Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 42: Passing on merit?

Chapter 42: Passing on merit?
Dots of starlight dotted the dome, and the cave walls were densely inlaid with large and small white jade.

These jade stones are as big as a human head, and as small as a fist. The corners have been polished, and the shape exposed outside the stone wall is like a semicircular incandescent lampshade.

These polished Hetian white jades have a total of 360 five pieces,

Arranged in the order of the sky, surrounding the silver gemstones in the inner circle, each piece of jade is engraved with spirit pattern charms, emitting a milky white light on the stone wall.

These white jades are authentic Hetian jades brought in by air from the * country. Although they cannot reach the level of mutton jade, the combined value of this wall is enough to buy the Tang Manor where Tang Song lives now.

The silver gemstones inlaid in the inner circle are not so expensive. The 72 silver gemstones are all made of mica, pearls, and tortoise shells. They are man-made objects refined in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

These man-made gemstones have a miraculous effect on gathering the essence of the sun, so they were used as the core of the array in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

These jade gemstones on the top of the cave condense the essence of the sun and gather it in this cave.

The cave, which originally looked spooky without the lights on, is now filled with a layer of veil-like mist in the air, with a scent of grass and trees. Combined with the milky white light above the cave, it seems that people are in a fantasy world all at once.

Stepping on the floor tiles completely made of sapphire, Tang and Song took a deep breath, feeling a little intoxicated by the strong spirit of heaven and earth.

Although the transformed catacombs cannot be called a blessed place, even in the world of Yan Fu, they can still be called a spiritual cave.

A spiritual acupoint that is enough to make some casual cultivators under the alchemy fight for their heads.

This is the power of money, Tang Song patted the jade vat in the center of the altar.

This is directly carved from a whole block of jade,

The jade miners discovered a whole piece of green and white jade weighing more than ten tons from the Kunlun Mountain mining area. It cost millions of RMB to mine and transport it from the mining area.

But in the hands of Tang and Song Dynasties, the price of this piece of jade has increased by more than ten times.

Tang and Song Dynasties specially invited domestic master craftsmen, and spent half a month carving this piece of jade into a jade vat.

In the jade vat one person tall, there are crystal clear water waves. In the water waves, two koi carps, one black and one white, are swimming. At the bottom of the vat, several black lotus seeds are half covered in a layer of black mud.

In the jade vat, water bubbles appeared from time to time. They were not koi breathing oxygen. Under a layer of soil, the bottom of the sapphire vat was engraved with layers of runes.

These runes are connected with the sapphire bricks on the altar to form a huge spirit gathering circle.

The core of the magic circle is this jade vat, which gathers a third of the spiritual energy in the spiritual acupoint.

The location of this jade vat is also called in Yanfu Continent-Spiritual Eye!
Two jade plates floated on the surface of the jade vat, and on one of the jade plates, two silver balls the size of pigeon eggs glistened.

On another jade plate, a small black snake was lying on the side of the jade plate, licking the water in the jar with small mouthfuls.

In the cave, the only thing that remains unchanged may be the 36 vertical coffins with black lacquer and gold characters.

The vertical coffin was half open, and the 36 bronze-armored corpses exposed outside were now covered in yellow and shining, as if they were covered with a layer of golden armor.


Four jade futons are placed randomly, and Tang and Song sit cross-legged on one futon, wearing a loose Taoist robe of cloud water and blue sky.

On the jade futon opposite him, Ryan and Frank were all in a state of meditation, and two rays of light, one black and one red, enveloped them.

On the other futon, Kane twisted his butt awkwardly, his two big hairy legs were coiled up with difficulty, looked at Tang Song pitifully and said:
"Boss, do you have to sit like this to practice your spell?"

Tang Song didn't bother to pay attention to Kane's complaints, his eyes exuded breathtaking brilliance, and said in that almost hypnotic voice:
"Okay, don't complain, this is the most authentic sitting posture with five hearts facing the sky! It can touch the essence of heaven and earth even more!
According to the formula I told you, use your own spirit to find the vitality in your body, and imagine that they start to operate according to the simplest circulation route. "

Kane closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and single-mindedly recalled the formulas in the booklet that Tang Song had shown him.

My own spirit searched for the unknown vitality in my body.

Kane secretly groaned in his heart: "The vitality and vitality that the boss talked about, he said that he used his innate vitality to form a cycle to attract the essence of heaven and earth, and then he could become a superman...

Do I have energy?How can I not find it?How did Lane find it? "

Kane worked hard all over, and his joints made a 'crackling' sound, which almost shocked Tang Song.

Tang Song muttered: "What's wrong with Kane? People who practice are clean and relaxed, have a peaceful state of mind, and their energy flows naturally. Why are you fighting like someone else?

Is it so difficult to feel your own vitality?People who don't know think that you have gone mad. . .what the hell. "

Tang Song got up and flashed behind Kane, stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it to his muscular back, and said in a low voice:
"Kane, think back to the formula, and use your spirit to search those meridians for things that can flow and have some warmth." Tang Song's palms were slightly warm, and a faint ray of true essence slowly penetrated Gained the most primitive circulation meridians of Kane, trying to drive Kane's vitality.

Kane frowningly followed the steps Tang Song whispered, and his mind followed the faint stream of hot air, but the stream of hot air had circulated countless times in those meridians, and he still didn't notice anything.

