated with Urnos. Only this knowledgeable black wizard can reverse the ritual of the blood god's descent and help him steal the power of the blood god who does not know which latitude is sleeping.

Now that he has succeeded, he will return to Europe, trample those damned old guys who look down on him, and he will become the real king of the blood clan.

"God says that all evil will be punished!"

Dicken Firth, the future king of the blood clan, is still feeling his vigorous power and imagining a bright future.

A thick holy light blasted directly on him along with the singing.

The thick pillar of holy light directly submerged Dicken Firth, the milky white holy light and blood light intertwined, Tang and Song could even hear the sizzle of steam like boiling water.

West held the medieval holy sword in both hands, a faint milky white halo appeared on the sword body, and he stabbed out the holy beam of light just now with this holy sword.

"People of the Holy See, Jie Jie Jie Jie... I have tolerated you for a long time, now I want to show you what power is!"

A "Holy Light Cross Sword" obviously did not do much damage to Dicken Firth who had obtained the power of the blood god.

Although the flesh and blood all over his body became tattered again, the damage caused by the Holy Light Cross Sword was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, on Dicken Firth's back, two bulges quickly bulged, and with a sizzling sound of tearing flesh, a pair of bat wings full of dirty blood spread out behind him.

Flapping the three-meter-long blood-colored bat wings, Dicken Firth showed a pair of sharp canine teeth and grinned at West.

With a flap of bat wings, he rushed towards West directly, and the sky was full of blood shadows.

West lowered his hands to his chest, and muttered lightly: "Praise my lord, my lord is omnipotent, grant me infinite power to drive away all evil in front of me."

Along with the singing, West's whole body was shrouded in a column of holy light that descended from the sky,

A glaring white light in his right hand enveloped the holy sword in his hand,

A brilliant lightsaber, and then slashed at Dicken Firth who rushed forward without giving in.

Facing the incoming lightsaber, Dicken Firth flapped his bat wings, bringing out afterimages in mid-air.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared behind West, and a pair of bloody claws went straight to West's back.

Chila!During the frenzied pounce of the blood claws, the holy light around West's body also rippled and began to vibrate slightly.

Feeling the strangeness behind him, West made a backhand sword without hesitation,
Then his body turned sharply, and the "Holy Light Cross Sword" in his hand made more than 30 consecutive chops.

Dicken Firth flapped his bat wings, leaving behind afterimages, and easily avoided all the sword lights that struck him.

With his backhand, he clawed at West's neck again.

West slashed out with two Holy Light Cross Swords backhanded, but was avoided by Dicken Firth with his own speed.

Going back and forth like this several times, Tang Song stood aside but could see clearly that this vampire was very fast, but it couldn't break through West's holy light defense.

Soon Dicken Firth also understood, the man was hovering in the air, his bat wings fanned slightly, he licked his ghost teeth, looked down at the crowd coldly, and let out a strange smile from his mouth.

Since you have the sacred weapon defense and can't deal with you, then deal with your subordinates.

Dicken Firth set his sights on Tang Song who was closest to him. As soon as his bat wings moved, he was about to pounce on Tang Song.

The two sword pills shot out a Zhang Xu long sword light, but they appeared behind it first.

Chi Chi, two extremely fierce sword qi directly slashed at Dicken Firth's bat wings.

Dicken Firth turned pale with fright, flapping his bat wings desperately, trying to avoid the two sword lights behind him, bloody afterimages appeared in the sky.

His speed once caused a white sonic boom to appear in the air, but the two sword lights stuck to his back like maggots attached to the bones, about to cut off his pair of bat wings.

One red, two white and three rays of light chased in mid-air.

Not long after, there was a cracking sound in the air, and two blood-colored bat wings fell towards the ground.

Dicken Firth let out a painful wail, and fell straight to the ground. Obviously, even if he inherited the power of the blood god, the bat wing was vital to him.

However, the power of this blood god is also evil. Although the bat wings were severed, during the fall, Dicken Firth had two bulges on his back...


The howling sword light produced a powerful howl of swords, and a small vacuum space appeared between the two sword pills.

Then, there was a deafening explosion.

Dicken Firth, who had not waited for the bat wings to fully grow, was directly shattered by the two sword lights. His upper body was completely shattered, and he floated out like a gray butterfly.
The lower half of his body was sent flying more than 50 meters by a sword light like a projectile.

The half of his body that was completely missing above the waist rolled down beside a bomb crater. His waist was broken, and dirty blood gushed out like a spring.

The dirty blood spurted, solidified, squirmed, and formed a new body, torso, arms, and head.

"I am an immortal body, I am a blood god!"

Dicken Firth, who had just recovered his body, laughed wildly.

At this time, a figure appeared behind him like a ghost. Tang Song pinched his right hand, and countless purple thunderbolts formed a Taoist palm thunder in his palm.

He clenched his left hand into a fist, with streaks of golden light covering his fist, and at the knuckles, phantoms of relics appeared, shining brightly.

With one seal and one punch, Dicken Firth was hit hard in the back of the heart.

The Taoist divine thunder and the Brahma Buddha's light, the two most terrifying powers for demons, erupted in Dicken Firth's body in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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