Chapter 37 Killing
Palm Thunder, the most basic thunder method in Taoism.

In the world of Yan Fu, palm thunder is like Luohan boxing in Shaolin Temple, it is almost a bad way of the street.

Anyone who understands the practice of Taoism will know the method of thunder in the palm of one hand.

The method of palm thunder is also very common, using true energy to connect the essence of heaven and earth, simulating the power of thunder and lightning.

It is most suitable to deal with some ordinary ghosts, ghosts, and spirits who have just become spirits.

Because of these spirits and ghosts, what Yin Hun fears most is the thunder and lightning catastrophe, which represents the mighty power of the sky.

However, what ordinary monks cast is nothing more than white thunder.

But the thunder light from Tang and Song's palms was purple.

This is the thunder technique secreted by the Taishang Dao. Every day, the sun and the moon alternate, and a touch of purple energy when the sun rises, supplemented by the secret technique, makes the thunder in the palm a third more of the power of pure yang to destroy evil.

In the time of three breaths, Tang Song swung his right hand 37 times in a row, and the purple thunder light instantly drowned Dicken Firth.

And Tang Song's left hand blasted out twenty punches, the most authentic Dafumoquan of Buddhism.

The purple thunder light, the golden light of the subduing Buddha, and the blood-colored power of the evil god blended together.

Dicken Firth's body was directly like an overfilled balloon, and his whole body swelled like a ball, which exploded directly.

The fragments of the corpse shattered like flowers, splashing everywhere.

On a piece of incomplete liver, bursts of blood suddenly appeared.

The power of the blood god in the wreckage is constantly repairing its body.

The dirty blood spurted out, and soon Dicken Firth solidified into a new body.

But at the moment when his body was just taking shape, two sword pills brought white light and pierced back and forth at the same time, leaving two bowl-sized blood holes on his chest.

Before the blood hole healed, Tang Song's figure was as light as a gust of wind.

Two beams of energy, one purple and one gold, instantly enveloped the newly formed body of Dicken Firth.

The purple thunder force instantly destroyed every cell in this fleshy orifice.

The golden Buddha's light was rippling in the deepest part of the body, suppressing faintly, wiping away strands of strange blood light.

Explode, resurrect, explode, resurrect, explode, resurrect...

Under the action of the three forces, Dicken Firth exploded seven times before turning into a puddle of blood in despair.

Tang Song looked at the group of West who were walking this way, and secretly pinched a seal with both hands.

A streak of blood in the dirty blood was pulled out by an invisible chain, and Dicken Firth's struggling miniature blood shadow could be faintly seen in the blood.

There was the rustling of scales, and a black shadow flashed quickly, swallowing the blood shadow into his stomach.

"Keep it well, this is not for you to eat!" Tang Song rubbed the finger on his thumb and tapped softly.


The abyss, a vast latitude world with no known boundaries.

Under the shadow of the blood moon, as far as the eye can see, it is desolate and lonely.

Different from the hell that is full of magma and sea of ​​fire, here is filled with blood mist, blood dripping crimson mountain peaks, meandering blood rivers.

There were no living creatures in the blood mist, and occasionally the sound of flapping wings flashed across the sky.

Under the cover of the blood moon, one could vaguely see groups of blood-colored bats flying by.

In the depths of this latitude, in a valley of the Scarlet Mountains, stands a black castle covering an area of ​​tens of millions of acres.

Outside the castle, a bloody river with a width of several hundred meters is rippling with waves. In the bloody river, from time to time, you can see some giant animals that look like crocodiles but not crocodiles swimming.

The black castle's walls are hundreds of meters high, and the black crystal stones are engraved with simple and simple patterns, solemn and solemn.

On the city wall, every five meters, there is a stone sculpture with a ghost head, wings on its back, and a lion's tail.

These gargoyles are motionless, as if they are real sculptures. Only two obsidian-like pupils that keep turning, prove that these gargoyles are not simple sculptures.

As a member of the ancient dark race, the gargoyle's eyes are born with the trick to see through the tricks of magic.

They are also the first choice for some powerful beings to watch the nursing home.

It's just that in the present dark world, the total number of gargoyles in the world does not exceed a thousand.

And the gargoyles used in this castle are more than hundreds of thousands.

Under the city wall, groups of headless horsemen patrol the castle on black nightmares
Nightmare stepped on the green flames, carrying these headless knights in ancient armor.

They exude a strong undead breath, and they are all high-level undead creatures.

But in this castle, they are just ordinary soldiers patrolling the castle.

In the deepest part of the castle, thirteen blood pillars reached the sky, supporting a majestic hall. Inside the hall, it was empty, and the walls were engraved with portraits and stories.

If a senior pastor comes here, he will be surprised to find that the contents of these murals are very similar to those in the Bible, except that there are some more characters in these stories.

A huge black beast like a hill is crawling in the center of the hall. It has a size of a hundred meters, and there are countless sword-shaped backstabs on its back. A pair of huge bat wings wrap the whole body, only the lizard-like head is exposed. .

The huge nostrils, while breathing, set off two small flame tornadoes in the hall.

The snoring echoed in the hall like muffled thunder.

Not far from the black dragon, there is a black staircase going up step by step. At the end of the stairs, there is a black coffin.

The unknown wooden coffin exudes a blood-colored gloomy light. The surface of the coffin is woven with fine patterns of gold thread, which seems to be an ancient writing.

Above the coffin, there was a blood mist rising, scattered and gathered, as if to echo the inaudible breathing in the coffin.

Suddenly, the blood mist stopped for a moment and then dissipated again.


A stretched Rolls-Royce is driving on the road, the back seat of the Rolls-Royce.

Tang Song is listening to West's popularization of knowledge about vampires.

He was a little curious about the immortality displayed by Dicken Firth.

Regarding the degree of understanding of dark creatures, the authority of the Holy See is naturally beyond doubt.

The strength shown by Dicken Firth is indeed good. It can be said that his mana is powerful, and the blood in his body is even comparable to that of a monk who established a foundation.

But in terms of the use of this power, it is too crude.

Just like a feral beast in the deep mountains and old forests, except for its strength, it doesn't know any spells.

This vampire didn't seem to know any spells either, all he relied on was his speed and his undead body.

But no matter how fast it was, it couldn't be faster than the two sword pills in Tang Song's hands.

In addition, Taoism's palm thunder and Buddhism's subduing demon Buddha's light just restrained the most yin creatures like vampires.

Tang Song basically didn't waste much effort in dealing with this vampire.

However, the immortality of this vampire was beyond Tang Song's expectations.

You must know that it took seven times for the Taoist god thunder and the Buddhist golden light to completely wipe him out.

"Vampires are dark creatures, their strength will increase with age!"

West explained to Tang Song:
"Before the Middle Ages, when vampires were rampant, they once ruled all European countries, and the division of human noble titles was made by them!"

"Mr. Duke, from duke to baron, this was once the standard for dividing power among vampires!"

"Among the various clans of vampires, except for some ancient ones, the Grand Duke is already the top existence active in the dark world."

"This vampire's immortality even exceeds that of the Vampire Grand Duke. This should have something to do with the blood god!"

(Try to sign a contract today, if the contract is not successful, get out, if the contract is successful, 6000 per day)

(End of this chapter)

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