Kane looked back pitifully, sweating profusely and said:
"Boss, I've been looking for it for a long time, but I didn't find any vitality, maybe I don't have vitality?
Don't waste your time. . .I, Kane, am a fool, there is no way. "

Tang and Song reprimanded: "Nonsense, people who have no vitality are dead...

Kane, can you bear the pain? "

Kane chuckled: "Boss, I was hit by a 35-caliber grenade once, and I didn't even yell."

Tang Song looked at him seriously: "The pain this time may come from the body, you have to bear it,
Kane, this Baihu Gengjin Transformation is the most ruthless skill in the magic transformation. It is much fiercer than Ryan's Black Water True Method and Frank's Zhu Yan Transformation. If you practice to a great extent, you can transform into a Winged White Tiger!

That is a famous ferocious beast in the ancient times, um, it might be a divine beast, whatever, anyway, it is not a problem for this thing to swallow a god of this world in one gulp.

. . .Well, remember those meridians just now, okay?

Endure all the pain, patience, Kane, patience, and then when you have the feeling, just follow the route that my true energy circulated just now, and drive those things to run, understand? "

Kane blinked his eyes, nodded heavily, and closed his eyes firmly, but he forgot to put his hands in the right position, and fiddled with them twice. It was Tang Song who put his hands in the correct position. gesture.

Tang Song also closed his eyes, and put both hands on the back of Kane's heart,

All my mind was immersed in the body, and the true essence condensed by the Tianhe True Method spun rapidly under the drive of the divine mind, shot out along the Tang and Song meridians, and rushed into Kane's body.

Kane was shaken all over his body, and all his vitality was automatically mobilized to resist Tang Song's attack. The muscles all over his body beat involuntarily under the shock of his meridians, sweating profusely, and his muscles were twisted and painful.

Kane is worthy of being a hero, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain that would make ordinary people die.

After a while, Kane was shaken all over his body, and there was a weak sound of "Pira" in his body,

A small piece of the innate vitality condensed in his body shattered, and then like a chain reaction of nuclear warheads, the innate vitality in his body that was several times larger than that of ordinary people was completely shattered, surging like a yellow river bursting in Kane's body.

Tang Song put his right palm on it hastily, and a powerful force of true energy rushed over, protecting Kane's most fragile heart.

All the meridians in Kane's body seemed to be burning like a raging fire, and wisps of steam emitted from his skin, which seemed to be frighteningly tense.

If it wasn't for the clear circle around his heart, Kane doubted that he would be burned to death.

Tang and Song sneered: "Lucky."

Kane was also driven to a desperate situation. The body fluid he lost in an instant was almost equivalent to the consumption of an athlete running several kilometers.
In his simple head, the simple but single-minded mind sank, motivating those crazy vitality to start running according to the most primitive meridians.

These raging vitality are colliding with each other, there is no way out,
Kane's divine sense has guided an extremely weak ray of vitality into his dantian after a simple cycle, so a part of the meridians suddenly loosened a little, and the vitality that was worrying about having nowhere to go immediately screamed Pulling rushed over, there was no need for Kane to bother too much, they had naturally followed the guidance of Kane's divine sense, and started the most primitive cycle route.

It took Kane less than ten seconds to let the majestic vitality in his body run according to the most standard original circulation route.


Early the next morning, the redecorated bar box,
Ryan, Frank, and Kane carefully held the knife and fork in their hands, and dealt with the steak on the dinner plate.

Chila!With a harsh sound, Frank reluctantly picked up the half-bent fork in his hand, and swept it together with the shattered porcelain plate into the trash can that was already full.

Tang Song was not surprised by this situation, picked up a steamed dumpling and ate it in his mouth.

"Go back and find a place to practice hard for a few days, and you will be able to control your strength!"

After breakfast, Tang Song laughed and cursed when he saw that the three of them were walking with their hands bound.

Strictly speaking, the transformation of gods and demons is a cultivation method belonging to the sect of gods and demons. Compared with the cultivation methods of Taoism, it is faster to get started, faster to enter, and the effect is remarkable.

With the help of Tang and Song Dynasties, they spent less than half of the spiritual energy of the spiritual acupoints. These three guys can be regarded as beginners, but it will take some time for them to adapt to the soaring power.

"Kane, how is the security company doing?"

Tang Song is sitting on the sofa, holding a newspaper in his hand. In front of him is a piece of frosted single-sided glass. Through the glass, he can overlook most of the "view" of the entire bar from this angle!
Of course, it was daytime, and there was no one in the bar except for a few cleaners and gunmen in charge of security.

After getting used to the soaring power, Ryan left the venue. He made an appointment with the head of Hammer Industries to prepare for an arms order from Italy.

In the luxurious box, Kane was cleaning a Luger pistol from World War II.

Hearing Tang Song's question, Kane put down the gun in his hand and said in a deep voice:

"Boss, now I have three hundred good guys who can be used, the kind that can be pulled directly into the battlefield!"

"Well," Tang Song folded the newspaper, "Our goods for this year have arrived, and the seller will send them to the high seas in the next two days. You bring someone to pick them up!"

"The goods have arrived?!" Kane nodded, indicating that he understood: "Boss, these goods, after getting them, will they still be in the same way?"

"Don't disperse in New York this time, and don't disperse in our venue!" Tang Song got up and tidied up his clothes:

"Kane, now your boss, I am a serious businessman!

Oh, by the way, I'll give you an address later, it's a textile factory, find a few people to watch it, I want to know what's going on inside! "

(End of this chapter)

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