Chapter 38
New York, abandoned pier.

It was already daylight, and the sea was turning white, and a few patrol boats could be faintly seen wandering on the sea in the distance.

The gunpowder smoke at the pier has not dissipated, and the flames in the deep pit are still burning.

Two heavy trucks and two cannons have disappeared from the scene.

Even the two tanker trucks were gone.

On the battlefield where the guns were still rumbling at night, only a mess was left at this time.

At this time, Frank directed the scavengers who arrived to deal with the scene. Dozens of big black men were wearing rubber gloves, carrying bloody stones, and shoveling mud mixed with flesh and blood.

Some still intact werewolf corpses and vampire limbs were carried onto the corpse truck, while some mutilated corpses were thrown directly into the burning pit.

On the other side, more than a dozen big men held tightly wrapped lumps in their hands. Under the arrangement of several blasting experts, they installed these TNT explosives on various blasting points on the dock.

Several small excavators are digging ditches from the huge pit towards the sea.

The dilapidated pier was washed away by the waves. This will be the report that will appear in various media sections after dawn.

Of course, a benevolent person soon came out to deal with the aftermath of this dilapidated wharf.

A huge sum of money was spent to renovate the pier and transform him into a new cargo port.

However, the project to repair the pier will have to wait until after the New York state election.

You know, a new freight terminal, the jobs it provides are great achievements for any politician,

These are all votes, so naturally they can't be cheap for others.

The excavator scooped up the last shovelful of sand, and the sea water was poured into the huge pit along the ditch.

Sea water poured in, and in the burning red giant pit, water vapor filled the air and white mist rose.

A dump truck, under the driver's operation, dumped quicklime into a deep pit filled with seawater.

The bright red sun rose above the sea, and calm returned to the pier.

Two dozen vehicles headed for downtown New York along the interstate.

Frank sat in the co-pilot of a military Humvee and walked at the end of the convoy.

When the convoy left the explosion range estimated by the blasting experts, Frank pressed the remote control in his hand!

The old pier has been in disrepair for a long time. Is it a waste of public resources or the government's inaction.

Republican gubernatorial candidate calls out Democratic incumbent governor!
Under the grape trellis in the manor, Tang Song was lying on a rattan chair, holding a New York Times newspaper in his hand.

The headlines on the front pages of the newspapers were about the pier being washed up by the sea.

And our Mr. Moon took advantage of this matter to directly fire at his opponents.

For the real high-level government, the matter of dark creatures is not a secret, but for ordinary people, this is something that cannot be made public.

Our current governor can only grit his teeth and eat this dumb loss.

But for Tang Song, his wave is really not bad.

With a smile on Tang Song's face, he casually touched the badge on the table beside him, put it in front of his eyes, and began to size it up.

The round shield emblem made of pure gold, with a phoenix embossed in the middle, and the eyes of the phoenix are inlaid with rubies.

Between the two chicken feet is a circular pattern representing the earth.

This is the badge that West gave to Tang Song after returning from the pier, representing the membership of the Sacred Shield Brotherhood.

Of course, the current Tang and Song Dynasties cannot be considered official members.

To become a member of the Sacred Shield Brotherhood, one full member is required as a guide, and at the same time, the approval of at least three full members is required to join the club.

According to West, the Brotherhood of the Shield originated in 2620 BC.

Created by a Greek who repelled an alien race and is said to be the designer of the pyramids.

The designer named Imhotep was revered as the Holy Shield No.1, and was revered as a god after his death.

The purpose of the creation of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield is to prevent the invasion of aliens. Many famous figures in history are members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield.

These include Tesla, Newton, Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Zhang Heng of the East, Zu Chongzhi.

However, after World War II, the members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield split into three organizations due to differences in ideas.

The radicals want to rule the earth and centralize power to fight against alien invasions. This group acts radically. During World War II, they came together with the art student who failed the exam and established an organization called Hydra.

The other faction advocates cooperation with other countries, and advocates turning the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield from the dark to the bright, and at the same time confronting the Hydra, becoming the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

The branch of West, on the other hand, is adhering to the ancient tradition, rooting its roots in the soil, silently absorbing nutrients, and accumulating strength in order to cope with future alien crises.

Of course, this is the opinion of West's family. Tang and Song can estimate whether there is any moisture in it.

What he wants to know is how powerful the Sacred Shield Brotherhood is now, and how much benefit he can get from it.

As the old saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and West's ability to hold the position of vice president of the Holy See shows that the influence of the Holy Shield Brotherhood should not be underestimated.

This is why Tang Song readily agreed to West.

What he cares about is not money, but cultivation resources.

Take Edman alloy as an example, the price of Edman alloy from Japan is 1000 US dollars per gram.

When refining two sword pills in Tang and Song Dynasties, only ten catties of Edman alloy was added, and it cost 500 million US dollars.

Even at this price, the amount of Edman alloy that flows into the market through Yashida Industry does not exceed 50 kilograms per year.

Money is very important, but power is even more important. Only with money and power can the Tang and Song Dynasties cultivate their immortals comfortably.

Now that a group of vampires have been swept away, the property and land they left behind is enough for Tang and Song to digest for a while.

And Jin Bing, it seems that the title of the underground emperor of New York should be changed.

Tang Song put down the badge in his hand and took out a booklet, the ink on it was still wet.

At the beginning of the first line, it says "God and Demon Change" in English

Tang and Song went over carefully, picking up the pen next to it from time to time to re-paint and change.

Write down the exercises that are most suitable for Ryan and the others in the most understandable language.

The transformation of gods and demons was selected by the Tang and Song Dynasties, and it is the most suitable method for this world, but it still needs to be changed.

Tang Song wrote seriously with a pen.

The sun shines on Tang and Song's face through the emerald green grape leaves, and the light and shadow are interlaced among the mottled spots.

"Elegant oriental man! What a pity!"

The top floor of a building four kilometers away from the manor.

The window of the women's toilet was removed, and a man in a black suit with a plunging head held a toothpick in his mouth, looked at Tang Song lying on the rattan chair through the scope of the sniper rifle, and slowly pulled the trigger with his index finger .

The barrel is twice as long as that of ordinary sniper rifles, and a bullet engraved with patterns shoots out from the barrel.


On the seaside of the pier, the sound of the violent explosion has long passed, and the seawater has flooded the beach, the pier.

On the bottom of the sea, in the depths of the original bunker wreckage, a dark werewolf broke through the sand and rocks on the ground, and drilled out of a pit.

A patrol boat was moored on the sea, and the black werewolf rowed under the patrol boat in a dog-planing posture.

(End of this chapter)

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